March XIV

I just asked Dad if hed replace my Triumphus mosaic with one of Flamma, but he refused. I cant believe how stingy he is. When you think how much money Mum has wasted on pigs, its ridiculous that he wont pay for something as important as this.


This afternoon I tried on Brawnuss old tunic and it still went down to below my knees. I thought Id grown since last time I tried it on, but I must have been imagining it.

Im going to pray to the gods right now to make me as big and strong as my brother.

Well, that didnt work. Im still the same size. Im not sure I prayed very well, though. I didnt have an animal to offer so I thought a cabbage would have to do.

Mum rushed in and told me off for wasting perfectly good food. That was so hypocritical I dont know where to start.