

blamed for Civil War, 182, 184

Abraham Lincoln (film), 267–8, 274

Abraham Lincoln’s Clemency (film), 188

Abrams, Hiram, 241

actors and actresses

Biograph repertory, 70–1

in blackface, 85, 87–8, 224

casting Birth, 83–9

extras’ payment, 89

rehearsals, 89–91

Adams, Henry, 212

Adams, Herbert Baxter, 32, 211

Addams, Jane, 138, 164

critique of film, 140, 141, 142

The Adventures of Dollie (film), 67–8

advertising and publicity

initial campaign for Birth, 115–25

promotion of Birth, 3

African-Americans. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); race and racism

Afro-American Council, Des Moines, 158

After Many Years (film), 76

Age (newspaper), 237

Agee, James, 4–5, 279, 282

Ainslie, George, 161

Aitken, Harry, 78, 80, 92, 262

on Boston opening, 144

distribution, 118–20

later years and retirement, 261, 270–2

production costs and, 97–8

promoting Birth, 115

remake plans, 258, 259, 260–1

sound version, 242

Triangle distribution, 166

Aitken, Roy E., 7, 8, 78, 92

on cinema owners, 125

distribution, 118–20

effective minority protest, 249

later career, 270, 271

production costs, 97–8

promotion, 115

on a remake, 258

remake plans, 262

retirement, 261, 271–2

sound version, 242

Aitken, Spottiswoode, 274

cast in Birth, 87

alcohol prohibition, 219

Alden, Mary, 87, 273

Alexandra, Queen, 264

Allan, Robert E., 247–8

Allen, Cleveland G., 140

Allen, Henry J., 240, 241

Allen, Woody

Celebrity, 262

Aller, Joe, 71, 99, 101

Allinson, Thomas W., 153

Allston, Philip J., 144, 223, 224

America (Griffiths), 266

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 247–8, 285

American Film Institute, 10

American Gigolo (film), 8

American Historical Association, 174

American Mutoscope and Biograph Company. See Biograph Company

Anderson, Benedict, 209

Anderson, Charles W., 138

Arbuckle, Roscoe “Fatty,” 231

Armstrong, Joseph G., 154

Arvidson, Linda Johnson (Griffith), 52

acting career, 67, 70

and Griffith’s writing, 65–6

marriage to Griffith, 64, 85

Asquith, Elizabeth, 264

L’Assassinat du Duc de Guise (film), 106

Association of School Film Libraries, 246


Birth’s declining appeal, 244–5

black response to Birth, 222–5

changing character of, 125–7

context for Birth, 206–16

first reception of Birth, 3

nickelodeons, 113–14, 125

passivity, 225

at premiere, 20, 25–6

southern states, 161

violence and Birth, 249–51

“Auld Lang Syne,” 107

The Avenging Conscience (film), 79, 89

Ayers, Edward, 214

Baker, Pete, 61

Baker, Ray Stannard, 214

Baldwin, James, 278

Baldwin, Roger, 247, 248

Baltimore Sun (newspaper), 175, 204

Bancroft, George, 211

Banzhof, Albert, 74, 119, 242

Banzhof, E. J., 98

Barcus, Robert B., 156–7, 157

Barker, Edwin L., 166

Barrett, W. A., 135

Basic Instinct (film), 8

The Battle at Elderbush Gulch (film), 21, 73, 74, 83

The Battle (film), 68

The Battle of the Sexes (film), 78, 267

Battles and Leaders of the Civil War (Century Company), 91

Baustead, Annie H., 61

Beach, Rex, 116

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 105, 107

Belasco, David, 76

Men and Women, 62

Bellows, Barbara, 178

Benét, Stephen Vincent, 267

Benshoff, Harry M., 281

Bentley, Dr. Charles E., 151, 165

Berg, Charles, 107

Bernardini, Daniel, 80

Bernhardt, Sarah, 61, 106

Bernstein, Matthew, 7

Beveridge, Albert J., 212

Bigelow, Anson O., 159

Biograph Company

actors for, 70–1

competition with Edison, 68–9

Griffith directs for, 66–7, 67–74

Griffith leaves, 74

technical and editorial, 71

working relations within, 71–2

Birth of a Nation: 4*29*1992 (documentary), 10

The Birth of a Nation (film)

anti-communist/communist argument, 254–8

anxiety about sex, 217, 217–19, 221–2

audience response, 3, 13, 125–7, 222–5

battlefield sequences, 92–3

black actors in, 87–8

black characters, 224

as The Clansman, 15–16

context of, 206–16, 227–30

continuing controversy, 277–8

copyright in public domain, 262

critical view of, 3–6, 245–6, 249

deleted scenes, 104–5

design and costume, 174–7

distribution to cheaper theatres, 241

DVD release of, 277

editing of, 102–5, 281

eminent supporters, 141–2

emotional appeal, 116

film project set up, 79–80

finances, 3, 92, 97–8, 118

first release of Birth, 118–20

Griffith’s direction, 98–101

Hampton epilogue, 145, 153, 224–5

as history, 14, 171–7, 204–6

length of, 3

myth of the Lost Cause, 178–86

negatives of, 16–17, 101–2

plot of, 6

premiere of, 13, 15–17

preparation and filming of, 89–96

private screenings in Washington, 111–13

protests against, 6–11, 9–11

publicity and promotion, 13, 115–25, 120

from protest, 133, 248–9

remake considered, 9, 258–63

revival of Klan, 231–5

scenario for, 81–3

social effects of, 249–53

sound version, 242–9, 244

still photos from

Flora Cameron, 18

Gus’s trial, 23

hospital scene, 19

story of, 17–25

style-substance dichotomy, 278–85

title change, 115

See also censorship; Dixon Jr., Thomas; Griffith, David Wark; Ku Klux Klan; NAACP; race and racism

The Birth of a Race (film), 166–7

Bitzer, G. W. (Billy), 67

aiming for Brady photographs, 177

film development, 101–2

first screenings, 117

on Griffith, 99, 100, 101

Griffith’s cameraman, 71

production costs, 97

on rehearsals, 90

on shooting Birth, 93, 94–5

techniques and innovations, 75–6

Black, Hugo, 245

The Black Hood (Dixon), 269

Blankenburg, Rudolph, 155

Blassingame, John, 213

Bledsoe, Benjamin Franklin, 272–3

Blight, David W., 178–9

Bogle, Donald, 11, 163, 281

Bolshevism, 230

Bolshevism on Trial (film), 269

Booth, John Wilkes, 20, 88

editing scene with, 103

historical detail, 189

historical reference, 174, 176

portrayal in Birth, 96

Bounty (film), 8

Bowers, Claude G.

