The fox and the goat went to a big meeting, and they were put together in one house. The fox and the goat got into a quarrel. The goat, then, told the fox that he intended to get him into a trouble out of which he would never be able to escape.
The Goat meets the Leopard.
The fox said, “All right; you put trouble on me, and I will return the same to you.”
The goat went for a walk, and he saw a leopard, and being frightened, he asked, “Auntie, what are you doing here?”
“My little one is sick,” said the old leopard.
The goat then said, “The fox has medicine that will make your little one well.”
The leopard said, “All right, you go and call him.”
So the goat went to the fox and said, “They call you.”
“Who calls me?” replied the fox.
“I do not know,” said the goat; “I think it is your friend. You take this path and you will meet him.”
The fox went down the path, and at length came upon the leopard. The fox became frightened and inquired, “Did you call me?”
“Yes, my son; your brother is sick. The goat came just a while ago and told me you had medicine that would make my little one well.”
The Fox meets the Leopard.
“Yes,” said the fox, “I have medicine that will cure your little one, but I must have a little goat horn to put in it. If you get me a goat horn I will let you have the medicine.”
“Which way did the goat go?” asked the leopard.
“I left him up there,” replied the fox.
“You wait here with my little one, and I will bring you the horn,” said the leopard.
“All right,” said the fox, and away went the leopard.
In a little while the leopard killed the goat and returned with his horns to the fox. You are liable to fall in the trap you set for someone else.
But good people are dearer than the eye.
But a matter dealt with violently causes vexation.
But distance secures respect.
But patience is the father of kindness.
Anger draws arrows from the quiver,
But good words draw kola-nuts from the bag.
And an industrious man is the foe of the lazy.
Ask for alms and you will meet with misers.
And a heavy dew is the elder brother of rain.
As the free man was born so was the slave.
You look up my goodness in the room,
And you sell my badness in the market.
Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse.