Appendix 1

How to Use the Healing Properties of Metals, Gemstones, Colors, and Aromas

Ayurveda teaches that everything in existence is imbued with the energy and intelligence of Universal Consciousness. That is because all forms of matter, organic and inorganic, are simply the outer manifestations of this most subtle creative energy. Matter is the trapped light of consciousness. The vital force of life flows from the universal source, the essence of all matter, and manifests in the myriad forms and phenomena of nature.

The classic texts of Ayurveda make it clear that all substances in nature contain this cosmic creative intelligence, and thus have a healing value when used in the proper manner. That is why, in its quest to create and maintain perfect health, Ayurvedic medicine makes use of almost everything in nature and in daily life, including food, breathing, exercise, meditation, relationships, yoga, and massage, as well as regulated daily and seasonal routines. It also uses thousands of herbs and herbal formulas.

In addition, Ayurveda utilizes the healing properties of metals, gemstones, colors, and aromas. These contain special, potent forms of energy which may be drawn upon for healing purposes. Most of these methods, clearly described in the ancient textbooks, have been used safely and successfully for healing for thousands of years, though they have been scarcely known and little appreciated in the West until very recently. This appendix will provide a brief introduction to these healing modalities.


For medicinal purposes, metals are traditionally processed to be taken internally in small doses, after undergoing rigorous and extensive purification to negate any toxic effects upon the body’s vital organs. The following recommendations are safe, as they do not involve ingestion of the actual metal.


Copper alleviates excess kapha and reduces fat. It is a good tonic for the liver, spleen, and lymphatic system and helps in curing anemia. To treat obesity as well as liver and spleen disorders, thoroughly wash some copper pennies and boil them in a quart of water (or boil a quart of water in a copper vessel) until half the water remains. Take 2 teaspoons of this copper water 3 times a day for a month. It is also helpful to buy a copper drinking glass, fill it every night with pure water, and drink the water in the morning.


Gold is strengthening to the nervous system and the heart, improves memory and intelligence, and increases stamina. It is also good for weak lungs. Gold can be helpful for students’ pre-exam tension, for arthritis, and for heart arrhythmia.

The energy of gold may be harnessed by preparing gold medicated water. Use pure gold (24 karat is best), such as a gold band. Place the gold into 2 cups of water, and boil until 1 cup evaporates. Take 1 teaspoon of this gold water 2 or 3 times a day to energize the heart, strengthen mental faculties, and awaken pure awareness. (This process won’t hurt your gold.)

You can also make golden rice. While cooking rice, place a piece of gold in the rice pot, and cook as usual. When the rice is finished, remove the gold before serving.

NOTE: Gold has heating properties and should be used sparingly by individuals with a pitta constitution.


Silver has cooling properties and is beneficial for treating excess pitta. Silver increases strength and stamina and is thus helpful for balancing vata. Emaciation, chronic fever and weakness after fever, heartburn, inflammatory conditions of the intestines, and profuse menstrual bleeding may all be helped by silver. Silver is antiseptic, antibacterial, and disinfectant. Make silver water following the above directions for gold water, and take 1 teaspoon 2 to 3 times a day. Drink warm milk heated in a silver vessel to build up strength and stamina.


This metal is beneficial for bone marrow, bone tissue, liver, and spleen. It increases the production of red blood cells and helps to cure anemia. Iron also strengthens muscle and nerve tissues and is rejuvenating. For extra iron, try cooking in cast iron pots and pans. However, excess iron in the system is harmful, so be careful about using it. Although women during their menstruating years may be iron-deficient and may benefit from additional iron, very few men in Western society need extra iron. An exception might be longtime strict vegetarians.

Gems and Stones

Gems and precious stones contain healing energies that can be activated by wearing them as ornaments, such as rings or necklaces, or by placing them in water overnight and drinking the water the following day. Gems enliven the vital energy centers in the body (the chakras) and have a direct influence on vata, pitta, and kapha. They may be used to pacify or activate specific organs of the body, or to enhance or neutralize the effects of particular planets in the person’s astrological birth chart.

Before we go into the effects of specific gems and stones, here are a few important general points.

• Gems tend to absorb the qualities and energy vibrations of their owners. It is beneficial to purify any stone before using it. Soaking it for two days in saltwater or milk should be sufficient. This will not harm the stone.

• When you wear a gemstone, it should touch the skin through a small window in the setting, so that the subtle energies of the stone can interact directly with the energies of the body.

• Where you wear the stone is important. Here are some recommendations:

diamond—ring finger

pearl—little finger

red coral—ring finger

emerald—little finger

opal—ring finger

yellow sapphire—index finger

blue sapphire—middle finger

Ayurveda generally recommends that rings be worn on the right hand, though in the West, if someone wants to wear their wedding ring on the left hand to conform with tradition, that is all right.