The Tragic Era, 191

Bowling for Columbine (Moore), 262–3

Bowser, Eileen, 13, 75, 76, 77, 181

Brady, Matthew, 91, 96, 174, 176

Brandt, Joe, 166

Breen, Joseph, 269

Breil, Joseph Carl, 106–9, 124, 242

“The Motif of Barbarism,” 12

Breitinger, J. Louis, 154

Brennan, George H., 48, 53–4

Brenon, Herbert, 123

Bring Him In (film), 269

British Film and Video Council, 10

Brocj, Henry, 250

Broken Blossoms (film), 242, 265, 274

Brooks, Dr William H., 137

Brown, Karl, 16, 87, 281

on editing Birth, 102–5

on Griffith, 99, 100

on historical detail, 177

invents the “slate,” 102

Klan and audiences, 224

on the premiere, 20–1, 25

on rehearsals, 89–90

on sets, 91

on shooting Birth, 92, 94–5

Brown, Katherine, 261

Brown, S. Joe, 158

Brownlow, Kevin, 5, 281

Brunson, R. J., 202

Brutality (film), 72

Bryan, William Jennings, 34

Bush, W. Stephen, 4–5, 104, 108, 281

Bussey, Harriet. See Dixon, Harriet

Butler, David, 275

Cabiria (film), 106, 114–15, 122

Cameron, Lucille, 220–1

Camille (film), 106

Campbell-Copeland, T.

The Soldier in Our Civil War (with Mottelay), 177

Capehart, H. J., 230

Capitol Theater, New York City, 236–7

Capper, Arthur, 157–8, 240

Carli, Philip C., 13

Carruthers, William Alexander, 179

Carter, Everett, 283

Casey, John S., 143

Catholicism, 234, 237–8

Celebrity (film), 262


ACLU’s argument, 247–8

Arbuckle case, 231

Birth banned, 6

Boston cuts, 143–4

cuts to Birth scenes, 138–40

fight against principle of, 238–9

freedom of expression and, 133

Lusk Bill, 235–6

Mutual Film precedent, 132–3

National Board approves Birth, 129–31

official structures for, 70, 131

Spirit of ’76, 272–3

studying Birth, 245–6

sum of NAACP efforts, 168–9

See also NAACP; National Board of Censorship

The Century (magazine), 187

Ceruti, E. Burton, 130, 238

Chadwick, Bruce, 12–13, 179, 279

Chalmers, David M., 234, 241

Chambers, Robert W., 266

Chandler, James, 12

Chaplin, Charlie, 265

Chattanooga Daily Times (newspaper), 51

Chinese immigrants, 214–15


music in, 124, 242

sexual morality and, 6

cinematography. See Bitzer, G. W.; film and filmmaking

Civil War

Birth’s portrayal of, 17–21

depiction of war in Birth, 208–9

Dixon family experience of, 27–9

effect on Griffith family, 57–9

as a film genre, 181–2

Griffith researches, 91–2

as “Lost Cause,” 178–86, 255

recent historiography, 184–5

theme in Griffith films, 68

veterans in audiences, 126

See also Reconstruction

The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan (Dixon), 258

adaptation for film, 81

first attempts to film, 53–4

Griffith sets up film project, 79–80

original title of Birth, 3

plot summary of, 43–7

publication of, 43

The Clansman (play), 12

banned, 132, 142

different reception from film, 162

play version, 47–51

reception of play, 51–3

riots in Philadelphia, 154

Clarke, Edward Young, 234–5


changing audiences, 126–7

nickelodeon audiences, 4, 113–14

Classmates (film), 67

Clifton, Elmer, 85, 88, 275

Clune, William H.

audience figures, 125

Dixon’s Fall of a Nation, 269

financial contribution, 97, 119

offers to destroy film, 238

premiere at Clune’s Auditorium, 13, 15–17, 103

publicity material, 120

Cobleigh, Rolfe, 146

The Color Purple (film), 262

Columbia Theater, Detroit, 4

Comagor, C. W., 240

Commission on Interracial Cooperation, 242–3

Committee on Industrial Organization (CIO), 254

Communism and anti-communists

black support, 254

Dixon and, 270

Greensboro Massacre, 10

protests against Birth, 14

Stern’s attack on critics, 256–7

Comrades (Dixon), 52, 269

film version, 269

Confederate Veteran (magazine), 179

Connelly, Thomas, 178

Considine Jr., John, 267–8

Cook, Raymond Allen, 47, 81

Cooke, John Esten, 179

Cooper, Judge William Fenimore, 152–3

Cooper, Lenore, 87

Cooper, Margaret, 83, 93

Cooper, Miriam, 85, 94, 273

Corbett, Jim, 219

Cosmopolitan (magazine), 66

Coulter, E. Merton, 191

Courtney, Samuel Edward, 147, 223

Courtney, Susan, 12

Cox, Dr. Alexander W., 144, 223, 224

Cox, James M., 228

Crabbe, Charles C., 241

Cranstone, E. L., 256–7

Creel, George, 227

The Cricket on the Hearth (film), 75

Cripps, Thomas, 6, 132, 169, 254

The Crisis (journal), 131

Crisp, Donald, 88, 174, 275

Criterion Theatre, New York City, 114

Crowell, Josephine, 19, 273

Cukor, George, 268

Cuniberti, John, 11, 103

Cupid’s Pranks (film), 67

Curley, James Michael

NAACP Boston campaign and, 141–6, 149–50

photograph of, 143

Cushing, Grafton D., 147, 148

Cusick, John F., 142, 150

The Daily Worker (newspaper), 254

Damrosch, Margaret Blaine, 149

Daniel, Pete, 51–2, 249

Daniels, Jonathan, 258–9

Daniels, Josephus P., 112

Daugherty, Harry M.

