Subject Index

’ab, 25

abba, 26, 26n45

Abe, Masao, 236

Abelard, Peter, 65

Abhishiktananda, Swami, 186

Abraham, 142, 215

God of, 22, 23, 190, 214, 221

and Islam, 221, 223

Abrahamic faiths, 12, 203, 213, 215, 223, 228–29

Aditi, 225

advaita, 205, 228

African American theology, 135–39, 155

African theologies, 4, 168–77, 195–96

Agni, 225

Akan (Ghanaian tribe), 171–72

Alexandria, school of, 48

Allah, 209, 215–23, 226

attributes of, 218

See also Islam

Altizer, Thomas J. J., 124–25

Anabaptists, 72

ancestor, 4, 169, 172–74, 196. See also God: as ancestor

Anselm of Canterbury, 65, 66–67, 81, 130, 160

anthropological orientation, of Rahner, 96–97

anthropomorphic, 24, 142, 175

anti-Christian, 138

Antioch, school of, 48

apartheid, 175, 196

apocalyptic, 29, 64

apophatic theology (apophaticism), 48, 53, 59, 60–65, 98–100, 219

apostles, 23, 46

Arianism, 50–52, 143, 220

Aristides, 37, 41

Aristotle, 39, 41, 78, 219

Athanasius, 46, 51, 51n73, 54, 143

atheism, 112, 116

Augustine, 1, 36, 39, 66, 68, 70–71, 74, 168

legacy of, 53–56

avatara, 203, 225

Baal, 22

Barth, Karl, 2, 90, 93–96, 97, 110, 111, 114, 119–20, 123, 130, 138, 163

basileia, 27

Basil the Great, 51, 52. See also Cappadocians

Bauckham, Richard, 29

Berdyaev, Nikolai, 100

bhakti, 230

Bible, 2, 4, 12, 20, 81

authority of, 86

and Barth, 93

as divine revelation, 207

God-talk in the, 9–10

as history, 161

language of, 150

name of God in, 13–15

biblical criticism, 81

biblical data, 33, 180

binitarian expressions of God, 44

biunity, 31

black experience, 136–37

black theology. See African American theology

blasphemy, 51, 220

Bloch, Ernst, 106

body, 148, 155, 188, 236

of brahman, 229

of Christ, 42

of God, 153–54

Boff, Leonardo, 101, 179, 182–84, 197

Böhme (or Behmen), Jacob, 76

Bonaventure, 60, 65

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 123

Brunner, Emil, 94n3

Buddha, 226, 233–35, 233n39, 234n40, 234n41, 237, 239

Buddhacarita, 234

Buddhism, 226, 232–38

Bujo, Bénézet, 175

Calvin, John, 71, 73–74, 168, 175

Calvinism. See Reformed tradition

Canaanite pantheon/religion, 22

Cappadocians, 46n50, 51–55, 60, 70, 101. See also Basil the Great; Gregory of Nazianzus; Gregory of Nyssa

