W e wish to speak to you today about life purpose and ascension. Many humans struggle between finding their life purpose and staying in patterns that feel comfortable and familiar. We honor and recognize the importance of familiarity in making humans feel safe and comfortable. The changing conditions in which you live are not familiar to many of you, and yet you may find a sense of familiarity by gathering with others who share your experiences in one manner or another. We have spoken for some time about the power of your thoughts in creating reality. In Lemuria when human beings were less complicated and more developed, humans had a greater understanding of the importance of being careful with what was thought or spoken. Simplicity and directness of thought are invaluable. Convoluted, complicated thoughts create convoluted, complicated reality. What we are trying to teach you is the importance of understanding the concept of “simple and deep.” The world around you holds much complexity because of so many complicated human thought forms. These world complexities tire humans physically, for they require you to think in many directions at once. There is no help for it but to do one thing at a time, continually allowing time for rest and regeneration, and not allowing all thoughts to impact you at once. The power of your thought is still unrecognized by most of humanity. Many of those who intellectually understand this concept are not adept at employing it because of rampant, constant thought activity and unmanaged emotions. If you wish to understand your life purpose, you must rid yourselves of complexities and move towards being simple and deep.

When many humans work together with focused thoughts for a simple intent, it is easier to generate the intentional reality you wish to create. Pia and Cullen’s purpose at this time is not only to bring our communication forward and act as intermediaries for interdimensional communication, but also to focus your thought patterns for manifestation and to share with others how to manifest through intentional thought. It is of more value if there are many rather than few practicing intentional thought. By example, if you have a car engine with only one spark plug, the spark can try to manifest making the engine move, but try as it might, the engine will not move. If you join the spark plug with other spark plugs, every one in its own place attached to the intent of movement, each plug jumps as it needs to, the engine begins, and movement occurs. You manifest the reality of moving through space. In the same way, if you join with other Light beings who share the similar purpose of elevating humanity and understand the power of manifestation through intentional thought, you may move the things which challenge you, the things which tire you out, the things which throw you out of balance, and the things which keep you stressed. You may at this point actually manifest the world you know is possible. This is your life purpose. You will benefit through connection with those who have similar interests at heart.

Know that there are negative energies present on Earth at this time that understand the power of thought for manifestation, and they seek to manipulate a future opposite from what you wish, through spreading fear and confusion. They focus thought forms to generate more and more fear, causing further separation and complexity. You must, must realize the importance of banding together with others who are Light beings to focus on learning how to manifest your reality through intentional thought. It is imperative for the ascension of Earth and Her humans for both to make the necessary changes to ascend together. Humanity has a unified life purpose: the evolution of humanity that returns you to your divine state of Love. There are three goals on which you and other humans who wish to assist in the evolution of humanity may focus:

NUMBER 1 ~ Learn how to manifest the reality that aligns with divinity. Increase your power by joining with like-minded light beings who have the same focused intent to help humanity align with divinity. Become what is possible.

NUMBER 2 ~ Foster communication between helpers such as us and others who wish to share in helping humanity align with divinity to evolve.

NUMBER 3 ~ Be a counterbalance to those who control through negative thought forms of fear and separation. Show how fear is counterproductive to what humanity wishes to create.

Each human may ask his own High Self angel to define additional specific life purpose goals. You and Pia have an additional life purpose that is specific to you: you are to act as Ambassadors to our Pleiadian group, fostering communication between us and all humans who wish to hear how they may be part of the evolution of humanity.

This life purpose is excellent. In this work we are always filled with more Light, and we always know we are doing the work intended for us here. It is good to invite other humans to share the life purpose of the evolution of humanity.

Excellent. Notice the beautiful song of the bird outside.

We have been listening. One of the benefits of living on Earth as a human is to enjoy that kind of experience; it lifts us up.

That is a very joyous Earth creature. That bird’s complete life purpose is to bring joy into the world. Can you not hear it in its song? Each human must look into her own heart and find her own purpose. It is helpful if individual life purpose goals are combined with the goals we have given you for the evolution of humanity. Combining both individual and larger goals helps to create a sense of overall unity among us all.

