Michael had found Gordon Pederson—Senator Crawford’s AA— easier to get along with than he had anticipated. Gordon was open to dining with Nancy, Tyrell, and Michael at a little café on the Hill. Michael had chosen it because he’d found out that Gordon enjoyed the place.
Michael liked what Senator Dalton stood for and felt trusted by her. She genuinely sought his counsel and built him up to staff by deferring to him on those issues that were his bailiwick. He had no plans to leave his job.
Being in intimate discussions with a beautiful woman might be difficult for a heterosexual male. Even he felt her allure at times. His relationship with Nancy was very much the same way. They shared many secrets. He was a male friend she could turn to when things went bad in one of her relationships. Nancy’s big worry each time she fell out of love was that she would wake up, be over forty and single, and panic. She also had constant anxieties about her career. He, Nancy, and Tyrell had shared many a laugh. They had a tight relationship, which is what made Nancy the perfect ally to loosen the tongue of Crawford’s AA.
Michael smiled at that thought.