• Processed or chemically treated stones may not have the same healing energy. It is best to get authentic, unprocessed, clean stones without a flaw or crack. When you are considering buying a stone, be sure to use a magnifying glass to examine it for cracks or imperfections.

• Stones should be 3 to 5 karats if possible, but a 1-karat diamond is large enough. A stone that is too small will not produce much of an effect.

• Unless you are knowledgeable both in stones and in Vedic astrology (jyotish), it is wise to consult an expert before investing in a stone. The wrong gem for you, or one worn on the wrong part of the body, can have a negative influence.

Here are some of the characteristics of the main gems and stones.


Astrologically, the ruby represents the sun. It is a life-protecting stone that promotes longevity, especially for vata and kapha individuals, and brings prosperity. This gem strengthens concentration and bestows mental power. It also strengthens the heart. Rubies pacify vata and kapha but may elevate pitta. Garnets have the same vibration as rubies; they are the poor man’s ruby. Wear both rubies and garnets either in a ring on the ring finger, or in a necklace.


As rubies represent the sun, pearls symbolize the moon. They have a cooling effect and a calming, healing vibration. Pearls are balancing to all the doshas, though their cooling action is particularly good for pitta. Pearls confer mental peace and tranquillity. Pearl ash is used internally to effectively treat many ailments. You can gain many of the strengthening effects of pearls by making pearl water. Place 4 or 5 pearls in a glass of water; let it stand overnight, and drink the water in the morning.


This precious stone, which represents Jupiter, brings groundedness, stability, and wisdom. It helps to calm both vata and pitta and may slightly increase kapha qualities. It strengthens the heart and also builds lung and kidney energy. Yellow sapphire should always be worn on the index finger, the finger of Jupiter. Yellow topaz, the poor man’s sapphire, has many of the same qualities and produces similar benefits.


This beautiful precious stone represents Saturn and brings the benefits of that very spiritual planet. Saturn, a deity of earth and iron, confers enlightenment. Blue sapphire calms vata and kapha and may stimulate pitta. It builds up muscles and the skeletal system and helps to heal arthritis. Wear blue sapphire on the right middle finger, preferably in a silver setting. Do not wear it with diamonds; this will create disharmony.


This stone, which has Saturn-like energy, is heavenly and sacred. It gives strength to the body, mind, and consciousness, and it sensitizes the wearer to higher spiritual vibrations. It strengthens the eyes, calms vata and pitta, and is helpful for anxiety, fear, and weakness of the heart. It is also good for the liver and for skin diseases. Lapis should be set in gold and worn on the little finger, or worn as a necklace.


This powerful precious stone brings prosperity and spiritual awakening. It calms vata and pitta, settles the nervous system, and relieves nervousness. Symbolic of the planet Mercury, emeralds improve writing skills, enhance the power of speech, and promote intelligence. They are best set in gold and worn on the little finger.


This very powerful gemstone combats premature aging, enhances the span of life, and strengthens immunity. Its energy brings subtle energy vibrations to the heart, brain, and deeper bodily tissues. It is the best stone for rejuvenation. It brings prosperity and is spiritually uplifting.

The doshic effects of diamonds vary according to their color. Red diamonds have a fiery energy that stimulates pitta; blue diamonds are cooling and calm pitta while increasing kapha. Clear, colorless diamonds calm pitta but increase both vata and kapha.

Symbolic of the planet Venus, diamonds actually do help to create a close bond in relationships and are rightfully associated with marriage. These stones stimulate shukra, the body’s reproductive tissue. Art, music, romance, and sex all go together with this stone. Wear your diamond set in gold, either as a necklace or as a ring on the ring finger. But note: Diamonds of low quality may have negative effects upon the body.


This gemstone from the sea represents the planet Mars. It calms pitta and helps one to control anger, hatred, and jealousy. Coral gives energy to the liver, spleen, and pericardium. Wear your red coral as a necklace or as a ring set in copper (preferably), silver, or white gold and worn on the ring finger. Red coral is strength-giving and imparts gracefulness.


This semiprecious stone represents the planet Neptune. It strengthens majja dhatu (bone marrow and nerves) as well as shukra dhatu (reproductive tissue). It improves vision, relieves fever, calms pitta, and is good for migraine headaches. Opals enhance spiritual feelings, increase devotion, and help to unfold intuition. This gem is particularly beneficial for individuals with Neptune in their third, fourth, sixth, tenth, or twelfth astrological house. It should be set in gold or silver and worn on the ring finger.