Carman, John, 230

Catholic Church, 81, 96, 115, 141, 204, 223

Chalcedon, Council of, 43n32, 50

children, 117

of God, 25

Christ. See Jesus Christ

Christian life, 4, 71, 151, 167

Christians, 31, 37, 41, 202

in Africa, 168–69

African American, 139

in Asia, 186–87

and Buddhism, 233

communion with God, 211

early, 26, 32, 112. See also church: early

in the Global South, 196, 201

and Hinduism, 238–39

hope of, 111

Latino/a, 140

and monotheism, 46

and Muslims, 221–23

Nestorian, 233

and plurality, 203

and truth claims, 104

Chung, Young-Ho, 71


authority of, 66, 81

and the Bible, 9–10

Catholic, 81, 96, 115, 141, 204, 223

Christ, ruler of the, 28, 148

as community, 176

doctrine of, 82, 95

early, 23–24, 31–32, 71

Eastern, 60, 75, 99. See also Orthodox Church

evangelical, 122, 157

free, 122

and gentiles, 31

globalization of, 165–67

Jewish sect, 23

mainline, 122, 132n36

and paganism, 40

political engagement of, 174

classical theism, 4–5, 33, 54, 71, 87, 91, 122, 128

early, 35–38

Islamic, 217–20

and Luther, 72–73

medieval, 59

patristic, 56

zenith of, 65–67, 71

Clement of Alexandria, 37, 42, 44, 49, 233n39

Clooney, Francis, 214, 232

Cobb, John B., Jr., 126

community, 69, 148, 157, 176, 196

in African context, 173–74

and belonging, 70, 135, 148, 172

black, 136–37, 154

egalitarian, 197

of faith, 156, 216

human, 170, 177

personhood and, 119

and Trinity, 182–83

Cone, James, 135–38

Constantinople, 48

Council of, 51n75

conversion, 170


community, 32

of God, 16

between Israel and God, 14

in Native American theology, 134

Noahic, 32

between Yahweh and his people, 16

creation, 43, 135, 196

body of brahman, 229

divine, 30

doctrine of, 50, 109–10, 128, 207

ex nihilo, 110, 128, 207, 217, 223, 227n26

and kingdom of God, 103

new, 111

principle of, 206

story of, 30

as theological theme, 15

work of, 44

creator. See God: as creator

Creator Spirit, 153


Luther’s theology of the, 72–73, 141, 190

Moltmann on the, 108–9

shame of the, 72

theology of the, 37, 72

crucified Jesus, 31

Dalit theology, 192

Daoism, 184, 188

Darwin, Charles, 112

death, 18, 217, 236

and ancestors, 173

on the cross, 215

Father suffers, 108

of God, 3, 51, 91, 114, 122–26, 129–30, 163, 207

of gods, 142

overcoming, 106

power of, 107

of the Son, 5, 94, 108, 137

dehumanization, 180

deification, 48, 63. See also theosis

deism, 78, 83

deity, 22, 51, 61, 78, 107, 222

attributes of the, 128

concept of, 235

dead, 126

of the Father, 106

female, 227

of God, 93–94, 97

lunar, 221

natural instinct of the, 74

personal, 225, 229

of persons of the Trinity, 77

of the Son/Jesus Christ, 49n68, 51

Descartes, René, 80n100, 172

dialogue, 90

with biblical tradition, 33

Christian-Buddhist, 236

with culture, 163

mutual, 232–33

post-Enlightenment thinkers, 118–19

between religions, 206

with secularism, 115

with Western theologies, 146, 242

womanists, 154

Dickson, Kwesi, 171–72

Diderot, Denis, 82

divine, 60, 116, 152–53, 206, 209, 213, 224

activity, 22, 29

attributes, 37, 77

being(s), 51, 98, 225

in Buddhism, 237

commandments, 16

darkness, 62, 77

deliverance, 16

dissolution into the, 212

economy, 47

election, 74n77

embodiment, 97

encounter, 61

essence, 78, 87, 99, 110, 220

fatherhood, 149

gardener, 18

holiness, 27

identity, 29, 30