We understand that humans feel stressed physically as they experience shifts within the current consensual reality moving towards the universal reality. We understand the emotional discomfort that occurs as humans work to clear out their own shadow fears and beliefs, bringing subconscious awareness to consciousness. It will help you during these changes and challenges if you focus on being uplifted by work with purpose and connection with others who share that purpose. Then issues such as disrupted sleep and imbalanced health become secondary, and by becoming secondary, they heal themselves. Do not withdraw from life because you do not feel well or because you become frustrated. Do not focus on such thoughts. Instead focus your thoughts on your life purpose and find joy in unsuspected places. Each human knows within them how to do this. Thought forms lead the way. Familiarity is not your friend if it keeps you stuck in incorrect beliefs and reactions. Welcome the changes and make changes yourself. Move towards intentional thought and create humanity’s future reality.

Humanity’s future is of interest to many, many, many interdimensional beings who watch as humans awaken and struggle to recognize that they are divine and that they hold the power for creation within them. If you understand the implications of watching such powerful life forms reclaim their divinity, you understand why all of the others are interested in you. If you understand that , you understand why those who do not come from Love seek to stir the pot to further the separation and fear that have caused so much suffering for humanity for so long. Looking at those opposite polarities, it is clear to see the necessity and the importance of moving forward to join with others such as yourselves, learning together how to create the reality you are destined for as divine beings. While we speak of duality and those who promote separation, know that as time collapses duality will cease and you will move towards unity in Love. Do your part. Live your life purpose.

We would like to speak now about the process of ascension. Ascension may take two forms, but with the exception of a few examples that you call “masters,” most humans hold the belief system that they will leave their bodies as their spirits ascend. There is another form of ascension, as we recently mentioned: that of merging the etheric and physical bodies together. Because most humans do not understand how to make this bridge between etheric and physical while in physical bodies, many souls on this planet will ascend through death, leaving the physical body and re-entering the karmic wheel again for another lifetime. Death is a form of ascension. However, death is neither necessary nor appropriate for those such as the two of you, nor for others who wish to ascend with the physical body.

Yes, we hear your concerns and questions about taking the physical body with you, with its pain and its imbalances, and the tiredness that has accumulated through living on Earth. We hear that concern in the back of your mind. However, we tell you, your physical forms are not necessarily as limited as you think. When it is matched with the etheric body, your physical body can do things you would assume are miracles. You would see the physical body be able to do many things that are only now possible in etheric form. Yet humans do not understand this concept because their thoughts are based in duality. Most humans still separate the reality of the physical body from the reality of the etheric body; most of your species view death as necessary and a natural part of that cycle. That is no longer true. You may choose your way of ascension now according to your thoughts and your beliefs. If you believe you are going to die, you will. It is your choice , and most choices are made from misunderstandings about how to honor and care for the physical body and misunderstandings based on beliefs held in consensual reality. As humans learn to listen to and honor their bodies’ requests, merge their etheric and physical together, and use intentional thoughts, the process of ascension may include taking both the etheric and physical bodies together to the next stage of your evolution.

Each human will ascend. Whether you choose to do it through death as the masses do, realigning with the karmic wheel, or whether you choose to do as we have suggested by merging your etheric and physical bodies together, is your choice. To choose the second path, you must nurture your body and feed it much Light. This does not mean you should not allow darkness to surface when necessary, for this is part of the process. However, do not get stuck in the darkness. Instead focus on allowing the darkness to be illuminated by the Light that you carry. If you cannot find the Light within yourself, find it outside for the moment and be grateful for something of beauty in Nature. The more you shine lightness into your physical body, the more you attain a chance of taking your physical body with you, which is the desired procedure for those who wish to participate in the evolution of humanity. Do not believe diagnoses of illness. Do not believe diagnoses that define you pathologically. Each human can and probably will have periods of being out of balance, needing attention. When this occurs, do not focus on fear-based thoughts of illness and death, for if you do, those thoughts attach you to the physical cycle to which you are accustomed and you will manifest death as your choice. If you choose such thoughts, you choose death. Is this clear? Again and again we caution you to watch your thoughts. Thoughts come from the mental body, which is a sort of bridge between the etheric and the physical.

