The following list of abbreviations and organisations refers to the diagram on the previous page.
SIP | Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy 1980s |
ARBA | Arbours Association founded 1970s |
AGIP | The Association for Group and Individual Psychotherapy 1974 |
AIP | The Association of Independent Psychotherapists 1988 |
BAPPPS | British Association of Psychoanalytic and Psychody- namic Psychotherapy Supervisors 1980 |
CSP | Cambridge Society for Psychotherapy 1980 |
CAPP | Centre for Attachment-Based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 1992 |
CFAR | Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research 1985 |
CSPK | Centre for the Study of Psychotherapy 1981 |
GUILD | Guild of Psychotherapists 1974 |
HIP | Hallam Institute of Psychotherapy 1985 |
IGA | Institute of Group Analysis 1971 |
IPSS | Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies 1978 |
LPDO | Liverpool Psychotherapy and Diploma Organisation 1980 |
NAAP | Northern Association for Analytical Psychology 1981 |
NWIDP | North West Institute for Dynamic Psychotherapy 1991 |
PA | Philadelphia Association 1965 |
SITE | The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis 1997 |
SPMP | Society for Psychoanalytic Marital Psychotherapy 1990 |
STTDP | South Trent Training in Dynamic Psychotherapy 1998 |
TMSI | Tavistock Marital Studies Institute 1948 |
VAPP | Vaughn Association of Psychodynamic Psychotherapists 1982 |
WMIP | West Midlands Institute of Psychotherapy 1980 |
WPF | Westminster Pastoral Foundation 1980s |
WTC | Women’s Therapy Centre 1980s |
TAPP | Yorkshire Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy 1970s |
BPS (IPA) | British Psychoanalytic Society (Institute of Psychoana lysis) 1913 |
BAP | British Association of Pyschotherapists 1951 |
CPP | Centre for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 1979 |
LINCOLN | The Lincoln Centre for Psychotherapy 1967 |
LCP | The London Centre for Psychotherapy 1974 |
NEATPP | Northern England Association for Training in Psycho analytic Psychotherapy 1992 |
SAP | The Society of Analytical Psychology 1936 |
SAPP | The Scottish Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists 1972 |
TAVI | The Tavistock Clinic 1920 |
ACAT | Association for Cognitive Analytical Therapy 1980s |
AHPP | Association for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners 1980s |
BCPC | Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling 1990s |
BPA | British Psychodrama Association 1984 |
CCPE | Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education 1984 |
CTP | Centre for Transpersonal Psychology 1973 |
CCBP | Chiron Centre for Body Psychotherapy 1983 |
GLC | Gestalt Centre London 1980s |
GPTI | Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute 1980s |
GAPS | Guild of Analytical Psychology and Spirituality 1987 |
IPS | Institute of Psychosynthesis 1975 |
ITA | Institute of Transactional Analysis 1980s |
IATE | Institute for Arts and Therapy in Education 1985 |
KI | Karuna Institute 1982 |
LAPP | London Association of Primal Psychotherapists 1986 |
LSBP | London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy 1970s |
MET | Metanoia Institute 1980s |
MC | Minster Centre 1978 |
NGP | Northern Guild for Psychotherapy 1983 |
PET | Psychosynthesis and Education Trust 1965 |
RCSPC | Regents College School of Psychotherapy and Coun selling 1990s |
REV | Revision 1988 |
SCPTI | Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute 1990s |
SPTI | Sherwood Psychotherapy Training 1988 |
SPEC | Spectrum 1976 |