The Inside History of the Harding Administration (with Dixon), 270

Davies, Marion, 267

Davis, Jefferson, 58, 178

Davis, Jonathan M., 240

Davis, Natalie Zemon, 213

Davis, Richard Harding, 116

Day, Caroline Bond, 251

De Grasse, Sam, 88

De l’esprit des lois (Montesquieu), 211

De Vaull, William, 87

Dearborn, Ned H., 245

DeLacey, Ralph, 90

Delluc, Louis, 264

DeMille, Cecil B., 273

King of Kings, 7

remake talk, 259

Dempster, Carol, 265, 266, 274

Dharamputra (film), 8

Diawara, Manthia, 225, 262

Directors Guild of America, 10–11

Dix, Dorothy, 205

Dixon, Amanda, 27–9, 31

Dixon, Clarence, 30, 31

Dixon, Harriet (née Bussey, first wife), 34

Dixon, Madelyn Donovan (second wife), 261, 262, 270

Dixon Jr., Thomas, 12

acting career, 53

Anglo-Saxonism, 211

anti-communist sequel, 258–9

attacks censorship attempts, 148

on audience enthusiasm, 206–7

buys interest in play, 48

death of, 261, 270

dislike of Stevens, 205

education of, 31–3

film production company, 268–9

finances of, 52, 98

friendship with Wilson, 111

Griffith buys rights from, 79–80

historical details, 196–8, 201–2

Klan appearance, 195

marriage to Harriet, 34

Mayor Mitchel meeting, 138–9

photograph of, 28

pirated film copies, 246

religion and, 32, 33–5

response to film screenings, 117

role in the film, 26

screenplays, 269

Southern point of view, 171

in state legislature, 33

suggested title change, 115

use of Scott, 203

war and Reconstruction experience, 27–31

works of

The Black Hood, 269

Comrades, 52

The Flaming Sword, 258–9, 270

The Inside History of the Harding Administration (with Daugherty), 270

later fiction, 269–70

The Leopard’s Spots, 37–42

The Love Complex, 269

The Man in Gray, 269

A Man of the People, 269

The One Woman, 42–3, 52

The Root of Evil, 52

The Sins of the Father, 52–3

The Sun Virgin, 270

The Traitor, 52

worries about sex, 218

writing career, 35–7

See also The Clansman

Dixon Sr, Thomas, 27–9, 30, 31

Dougherty, Lee “Doc,” 71

Douglass, Carl, 16

Douros, Magistrate, 236

Dowd, Judge Thomas H., 147, 150

Dramatic Mirror (newspaper), 4–5

Dream Street (film), 266

Dressed to Kill (film), 8

Drink’s Lure (film), 219

Drums of Love (film), 267

A Drunkard’s Reformation (film), 70, 75, 219

Du Bois, W. E. B., 141, 160, 165

campaign against Birth, 169, 282

defends Reconstruction, 206

in Dixon’s novel, 258, 270

New York campaign, 137

photograph of, 137

power struggle with NAACP, 168

The Souls of Black Folks, 167

The Star of Ethiopia pagent, 167–8

on wartime context, 227

Dubois, Ellen, 278

Dunning, William Archibald, 206, 218

Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction, 191

Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 1865–1877, 191

Dyer, Frank, 69

Dyer, Richard, 11, 85

Eagle, Oscar, 62, 64

Early, Jubal, 178

Easton, Walter P., 149

Edison Pictures, 68–9, 106, 231

Eisenstein, Sergei, 284

Elinor, Carli, 16

Eliot, Charles W., 148

Ely, Richard T., 32–3

Emerson, Congressman, 158

Enoch Arden (film), 72

Epoch Producing Company, 13, 98, 105

Aitkens and, 271, 272

copyright dispute, 262

distribution of Birth, 118–20, 241

Epping, J. C., 98

Equal Rights League, 228

The Escape (film), 79

Espionage Act, 272–3

Essanay films, 75

Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction (Dunning), 191

ethnic groups. See race and racism

Evening American (newspaper), 117

Evening Globe (newspaper), 117

Evening Journal (newspaper), 204–5

Evening Mail (newspaper), 117

Everett, Anna

Returning the Gaze, 12

Everson, William K., 6, 11, 77

Experimental Cinema (journal), 255

Fairbanks, Douglas, 116, 265

The Fall of a Nation (film), 268–9

The Fall of Troy (film), 6

Falsely Accused! (film), 66–7

Famous Players-Lasky Film Company, 106, 265, 267, 271, 273

Farmers’ Alliance, 40

Fast, Howard

Freedom Road, 256

feminism, 8

Ferguson, Judge, 154–5

Fields, W. C., 267

Fildew, Billy, 102

film and filmmaking

Birth’s innovations, 278–81

Civil War as a genre, 181–2

controversial films, 7–8

early U.S. context, 3–4

educational legal status, 173

frame count, 245

gaining respectability, 114–15, 116

Griffith’s techniques, 74–7

historical representation and, 171–4

increased demand for films, 68–9

innovative techniques, 75–7

introduction of sound, 53

lengths of films, 72

narrative, 114

the Pathé camera, 94–5

racial stereotypes, 132

representations of Lincoln, 188

rivalry with live theatre, 4

sex and, 6

shooting Birth, 94–6

social effects on audiences, 249–53

synchronized sound, 242, 245

film criticism

audience passivity, 225

on creative roles, 122

on pioneering role of Birth, 5

recent work on Birth, 11–13

study of Birth, 245–6, 249

style-substance dichotomy, 283–4

film reviews (general)

early screenings of Birth, 117–18

first release of Birth, 121–5

responses to Birth, 4–5

Fitzmorris, Charles, 151

Fitzsimmons, Bob, 219

Flagler, Henry, 265

The Flaming Sword (Dixon), 258–9, 270

Fleener, Nicki, 145

Fleming, Walter L., 141, 191, 195

The Prescript of the Ku Klux Klan, 192

Flexner’s (Bernard) Book Store, Louisville, 61

A Fool and a Girl (Griffith), 65, 66

The Foolish Virgin (film), 269

A Fool’s Errand: By One of the Fools (Tourgée), 192–5

A Fool’s Revenge (film), 105

For the Love of Gold (film), 75

Ford, Charles E., 53

Ford, John, 273, 275

Ford, Wally, 259

Forman, Henry James

Our Movie-Made Children, 251–2

Forrest Gump (film), 263

Forrest Theater, Philadelphia, 155

Fort Apache, the Bronx (film), 8

Foster, Will, 167

Fox, Steven R., 150

Fox Films, 265

Frank, Leo M., 232

Franklin, John Hope

influence of Birth, 206

on Tourgée, 193

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 208

Frazier, Edward Franklin, 251

Freedmen’s Bureau, 21, 196

Wilson on, 200

Freedom Road (Fast), 256

Freeman, Edward A.