immanence, 64

impassibility, 68, 72, 107

interpretation of, x, 6

love, 73, 110, 222

Mother, 227

mystery, 60, 185

names, 62–63

nature, 51, 64

nature of Jesus, 29, 51

operations, 63

person(s), 53, 70, 98, 99, 137, 183

promises, 15

revelation, 81, 94, 96, 97, 102, 123, 158, 207, 223

rule, 25

Spirit, 45, 69, 78, 84, 229

suffering, 108–9, 190

unity, 29, 220

divinization. See deification

doxology, 177

dualism, 39, 42, 155, 182, 228–29

early church, 26, 32, 112

ecofeminism, 149, 152–54

El Bethel, 14

El (Canaanite god), 22, 24

election (doctrine of), 71, 74n75, 74n77

El Elyon, 14

Elizondo, Virgilio, 141

Elohim, 13, 14, 14n11, 22, 104

El Roi, 14

El Shaddai, 14

enlightened, 234

Buddha, 234–35

One, 234–35

reason, 83

enlightenment (in Buddhism), 213, 234, 235

Enlightenment, 2, 4, 79–82, 80n99, 80n100, 90, 94, 126, 217, 241

epistemology of the, 96, 210

post-, 85, 111, 119, 130, 213

pre-, 88, 167

environment, 152–54

creator of the, 195

epiphany religions, 107

essence of God, 49, 50, 61, 63, 69, 124

inaccessible, 99

incorporeal, 78

Super-, 62

of the Trinity, 75

See also divine: essence

evangelicalism, 76, 91, 122, 157–63

evil, 39, 228

existence of, 128

and good, 138, 229

problem of, 117

evolution, 117–18, 128

exclusivism, 21, 22, 32, 150, 195, 203–4

moving away from, 208–10

exodus, 103, 107

as a motif, 176

story, 16, 155

fallen humanity, 94


belief, 230

desire, 234

gods, 21

ideas about God, 61

prophets, 19

Father, 23, 26, 40, 43, 46, 50, 85, 106, 146, 149, 152, 183

-Daughter, 152

disappearance of, 231

God the, 10, 69, 159

grief of, 108

image of the, 232

of Jesus Christ, 14, 24, 28, 31, 88, 104, 214, 238, 243

as Lover, 54, 152

is nothingness, 206

personhood of, 206

primacy of, 74, 99

as proper name of God, 69

in the Septuagint, 31

and Son, 30, 31, 44–46, 76, 108, 174

Son, and Spirit, 10, 44, 46, 47, 49, 52–55, 59, 64, 66, 70, 75, 88, 98, 100, 220

suffering of the, 108

Word of the, 95

Yahweh as, 17–18

See also God: as Father

father/fatherhood, 17, 22, 23, 24–26, 113

feminist theology, 3, 91, 122, 132, 147–48, 151, 156

Asian, 192–93, 193n133

black. See womanist theology

Hispanic/Latina. See mujerista

Feuerbach, Ludwig, 90, 113

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 83, 112

filial relationship, 30

filiation, 54

filioque, 56, 74, 99

Franciscan missionaries, 233

free churches, 122

Freud, Sigmund, 90, 113, 125

fundamentalism, 150, 158, 170

Fundamentalist Atheism, 116

Gautama, 233, 234, 234n40, 239. See also Buddha

gentiles, 31–32

Gikuyu theology, 171

gnosticism, 39, 42, 50, 56

scripture, 40


actions of, 12, 18, 160

affected by humans, 161

as ancestor, 174, 196

attributes of, 10, 17, 38, 49, 53, 68, 86, 128, 158–59, 197, 219

of the Bible, 41, 59, 88, 103–4, 142, 161, 221, 235

as creator, 10, 15, 22, 37, 39, 40, 74, 84, 94, 98, 138, 147

in African theology, 171–72

in Asian theology, 194

in Hindu thought, 227

in Islam, 217–19

and sustainer, 110

death of, 91, 114, 122–25, 130, 163

enemies of, 12–13

faithfulness of, 13, 16, 106–7, 181

as Father, 3, 15, 17, 28, 43, 44, 46, 88, 98, 105, 149, 151, 183

glorifying, 177

history of, 84

as judge, 73, 128, 143

masculine talk of, 149, 163

name of, 12–14, 27n48, 47, 62, 69, 104, 149, 151–52, 179, 217. See also Lord; YHWH/Yahweh

