Chapter Twenty-Two

The following three months are eventful. Packed with trial missions, vegan food, and Jaxon muddling.

My hand is held, my lips are kissed, and even my arse is sometimes groped whenever we’re out in public, because, according to Jaxon, we’re being watched and we have to sell our undying affection. Though, he’s yet to tell me who’s watching.

On the trial missions, I find ways to go in with Melanie—against Jaxon’s orders not to. Good thing, too, because there’s always some missing information about the mission that would’ve been to her detriment. Melanie often picks fights with Jaxon afterward, but half the time she’s not even mad about his tricks. I think she just enjoys calling him names. I don’t really blame her.

After each mission, depending on the time of the day, Jaxon takes me out, whether it’s to eat, or to an art exhibit, or for some chill, unpretentious live music. “For those watching,” he tells me.

For those watching.

And then, at night, he holds me in my sleep.

Well, not every night. From time to time, sometimes for up to four days, Jaxon goes MIA. And whenever I ask where he disappears to, he just mumbles, “Business.”

Perhaps he’s carrying out one-man jobs? Who knows? Or perhaps he’s just off spending time with his stunning Nadine. Although he promised to steal me from Collin, and although he kisses and gropes me in public, and although he takes me places and holds me at night, we aren’t together.

Not together together.

Not lovers. Not even cheaters. We’re just…muddled.

At least, I am.

I don’t tell him I want him. I don’t ask him to stop seeing his girlfriends. But I do continue to fake hook up with Collin. Turnabout’s fair play, right?

In the days when Jaxon is MIA, I take the opportunity to sneak across the bridge to our place and work on my projects. Most times I share meals and have long talks with Monty, often trying to convince him to let me shave and give him a trim, which he always refuses with vehemence.

I’ve also taken the opportunity to thoroughly search Jaxon’s room from the inside out for the box.

Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

Makes sense he wouldn’t keep such a treasure in his room, now that he has a questionable roommate. I figure it’s time Melanie and I have a meeting with Markus to see if he has a clue as to where Jaxon might be keeping the box.

As for tonight, it’s movie night. We’ve not seen nor heard from Jaxon in a record-breaking six days. Collin has managed to convince me to go to the movies with him, along with Mel and Jo.

“You look…very non-librarian-nerd-virgin, Tim-Tim,” Collin comments as I pluck my coat off the coat hook by the door and shrug it on.

I shoot my fist out and punch his arm. “Shut up!”

Flushed with embarrassment, I look around. Kavon is at work, and Eduardo has resigned and moved out a few weeks ago. But Melanie and Jo are lingering in the living room, both looking down at something on Jo’s phone, grinning and teasing each other like they’re the happiest humans in the world. Ugh.

I growl at Collin, “I’m not a virgin.”

Rubbing his arm where I punched him, he winks at me. “Sure you aren’t.”

“I’m not,” I grit out.

Arrogance curves his smirk as he pinches my chin with two fingers and tips my head back. “You might know facts, Nerd Girl, but I know sex. And what I know is that you’ve never had it.”

I growl at him again, but he merely laughs and drops a chaste kiss to my lips.

In that exact moment, the front door beeps open, and from the corner of my eye, I see Jaxon. And if I can see him, Collin can, too, but he doesn’t care. He just continues gazing down at me with that stupid smirk on his face, my chin still seized between his fingers.

Melanie and Jo walk over to get their coats.

I jerk my chin from Collin’s grasp and turn stiffly toward the door. Toward Jaxon.

He’s all in black—boots, jeans, T-shirt, and a leather jacket. Hair unkempt. Mysterious duffel bag in hand. Eyes mean.

He looks bad. Dangerous. Wrong.

And I…

Damn. I like it.

I cannot believe I like that look. Me!

I’m damn near salivating.

He steps across the threshold, and it’s as if I just participated in the ice bucket challenge. Because Nadine steps up behind him.

And she, too, is wearing all black. Boots, leggings, tank top, leather jacket. And an attitude. Her hair is gelled up in a ponytail, and yes, like Jaxon, she looks bad, and dangerous, and mean. Such a stark contrast to the classy style she was rocking the first time I saw her.

Are they so in love that they coordinate their outfits and moods, too?

Jaxon zones in on me, but Nadine just looks impatient. “Where are you goons off to?” she asks.

Collin throws an arm around my shoulder, but this time it’s not to piss off Jaxon, it’s to protect me. He knows how much I want Jaxon. He knows how I feel. He knows Jaxon has been muddling me big time. So, he knows the sight of those two will affect me.

He’s a good friend. I’m keeping him.

“Movies,” Jo supplies, sounding impatient. I don’t bother wondering what her tone’s about—something’s always up her arse.

“Oh, well, enjoy,” Nadine says as she nudges Jaxon with her elbow, urging him to step aside so we can leave.

He doesn’t move right away. He stands there, making sure the moment is as tense as he wants it to be. Making sure we inhale it and choke. Then he steps aside.

As we walk out the door, I hear him stop Melanie and Jo, but Collin forces me to keep walking.

“How do you feel right now?” he asks me.

“I don’t know. Stupid?” I shrug, and his arm around me flops with the movement. “As in, I feel stupid for being affected by her,” I mutter. “I mean, it’s not like we’re together or anything. We’re probably more enemies than we are…whatever we are. So it shouldn’t bother me, right?”

“Dude’s playing with you.” There’s an edge to Collin’s tone. “Hey, my room’s always there for you if you need it, all right? I sleep out half the time, anyway. And don’t forget Ed’s room’s now free. Your gal pal doesn’t seem like she’s interested in leaving Jo’s room, so…” He sighs. “You’re better than his bullshit head games, Tim-Tim.”

“I know.” I breathe out. “But he’s just so—”

Mel and Jo’s footsteps descending the stairs cut me off.

On another pathetic sigh, I turn my face up at Collin and promise, “I won’t let him hurt me.”

But Collin isn’t even remotely smiling when he says in the most menacing tone I’ve ever heard him use, “He better not.”