History of the Norman Conquest, 211

Freeman, William, 89, 123

French, Daniel Chester, 186

Frissell, Hollis B., 145

Frissell, S. S., 140

Frobisher School of Drama, 33

The Fugitive (film), 68

Fulton, A. R., 102

Funkhouser, Major Lucius C., 151

Gage, Howard, 174

Gaige, Crosby, 48

Gaines, Jane, 11, 12, 169

Garner, James W., 191

Gaye, Howard, 88

The Gentle Cyclone (film), 269

Gessner, Robert R., 245–6

Gibson, Charles Dana, 116

Gibson, Dr William, 10

The Girl Who Stayed Home (film), 265, 273

Gish, Dorothy, 70, 83–4

Gish, Lillian, 20, 70, 282

on actors, 89

black actors and, 87

cast in Birth, 83, 85

copyright dispute, 262

earlier career, 83–4

on editing of Birth, 102, 105

on film preparations, 90–1

on Griffith, 99, 100–1, 171

on Griffith’s turning point, 263

The Hearts of the World, 264

later career, 274

later Griffith films, 265, 266

loyalty to Griffith, 78

on the musical score, 107

photographs of, 19, 84, 217

on shooting Birth, 92, 93–4, 95

Gleaves, Richard H., 174

Gobineau, Joseph de, 210, 216

Godard, Jean-Luc

Je Vous Salue Marie, 8

The Godfather (film), 8

Goines, P. A., 160–1

Goldman, Eric F., 186

Goldstein, Robert J., 97, 176–7

Spirit of ’76, 272–3

Goldwyn, Sam, 271

Gone With the Wind (film), 9, 268

inspires Birth remake plans, 259–60, 261

Lost Cause myth, 181–2

Gordon, John B., 178

Grant, Madison

The Passing of a Great Race, 213

Grant, Ulysses S., 29

death of, 180

historical reference, 174, 175, 176

Lee’s surrender, 176, 178

portrayal of, 88

The Great Love (film), 264

The Great Train Robbery (film), 75, 76

The Greatest Question (film), 273

The Greatest Thing in Life (film), 264

Greaves, William, 282

Greene, Graham, 5

Greensboro Massacre, 10

Gregory, Thomas B., 142

Grieg, Edvard, 107

Grieveson, Lee, 172

Griffin, Linda Arvidson Johnson. See Arvidson, Linda

Griffin, Sean, 281

Griffith, Charles B., 240–1

Griffith, David Wark

acting career, 61–4

in films, 67

in One Woman, 52

plays Lincoln, 63

stage names, 62

appearance and character, 99

images of, 84

musical ability, 105

Nerney on, 152

relationships with actresses, 85

defending Birth

in Boston, 142–3

copyright dispute, 262

fights censorship, 133

Mayor Mitchel meeting, 138–9

NAACP and, 134

remake plans, 258, 259

directing career, 21, 166

The Battle of Elderbrush Gulch, 21

at Biograph, 67–74

Birth most successful film, 268

Civil War genre, 181–2

finances, 119

later films, 263–8

leaves Biograph, 74

Papers of, 13

praise for Birth, 278–81

professional ability, 74–7

reputation, 13

signs with Zukor, 271

working on Birth, 98–101

ideas and opinions

expressed racism of, 80, 191, 254–5, 278–85

prohibition of alcohol, 219

Reconstruction controversy, 190–200

revived Klan and, 239

on World War I, 208

making Birth

casting, 83–9

cheered at premiere, 25–6

editing, 16

interested in The Clansman, 54

photographs of, 56

rehearsals, 89–92

response to film screenings, 117

shooting, 92–6

synchronized sound, 242

view of film as history, 171–7

White House screening, 111

personal life

biographies of, 11

death of, 261, 268

at Lofty Green Farm, 55–60

in Louisville, 61

reinvention of own past, 255

writing career

early attempts, 65–6

filmscripts, 66–7

Griffith, Jacob Wark (father), 55–9, 201

Griffith, Lawrence. See Griffith, David Wark

Griffith, Mary (née Oglesby, mother), 56–8, 60, 62

Griffith, Mattie (sister), 60

Griffith, Ruth (sister), 60

Griffith, Thurston (cousin), 201

Griffith, Wheeler (sister), 58

Griffith, Will (brother), 59

Griffith (D.W.) Award, 10–11

Griffith family

history of, 55–6

move to Louisville, 60–1

slavery and, 59

Grindon, Leger, 279

Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 209

The Guardian (newspaper), 141

The Guerrilla (film), 68

Guinn v. United States, 132

Gunning, Tom, 69, 76, 77, 114

Hackett, Francis, 138

Hackett, James K., 65

Haddock, William, 54

Hallinan, Charles T., 133

Hallowell, J. Mott, 150

Hamilton, J. G. de Roulac, 191

Hampton, Benjamin

A History of the Movies, 5

Hampton, L., 98

Hampton Institute, 145, 164, 225

Hare, Harlow, 278–9

Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War, 176

Harrison, J., 98

Harrison, Louis Reeves, 77

Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Carter H., 151

Harron, Robert, 70, 85, 88, 273

Hart, Albert Bushnell, 165

Hart, William S., 265

Hay, John, 184, 186–7, 212

Hayes, Rutherford B., 179

Haynes, Hunter C., 167

Hays, Arthur Garfield, 247

Hays, Will, 239

NAACP appeals to, 248

remake plans, 259

sound version of Birth, 242–3

Hays Code. See Production Code

Haywood, Rev. Oscar, 239

Hearst, William Randolph, 267

The Heart of an Outlaw (film), 70

The Hearts of the World (film), 255, 264, 273

Heck, William A., 159

Hegel, Georg W. F., 210

Henabery, Joseph E.

copyright dispute, 262

directing career, 275

on Griffith, 99, 100

Lincoln and, 88, 89, 174

on rehearsals, 90

on shooting Birth, 93

Henderson, Robert M., 11, 73

Herbert, Victor, 268

Herndon, William Henry, 186–7

Herrick, Howard, 124

Higham, John, 215

Hill, Elias, 204

His Trust (film), 68, 72, 80

His Trust Fulfilled (film), 68, 80


academic arguments, 172

film as documenting, 171–7

See also Civil War; Reconstruction; United States

History of the American People (Wilson), 21, 175

Anglo-Saxonism, 211

A History of the American People (Wilson), 192, 198–200

History of the Anglo-Saxons (Turner), 211

History of the Germanic People (Tacitus), 211

A History of the Movies (Hampton), 5

History of the Norman Conquest (Freeman), 211

Hitler, Adolf, 209, 254

Hodges, Elijah, 227

Hofstadter, Richard, 210

Holden, William W., 29–30

Holmes, Rev. John Haynes, 135

Home Sweet Home (film), 79, 83, 85

homosexuality, 8

The Honor of His Family (film), 68

hooks, bell, 223, 225

House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 255–6

The House with Closed Shutters (film), 68

Howe, Elizabeth M., 192, 195

Howe, Frederic C., 131, 134, 136, 137, 160, 164

Howells, William Dean, 36

Huff, Theodore, 11

Huntingdon, R. J., 98

Huston, Walter, 268

Hutchinson, Earl Ofari, 278

Hylan, John F., 228

Idol Dancer (film), 265

In Old Kentucky (film), 68, 181

In the Border States (film), 68

In Washington’s Time (Griffith), 65

Ince, Ralph, 76, 188

Ince, Thomas H., 76, 166, 181, 270

The Informer (film), 68

Inscoe, John C., 12, 162

The Inside History of the Harding Administration (Dixon and Daugherty), 270

Inslee, Charles, 67

Intolerance (film), 65, 242, 263–4, 266, 271, 273, 274

“The Invisible Empire” (Tourgée), 192–5

Isn’t Life Wonderful (film), 267

Ivanhoe (Scott), 211

Jackson, Helen Hunt

Ramona, 64

Jackson, R. R., 152

Jacobs, Lewis, 279, 281

The Rise of the American Film, 5, 255, 256

Janowitz, Jane, 164

Janowitz, Rose, 163, 166

Japan, 213, 214–15

Jay Ward Enterprises, 262

Je Vous Salue Marie (film), 8

Jeffries, Jim, 132

Jerome, V. J.

The Negro in Hollywood Films, 257–8

Jesionoswki, Joyce, 13

Jewel Theater, Denver, 247

Jews, 215

Johns Hopkins University, 32–3

Johnson, Andrew, 44, 202

Johnson, Arthur, 67, 70

Johnson, Jack, 132, 145, 219–21

Johnson, Linda Arvidson. See Arvidson, Linda

Johnson, Robert, 160

Johnson, Tom L., 134

Johnston, Joseph E., 180

Johnston, Mary, 179

Jones, Sir William, 209

Jones, Wesley L., 149

Jordan, Michael J., 146

Journal of Commerce (newspaper), 118

Jozajtis, Kris, 13

Judith of Bethulia (film), 64, 73–4, 78, 263, 266

Kagan, Norman, 208

Kalem Company, 85, 181

multireel productions, 114

Kansas City Journal (newspaper), 175

Kaufman, J. B., 13

Kauser, Alice, 48

Keil, Charlie, 13, 284

Kemble, George, 242, 244

Kemble, John M.

