


“The queen is lovely,” Willow said as they walked back to his wing of the castle.

He nodded. “She is.”

“Do you have much to do with her?”

Part of him cringed at the near miss with Kate when they were back in LA. He had to forget; they both did. He had greater concerns right now. Instead, he smiled down at his mate and took her hand.

“Yes, I’ve known her for a long time. She’s my brother’s mate; my queen.”

Willow shrugged. “Sure, but it doesn’t mean you know her well. You might not spend much leisure time with her.”

He laughed. “I spend quite enough time with my family, trust me.”

He held the door open for her and grinned when she placed her hands on his chest and snuck a kiss before she proceeded inside. The world was a brighter, lighter place with Willow Thompson-Davies in it. Soon, he hoped, she would become Willow Moretti.

Yes, he planned to put a damn ring on it. If she would let him. The thought of a big diamond sitting on her ring finger made his heart roar joyfully. God, he was up and down. One minute he was flying high in love with the female, the other he was dreading her decision.

Craig was right to be concerned. He’d been trying too hard to keep his head above the water to acknowledge it.

“Screens on. Mute.”

Willow watched as the far wall came to life with images from the castle and a bar venue.

“My team is running interference on the traitor you heard us speak of earlier. It shouldn’t take long, but I want to monitor it.”

He sat down on the sofa, pulling her down onto his lap. The softness of her skin and dress was a contrast to the taut muscles in his arms and legs. She was the opposite of him in every way.

Running his hands over her hips and down her thighs, he began to feel the rightness returning; the one he only felt when he was touching her. She sighed into him, feeling it too. Her head turned and their lips met.

“My Willow.”

“What is it like being a vampire?’

He wanted to smile at her naive question, but the love he felt for her right now was blowing up his chest. “What’s it like being human?”

Honestly, he was expecting her to laugh and say touché or some such thing. She didn’t. She tipped her head and said, “Precious.”

He ran his fingers over her soft, full pink lips, contemplating her response. He’d never understand how it felt to be mortal, but he could appreciate the perspective.

“For most it is. For you, sweetheart, no.”

She remained in his arms, completely vulnerable and trusting. He knew she wasn’t aware of how much she was adjusting to her new situation, and he wasn’t about to alert her to it either. “Because I get to choose immortality?”

He nodded once, letting it sink in.

“Being a vampire is a gift. We get to experience and live life to its fullest while being witness to the evolution of the planet and the species we cohabitate with.”

He ran his fingers over her delicate collarbone.

“We’re the most powerful predators on the planet, yet we have less violence among us than any other inhabitants on Earth, while at the same time, causing it less harm.”

When her mouth opened, he closed her lips with his fingers, smiling.

“This planet would thrive without humans. Like the animals, we would hunt and survive on their blood. We’ve had to adapt to luxury and technology to blend in with the Homo sapiens. Not that we don’t enjoy them, but they’re not as necessary to our survival as they are to human’s.”

Willow shook her head.

“I don’t believe you. Look at all this opulence. You’re just as reliant as we are.”

“Our strength and diet deem luxury unnecessary for our survival. Sure, there would be those among us who grieved the loss, but unlike the humans who’ve forgotten the simple tasks of hunting for food, we would quickly thrive.”

She humphed.

“I think you underestimate the basic survival instincts of humanity. And our ability to adapt. Not all of us, but many of us.”

He laughed.

“You forget I’ve lived over a thousand years and witnessed much stupidity,” he replied cynically. “You’re killing the planet with your greed and ego. In time, if you don’t change, the planet will be inhabitable.”

She frowned. “Perhaps you’re right.”

Willow began running her hand under his T-shirt—a habit he was beginning to love.

“Maybe I should become a vampire.”

“I think so.” He smiled and smacked a kiss on her lips, looking all cool and collected while his heart thumped loudly in his chest. Had she decided? Was this where the conversation was headed?

“What if I said yes?”

Now he felt like throwing up. Slowly, he drew in a breath, calming his heart which had nearly broken through his skin.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

“Are you?”