This stone is good for allergies, repeated colds and congestion, and allergic asthma. It pacifies kapha and vata while slightly increasing pitta. It aids in healing kidney dysfunction. Cat’s-eye enhances awareness and helps a person not get caught up in emotions. People working in psychological healing should wear this stone in a gold setting on their ring or little finger; it will help protect them from negative influences.


These stones have a Venus-like vibratory energy that is somewhat like that of diamonds. They calm vata, improve the quality of perception, strengthen communication, and enhance intuition. You can wear quartz crystals as a necklace, or set in either silver or gold and worn on the ring finger.


This stone is excellent for vata disorders. It is good for old age, debilitating disorders, and neurological dysfunction, and it helps with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and even schizophrenia. It induces quiet, deep sleep yet combats lethargy. It is good for memory and promotes positive thinking. Onyx makes life peaceful and happy and enhances love in relationships. It has energy vibrations that are Sun-like and Jupiter-like. This stone should be set in silver and worn on the ring finger. (If your Sun sign is in Sagittarius or Gemini, it is better not to wear this stone.)


Jade is beneficial for longevity. It strengthens kidney energy and is reputed to bestow success upon its wearer. This stone is also good for the power of speech. It helps to prevent cataracts and is strengthening for the prostate. Wear a jade ring set in silver, on your little finger.


Amethyst is a stone for the crown chakra and is good for mental clarity. To bring prosperity, it should be set in gold. You can also wear it around the neck on a gold necklace. A person with neuromuscular weakness can be helped by wearing amethysts and by putting them at the four corners of the bed. Some amethysts have a darker color, which gives them a Saturn-like energy similar to blue sapphire. Amethysts bestow dignity, love, compassion, and hope. This gem helps the individual to control emotions and is good for vata and pitta imbalance.


A substitute for emerald, which symbolizes Mercury, aquamarine reduces dullness of mind, promotes happiness and intelligence, enhances the power of speech, and improves memory. This stone also has Venus-like qualities; it is good for married couples to wear aquamarine to enhance love in their relationship. Aquamarine should be set in silver and worn on the little finger.

Remember that in all these cases, simply wearing the correct stone is not enough to take care of a doshic imbalance; you need to watch your diet, meditate, do appropriate exercise and yoga postures, and consciously and conscientiously look after your day-to-day and moment-to-moment health.

Four Inexpensive Stones to Help Balance the Doshas

Though some of the gemstones discussed in this appendix can be obtained for a moderate amount of money, many may be prohibitively priced for you at this time. If so, here are four inexpensive stones you can use to help create balance in your mind and body.

When vata dosha is excessive, you can use rose quartz to promote balance. The warming color and energy of rose quartz can bring relief to vata ailments such as nervousness, dry skin, constipation, intestinal gas, and lower back pain.

For aggravated pitta, use red coral or pearls. Their cooling energy will help with pitta disorders such as angry emotions, various inflammatory conditions and “-itises” such as colitis and conjunctivitis, as well as hyperacidity.

Kapha dosha can be balanced by wearing garnets. The deep red color of this stone enlivens the energy in the body and reduces the effects of excess kapha, such as water retention, lethargy, depression, and overweight.

More information about these and other gemstones, and how to wear them (settings, correct fingers, and so on) is provided in chapter 8 of my book Secrets of the Pulse (see the Reading List).


Ayurvedic treatments also make use of the healing properties inherent in colors. Because the basic colors of the rainbow are correlated with the bodily tissues (dhatus) and the doshas, the vibratory energy of the colors may be used to help establish balance in mind and body.

Color is nothing but light, and light is radiant energy imparted from every atom. The source of light and color is the sun. In our solar system, whatever colors we perceive come from sun rays. Every color has a different wavelength, frequency, and vibration. When we put a prism in the sunlight, the seven colors of the rainbow can be separated, but the equal presence of all seven gives white light. The absence of any color is black, darkness. So black is a negative color, and white a positive color.

You can influence your health and happiness by choosing appropriate colors for your clothing and surroundings at home and at work. Also, if you place colored, translucent paper or plastic wrap around a jar or glass of water and place it in sunlight for four hours, the water will become infused with the vibrations of that color. Drinking the water will then bring beneficial results.


Red is warming and stimulating. It relieves aggravated vata and reduces excess kapha. However, because of its heating effect, overexposure to this color may aggravate pitta and result in inflammatory ailments such as conjunctivitis. Red is related to our blood. It stimulates the formation of red blood cells and improves circulation. It also helps to maintain color in the skin and gives energy to nerve tissue and bone marrow. Pink has a gentler effect, promoting love and calmness, but it may be conducive to lethargy in kapha individuals.