The Saxons in England, 211

Kennaday, Paul, 135

Kennedy, Jeremiah J.

Biograph Company and, 69

relations with Griffith, 71, 73–4

Kennedy, John Pendelton, 179

Killiam, Paul, 262

Kinemacolor of America, 53–4

King, Rodney, 10, 277

King, Wilbur, 157

King of Kings (film), 7

Kirkwood, James, 70

Kitchen, Claude, 142

Klaw and Erlanger, 73, 74, 115

Kleine, George, 120

Knight, Arthur, 5, 279

Knights of Pythias, 154

Knox, George L., 224

Koszarski, Richard, 163, 271

Kracauer, Siegfried, 279

Ku Klux Klan

anti-communism and, 254

anti-Klan films, 269

audience cheers, 126, 127

Depression-era decline, 241

Dixon and, 38, 46–7, 201–2

film scenario, 82–3

Griffith’s library and, 192

history versus Birth, 201–4, 203

Justice White and, 112

Laurens riot, 204

musical score and, 107

NAACP fights revival of, 235–41

in North Carolina, 30

portrayal in Birth, 21–5, 194–5

setting and plot, 6

still photos, 23, 25

remake plans and, 261

revival of, 14, 231–5, 235–41, 245

screenings of Birth, 125

uses Birth to recruit, 9, 239, 249

widens scope, 234

Wilson on, 198, 199, 200

Ku Klux Klan—Its Origins, Growth and Disbandment (Lester and Wilson), 192

Lady in the Dark (film), 269

Lady of the Pavements (film), 267

Laemmle, Carl, 71, 163

Lang, Robert, 12, 16, 103, 188, 205

Langum, David J., 220

Lasky. See Famous Players-Lasky

The Last Temptation of Christ (film), 8

Lawrence, Florence, 70, 71

Lea, Homer, 213

Leab, Dan, 163

Leach, George E., 238

League for Political Education, 133

LeBlanc, Paul, 122

Lee, General Robert E.

dappled gray horse of, 99

historical reference, 174, 175, 176

portrayal of, 19, 20, 88

surrender of, 58, 96, 176, 178, 189

Lee, Jennie, 85

Legion of Decency, 7

Lejeune, Caroline, 5

Leonard, Marion, 70

The Leopard’s Spots (Dixon), 37–42, 79, 82

Lerner, Neil, 11–12

Lester, J. C.

Ku Klux Klan—Its Origins, Growth and Disbandment (with Wilson), 192

Levenson, Joseph, 239–40

Lewis, Ralph, 85, 274

Lewis, William, 146, 150

Liberty Theater, New York City, 115

audience figures, 125

bars black attendance, 140

Dixon’s Fall of a Nation, 269

NAACP campaign, 135, 139

ticket prices, 121

Liberty Theatre, New York city, 117–18

The Life of George Washington (film), 72

The Life of Moses (film), 72

The Life of Napoleon (film), 72

Lincoln, Abraham

assassination of, 95–6, 96, 103, 188, 189–90, 190

in Dixon’s novel, 44

Griffith plays onstage, 63

Henabery’s role as, 88

historical reference, 174–6

Kentucky and, 57–8

legend of, 186–90, 208

from Lost Cause viewpoint, 183–4

and Mrs. Stowe, 36

political argument of, 184–5

portrayal in film, 19–20, 82, 188–90

Lincoln, Elmo, 274

Lincoln’s Dream (film). See The Birth of a Race

Lippmann, Walter, 234

The Little Tease (film), 73

Lloyd George, David, 264

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 212

Loeb, Jacques, 138

London, Jack, 213

London Life (play), 63

The Lonedale Operator (film), 77

The Lonely Villa (film), 77

Long, Walter, 23, 87, 274

Lord, Daniel, 7

Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 277–8

Loud, Joseph P., 142, 144, 147, 148, 165

Loud, Mary Hallowell, 165

The Love Complex (Dixon), 269

The Love Flower (film), 265

Lustman, Charlie, 277

Lynch, John R., 206

Lynchings. See violence and unrest

Lyon, Esther, 62

Lyons, Charles, 8

McAfee, Colonel Lee Roy, 29, 30, 201

McCall, Samuel W., 148

McCarthy, Joseph J., 120

Boston campaign, 149

defends Birth, 141–2

historical sources, 175, 192

injunction against Chicago, 152

publicity campaign, 116–18, 122, 123

McClennon, Dr. James J., 248

McClure, Sam, 187

McClure’s Magazine, 187

MacCullough (Campbell) Players, 53–4

McCutcheon, George, 66, 67

McCutcheon, Wallace, 76

McDaniel, Matthew, 10

MacDowell, Melbourne, 64

McGruder, Aaron, 278

McGuire, W. D., 134, 136

McKelway, Alexander J., 219

McKinley, William, 180

Majestic Film Company, 78

turns down The Clansman, 80, 98

The Man in Gray: A Romance of North and South (Dixon), 269

A Man of the People: A drama of Abraham Lincoln (Dixon), 269

The Man Who Knew Lincoln (film), 188

Mann Act, 220–1

Mann, Alexander, 142

Manners, Lady Diana, 264

Manning, A. E., 224

Man’s Genesis (film), 85

Mantle, Burns, 117

The Mark of the Beast (film), 269, 270

Marks, Martin, 107, 108

Marlowe, Julia, 61

Marsh, Mae, 18, 70, 83, 266, 273–4

cast in Birth, 85

Marsh, Marguerite, 85

Martin, Bob, 194

Marvin, Arthur, 67

Marvin, Henry, 69, 71, 73–4

Marx, Karl, 254

The Massacre (film), 72–3, 74

Mayer, David, 13

Mayer, Louis B., 118, 119

Meffert Stock Company, 62–3

Méliès, George, 75

Mellett, Lowell, 249

Men and Women (Belasco), 62

Merritt, Russell, 12, 114, 202

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 271

Micheaux, Oscar

Within Our Gates, 11, 12

Midnight Express (film), 8

Miller, Maude Murray, 156

Miller, Paul D. (DJ Spooky), 277

Milliken, Carl E., 243, 248, 258, 260

A Million and One Nights (Ramsaye), 5

Les Misérables (film), 72

Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 174

Mitchell, Alice Miller, 251

Mitchell, John Purroy, 104, 120, 136, 138–9

historical truth, 175

publicity campaign, 122, 123

Mitchell, Margaret

Gone With the Wind, 9, 259

Mitchell, Theodore, 115–18

Mitry, Jean, 5, 94, 279

Mme. Sans-Gêne (film), 106

Money Train (film), 8

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat

De l’esprit des lois, 211

Montgomery Advertiser (newspaper), 51

Monty Python’s Life of Brian (film), 8

Moore, Fred R., 137, 138, 237

Moore, Hammond, 162

Moore, Michael

Bowling for Columbine, 262–3

Moore, Owen, 70, 78

The Mother and the Law (film), 263

Motion Picture News (magazine), 278

Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC), 53, 69–70

Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), 7, 239, 248

remake plans, 258, 259–61

See also Hays, Will; Production Code

Motley, John Lothrop, 211

Mottelay, Paul F.

