It would be difficult to fully express my appreciation to Bill Simon for his efforts. Working with Bill on a book is like working with Steve Jobs on the development of a product. As Steve always had the user in mind, Bill always has the reader in mind: “Jay, will the reader really get this?” or “I’m not sure there is a lesson here for the reader.” It’s because of this passion for the reader that these books have been so great. Bill, as Steve Jobs would say, “you are insanely great,” and you are a wonderful writer. Thanks for your remarkable support.
The other part of the puzzle is having great publishers. Richard Narramore of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. proved to be a demanding, insightful, and inspiring editor, and I’m grateful for his guidance.
I would like to recognize Hoepli Editore in Milan for setting the standard, when they published my previous book in Italy. I realize this success was in part due to the brilliant title that Hoepli selected: Steve Jobs: The Man Who Invented the Future. Not only did the book become the number-one best seller, but it totally beat all expectations for copies sold, which led the esteemed Ulrico Hoepli to ask for this follow-up. So a special thanks to Ulrico and to the rest of Hoepli team who have worked on these books: Barbara Hoepli, Andrea Sparacino, and Maurizio Vedovati. I especially appreciate Barbara Hoepli’s great marketing plan and her warm hospitality on my trips to Italy.
A true tribute to the Hoepli effort is the thousands of letters, e-mails, and calls I have received from readers in Italy, as well as others from all over the world. Many of these readers indicated that The Steve Jobs Way had changed the way they were going to approach their business. I particularly want to acknowledge two readers of my previous book, who helped me shape the information presented here: Fred Marshall, CEO of Quantum Learning, Inc., who clearly understood the lessons needed for future organizations and how to apply them to a company’s ecosystem, and Matthew Moore of CrowdMob, Inc., who epitomizes the reader seeking information about Steve Jobs that he could apply to his business. After reading my book, Matt had me address his employees to help shape the future of his business. It is this kind of response that really recognizes the influence Steve’s way had on our world.
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the support and advice from my literary agent, Bill Gladstone. Bill, as usual, played a major role in getting this book project developed. And my many thanks for getting the other Bill involved again. Without the both of you, this project would not have happened.