person of, 63

of the philosophers, 103–4

praise to, 21

and promises, 15–16, 106–7

God-concept, 139

God-consciousness, 87, 130

Godhead, 14, 46, 85, 125

communion in the, 182, 211

diversity in the, 212

equality in the, 221

plurality in the, 28–29, 45, 100

principle of the, 69

unity of the, 189

God-in-Becoming, 90

González, Justo, 47, 140–41

Goodwin, Thomas, 76


Christian, 38

contextualizing the, 57

and exclusivism/inclusivism, 203–4

of God, 138

of Jesus Christ, 32, 136, 169

and liberation, 175, 191

and secularism, 123–25

Gospels, 10, 25–26, 30

grace, 97, 184

divine, 222, 230

of the Father, 73

as God’s attribute, 159

and nature, 67n42

Gregory of Nazianzus (or Nazianzen), 51, 53. See also Cappadocians

Gregory of Nyssa, 46n50, 51, 52n79, 60. See also Cappadocians

Griffin, David Ray, 36–37, 126

Gutiérrez, Gustavo, 179

Harris, Sam, 117

Hartshorne, Charles, 126, 127

Hegel, Georg W. F., 82–85, 88, 90, 105, 112, 113, 116, 119, 125n11

Heidegger, Martin, 125

Hellenism, 5, 11, 24, 29, 33, 37, 51, 56, 87

hermeneutical circle, 179–80

Hesaketvmese (creator-spirit), 134

Hick, John, 159, 204, 207–10, 211, 212

Hilary of Poitiers, 55–56

Hinduism, 187–88, 202, 213, 233

deities of, 223–32


apartheid, 175

colonization, 177

cyclical view of, 227

God in, 180

of male domination, 157

salvation, 197

slavery, 136

time and, 223

of women’s experience, 151

the Word in, 207

holiness, 16–17, 27, 62, 76, 158, 159

holism, in African American culture, 155

Holy Spirit. See Spirit, Holy

homoiousis, 52n78

homoousios, 52, 52n78, 71

hospitality, 205, 211, 222

humanism, Christ-centered, 191

Hume, David, 82

hypostasis, 49, 52, 71, 101

Ignatius of Antioch, 44

Ignatius of Loyola, 75

image of God, 17, 97, 100, 149


divine, 64

of God, 123, 125, 197, 206

immigrant, 139, 145

churches, 144n101

community, 144

theologies, 121, 132, 140

immutability, 36, 67, 68, 107, 158

impassibility, 36, 68, 107, 142

incarnation, 5, 30, 82, 94, 97, 125, 153, 203, 206, 215, 225

as Divine-human union, 85

theology, 148

inclusive language for God, 149, 151, 163, 185, 197

infallibility, 115

Irenaeus of Lyons, 39n11, 42–43, 45–46

Isaac, God of, 22–24, 190, 214, 221

Isasi-Diaz, Ada María, 155–56

Islam, 12, 187, 212, 215–23, 226, 238

Ishmael, God of, 221


confession of, 12, 20

faith of, 15–16

and God, 14

God of, 13, 17–18, 151

Hellenization of, 24, 29

hymnody of, 19

monotheism of, 12

and other nations, 20–22, 31

paragon of liberation, 155

presence of God in, 39

religion of, 13, 40

return of, 107

Shema of, 46

as son of Yahweh, 17, 24, 134

Tanakh of, 12

testimony of, 17

under oppression, 137

uniqueness of, 12

See also Jews

Jehovah. See YHWH/Yahweh

Jesus Christ

Allah, the God of, 221, 238

as ancestor, 173, 174

ascension of, 30, 94

as brother ancestor, 174

communion with the Father, 31

created nature of, 222

cross of, 30, 94, 120, 152

death of, 31, 108, 207

different from the Father, 106

divinity of, 30, 46, 48, 223

as Eldest Brother, 168

equal with the Father, 50–51, 221

Father of, 29, 88, 104, 243

God revealed in, 2, 23, 104

gospel of, 136

head of the Church, 148

history of, 30, 32, 32n64

as Lord, 14, 51, 73

mediator, 31, 94, 174

message of, 25–27, 105

in the Qur’an, 215–17, 220

relationship with God, 24, 83

and religious self-consciousness, 86

representing humanity, 206

resurrection of, 30, 94, 103, 106, 109, 137, 209

as way to the knowledge of God, 22

Jews, 202

and God, 105

religious language of, 29

John of the Cross, 75

Johnson, Elizabeth, 150–53

Justin Martyr, 39, 41, 44n38, 46n51

kalam theology, 218

Kallistos (Timothy Ware), 98

Kant, Immanuel, 67, 80, 80n100, 82–83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90, 119