The Soldier in Our Civil War (with Campbell-Copeland), 177

The Moving Picture World, 117, 181

Müller, Max, 210

Munsey, Frank, 187

Münsterberg, Hugo, 251

Museum of Modern Art, 256, 257


editing, 102, 103

orchestra at premiere, 15–16

performance of, 4, 114, 124

score for Birth, 107–9

use in films, 105–7

The Music Master (film), 67

The Musketeers of Pig Alley (film), 68

Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio, 132–3, 173

The Mystery of Morrow’s Rest (film), 156

Nation Aflame (film), 269

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 14

ability to campaign, 131–4

ACLU confrontation, 247–8

on Birth’s effect, 250

Boston campaign, 141–50, 237–8

Chicago campaign, 150–3

early protest against Birth, 6

fight against revived Klan, 235–41

film to counter Birth, 162–8

growth and change of, 169

Kansas campaign, 157–8, 168, 240–1

later wartime context, 227–30

Los Angeles campaign, 15, 113, 129–31

New York campaign, 113, 136–40, 235–7, 239–40

Ohio campaign, 156–7, 168, 228

other local campaigns, 158–60

papers on Birth, 13

Payne studies and, 252–3

Pennsylvania campaign, 153–5

power struggles within, 168

present day worries about Birth, 277

remake worries, 258–62

rivalries and, 224

sound version of Birth, 243–9

southern states campaign, 160–2, 228, 229

substance over style, 284, 285

sum of campaign efforts, 168–70

tensions over censorship, 133

National Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures, 6

approves Birth, 129, 130–1

on Birth’s qualities, 279

cheers Griffith, 136

creation of, 70

NAACP case against Birth, 134–6

New York City campaign, 137–8

sum of NAACP efforts, 168

National Business League, 223

National Committee for Study of Social Values in Motion Pictures, 251

National Council of Women, 260

National Equal Rights League, 238

National Negro Business League, 166

National Press Club, 112

Natural Born Killers (film), 8

The Negro in Hollywood Films (Jerome), 257–8

Negro National Business League, 144–5

Nelson, Robert J., 230

Neptune’s Daughter (film), 123

Nerney, May Childs, 133

alternate film project, 164–6

Chicago campaign, 151, 152, 153

dismayed by Boston opening, 145

on financial inducements, 157

on Griffith, 152

on harm of Birth, 160, 164, 250

LA campaign against Birth, 134–6

local campaigns, 158

on New York City campaign, 139–40

Pennsylvania campaign, 156

resignation of, 168

southern states, 160

sums up campaign effort, 168

“A New Institution” (Tourgée), 194

The New Republic, 138

New York City Theater Owners’ Association, 240

New York Commercial (newspaper), 117

New York Dramatic Mirror (newspaper), 106

The New York Dramatic Mirror (newspaper), 74–5, 77

New York Press (newspaper), 118

New York Times (newspaper), 117

News and Courier (newspaper), 51

Nichols, Dudley, 261

nickelodeons, 4, 250

mass market audiences, 113–14, 125

Nicolay, John G., 184, 186–7

The Nigger/The Mystery of Morrow’s Rest (film), 156

Noble, Peter, 190–1, 254–5, 256–7

on Birth’s racism, 282

Nolan, Alan T., 180

Nordau, Max, 41

The Northern Schoolteacher (film), 231–2

Nowell, Virginia, 259

Odets, Clifford, 257

Oglesby, Becky, 60

Oglesby, Mary. See Griffith, Mary

Old Isaacs the Pawnbroker (film), 67

The Old Soldier’s Story (film), 181

O’Meara, Stephen, 146

One Exciting Night (film), 266

One Flag at Last (film), 188

The One Woman (Dixon), 42–3

filmed by Dixon, 269

play version, 52, 65

O’Neill, Nance, 64, 73

Oppenheimer, Harry C., 166

Ormont Theater, Orange, 247

Orphans of the Storm (film), 266, 274

Osborne, James M., 136

Our American Cousin (Taylor), 189

Our Movie-Made Children (Forman), 251–2

Ovington, Mary White, 133, 142, 165

Page, Thomas Nelson, 179

Page, Walter Hines, 33, 37

Pallette, Eugene, 218, 274–5

Parker, Theodore, 212

Parkhurst, Rev. Dr. Charles H., 142, 205

Parkman, Francis, 211

Parsons, Louella, 259

The Passing of a Great Race (Grant), 213

Payne, John Howard, 79

Payne Fund Studies, 14

audience reaction to Birth, 9

film’s social effects, 251–3

Peabody, George Foster, 142, 149

Pearson, Roberta E., 76

People’s Institute, 134

Pershing, John J., 227

Peters, Andrew J., 237

Peterson, Ruth C., 252, 253

Phagan, Mary, 232, 233

Phillips, Ulrich B., 206

Pickford, Mary, 70, 78, 85, 265

Pike, James S.

The Prostrate State, 192, 195–8

Pillsbury, Albert E., 150

Pippa Passes (film), 75

Platt, David, 254

Platt, Harry, 255

Playing the Race Card (Williams), 12

Plessy v. Ferguson, 214

Poe, Edgar Allan, 79

Populist Party, 40

Porter, Edwin S., 75, 76, 77

Porter, George D., 154–5

Potamkin, Harry, 255

Pott, August F., 210

Powell, Dilys, 4–5

Prescott, William H., 211

The Prescript of the Ku Klux Klan (Fleming), 192

The Princess in the Vase (film), 67

Prisoner of Zenda (play), 64

Proctor, George D., 4–5, 278

Production Code, 7–8, 260

The Program (film), 8

Progressive Labor Party, 9

prohibition, 219

The Prostrate State: South Carolina under Negro Government (Pike), 192, 195–8

Pryor, Sara, 179

Queen Elizabeth (film), 6, 73, 106, 108

Quo Vadis (film), 73, 78, 120

race and racism

the anti-communist argument, 254–8

Aryans and Anglo-Saxons, 209–113, 216–17

Atlanta race riot (1906), 52

audience reactions, 249–53

in Birth, 281–5

black actors in Birth, 13

Boston unrest, 146–7

building solidarity, 150

changing demography, 159

construction of whiteness, 209

continuing unease about Birth, 277–8

deleted scenes, 104

Dixon’s beliefs, 38–9, 41–2

early reports of Birth, 113

ethnic groups in films, 8

Europeans, 215–16

flight to Liberia, 204

Griffith’s own beliefs, 80, 191, 254–5, 281

grounds for banning Birth, 130

growth and change of activism, 169–70

Hampton epilogue, 145, 153, 224–5

Hollywood’s bias, 253

lack of black solidarity, 140

miscegenation issue, 7, 216–22, 234

myth of widespread rape, 203

Oriental immigrants, 214–15

perceived hierarchies, 212–13

populations and, 149–50

portrayal of in Birth, 21–5

protests against Birth, 6–11, 9

recent scholarship, 11–12

reception of play, 51–2

Reconstruction era, 29–31

segregation/Jim Crow laws, 213–14

Southern thought, 40

stereotyped roles, 7, 132, 163

style-substance dichotomy, 283–4

U.S. school desegregation, 9

wartime context of, 227–30

wartime solidarity, 249

white Americans’ fears, 213–16

See also National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Raleigh Hotel, Washington D.C., 112

