**TEXT: B. A. van Groningen and A. Wartelle, Budé, Paris, 1968

1Works and Days, 405.

2Works and Days, 699.

3van Groningen and Wartelle mark a lacuna here.

4Excised by van Groningen and Wartelle.

5van Groningen and Wartelle mark a lacuna.

6van Groningen and Wartelle mark a lacuna.

7Omitting ἄλλων.

8Reading πρότερoν ἀπέδωκε καὶ ὅ νῦν ἀνήνεγκαν.

9I.e. the six days ‘omitted’ from the year, one in each of the six 29-day months.

10The text is corrupt here.

11van Groningen and Wartelle mark a lacuna.

12The text is corrupt here.

13Reading τῆς γῆς.

14The text is corrupt.

15Reading ό Mυσός, ὀφεἰλων στρατιὡταις μισθόν, συγκαλέσας τoὐς ἡγέμoνας.

16This book survives only in Latin translation; it is not included in Bekker’s edition, so that the customary Bekker-references are absent. The English translation is adapted from that of G. C. Armstrong.

17Iliad III 172.

18Odyssey VI 168.