karma, 228

Katoppo, Marianne, 192–93

Kelly, J. N. D., 40, 44, 50

kenōsis, 125, 125n11

kingdom of God, 24, 26–28, 103, 156, 181, 192

Koyama, Kosuke, 147, 187, 190

Krishna, 203, 209, 225

Küng, Hans, 90, 115, 237

Kyrios, 14, 24, 31

Kyung, Chung Hyun, 194

LaCugna, Catherine Mowry, 101, 152

Latina theology, 156. See also mujerista

Lee, Jung Young, 145, 146, 165

Lee, Sang Hyun, 145

liberalism, 88, 97, 114, 158, 166–67

classical, 90, 93–94, 96, 102, 119, 126

and pluralism, 187

liturgy, 51, 151. See also worship

logos, 1, 42, 232

Lord, 14–17, 43

Allah as, 217

Brahman as, 230

Lossky, Vladimir, 61, 99


as attribute of God, 158–59

creative-responsive, 129

and freedom, 110

God is, 108–10, 142, 190

infinite, 75

inner-trinitarian, 183

interpersonal, 54

of mammon, 192

perfect, 172

reciprocity of, 70

relationship, 100

self-, 70, 110

Spirit as, 55

Theology of, 73

uniting, 98

of Yahweh, 16

See also divine: love

Luther, Martin, 37, 71, 72–74, 141, 168, 222

Lutheran, 72, 76, 77, 157

scholastic theology, 77n87

LXX (Septuagint), 24, 31

Manichaeism, 39

Marx, Karl, 90, 113

Marxism, 106

masculine talk about God, 149, 163

Maximus the Confessor, 62

McFague, Sallie, 149–50, 153

Melanchthon, Philipp, 72

Messiah, 21–22

coming of, 22, 28

dying, 7

in the Qur’an, 220

metaphors of God, 17–18, 23, 68, 149–52, 194, 209

Asian, 189–90

Min, Kyongsuk Anselm, 69, 145

Minjung theology, 187, 192


Franciscan, 233

Western, 170

modalism, 46

Moltmann, Jürgen, 70, 90, 101, 119, 131, 137, 148, 182, 190

and crucified God, 106–11

doctrine of creation of, 154

eschatology of, 111, 120

monarchianism, 46–47, 51

monophysitism, 48n58


absolute, 46, 213

a-Trinitarian, 183

of Israel, 23

Jewish, 32, 143

Jewish-Christian, 50

of Moltmann, 182

trinitarian, 213, 216, 221

moon, worship of, 222


of all beings, 229

-Daughter, 152

Divine, 227

Earth, 225

God as, 17–18, 194

nursing, 168

paternal, 184

-Son, 152

-Sophia, 152

women as, 148

Yahweh like a, 15

mujerista, 91, 122, 132, 141, 147–48, 193

perspective, 155–57

Muslim. See Islam

mystical, 48, 57, 134

apophatic-, 59

ecstasy, 99

experience, 155

religions, 187

theology, 205

tradition, 219

myth/mythology, 146, 151, 188, 196

Native American theologies, 91, 122, 132–35

natural theology, 104–5

neo-orthodox, 94, 94n3, 106, 114, 158

Neoplatonism, 39, 48, 61, 64

New Atheism, 116

new human, 113

Newton, Isaac, 116

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 112–13, 124, 125

nirvana (nibbana), 211, 226, 235, 237

nothingness, 206, 235, 236

Nyamiti, Charles, 171, 173–75

Ogbonnaya, Okechukwu, 171, 174

Ogden, Schubert, 126

Old Testament, 4, 9, 11–23, 26–28, 33, 43, 138

for African Christianity, 171

the Bible of the early church, 23

concept of shalom in the, 135, 181

self-revelation of God in the, 151

view of God, 134

Yahweh of the, 214, 221


