In the darkened chamber the twelve fathers were gathered about the table, golden goblets before them.
Sitting in the command chair, Father Huber brought the meeting to order.
“Blessings upon us all, brothers,” he said.
“Blessings,” the others murmured, and they all drank deeply.
At the end of the table the deposed Father Raggio was pale and drawn.
Huber said, “With the failure of the Demeter mission, it is plain to you all that I was right to be concerned about Venatora. Unfortunately, this realization came too late. Anthofelia is dead and now we have no replacement at hand. We have to start from square one. Pick a new queen, then begin the long process of training and indoctrination. And it is all the fault of Father Raggio.”
Raggio grew angry. He started to come to his feet, hand going to the dirk at his side. But Father Argon, who sat next to him, placed a hand on his arm.
“Restrain yourself, Brother,” he whispered. “For the sake of all of us.”
Raggio relented and sat back down. He said, “Was Demeter a disaster? Of course it was. But no one could have predicted the extent of the disaster.
“I’ve apologized to you all. I’ve freely relinquished the chair. And I’m more than willing to pay any reasonable fines for my errors. What more do you want of me?”
From the look on Huber’s face there was no doubt that what he wanted was Raggio’s head.
Before he could speak, Jesop broke in, “Fathers, this is no time to grind in blame. Fault has been admitted. Restitution promised.
“The important question before us now, is who will be our next Queen Of The Himmenops? Each of you has a candidates’ list before them. We have all studied the list thoroughly and have discussed the various merits of each candidate.
“Now we must choose—and choose quickly before the Himmenops revolt.”
“They may have already revolted,” Argon said. “The fortress has been shut down and there hasn’t been a whiff of activity, nor has anyone answered our attempts to communicate.
“In short, Fathers, no one has heard one peep from the Himmenops since the Demeter debacle.”
Huber sighed, momentarily defeated. “Very well,” he said. “I call for a vote. Who will we choose for our new queen?”
“In the spirit of unity, peace and reconciliation,” Father Raggio said, “I second the motion.”
But before the vote could begin a great door crashed open.
Light came exploding in, momentarily blinding the Fathers.
Then, through bleary eyes, they saw who had so rudely interrupted their proceedings.
It was Venatora.
She stood before them, battlerifle at ready. Marta and Nalene flanked her, their weapons locked and loaded.
“Hello, boys,” Venatora said.
And opened fire.