- abstractions, for hiding complexity, Hide Complexity
- administrative assistants, Seek Powerful Friends
- adult behavior, The Ideal Employee Experience
- aggressive cultures, Culture and People
- aggressive people, Culture and People
- Agile, Efficient Meetings
- air cover, for your team, Other Tips and Tricks
- Anna Karenina principle, How Things Usually Are
- antipatterns, leadership
- Apache Software Foundation (ASF), Introduction, Work with Industry Analysts Respectfully
- Apple, Hide Complexity
- Apple TV, Choose Your Audience
- application speed, Speed Matters
- Art of Readable Code, The (Boswell), Code Comments
- asynchronous communication, Communication Patterns of Successful Cultures
- attribution, Putting Your Name on Your Work-Putting Your Name on Your Work
- audience, software, Choose Your Audience
- authorship, of code, Putting Your Name on Your Work-Putting Your Name on Your Work
- average companies, How Things Usually Are-The Bad Organization
- bad companies (see average companies)
- bad habits, eliminating, If You Can’t Take the Path, Make the Path
- bad managers, The Bad Manager-The Bad Manager
- bad organizations, The Bad Organization-The Bad Organization, Plan B: Get Out-Plan B: Get Out
- barriers to entry
- Bell Labs, The Genius Myth
- BigTable, Introduction
- Boswell, Dustin, Code Comments
- bug trackers, Using an Issue Tracker
- bullet points, in email, How to Ask a Busy Executive for Anything…via Email
- bus factor, Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- Cain, Susan, Culture and People
- calm cultures, Culture and People
- calm leadership, Be a Zen Master-Be a Zen Master
- calmness, when dealing with poisonous people, Look for Facts in the Bile
- catalyst, leader as, Be a Catalyst-Be a Catalyst
- celebrity, The Genius Myth
- chain of command, The Bad Manager
- chain of gears, org chart as, Be a Zen Master
- chaos, Other Tips and Tricks
- chat, online, Online Chat-Online Chat
- children, treating team like, Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children
- Chromecast, Choose Your Audience
- Clance, Pauline Rose, Other Tips and Tricks
- code comments, Code Comments
- code reviews, Require Code Reviews for Every Commit
- collaboration, dangers of avoiding, Hiding Is Considered Harmful-Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- command and control, The Bad Organization
- commits, code reviews for, Require Code Reviews for Every Commit
- communication, It Really Is About Your Product, After All
- and design docs, Design Docs
- and mission statements, The Mission Statement—No, Really-The Mission Statement—No, Really
- and test/release processes, Have Real Test and Release Processes
- as part of engineering, Communication as Part of Engineering-Have Real Test and Release Processes
- bad managers and, The Bad Manager-The Bad Manager
- code comments, Code Comments
- confusing, Immature or Confusing Communication
- day-to-day discussions, Day-to-Day Discussions-Online Chat
- efficient meetings, Efficient Meetings-Efficient Meetings
- face-to-face, Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team
- for geographically challenged teams, Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team-Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team
- high-level synchronization, High-Level Synchronization-Design Docs
- immature, Immature or Confusing Communication
- in successful cultures, Communication Patterns of Successful Cultures, Communication Patterns of Successful Cultures-Online Chat
- issue trackers, Using an Issue Tracker
- mailing lists for, Mailing Lists
- online chat for, Online Chat-Online Chat
- putting your name on work, Putting Your Name on Your Work-Putting Your Name on Your Work
- synchronous vs. asynchronous, Communication Patterns of Successful Cultures
- with users, Managing Your Relationship with Users
- companies
- complexity, software, Hide Complexity-Hide Complexity
- compliment sandwich, Be Honest
- confusing communication, Immature or Confusing Communication
- connectors, Seek Powerful Friends
- consensus building, Be a Catalyst
- consensus-based team, Culture and People
- constructive criticism, Learn to Both Deal Out and Handle Criticism, Culture and People, Be Honest
- corporations, ideal (see ideal companies)
- Coughran, Bill, Introduction
- credit for ideas, If You Can’t Take the Path, Make the Path
- criticism
- cultivating culture, Why Should You Care?
