The next morning, Jerry and I joined Max in the federal district court to see the arraignment of Stanley Horowitz; the pharma PI; the FDA people; United States Senators Majority Whip Hatcher, Appropriations Chairman Clarence, and Finance Chairman Jarvis; along with four senior staff, including the HELP committee’s chief of staff. Tina’s PI, who worked in Horowitz’s firm, was considered a material witness and not present. Tom Kelly was named in absentia.
Kelly had stated in his open letter that Horowitz ordered the killings of Stroble and Sherman Rogers. I wondered if he really knew that.
The prosecutor charged, “. . . Mr. Horowitz of going far beyond lawful lobbying practices, of influence-peddling, mail fraud, bribery, and conspiracy to murder.” There were too many charges against the pharmas, and the judge would not grant bail to Mr. Horowitz. The defense team put up a fierce argument. They were rebuffed by the judge, who added the caveat that Horowitz was a major flight risk. He’d sort out the bail on the others.
The prosecutor then went on to name and charge all the others. They all pleaded not guilty, and bail was eventually set for them. Prosecutors and the judge were aware of local charges pending on the pharmas, and when the judge rapped his gavel, MPD officers arrested Horowitz and the PI for murder and marched them over to district court.
I learned later that at about the same time we were at the courthouse, another activity was taking place on Capitol Hill. Harold Raines was elected majority leader of his caucus. Gavin Crawford became chairman of HELP, replacing the interim chair, and immediately hired Nancy Morris as HELP’s new chief of staff.
Raines put out a statement. “The public trust has been dealt a devastating blow. The United States Senate will cooperate fully with the Justice Department. Along with Minority Leader Olin Davis, we will seek a sweeping reform on lobbying. We are determined to bring forth legislation that will ban special-interest money, gifts, food, booze, partying, trips, and more. Senators and representatives are elected and staff is hired to represent all Americans. We are not sent here to party with those who bring business before us. It is our moral duty to rid Congress of this debauchery and lascivious living and to concentrate on serving the people.”