The Ingrate

A very poor hunter was one day walking through the woods in search of food. He came to a deep hole, and found there a leopard, a serpent, a rat, and a man. They had all fallen into the trap and could not escape. When they saw the hunter, they begged him to get them out of the trap.

At first the hunter did not wish to help out any but the man. The leopard, he said, had often taken his cattle and had eaten them. The serpent very frequently bit men to death. The rat was no good to any one. He saw no wisdom, then, in setting them free.

However, these animals begged so hard for their lives that at last he helped them out of the pit. All in turn, except the man, promised to reward the hunter for his kindness. The man said he was very poor, and the kind-hearted hunter took him home and cared for him.

A short time thereafter the serpent came to the hunter and gave him a very effective cure for snake-poison.

“Keep it carefully,” said the serpent. “You will find it very useful one day. When you are using it, be sure to ask for the blood of a traitor to mix with it.”

The hunter thanked the serpent very much; he took great care of the powder and always carried it about with him.

The leopard also showed his gratitude by catching game for the hunter and bringing him food of various kinds for many weeks.

Finally, one day the rat came to the hunter and gave him a large bundle.

“These,” said he, “are some native cloths, gold dust, and ivory. They will make you rich.”

The hunter thanked the rat and took the bundle into his home.

After this the hunter was able to live in much ease and comfort. He built himself a fine new house and put in it everything needful. The man whom he had taken out of the pit still lived with him and enjoyed everything the hunter had in his home.

This man, however, was very covetous. He did not want to see the hunter have such a fortune, and only waited the chance to do him some harm. Such a chance soon came.

Word was given throughout the country that some robbers had broken into the king’s palace and had stolen his jewels and many other treasures. The ungrateful man rushed at once to the king and asked what would be the reward for telling him the name of the thief. The king told him it would be half of the things which had been stolen. The ungrateful man then falsely said that his friend was the thief, although he well knew that the hunter had not stolen anything.

The honest hunter was rushed into prison. He was then brought into court and asked to explain how he had become so rich. He truthfully told them how he got his wealth, but no one believed him. He was therefore condemned to die the next day.

Next morning, while the officers of the court were preparing to take his life, word was brought to the prison that the king’s eldest son had been bitten by a serpent and was about to die. Any one who could cure him was begged to come and do so.

The hunter at once thought of the powder which his serpent friend had given him, and asked the officers to let him use it in curing the king’s son. At first they would not let him try, but finally consented. The king asked him if there were anything he needed for the powder and he replied, “A traitor’s blood to mix it with.”

The king at once pointed out the wicked fellow who had falsely accused the hunter and said, “There stands the worst traitor, for he tried to sell the head of the friend who saved his life.”

The man was at once beheaded and the powder was mixed as the serpent had commanded. As soon as it was applied to the wound of the prince the young man became well. In the midst of great joy, the king gave the hunter many honors and sent him home happy.