of personhood, 101

substance, 126, 135

open theism, 91, 122, 157–63. See also process philosophy/theism

oppression, 136–38, 145, 148, 154, 175–77, 181, 184, 188, 192, 196

Origen, 39, 45, 48–49

Orthodox Church, 90, 98–101, 119, 166

orthodoxy, 47, 51, 143, 159, 162, 191

limits of, 163

neo-, 94, 106, 114, 158

pan-, 63

Protestant, 4, 72, 77, 79, 158

ousia, 50, 71

panentheism, 3, 36, 64, 90, 109

and environment, 153–54

trinitarian, 109–11

Panikkar, Raimundo, 186, 189, 204–6, 211

Pannenberg, Wolfhart, 31, 54, 90, 96, 101–6, 119, 220, 237

pantheism, 3n9, 64

patripassianism, 143


al-Salam, 218

shalom, 181

world, 221

Peters, Ted, 98

Phan, Peter C., 144, 145, 188

Pietism, 76, 102

Plato, 39, 78, 84, 219

Platonism, 41

pluralism(s), 189, 203

Asian, 187, 204

religious, 88, 159, 196, 197, 201, 204, 241

responses to, 205–12

Pobee, John, 169, 171–72

political action, 178, 181

polytheism, 38, 47, 51, 221, 231

power, 38, 43, 62, 161, 171

abuse of, 157

black, 136, 175

centered vision, 128

cosmic, 225

divine, 172

and God, 103, 129, 162

liberative, 192

Spirit, 31

and substance, 45

supreme, 67

Yahweh, 17, 21–22

powers, 28–29, 169, 227

colonial, 185

spiritual, 239

praise, to God, 21

Praxeas, 47

prayer, 25, 60, 151, 167, 183, 217

abba-, 26

predestination, 74, 74n74

process philosophy/theism, 126–29, 158, 163. See also open theism

Pseudo-Dionysius, 61–62, 64

Pui-lan, Kwok, 185, 193

Puritanism, 76

Qur’an, 215–20

racism, 145, 175

Radical Reformers, 72

Rahner, Karl, 90, 96–98, 102, 103, 105, 111, 182

anthropological orientation of, 96–97

Ramanuja, 228–30

reconciliation, 45, 85, 175

redemption, 15, 45

Reformed tradition/Calvinism, 72, 77–78, 94, 159, 189

scholastic, 159

religious, 38

argument, 56

beliefs, 81, 113, 170

community, 205

consciousness, 87

context, 33, 170, 196

diversity, 132, 202–3

education, 117

end, 211

ethos, 241

experience, 104, 134

faith, 32, 104

intuitions, 86

language, 209

life, 85, 205

minority, 140

other, 238

pan-, 206

plurality, 3, 6, 197

reformations, 231

Society of Friends, 77

symbols, 114

traditions, 194

understanding, 156

wars, 80n90

women, 193

world, 88

repentance, 61, 142

of Nineveh, 21


as attribute, 159

of God, 137

retributive, 27

Roberts, Deotis, 136

Robinson, John A. T., 123, 124

ruah, 30

sacrifice, 225

Sākti, 227

salvation, 16, 51

Buddha leads to, 234, 239

in Christ alone, 203, 204

as communion with God, 211

completeness of, 204

doctrine of, 3, 48, 63, 209

economy of, 71–73, 98

history, 102, 105, 197

liberation as, 238

paths to, 32, 203

of the soul, 181

spiritual, 142

systems of, 170

work of, 44

work for, 191

samsara, 228, 235

sanctification, 45

Sanders, John, 160

Sankara, 227–30

Satyasya Satyam, 205

Savitri, 225

Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E., 82, 85–87, 90, 102, 119, 130, 241