Ramona (film), 64, 75

Ramsaye, Terry

A Million and One Nights, 5

Ramsdell, Charles W., 191

Ranger, Mae B., 98

Ranke, Leopold von, 173

Ransier, Alonzo J., 174

Rappe, Virginia, 231

Reception. See audiences; film criticism; film reviews

Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 1865–1877 (Dunning), 191

Reconstruction era

Birth’s bias, 204–6

Dixon and, 29–31, 38–9, 44–7

Du Bois defends, 206

end of, 179–80

fear of freed slaves, 213–14

Griffith’s historical sources, 190–200

Lincoln and, 189

portrayal in Birth, 21–5

Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1865–1877 (Reynolds), 192

Reddick, Lawrence, 235, 253, 282

Reed, Willis E., 228

Regent Theater, New York, 4

Regier, Cornelius, 187

La Régle du jeu (film), 8

Reid, Wallace, 273

Reliance-Majestic, 78


Dixon’s career in, 33–5

protests against films, 8

Renoir, Jean, 268

La Régle du jeu, 8

The Reprieve (film), 188

Rescued from the Eagle’s Nest (film), 67

Rettig, Adolph J., 247

Returning the Gaze (Everett), 12

Reynolds, John S.

Reconstruction in South Carolina, 192

Rhodes, James Ford, 141

Riefenstahl, Leni, 10

Triumph of the Will, 8

The Rise of the American Film (Jacobs), 5, 255, 256

Risley, Ned, 62

Robinson, Cedric J., 216

Rocchio, Vincent F., 12

Rockefeller, John D., 34

Rockefeller Foundation, 246

Roediger, David, 209

Rogin, Michael, 11–12, 173, 208, 279

style-substance dichotomy, 284

Rohauer, Raymond, 262

A Romance of Happy Valley (film), 264, 273

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 270

Roosevelt, Theodore, 35, 212, 213, 215

The Root of Evil (Dixon), 52

The Rose of Kentucky (film), 201, 231

Rosen, Marjorie, 5–6

Rosenwald, Julius, 165

Ross, Edward A., 213

Rothapfel, S. F., 235

Rothman, William, 280

Russell, Sylvester, 132

Ryan, Phil A., 261

Sadoul, Georges, 5, 279, 280

St John, Adela Rogers, 97

Saint-Saëns, Camille, 106

Sally of the Sawdust (film), 267

Salter, Harry, 66

Sanborn, Frank B., 146

The Sands of Dee (film), 73, 85

Sanford, Walter, 159

Sarris, Andrew, 262

The Saxons in England (Kemble), 211

Saxton, Alexander, 209

Scarface (film), 7, 8

Scarlet Days (film), 264

Schaeffle, Howard, 140

Schenck, Joseph, 267

Schickel, Richard, 11, 59, 66, 71, 77

on Biograph, 69

on editing Birth, 102

on Gish, 85

on Griffith’s later films, 266, 267, 268

on Griffith’s racism, 147, 282–3

Klan and audiences, 224

on NAACP’s legal grounds, 130

on Stern, 256

Schieffelin, William J., 145

Schlegel, Friedrich von, 210

Scholtz, Abe, 101

Schreiber, Belle, 221

Scorsese, Martin

The Last Temptation of Christ, 8

Scott, Emmett J., 166

Scott, Robert K., 204

Scott, Sir Walter, 12

Ivanhoe, 211

The Lady of the Lake, 203

The Sculptor’s Nightmare (film), 67

Selig Films, 75, 77

multireel productions, 114

Selywn Theater, New York City, 239–40

Selznick, David O., 9, 259, 261

Sennett, Mack, 70, 270

Civilization, 166

The Seventh Son (film), 188

sexual morality

audiences in cinemas, 6

censorship, 132, 147

Dixon and, 205

early cinema and, 7

Mayor Curley’s objections, 142, 150

miscegenation issue, 7, 216–22, 234

Shaw, Albert, 32

She Done Him Wrong (film), 7

Sheldon, Edward

The Nigger, 156

Shepard, David, 278

Sherman, Harry, 119

Sherman, General William T., 29, 185

Sherwin, Louis, 117

Shillady, John R., 228

Sholtz, Abe, 71

Short, William H., 251, 252

Shubert Theater, Boston, 237–8

Sieder, Jill Jordan, 10

Siegmann, George, 85, 88, 217

Sight and Sound (journal), 190–1, 254, 256–7

Silva, John, 11

Simmon, Scott, 11, 231, 283

Simmons, William J., 9, 232–5

Simpson, O. J., 10

Sims Act, 132

Sinn, Clarence, 108

Sinnott, Michael (Mack Sennett), 70

The Sins of the Father (Dixon), 52–3

A Siren of Impulse (film), 85

Sklar, Robert, 251


Boston anti-slavery campaign, 141

Dixon and, 27–9, 39–40, 42

errors in Birth, 205, 206

Griffith family and, 59

Lost Cause view, 179, 180, 182, 186, 213

portrayal in Birth, 17

reality of, 184

scenes edited out, 104

Uncle Tom’s Cabin and, 35–6

white women, 220–1

Slide, Anthony, 85, 275

Smith, Alfred E., 241

Smith, George W., 230

Smith, Gladys, 84

Smith, Harry C., 155–6

Smith, James (Jimmy), 71, 101

Smith, Rose, 16, 101

Snuff (film), 8

Snyder, M. P., 238

Social Darwinism, 212

The Soldier in Our Civil War (Mottelay and Campbell-Copeland), 176–7

The Songbird of the North (film), 188

Sorlin, Pierre, 13, 184

The Sorrows of Satan (film), 267

The Souls of Black Folks (Du Bois), 167

Spanish-American War, 40, 207, 212

Spears, Jack, 68, 174

Spielberg, Steven

The Color Purple, 262

Spingarn, Joel E., 135, 138, 167, 168

Spirit of ’76 (film), 272–3

Sproul, William C., 230

Staiger, Janet, 9, 12, 13, 253–4

Stalin, Josef, 254, 256, 257

Standard Union (newspaper), 117

Stanley, Max, 85

Stanton, Edwin M., 44, 45, 82

The Star of Ethiopia (pagent), 167–8

Starfield, Panny, 284

State (newspaper), 51

Stephenson, David C., 241

Stern, Seymour, 13, 103, 104

anti-communist argument, 254–8

Griffith’s library and, 191–2

Sterne, Elaine, 163, 164, 166

Stevens, Thaddeus A., 174, 189, 205

Stewart, R. W., 133

Stone Film Library, 246, 259

Storey, Moorfield, 141, 142, 143

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Dixon responds to, 54

film versions, 53

influence of, 35–7

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 12, 13, 35–8, 41–2

Strand Theater, New York, 4

Stroheim, Erich von, 88, 275

The Struggle (film), 268

Sturges, Preston, 268

Sul-te-Wan, Madame, 87

Sullivan, Lewis J., 147

Sumner, Charles, 17, 21, 88, 174