- culture
- customer service, Managing Your Relationship with Users, Remember the Users
- daily standups (standing meetings), Efficient Meetings
- data, exporting, Hide Complexity
- day-to-day discussions, Day-to-Day Discussions-Online Chat
- defensive work, Learn to Manage Upward
- delegation, Other Tips and Tricks
- delight, Create Trust and Delight
- design, Remember the Users
- design by committee, The Bad Organization
- design docs, Design Docs
- discussions, day-to-day, Day-to-Day Discussions-Online Chat
- disrespect, Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children
- distractions, Focus on the Long Term
- distributed teams, Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team-Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team
- Drive (Pink), Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
- face-to-face communication, Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team
- facts, when dealing with poisonous people, Look for Facts in the Bile
- failure
- favor economy, Luck and the Favor Economy, Your Political Bank Account
- fear of failure
- feedback
- feedback loops, Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- first impressions, Pay Attention to First Impressions
- first-time users, Consider Barrier to Entry
- focus, Identifying the Threat
- forgiveness, permission vs., “It’s Easier to Ask for Forgiveness Than Permission”6
- Foucher, Trevor, Code Comments
- Free Software Foundation, The Genius Myth
- friendships
- Gates, Bill, The Genius Myth, The Genius Myth
- genius myth, The Genius Myth-The Genius Myth
- geographically challenged teams, Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team-Working in a “Geographically Challenged” Team
- giving up, as strategy, Know When to Give Up
- goals, setting clear, Set Clear Goals
- Google C++ Style Guide, Code Comments
- Google Code, Introduction
- Google Glass, Fail Fast and Iterate
- Google Maps, Speed Matters
- Google Project Hosting service, Help Me Hide My Code, Entitlement
- Google Search, Hide Complexity, Be Patient
- Google Web Toolkit (GWT), The Mission Statement—No, Really
- Google X, Fail Fast and Iterate
- Google, celebration of holidays by, Create Trust and Delight
- Graham, Paul, Efficient Meetings
- habits, bad, If You Can’t Take the Path, Make the Path
- Hamming, Richard, The Three Pillars
- Hanlon, Robert J., A Final Thought
- happiness, tracking, Track Happiness-Track Happiness
- hiding the complexity, Hide Complexity-Hide Complexity
- hiding, harmfulness of, Hiding Is Considered Harmful-Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- hierarchy, The Bad Organization
- high-level synchronization, High-Level Synchronization-Design Docs
- hiring, compromised standards for, Antipattern: Compromise the Hiring Bar
- honesty, leadership and, Be Honest
- hope, limitations of, Antipattern: Ignore Low Performers
- Hopper, Grace Murray, “It’s Easier to Ask for Forgiveness Than Permission”6
- HRT (humility, respect, trust)
- Hudson, Greg, Focus on the Long Term
- human issues, ignoring, Antipattern: Ignore Human Issues
- humility
- ideal companies, How Things Ought to Be-The Ideal Employee Experience
- ideas, getting others to accept, If You Can’t Take the Path, Make the Path
- idol worship, The Genius Myth
- ignorance, malice vs., A Final Thought
- immature communication, Immature or Confusing Communication
- imposter phenomenon, Other Tips and Tricks
- Industrial Revolution, Manager Is a Four-Letter Word
- industry analysts, Work with Industry Analysts Respectfully
- influence, openness to, Be Open to Influence-Be Open to Influence
- insecurity of programmers, Help Me Hide My Code-Help Me Hide My Code
- integrity, lapses in, Create Trust and Delight
- intelligence, respect for users, Respect Users’ Intelligence
- Internet, consumer choice and, Design Matters
- interviews, Why Should You Care?
- intrinsic motivation, Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
- IRC (Internet Relay Chat), Online Chat
- issue trackers, Using an Issue Tracker
- latency, Speed Matters
- leaders, Every Boat Needs a Captain-Final Thoughts
- and imposter phenomenon, Other Tips and Tricks
- and managers, Manager Is a Four-Letter Word-The Only Thing to Fear Is…Well, Everything
- and team culture, Why Should You Care?