Understand that your physical vibration must be raised to match your etheric vibration for the merging that allows ascension with the physical body to occur. We have already explained that when your own physical body receives vibrations to which you are unaccustomed, humans sometimes experience disorientation and discomfort or distress. You may also experience the opposite sensations of joy and unity. How quickly you accept and acclimate to these higher vibrations determines how quickly you may raise your physical vibration. Please remember we have agreed to communicate and help each other, and we are deeply engaged with you as you proceed with raising your vibration. When you understand what you experience, you can move through adjustment periods with greater ease and more quickly align yourself with the Light beings that you are. Bring more joy into your vibration. It is the joy vibration that enhances your ability to lighten your physical form, which helps your physical form raise its vibration to match your etheric form. The higher vibration of joy also helps you to communicate without words, and to do many, many other things. We have attempted to explain how emotions power the thoughts that create your reality. Joy is one of the most benevolent and highest energy vibrations to propel you towards places of Love and trust that were familiar to you before you re-entered human form. We wish for you to be able to dwell in joy and trust while in human form, elevating yourselves, others, and the planet for the highest good of all. This will additionally assist the process of merging your etheric and physical together for ascension.

Does a vegetarian diet help prepare humans for an easier time at ascension?

Delightful. Yes. But because humans are accustomed to a denser diet based on meat, if you choose to begin a vegetarian diet, you must make changes slowly, easing yourself into the lighter vibration of vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is a lighter form of eating that prevents the body from overworking to clear out toxins, which helps the physical body become lighter and lighter.

Is there a vibratory difference in a vegetarian diet versus a meat-based diet?

Oh, yes, quite obviously to us, and we know quite obviously to you two as well. You, Cullen, are one of the humans who understood early on the energetic impact of eating flesh, not from a mental conceptual understanding, but from a vibratory understanding. Although you do have compassion for the animals and wish not to eat them, your higher consciousness actually understood the vibratory components and steered you in this direction at a very young age. Most humans come to vegetarianism through an intellectual understanding or from the heart place of compassion for the animals, not from the vibratory understanding, which although not better, is certainly a more developed understanding. As the human body gets lighter because it does not have to process toxic and dense material that it cannot handle through letting go of wastes on a regular basis, the body works better, and the body consciousness is happier with less of a workload. With less workload, the body consciousness can communicate more easily with humans who are willing to listen. The listening is important. The body can tell you what it needs, yet those needs can change as you elevate your physical vibration. As you get lighter and lighter in your body and as you communicate more with your body, you quite naturally are more open to listening to the body’s needs and honoring the body’s requests. The open communication helps your body understand the vibratory changes that raise it to match the etheric body without so much distress. Vegetarianism does help in the ascension process.

Do elderly people in deteriorated bodies have an equal chance of taking their physical bodies with them in the ascension process if they are spiritually evolved enough to understand that process?

Most do not make this choice because their physical bodies are already oriented towards returning to the earth. The physical body will follow the directions given to it, and if it has been ignored or given poor directions (“We are getting sick;” or, “We will die”), it will continue following those directions and may not change course fast enough to ascend without death. Some could, of course, make the choice, and our Lemurian friends and we would assist in regeneration of the form, but it would take great intent and freedom from fear. Regeneration does not occur when fear is in the way. It is deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness of humanity to be afraid of death. So it would depend on the individual elder’s ability to move beyond fear, ask for help, and intend regeneration. Many humans wish to leave the physical form because they experience frustration, challenge, and pain. If you wish to evolve and live into the new reality, you must stay in physical form. We wish you to know or re-remember something inside of you. You volunteered to be in human form at this time of great opening in order to accomplish your life purpose of helping the collective consciousness of humanity evolve. This is another reason we encourage you to honor, respect, and care greatly for your physical forms. We encourage the melding of your physical and etheric bodies to promote the most desirable ascension possible when it is time for that. There is no longer a need to die away from the body in order to ascend.

How do we learn to regenerate the physical form?

Lemurian consciousness knows how to regenerate physical form. Pia has long had the concept that she may age backwards as the mythical character Merlin did. She is right. It is done through accessing memory of vitality retained within one’s consciousness. This method of regeneration is part of the secrets encoded within your DNA. It is also related to understanding how to step out of time. When one understands parallel existence, it is easy to sidestep physical manifestations in one reality and bring more fully functional physical manifestations into your present from what you might call a prior time. Humanity’s biggest impediment to accessing and acting on this knowledge of regeneration is the mental constructs of both individual and collective consciousness. Collective consciousness bears down heavily on your individual consciousness with the word “impossible.” We tell you it is not impossible, and yet it takes great strength of mind to break old mental constructs, beliefs, and fears when one is suffering physically. Additional impediments occur when thoughts are fueled by emotions of despair, hopelessness, frustration, and general lack of belief in abilities. So at this time, most humans keep themselves from even beginning the process of ascending.