She chewed her lip.


She climbed off his lap and walked around the living area, glancing at him from time to time. He watched as she frowned, then narrowed her eyes, then chewed her lip. He couldn’t read her.

“I don’t want to die, Bray, but I don’t want you to die either!”

Whoa. What? He sat on the edge of the sofa and held out his hands.

“Hey, I’m not going to die.” She stared at him in disbelief. “Talk to me. Where has this come from?”

Willow shrugged. “Are you telling me you won’t suffer if I leave? That you won’t be impacted by this?”

Who had she been talking to? Not Craig; they hadn’t been alone.

“Yes. I would. Very much. There would be no worse moment in my life than if you left me.” A big statement for someone who’d beheaded one of his parents. She didn’t know about that yet.

“So, you wouldn’t...I don’t know, do something stupid?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Like what? Commit suicide? You know I’m immortal, right?”

She turned, hands on her hips, and growled at him. Literally growled. His eyebrows raised and he bit his lip to stifle the smile attempting to break through. It wasn’t really funny, but it was a little bit. He couldn’t understand where this was coming from.

“You know what I’m talking about. You’ll go over the edge.”

“Willow, I cannot off myself. Tell me what this is all about.”

When she simply stood there, he began to stand.

“My answer is no.”

He froze. Sat back down.

“My answer is no, Brayden. I choose to remain a human.”

His heart stopped momentarily, then began to beat rapidly. His breathing became nearly nonexistent. She took a step toward him, but his eyes were beginning to blur, a ringing in his ear. “Okay.”

Who had spoken? It had sounded like his voice, but they weren’t his thoughts. Brayden swallowed back the nausea rising from his gut. He stared as his future without her flashed before his eyes. Darkness. Emptiness. He felt himself go cold.

“Brayden.” He heard a voice, a beautiful voice. “Brayden, please, look at me!”

He looked up. His mate. Willow.

“I’ll take you home.” He stood, his legs stronger than he expected, though he felt robotic. She tried to grab his arm, but he pushed her off and walked across the room.

“Brayden, STOP!” Willow screamed.

He turned. Stared at her with dead, dark eyes.

“I lied.”

The earth below him tilted. He felt as if his mind were filled with cotton wool, his thoughts unable to flow. Willow walked toward him as he stared mindlessly at her.

She tentatively laid her hands on his chest, big eyes gazing up at him with regret.


“I love you, Brayden. I’m not leaving you.”


For a long moment he just stared at her, until finally, his brain was able to comprehend her words. He wrapped his arms around her, then pulled back, grabbing her shoulders instead.

“Stop. No. Why? Why would you do this?”

“I’m sorry, but I had to see for myself,” Willow said, shaking her head. “I can’t do that to you. I can’t allow you to shut down your heart and destroy yourself.”

He growled, dropped his hold on her, and turned away. What was she saying? Was she only choosing him because she couldn’t stand to be the cause of his destruction?

That wasn’t love. It was manipulation. Who the fuck had gotten into her mind?

“No, Willow. I want you to choose this because you want this lifestyle, because you want me, because you love me. Not because you fear what it will do to me if you don’t.”

“I do!” she cried. “I just saw the darkness in your eyes. I love you! Just as you could never hurt me, I could never walk away knowing I had killed you.”

“I would not die, Willow,” he countered sadly, looking down and shaking his head.

“Perhaps. But you could hurt a lot of people.”

He looked up.

“Don’t lie to me, Brayden. I know I don’t fully understand your strength or capability yet, but I sense your power. I saw a moment of your darkness.”

He drew in a breath.

“You must choose this for you.”

She stepped forward. “There is no more me, only us. I am your mate,” she said, placing her hands on his chest again. “I’m beginning to feel it.”

He took another breath, taking her hands in his. “Willow.”

She closed her eyes. “I am sorry I did that to you, but I had to see for myself. I will never lie to you again.”

It had nearly killed him, but he couldn’t help being mildly impressed by her courage. While he would never harm her, she wouldn’t have known. Not truly.