- and treating people like plants, People Are Like Plants-People Are Like Plants
- antipatterns for, Antipatterns-Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children
- as new manager, “Leader” Is the New “Manager”-“Leader” Is the New “Manager”
- behaviors to avoid, Antipatterns-Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children
- intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
- need for, Nature Abhors a Vacuum
- patterns for effective, Leadership Patterns-Other Tips and Tricks
- reasons not to become, The Only Thing to Fear Is…Well, Everything
- servant, The Servant Leader
- learning
- long-term focus, Focus on the Long Term-Focus on the Long Term
- long-term relationships, Create Trust and Delight
- low performers, Antipattern: Ignore Low Performers
- Luck Factor, The (Wiseman), Luck and the Favor Economy
- luck, creating, Luck and the Favor Economy
- mailboxing, Create Trust and Delight
- mailing lists, Mailing Lists
- make time, Efficient Meetings
- malice, ignorance vs., A Final Thought
- managers
- managing upward, Learn to Manage Upward
- manipulation, organizational (see organizational manipulation)
- marketing, Remember the Users
- mastery, Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
- media, news, Work with Industry Analysts Respectfully
- meetings
- mentors, leaders as, Be a Teacher and a Mentor
- micromanagement, Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children
- Microsoft Office, Put the User First
- mission statements, The Mission Statement—No, Really-The Mission Statement—No, Really, Set Clear Goals
- mistakes, learning from, Fail Fast and Iterate
- moonshots, Fail Fast and Iterate
- motivation, intrinsic vs. extrinsic, Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
- offensive work, defensive work vs., Learn to Manage Upward
- office politicians, The Office Politician
- offices, private, Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- old-timers, Seek Powerful Friends
- online chat, Online Chat-Online Chat
- opportunities, creating/noticing, Luck and the Favor Economy
- options, excessive, Put the User First
- org chart, chain of gears analogy for, Be a Zen Master
- organizational hierarchy, The Bad Organization
- organizational manipulation, The Art of Organizational Manipulation-All Is Not Lost
- and political bank accounts, Your Political Bank Account
- asking for forgiveness instead of permission, “It’s Easier to Ask for Forgiveness Than Permission”6
- creating your own path, If You Can’t Take the Path, Make the Path
- effective emailing, How to Ask a Busy Executive for Anything…via Email-How to Ask a Busy Executive for Anything…via Email
- getting promoted to a position of safety, Get Promoted to a Position of Safety
- luck and the favor economy, Luck and the Favor Economy
- managing upward, Learn to Manage Upward
- methods for, Manipulating Your Organization-Plan B: Get Out
- quitting a bad organization, Plan B: Get Out-Plan B: Get Out
- seeking powerful friends, Seek Powerful Friends
- organizations, bad, The Bad Organization-The Bad Organization
- overdelivering, Underpromise and Overdeliver
- Paradox of Choice, The (Schwartz), Put the User First
- paranoia, Paranoia
- path, creating your own, If You Can’t Take the Path, Make the Path
- patience
- patterns, leadership, Leadership Patterns-Other Tips and Tricks
- being a catalyst, Be a Catalyst-Be a Catalyst
- being a Zen master, Be a Zen Master-Be a Zen Master
- failure as an option, Failure Is an Option
- honesty, Be Honest
- losing the ego, Lose the Ego
- maintaining calm, Be a Zen Master-Be a Zen Master
- mentoring, Be a Teacher and a Mentor
- setting clear goals, Set Clear Goals
- teaching, Be a Teacher and a Mentor
- tracking happiness, Track Happiness-Track Happiness
- various tips and tricks, Other Tips and Tricks-Other Tips and Tricks
- people
- perfectionists
- Perl, Consider Barrier to Entry
- permission, forgiveness vs., “It’s Easier to Ask for Forgiveness Than Permission”6
- persuasion, If You Can’t Take the Path, Make the Path
- Peter Principle, The Only Thing to Fear Is…Well, Everything
- PHP, Consider Barrier to Entry
- Pink, Dan, Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
- plants, people’s similarity to, People Are Like Plants-People Are Like Plants
- poisonous people, Dealing with Poisonous People-A Final Thought
- political credit