The Sun (newspaper), 117

The Sun Virgin (Dixon), 270

Sweet, Blanche, 70, 85

Swords and Hearts (film), 68

Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius, 216

History of the Germanic People, 211

Taft, William Howard, 207

Tarbell, Ida M., 187–8

Tarkington, Booth, 116

Taylor, Clyde, 11, 284

Taylor, Sam, 267

Taylor, Stanner E. V., 71

Taylor, Tom

Our American Cousin, 189

Teague, George, 102

A Temporary Truce (film), 72

Ten Eyck, Robert E., 236–7

Testimony Taken by the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 192

Thacher, Thomas C., 149

Thal, Ted, 9, 261

That Royle Girl (film), 267


Civil War melodramas, 177

rivalry with cinema, 4

Thelma (film), 269

Thompson, C. Mildred, 191

Thompson, William H., 151–2

The Three Musketeers (play), 63

Thurstone, L. L., 252, 253

The Toll of the War (film), 188

Totaro, Donato, 284

Tourgée, Albion Winegar, 206

A Fool’s Errand and “The Invisible Empire,” 192–5

trade unions, 254

The Tragic Era (Bowers), 191

The Trail Rider (film), 269

The Traitor (Dixon), 52

Tremont Theater, Boston, 141, 144, 145, 150

Triangle Picture Corporation, 166, 270–1

Triumph of the Will (film), 8

Trotter, William Monroe, 144, 238

Boston campaign, 141, 145–7, 149, 228

True Heart Susie (film), 264

Truman, Harry S, 255

Tulley, Judge, 237

Tumulty, Joseph P., 149

Turner, George Kibbe, 220

Turner, Nat, 213

Turner, Sharon

History of the Anglo-Saxons, 211

Turner Classic Movie Channel, 10

Tuskegee Institute, 144, 151

alternate film project and, 164, 165

Twilight Revellers, 62

Tyler, Elizabeth, 235

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 12, 13

Dixon responds to, 35–8, 41–2, 54

film versions, 53, 124

play version, 47–8

Underhill, John G., 165

United Artists, 265

United Daughters of the Confederacy, 179

United States

Cold War attitudes, 255–8

context of nationhood, 206–16

cultural diversity, 207–8

desegregation of schools, 9

government offices view Birth, 3

historical aspects in Birth, 14

migration and immigration, 214–15

party politics, 40–1

racial legislation, 131–2

setting and plot of Birth, 6

social change, 159–60

Southern thought on race, 40

wartime solidarity, 227–30

Washington screenings of Birth, 111–13

See also Civil War; Reconstruction

Universal Films, 265

film to challenge Birth, 163–4

An Unseen Enemy (film), 84

Up From Slavery (Washington), 166

Usai, Paolo Cherchi, 13

Vance, Mark, 4–5, 278

Variety (newspaper), 118, 278

vaudeville, 114

Velez, Lupe, 267

Vesey, Denmark, 213

Villa, Francisco (Pancho), 227

Villard, Oswald Garrison, 137, 140, 168

violence and unrest

in Boston, 146–7

Laurens riot, 204

objection to film portrayal, 8

in Philadelphia, 154, 155

postwar riots, 231

resulting from Birth, 160, 161, 249–51, 278

war in Birth, 208–9

See also Ku Klux Klan

Vitagraph Company, 72, 77, 106, 114

Waco Herald (newspaper), 176

Wade, Wyn Craig, 232, 233

Wagenknecht, Edward, 75

Wagner, Richard, 107–8

Wake Forest College, 31–2, 34, 39

Wald, Lillian, 136–7

Walker, William, 223

Walling, William English, 165

Walsh, David I., 146, 148

Walsh, Raoul, 88, 275

as Booth, 96, 174

on shooting Birth, 92

Walthall, Henry B., 19, 70, 101, 181, 274, 279

cast in Birth, 83

Walton, Lester, 132, 140, 237

Wark Productions, 264

The Warriors (film), 8

Wars of the Primal Tribes (film), 74

Washington, Booker T., 42, 138, 139, 144, 146, 151

alternate film and, 165, 166

death of, 169

factions and rivalries, 224

Up From Slavery, 166

Washington, Geraldine, 277

Watson, Tom, 232

Way Down East (film), 265, 266, 274

Weber, Carl Maria von, 107

Webster, Daniel, 209

Weinberg, Herman G., 279

The Welcome Burglar (film), 76

What Drink Did (film), 219

Wheeler, General Joe, 58

When Knights Were Bold (film), 67

When Lincoln Was President (film), 188

Where Men Are Men (film), 269

White, Justice Edward D., 112, 149

White, Mimi, 174

White, Walter F., 231, 235, 239, 240–1, 245

ACLU and, 247–8

against remake, 259, 260

on reaction to play, 52

on sound version, 243

The White Caps (film), 231

The White Rose (film), 266, 273

Wibecan, George E., 137

Wilkins, Roy, 261

Willard, Jess, 220

Williams, Charles B., 156

Williams, Linda, 13, 177

Playing the Race Card, 12

race and national identity, 222

Williams, Martin, 11

Williamson, Joel, 40

Willis, Frank B., 156, 157

Wilson, Butler R., 146, 150

Wilson, D. L.

Ku Klux Klan (with Lester), 192

Wilson, Ellen Axon, 111

Wilson, R. Butler, 237, 238

Wilson, Tom, 87

Wilson, Woodrow, 141

Anglo-Saxonism, 211

association with Dixon, 32–3, 149

commutes Goldstein’s sentence, 273

Dixon’s praise of, 34

A History of the American People, 21, 175, 192, 198–200

named as film’s supporter, 142

photograph of, 112

Southern origins, 207

views Birth at the White House, 111

Wimpenny, O., 98

Winchell, Walter, 260, 261

The Wind (film), 274

Windows (film), 8

Wing Toy (film), 269

Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 137

Within Our Gates (film), 11, 12


black characters in Birth, 223

miscegenation issue, 216–22

suffrage, 236

Woods, Frank E., 71, 79, 81, 104

Woods, Robert, 88

World War I, 208

Goldstein’s trial, 272–3

national solidarity and race, 227–30

Wortman, Frank (Huck), 90–1, 177

Yacowar, Maurice, 224, 281–2

The Yaqui Cur (film)

Year of the Dragon (film), 8

Young Men’s Hebrew Association, 245

Zakham (film), 8

Zemeckis, Robert

Forrest Gump, 263

Zittel, C. F., 117, 204–5

Zukor, Adolph, 73, 78, 265

Griffith signs with, 264, 267

merger with Triangle, 271

Queen Elizabeth, 106