“Fuck, Willow.” He pulled her into his arms and used as much care as he could not to crush her. She nudged him and reached for his lips. Gripping her head, he ground his mouth to hers, painfully. Necessarily. Gasping, they came up for air. He held her face.

“You are sure?”

She nodded. Or as much as she could in his viselike grip. “Yes. Well, I’m still terrified, but yes.”

Another harsh kiss.

“Bray, I don’t want to kill the moment, but you’re really hurting me.”

He released her and stepped away, dropping his hands to his sides. Then he grabbed her again, more gently. “It’s fine. You’ll heal when I turn you.” He smirked. “I’m joking.”

She shook her head, giving him a cute smile. He whipped her up into his arms, heading for the stairs to his bedroom, when he glimpsed the screens.

“Ah, fuck.” He peered down at her. “We will celebrate after this meeting, I promise.”

He carried her to the sofa.

“Dying isn’t exactly a celebratory moment, you know.” Willow frowned.

He looked down at her, taking her chin in his hand. “No. I’m sorry.”

“I get it. You’re happy.”

“Ecstatic,” he said honestly. “Yet I promise never to overlook your feelings as I just did ever again.”

Her courage never failed to surprise him. Brayden loved this female. She was his everything. From this point on, he swore to put her first, second, and third. Hell, he already did.

She sniffed. “It’s fine. I’m just an emotional basket case.”

You catching this?


“Unmute,” he commanded the screen, squeezing Willow’s knee affectionately.

I am now.

Brayden turned up the sound and listened in.

“Where’s Luca? I usually deal with him directly,” Regan was asking the tall, lean vampire sitting beside him at the bar. Lean, but Brayden bet he was fast and strong.

“I’m here to ask the questions, Advisor, now answer the question.”

Regan took a long drink of his beer. “I told you, nobody knows a thing.”

The guy leaned closer and sneered. “Then why do my males on the inside tell me the king is looking healthy and well.”

So they had more people on the inside.

Catch that?

Sure did. Just as we suspected.

Regan shrugged. For a traitor, he looked remarkedly calm.

“Before you answer with another lie, vampire, remember this”—he lifted his phone—“one call and the heads of your wife and daughter will be sent to you in a box.”

If he starts dialing—

We’ve got vamps on the ground. No call will take place, Captain.

Regan shook his head. “I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve been giving him the herbs. Perhaps they’re not as potent.”

Brayden expected the rebel vampire to explode. Instead, he leaned back and nodded, glancing around the bar.

“Something’s not right,” Brayden said out loud.

Brayden! Shit. Motherfucker! Craig’s voice exploded in his mind.

“Who is that man?” Willow asked at the same time.

Fuck. They’re in the castle!

Brayden stood up, his mind working in military mode and speed as he turned to look down at Willow. He pulled her to her feet. “I need you to stay in the bedroom. Do NOT come out until I am back. Do you understand?”

Her eyes widened. “What’s going on?”

I’ll be there in a minute. Send three lieutenants to guard Willow immediately.


One look at Willow and he saw she was frozen. “Come. Guards are now outside our doors, so you will be safe.”

He didn’t fucking know if they had arrived yet, but she would not be safe with him. Brayden had to find the king and the rebels.

It’s still an assumption, Craig said.

You know as well as I do they’re inside.

Yeah, fuck.

Without asking, he lifted her into his arms, ported them up to the bedroom, and placed her on the foot of the bed. He then strapped on weapons, put on steel-capped boots, and a leather jacket.

“Bray,” she said, hand over her mouth.

He lifted her hand and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “I’m sorry, Willow, I love you.”

“Brayden, what is going on?”

He stared at her for a moment and realized he had to respect she was his life partner. She deserved to know. “The rebels are in the castle. It’s vital you stay here and extremely quiet. Do you understand? I will be back as soon as I can. Fuck, baby, I love you.”

She nodded and mouthed I love you.

He teleported out of the room.