- politicians, office, The Office Politician
- positive feedback, Other Tips and Tricks
- postmortems, Fail Fast and Iterate
- powerful friends, seeking, Seek Powerful Friends
- private offices, Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- problem, software as solution to, Don’t Try To Be All Things
- product
- programmers
- progress, pace of, Hiding Is Considered Harmful-Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- promotion to position of safety, Get Promoted to a Position of Safety
- properly functioning companies (see ideal companies)
- public perception
- pushovers, Antipattern: Hire Pushovers
- Python, Consider Barrier to Entry
- Raymond, Eric, Hiding Is Considered Harmful
- relationship management, Managing Your Relationship with Users-Create Trust and Delight
- release processes, Have Real Test and Release Processes
- replacing yourself, Other Tips and Tricks
- respect
- responsibility
- résumés, Get Promoted to a Position of Safety
- reviews/reviewers, Work with Industry Analysts Respectfully
- risks
- Ritchie, Dennis, The Genius Myth
- Rosing, Wayne, Efficient Meetings
- Ruby, Consider Barrier to Entry
- safety, promotion to position of, Get Promoted to a Position of Safety
- Savoia, Alberto, Failure Is an Option
- Schmidt, Eric, Track Happiness
- Schwartz, Barry, Put the User First
- scientific management, Manager Is a Four-Letter Word
- searchable indexes, Mailing Lists
- self-selecting cultures, Why Should You Care?, Culture and People, It Really Is About Your Product, After All
- self-selection, Fortifying Your Team
- self-worth, Learn to Both Deal Out and Handle Criticism
- servant leaders, The Servant Leader
- sidebars, Efficient Meetings
- silent treatment, Don’t Feed the Energy Creature
- social media, customers and, Design Matters, Managing Your Relationship with Users
- social skills, The Three Pillars
- software
- SourceForge, Introduction
- sourdough bread analogy, What Is Culture?
- speed
- Stallman, Richard, The Genius Myth
- standups (standing meetings), Efficient Meetings
- status, humility and, Be Open to Influence
- strong culture, Why Should You Care?
- stupidity, malice vs., A Final Thought
- synchronization, high-level, High-Level Synchronization-Design Docs
- synchronous communication, Communication Patterns of Successful Cultures
- Tan, Chade-Meng, Plan B: Get Out
- taylorism, Manager Is a Four-Letter Word
- teachers, leaders as, Be a Teacher and a Mentor
- team building
- team culture, Building an Awesome Team Culture-It Really Is About Your Product, After All
- team efficiency, Fortifying Your Team
- team ego, Lose the Ego
- teams
- teamwork, genius myth and, The Genius Myth-The Genius Myth
- test processes, Have Real Test and Release Processes
- Thompson, Ken, The Genius Myth
- threats, identifying, Identifying the Threat-Perfectionism
- Three Bullets and a Call to Action technique, How to Ask a Busy Executive for Anything…via Email
- three pillars of team building, The Three Pillars-The Three Pillars
- time, wasting, Lack of Respect for Other People’s Time
- Tolstoy, Leo, How Things Usually Are
- Torvalds, Linus, The Genius Myth
- tracking happiness, Track Happiness-Track Happiness
- TripIt, Consider Barrier to Entry
- trolls
- trust
- Tukey, John, Lose the Ego
- typical companies (see average companies)
- underpromising, Underpromise and Overdeliver
- Unix, The Genius Myth, Measure Usage, Not Users
- usability, How Usable Is Your Software?-Measure Usage, Not Users
- usage, users vs., Measure Usage, Not Users
- Usenet, Don’t Feed the Energy Creature
- users
- and public perception of company, Managing Public Perception-Work with Industry Analysts Respectfully
- and usability, How Usable Is Your Software?-Measure Usage, Not Users
- as audience for software, Choose Your Audience
- as focus of organization, Users Are People, Too-The Genius Myth
- as focus of software design, Put the User First
- creating and maintaining trust with, Create Trust and Delight-Create Trust and Delight
- delighting, Create Trust and Delight
- designing software for, Design Matters-Hide Complexity
- first impressions of product, Pay Attention to First Impressions
- managing your relationship with, Managing Your Relationship with Users-Create Trust and Delight
- patience when dealing with, Be Patient-Be Patient
- respecting intelligence of, Respect Users’ Intelligence
- usage vs., Measure Usage, Not Users