scholasticism, 218, 219

Protestant, 72, 77–79

Reformed, 159

Scholasticism, 4, 36

Scholastics, 65, 72, 219

Scripture(s), 54

Barth’s view of, 94, 119

as critic, 33

doctrine of, 86

foundation, 188

gender issue in, 150

gnostic, 40

God of, 143

Hindu, 224n20

Holy, 62, 88, 183

inspiration of, 44, 81

of Islam, 222

as source, 33

Theravada, 235n45

Vedic/Vedantic, 226, 239

as verifying principle, 158

Septuagint, 24, 31

sexism/sexist, 3, 148, 163, 183

shalom, 135, 181

Shekinah, 111


in Akan society, 172

and alienation, 175

freedom from, 181

gravest in Islam, 216, 220

human, 22, 94

and rebellion, 13

Siva, 224–27, 230–31

Sobrino, Jon, 179


as being/person of the Father, 206

conceived, 184

death of, 108

divinity of, 45, 50–52

Eternal, 75

exalted, 31

of the Father, 25

God suffered in the, 143

of God, 94, 97, 153

as hand of the Father, 46

incarnate, 85

as Lord, 31, 45

of Man, 94

of Mary, 220, 221

only, 23

Word as, 44, 69, 146

of Yahweh, 17

See also Father: and Son; Jesus Christ

Song, Choan-Seng, 145, 147, 187, 189


Jesus-, 152

Mother-, 152

Spirit-, 152

spirit/Spirit, 29

of ancestors, 172

becomes flesh, 125

in the church, 45

Creator, 153

Divine, 229

as divine will, 69

empowering, 155

as mutual love, 54

of sonship, 31

under the Father, 46

visions in the, 60

and Word, 30

as yin, 146

spirits, 4, 23, 37, 169, 188, 233

of ancestors, 174. See also ancestor

Spirit, Holy, 3, 30, 40, 47, 55, 65, 73, 137, 174, 182

divinity of, 50

as God, 28

as mutual love, 55

See also Father: and Son, and Spirit

spirituality, 60, 65, 71, 75, 151, 159, 192, 239

black/Negro, 136–37, 139

of native Americans, 133

Sufi, 219

substance (also substantia), 45, 47, 49–55, 66, 78, 101, 109, 112, 175, 187, 220

Suchocki, Marjorie Hewitt, 126, 127

synagogue, 23

Takenaka, Masao, 187

Tanakh. See Old Testament

Taoism, 226

tarka, 205

Tertullian, 42, 45, 47, 174

Tetragrammaton, 14

theism, 117, 125. See also classical theism; open theism; process philosophy/theism

Theophilus, 37

theos, 1, 11, 24, 205, 206

theosis, 48, 63

Thomas à Kempis, 63

Thomas Aquinas, 36, 57, 65, 67–69, 70, 71, 74, 78, 81, 95, 168, 218

Tillich, Paul, 91, 114, 124, 130, 163

Torrance, Thomas, 90


in African context, 173

Asian doctrine of the, 146

beginning of, 30

Bulgakov’s theology of the, 100

canons, 71

communion theology, 98

conception of God, 23, 28

distinctions, 54

doctrine, 43–47, 56, 68, 82, 109, 182

formulas, 86

Hegel’s vision of, 85

inner-, 183

insights, 49

intra-, 100

monotheism, 213, 216

nature of God, 10

panentheism, 109–11

persons, 53, 55, 77, 105, 120

picture of God, 73

Panikkar’s, 206, 211

pluralism, 211

principle, 66

proof texts, 28

reference in Qur’an, 220

renaissance, 95

spirituality, 75

terms, 23, 28

theology, 55, 69, 73, 99

understanding, 50

view/vision of God, 90, 95

tritheism, 46

truth, 61, 62, 66, 205, 207, 208

Pannenberg on, 101–3

ultimate reality, 84, 171, 205, 224, 226, 227, 228

Buddhist quest for, 234–38


distinction and, 46

in diversity, 88, 206

divine, 29, 98, 220

in God, 108

of God, 42, 46, 70, 105, 120, 134

in Islam, 216, 220

and world, 228

of the Godhead, 189

perichoretic, 183

primacy of, 54

supreme, 67

universality of God, 32

and Elohim, 14

Upadhyay, 189, 231

Vedas/Vedantic, 224–28

Venerable Bede, 65

violence, 117, 149

Vishnu, 203, 224–27, 230–31

visistadvaita, 229

Wallace, Mark I., 154

Ware, Timothy (Bishop Kallistos), 98

wealth, 192

wisdom, 15, 29, 30, 66, 181

folk, 172

literature, 15, 20

Whitehead, Alfred North, 126–27

womanist theology, 147–48


African, 176

Asian, 192–95

experiences, 148, 151

exploitation of, 191

interpretations of God, 132

and men, 27, 32, 65, 73, 114, 218

equality between, 149

oppression of, 149

struggle for liberation, 156

subordination of, 148

in theological discussion, 3, 5, 141, 163

unjust treatment of, 181

values of, 152

See also latina theology; mujerista

Word, 30, 41, 69, 232

became flesh, 97

of the Father, 95

of God, 29, 106, 138, 163, 187

manifestation of the, 207

reveals God, 43

as yang, 146

See also Jesus Christ; Son

worship, 9, 16, 112, 134, 208, 221, 222, 227, 229

of the moon, 222

of the Son, 51

of Yahweh, 20

See also liturgy

Yahweh/YHWH, 13–23, 134

Allah, Krishna, and, 209

Angel of, 28

anointed of, 21

faith in, 243

as father, 17

as judge, 17

of the Old Testament, 138, 214, 221

pain of, 108

presence of, 39

as proper name of God, 104

as ultimate reality, 226

yin-yang, 146–47, 165

and the Trinity, 146

Yong, Amos, 168

Zizioulas, John, 90, 98–101, 119, 182

Zoroastrianism, 39