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Brayden and Craig stood outside the king’s chambers, waiting.
And more damn waiting.
Vincent, hurry the fuck up! This is urgent!
The door flung open a moment later. “What the fuck is so urgent? I’m going through papers with Seraphina.”
In the background, he could see the king’s secretary shuffling said papers and one of Regan’s legs. He had considered confronting the vampire himself, except he knew his brother. The king would want to deal with this directly.
Given he was the one being poisoned, it seemed only fair. Allegedly.
“We need to speak with you now. Alone.”
What is it?
We believe we have discovered the cause of your illness.
“Leave us,” the king said without looking away from Brayden.
The two vampires departed the room in haste, gathering up papers in handfuls and slipping past them with nervous glances. Brayden held the king’s stare, not looking away.
Vincent turned, and they all walked into the room where they stood in an awkward circle of three. “Speak.”
“We believe...” Craig started, then stopped.
We believe Regan has been poisoning you, your majesty.
I can’t be poisoned.
We believe it might be possible, and that you are slowly being poisoned.
The only reason would be to weaken you to take the throne.
The king looked at Brayden, anger lining his face.
I watched him pour a substance—an unknown substance—into your tea earlier this evening. Then out loud, Craig asked, “Are you taking any medication, your majesty?”
Vincent gave a small shake of his head.
“Could the queen have ordered this?” Brayden asked, a degree of hope in his voice. Nobody wanted to believe they had a traitor in their castle, certainly not someone as close as Regan.
He watched the king’s eyes as they momentarily looked distracted, and realized he was speaking to his mate. “No,” Vincent finally answered, and walked around his desk to sit. He directed them to do the same. They didn’t. The door flew open, and Kate marched in.
“What’s going on?” she demanded. An awkward moment passed between Kate and Brayden as they locked eyes. They glanced away.
“Craig witnessed Regan slipping something into my tea,” Vincent responded, looking as perplexed as Brayden had just a few hours earlier. Kate followed suit.
“Slipping what? A knife? You can’t be poisoned.”
“Look, I realize this is all theory, but unless Regan has a damn homeopathy business on the side, it’s still fucking suspicious, don’t you think?” Brayden said.
The king narrowed his eyes at the tone he used with the queen.
“Even if poison were possible, what would be his motive? He’s been loyal to this family for centuries.”
Vincent coughed, one of his phlegmy, disgusting coughs which usually resulted in one of them offering him a blood transfusion. Out came the tissues, reminding them all why they were here.
“Which is why we wanted to discuss the next steps with you, your majesty. We could search his chambers or confront him,” Craig continued, getting straight to the heart of the matter.
The room went quiet.
“Kate, has Selena returned from Italy?” Brayden asked.
The queen glanced at the king. As both their eyes darkened, the room became thick with anger.
He nodded. “So I’m right. That fucking Russo piece of shit.”
“Why didn’t Regan come to me?!” the king roared.
A week ago, Brayden wouldn’t have understood, but he did today. If someone had Willow, he’d do anything.
“They have his mate, Vince,” Kate said quietly. She was friendly with Selena. “And probably Lily. My God.”
“My own fucking advisor!” the king muttered between gritted teeth. “Fuck this, cough, get him in here!”
Brayden nodded to Craig, who marched out to do the dirty work.
He understood his brother’s fury. For months, he’d been poisoned by someone he trusted.
“Kate, you need to leave.”
Her head whipped around. “No, I will not!”
“Yes. I don’t want you exposed to this or to be in any harm.”
Brayden nearly smiled. The advisor was a slight vampire. Even with Vincent’s poor health, there was no way Regan could hurt Kate, especially with Brayden and Craig in the room. However, now with a mated mindset, he understood the irrational, protective behavior.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I am not going anywhere. He’s been poisoning you, for God’s sake!”
The door burst open and Craig dragged a pale and terrified-looking Regan into the room. He flopped onto the floor and began crying.
“Stand!” the king ordered. Regan tried and failed.
Vincent glanced at Craig, who shrugged. “I didn’t say a word to him. He knows why he’s here. Guilty as charged.”
More sobbing.
“I said stand!”
Brayden stepped forward and assisted the man to his feet.
“My lord”—he held out a shaking hand—“let me explain.”
Vincent held out his own palm. “Quiet. You will speak when I tell you to,” he boomed, and Brayden grinned at his brother. It was good to see him be all kingly and shit again. “Have you been poisoning me?”
Regan gave a little nod. A whimper followed, and he nearly collapsed.
“Theytookmymateanddaughterandaregoingtokillthemandididn’tknowwhattodo,” he mumbled out at high speed. “I know it was wrong and I should have told someone, but they said they’d kill them. Oh God, they’re going to kill them now.”