Human elders have lived for a longer time under the weight of the collective consciousness of impossibility, and they have lived within time frames where rules were important and needed to be adhered to for social conformity. Therefore it is more difficult for elders to put aside accumulated experience, accumulated beliefs, and accumulated emotional energy that has affected the forms they carry in their elder years. Of course, it is possible for an elder to simply make the leap, understand, and decide to take her body with her, but it is harder for elders to do this because of those things that we have just explained. Additionally, life purpose must be considered. Most elders alive at this time were here for their own specific purposes in the wheel of life, which may not match the life purpose of those who are younger. Yet many humans who are exposed to our conversations now may make the leap, regardless of their age.

There is a reason the two of you and others like you were born in this time, and associated with that reason is the need for you to ascend with your physical bodies. You are rewarded for understanding that your physical body is more than you perceive. Your higher vibratory bodies are necessary vehicles for the work that you will do as time drops away and the new Earth begins life differently. You will need your physical bodies, if you can manage to take them with you. It is still a work you must focus on every day . You must on a daily basis apologize to your bodies and thank them for what they are and how they support you. You must tell them that you did not understand the importance of respecting and taking care of them, and begin to listen to their requests, no matter what you think you need to do. Put the body first for once in your life. If humans wish to ascend with their bodies, it is imperative that they focus on this to combat what they might have begun to manifest through previous erroneous thought patterns and attached emotional clearings that occur through shadow work. The two of you and others like you who are able to do this work are making an evolutionary leap for humanity. It is your opening and your leap of conscious understanding that makes the difference. You are in a position to drop away karmic patterns, to drop away habitual beliefs, to drop away physical and emotional traumas that you have carried lifetime after lifetime, and to create new possibilities with your thoughts.

The only way to ascend with our bodies is to do ample shadow work.

Yes, of course, and direct your thoughts in every moment.

Do humans become taller in the ascension process?

That is correct. We have given you the example of Pia’s creating more space as she more closely matches her etheric and physical bodies.

How else do our bodies change? Will they change in form or vibratory density as we ascend?

Oh, yes! You do not currently have this understanding. Many humans still believe their bodies will remain as they are, broken and painful. It is not true.

Oh, no, I don’t mean that. I mean, will our bodies be of a lighter fabric? Will our bodies actually become more filled with Light and have a higher vibratory sense upon ascension?

Yes, they will. The first thing you will notice is that you will feel taller, and more expanded, for as you stretch into the truth of who you are, places in your physical, mental, and emotional bodies will become more spacious. You will feel larger, taller, and fuller. You will also feel lighter, for much of the density will drop away, and you will feel as if gravity has lessened. It will be an introductory step to zip zip zip. It will be like leaping, or running, in ways that are seemingly impossible in human form today. By example, it will seem as it did to the astronauts who first walked on the surface of the moon; they were able to move about as lighter beings without the constraints of normal gravity. It will be a very joyous stage.

Additionally, you will have less hair coverings, for you will not need those. Hair will become a matter of personal choice for your appearance, not a biological necessity to retain warmth on the head or provide protection, as the hair on your bodies does now. Yes, you will feel much more filled with Light, but that is a feeling sense only, for you carry all of that Light within you now. You are just not aware of the brilliance, or how it shines, or how it feels, because while living in duality, you have equal awareness of the dark. So it is not that you will be more Light-filled, it is that your sensation will feel more Light-filled. We wish to stress this so that you may visualize or imagine the actual amount of Light you carry within you now. As you move towards merging your etheric and physical bodies, the Light will be seen through your eyes more. The Light out of your eyes is an indicator of change in physical form. The Light will be seen from form to form, whether it is human-to-human or Pleiadian to human. Humans who do not ascend with their physical forms may not be able to see the changes that are occurring within you, as you adjust and shift while they sink into old patterns, yet many will note something different about you and not understand what it is they see. To some advanced humans, your physical forms may flicker as though you are here, and then you are not. It might appear as though you are blinking on and off, rather than appearing completely in dense physical form. What they are viewing is the beginning of the ascension process.