Like red, orange is warming and has a healing energy. It is a sexually stimulating color that gives energy and strength to the sex organs. Paradoxically, in spiritual seekers who have chosen to be celibate, orange helps with renunciation and transforming sexual energy into Supreme Consciousness. Orange is balancing to both vata and kapha but may be aggravating to pitta. It has antibacterial and bacteriostatic properties; it hinders the growth of bacteria.


Yellow relieves excess vata and kapha. It promotes understanding and intelligence and helps energy rise to the crown chakra for spiritual realization. Yellow is a decongestant that helps to relieve kapha congestion. It also acts as an antibacterial. Overexposure to yellow causes excess bile to accumulate and increases pitta dosha.


This color has a calming effect upon mind and body and creates a feeling of freshness. It is soothing to the emotions and brings energy to the heart chakra and feelings of happiness to the heart. Green is calming and pacifying to excess pitta and may aggravate vata and kapha. Green helps to heal ulcers and promotes the growth of granulation tissue.


Blue is a cooling color that relieves aggravated pitta. It has a calming effect on the body and mind and helps to correct liver disorders. When a baby has jaundice, placing the baby under a blue light will help it heal faster. Blue is the color of Pure Consciousness. Overexposure to blue may cause aggravation of vata and kapha and may provoke congestion.


This is the color of Cosmic Consciousness and brings an awakening of awareness. It creates lightness in the body and helps to open the doors of perception. Purple relieves excess pitta and kapha but may aggravate vata.


Gold, the color of the sun, is a warming color that is beneficial for vata and kapha.

Beneficial Colors for Constitutional Types

For each constitutional type, certain colors are soothing and balancing while others are aggravating. Here is a summary of healthful colors:

Vata: Vata types should minimize the use of dark and cooling colors such as blues, browns, and black. On the other hand, very hot, vivid colors may be overstimulating to vata, which has a tendency toward being hyperactive. So your best bets are warm pastels, sunny yellows, and green, with some warming red and orange.

Pitta: Cool, soft colors are the best for your health and balance of body and mind. Blues and purples/violets are excellent, along with silver (including silver jewelry) and blue-greens. Watch out for reds and oranges, which can inflame pitta dosha, and minimize yellow and gold. Avoid black.

Kapha: Bright, lively, bold colors are good to balance kapha, with its tendency toward lethargy and mental and physical heaviness. Red, yellow, orange, and gold are all good. Even if you feel you look good in green, dark blue, or white, these are not the best for you from a health standpoint.

Silver, associated with the moon, is cooling and soothes pitta.


Every human being has five senses, which are associated with the five elements. Sound and hearing are related to the element of space, color and sight to fire, taste to water, smell and aroma to earth, and touch to air. These five senses are the gateways of perception for the human being, and they can be used for healing purposes.

Aromatherapy uses incense and essential oils made from flowers, plants, trees, and grasses to relay fragrances through the olfactory sense to the brain, in order to bring healing energy to mind and body. Ayurveda teaches that smells are directly related to doshic balance and imbalance, and that certain aromas are heating, cooling, or neutral.

Deer musk, for example, and hina, are heating: they calm vata and kapha but may provoke pitta. Camphor is cooling and fragrant, but its aftereffect is heating; it too calms and pacifies vata and kapha but may stimulate pitta. The aroma of sandalwood is anti-inflammatory and cooling; it is calming and soothing for pitta but may increase kapha or vata.

Khus (the essence of khus grass) is grounding, pleasant, and cooling. It has a sweet smell and pacifies pitta, but it may provoke kapha and vata. Jasmine too is cooling and sweet and good for pitta, but it may build up kapha.

The effect of rose depends somewhat on the color of the flower. Dark red roses are warming, while white- and yellow-colored roses are relatively cooling. In general, the aroma of rose flowers is anti-inflammatory and soothing and has an aphrodisiac quality. Rose aroma can be used for cooling pitta but may provoke vata and kapha.


• Vata can be balanced by using sweet, warming, grounding aromas such as musk, hina, and camphor. Other good fragrances for vata include orange, clove, cardamom, lavender, pine, angelica, and frankincense.

• Pitta is soothed by the use of cooling, calming, sweet aromas such as sandalwood, khus, jasmine, and rose. Rose geranium, lemongrass, fennel, peppermint, gardenia, and mint may also be beneficial.

• Kapha is pacified and balanced by using aromas with a warming, somewhat stimulating effect. Musk, hina, and camphor are helpful. Some more pungent aromas are also helpful for kapha. Some of these are eucalyptus, cinnamon, myrrh, thyme, basil, rosemary, and sage.