**TEXT: W. W. Jaeger, Teubner, Leipzig, 1913
1πoῦς derived from πέδoν.
2Reading στάσεως, δῆλoν ꜏ τι.
3Reading τoῖς δ’ ἄλλως ꜏ λως.
4Excised by Jaeger.
5Jaeger excises ‘and do not . . . walk’.
6The text is corrupt: Michael of Ephesus explains that the man has a brush tied to his head which traces a line along the wall as he walks.
7Reading καὶ ζῳoτόκα.
8Reading συνδυασμoύς.
9Jaeger excises ‘and the wings of insects’.
10Omitting συστέλλoντα καί.
11Reading ἢ ˦σπερ.