It sounds as though we will shuck or leave the limitation of gravity, and it also sounds that we may look more like you, with more Light, no hair, and a different understanding of Light and zip zip zip.

Yes. Although it is a personal choice for humans. We ask you again to please focus on apologizing to your bodies; make a conscious daily practice of asking them what they now need, and how you can elevate their vibration as your own conscious vibration is being elevated. You do not want to leave them behind or treat them as most humans view and treat animals. Most humans feel they have to control their animals without understanding that they are equal life forms. Most humans have a similar view of their bodies. It is time that advanced humans wake up and set the trend for raising the vibration of your bodies as equal partners in the totality of who you are. This is the biggest work for humans once they have surpassed, mastered, and understood the cyclical patterns of emotional outbreaks and emotional clearing and cleansing. Once you have learned to use your emotions to direct necessary changes and to practice intentional thoughts, focus on elevating the consciousness of your physical bodies. Teach your body to talk to you. Teach it to listen to you. Teach it to take directions lovingly as a joint effort. We do not say this will be easy, but we do say it will be rewarding.

Do we drop our emotions when we ascend?

When you ascend, the emotions are not emotions. Emotions are replaced by a state of bliss, peace, calm, and Love, which are not truly emotions. Emotions are human. States of Love, joy, and peace are universal. So yes, you will be able to discern without emotional attachment, and you will drop emotional extremes when you ascend. Remember. Remember. Remember how you felt at times you have experienced peace and joy. Focus on that. Let emotions drop away once they have served their purpose of pointing you in the needed direction of change.

The earth is also expressing changes during Her ascension process. Earth’s transition is not just from changes you see in physical flora and fauna that are occurring, and in some cases, becoming extinct. You may see it in many environmental differences. You must begin to accept that what you see as starkness from human eyes has beauty. Learn to see the etheric form as Earth transforms: the geometric patterns, the colors, the shapes, and the beauty that they hold from a new perspective, rather than being frightened by the differences you will begin to see. If you were out of human form, as we are, and as you were prior to this birth, you would simply be aware of Light, color, movement, and form. But as your physical and etheric forms begin to merge, you will need to feel resonance with and be as easily at home with all types of landscapes that are strange to your human eyes and your other senses. The ascension process offers much possibility for what humans would consider magic when you merge your physical and etheric together. Think of bending space and time, moving the molecular structure in order to intend your physical forms into something other than the way they are currently perceived. This has always been possible. The Lemurians knew this and used this in their healing practice. It is what we have explained to you called regeneration. It is possible for humans to do this regenerative practice, yet most humans allow their belief systems to prevent them from doing what is possible and what they previously misunderstood. Through understanding possibilities for regeneration and constant connection to divinity, even at the microscopic cell level of physical form, humans may learn to merge their etheric and physical for ascension. These understandings cause density to fall away, allowing the physical body to truly become a Light body while still in physical form. Those who are unable to grasp this very challenging concept, which is most, follow the consensual reality of dropping away from physical form, allowing the body to return to the earth, and stepping into etheric form for the next step of the journey at death before they enter the wheel again. Yet many human ascended masters knew how to do what we are teaching you, melding the etheric and the physical together to ascend with the full body. The man you call Jesus was one of these. There are those from the countries of India and China also who have been able to do this. They have made up a very small group in what you call your past. Sri Aurobindo’s companion, known as “Mother,” approached doing this through her understanding of cellular communication. We support all humans who wish to learn to do this in order to ascend with the planet as Earth makes Her changes to exist in a new reality.

Ascension is not an overnight occurrence. It occurs as an ongoing wave . You ascend moment by moment as you are moving through and releasing things that have held you in certain patterns. You move beyond the dense physicality of human form, into a merged form of the etheric and the physical together. As you pay attention to and flow with the changes you make, you spontaneously evolve. All life is spontaneous when you are in the flow. This will continue to unfold, as duality and time cease to exist and Earth makes Her many changes. It is now time for humans to really understand this opportunity in order to become the future of humanity. Remember you agreed to come here at this time to help birth this process. You will be parents to the new humanity.