Brayden let the guy fall to the floor and bawl.
“So they do have Selena and Lily?” Kate asked, crouching down, though staying a distance away.
The male nodded, clutching at his shirt. “Yes, have they told you? How do you know all of this?”
“Where are they keeping them?” Craig asked.
“I don’t know. They went missing during their visit to Italy six months ago. I’ve had a few photos sent to me by Luca Russo, but they may be old. They may be dead.”
Brayden felt for the guy. If someone had Willow, he would...well, yeah, he would do anything, and fortunately, he had the power of his position and body to do it. Regan didn’t. It didn’t excuse his actions, but he kind of understood it.
“What have you been putting in the tea?” the king asked.
Kate walked over and helped the male to his feet, leading him to the long sofa off to the side. He turned to her, surprised by her kindness. He was met with an angry but compassionate face. The queen was no fool, but she was kind.
“Belladonna,” he said. “It’s a nightshade plant poisonous to humans.”
“Also called the murderer’s berries or beautiful death,” Craig added, nodding. Of course he knew. The guy was a deadly warrior in every way.
“Yes.” Regan nodded.
“I never tasted anything.”
“No, it’s a sweet flavor, and they instructed me to give you only small amounts.”
Which brought them to the next important question. Brayden sat on the edge of Vincent’s desk and crossed his arms.
“So the Russos are behind this? They have been supplying you with the herb and instructing you. Is that right?”
Regan nodded.
“Stefano Russo,” Brayden said in disgust.
“They’re going to make a play for the throne,” Craig guessed. “When?” He took a step toward Regan and knelt. “Look, I know you’re scared, but you need to tell me everything you know. I will try to get your wife and daughter back, but you have to tell us everything.”
Brayden’s head was going one hundred miles an hour. “Who else knows?” he demanded. “Outside the Russos and now the people in this room.”
They needed to keep this as contained as possible. Craig nodded, knowing where his mind was going.
“No one, my lord, just me. I couldn’t risk my family.”
It was highly unlikely they were still alive, knowing the Russos were a murderous bunch, but there was a small chance.
Craig stood. “There may be others who are spying. On all of us. I think it’s best we continue on as planned so as not to raise suspicion.”
Brayden stood up from the desk and nodded. “The ball. That’s their game plan, isn’t it, Advisor?”
“They haven’t told me their plans, but the timing to increase the dosage this week does indicate that.” He nodded sorrowfully. “I’m so sorry, my lord, your majesties.”
Vincent had been quiet. Brayden turned to look at his brother. Their eyes met and they both shared a moment of sadness. This man had supported their father and the two princes upon his death.
“I cannot begin to understand the position you’ve been in, Regan. To choose between your king and your mate must be a sentence worse than death.” The king coughed and wiped his mouth. “Whether I would have actually died from this shit or just weakened until one of the Russos took my head, I do not know, but nevertheless, this is still treason against the crown.”
The room remained silent.
“I will not keep you wondering. Your time as advisor has come to an end. As for your life, it all depends on how you assist us henceforth.”
The male looked pale as shit, and simply nodded. “I will do all I can. My loyalty has always been to the throne. To your father and now to you, your majesty. My mate and daughter, though...I—you have to understand.”
The king nodded. “I do. Which is why I will spare your life. For now. The prince shall arrange for you to have a personal guard. For your protection and so we can watch and know your every move.”
“Come, Regan, you need to tell me every fucking thing you know,” Craig said and looked up at the king. Vincent lifted his chin, indicating Craig should take him.
“Wait,” Kate said. “How do we get the poison out of his system?”
“I assume it’s only a matter of time, as I had to give it to him frequently.”
“Is it actually deadly to vampires?” she asked.
“I do not know for sure.”
After they left the queen walked over to the king and threw her arms around him. It was an intimate moment, one that strangely involved him. Vincent opened his eyes and caught his glance.
Thank fuck Kate and he—God, he couldn’t even think about it.
Just thank fuck.
“Your majesty.” He grinned.
“Yes. Looks like I will remain your king.”
Brayden laughed.
Thank fucking goodness.
“Don’t get too cocky, Vincent,” he said, his laugh fading. “You need to be in good health and prepared to face a coup. The royal ball is highly likely to be their target. Craig and I will review the information we’ve gathered and advise soon. Go rest. And can I recommend you start drinking whisky instead of fucking tea.”
The king smirked as Kate laid her head on his chest.
He turned to leave.
“Brayden,” the king said gently. The prince stopped in his tracks, a chill going up his spine. “You need to bring her home. When we leave. It’s time.”
His heart thudded in his chest and he hung his head.
Of course the king knew he had mated. With their Moretti blood bond, he knew. He had known all along.
I’ve been a fool.
He didn’t respond as he walked out and shut the door.