“You said ‘Believe it, kid’?”
“I’m not proud of it.”
“Were you drunk?” asked Manny.
“Drunk on altruism and testosterone.”
We had just finished a three-mile jog, me pushing Kix in his stroller. Despite the early morning breeze, I sweated and sucked wind.
Manny, on the other hand, did not. He was more of a natural athlete than me. He grew up running and fighting on the streets of Puerto Rico and Argentina, though that stage of his life was a fog hard to penetrate. He bounced and dashed like a professional soccer striker did, legs moving like springs. A pristine man in the prime of his life, so naturally arresting that several women stumbled as we passed. I wasn’t bad to look at, I’d been told, but I also wasn’t Adonis himself.
“Altruism,” he said. “That’s like estrogen?”
“Often, yes. Unfortunately.”
Kix snorted.
He got me.
We were on the Greenway headed home, passing the upscale River House apartments, a former industrial building now housing urban elite millennials and a taproom.
Ronnie Summers lived in the River House. The Ronnie Summers.
I wondered if she’d wear a skirt again today; temperatures were supposed to be lower.
Kix shouted at me. I’d run the left wheels of his stroller off the path and into the grass. I corrected my trajectory but he pivoted in the chair to glare.
You know, if you’d bought the BOB jogging stroller with the nicer shocks, instead of this used model, the grass wouldn’t be an issue.
“What’re you going to do,” said Manny, “if Padre Louis is gay?”
“I don’t care if Louis Lindsey is gay. That’s tertiary.”
“Then I am confused about why you were hired.”
“Do you care if Louis Lindsey is gay?” I said.
“Why should I?”
“Because you go to church. And you believe in the Bible and you pray and all that.”
“So do you,” I said.
“I believe in God because of heritage. You believe in God because you care, hombre.”
We reached the playground I referred to as the Alligator Playground, and the sun moved above the dappled trees.
For several minutes I didn’t speak. I remained within myself.
“Let me rephrase,” he said. “You and I, we are amigos for years. I know you don’t care if someone’s gay. And I was just a pendejo for in sue and eating you do care.”
“You mean insinuating.”
“Sí. I was a jerk for insinuating you care if someone’s gay. And even worse, I insinuated you would take a job trying to ‘out’ someone. It was a jackass thing for me to say.”
“Who says we aren’t jackasses?”
“What I meant to ask was…does going to church mean you should care? No, that’s not what…but, isn’t that a big deal for them? The church? Is it a sin? Don’t they… Aye caramba, this is hard to discuss and stay correct politically.”
“How about this. Let’s admit the media and other outside forces are making you and me walk on eggshells about this issue. But that’s dumb because, as you say, we’ve been amigos forever. Let’s speak plainly and between us forgo the political correctness. We’ll do our best and forgive each other missteps.”
“Ay dios mio, gracias. Because I am but a confused and humble Hispanic.”
Kix gasped from his stroller. There she is. See her? The brunette in pigtails wearing the purple neoprene shirt? She’s going down the slide. See her? The little barefoot girl. She knows I like that purple shirt. Everyone be cool. Is she looking at me? Cough once for yes.
I said, "You know why the church has traditionally been extra judgmental against homosexuality? Because very few of them are homosexuals. It’s painless to point the finger. On the other hand, you know why the church goes easy on gluttony? Even though the Bible warns against it?”
“Got a guess. Cause a lot of them are fatties?”
“That’s my opinion.”
“They should give up carbs,” said Manny.
“Clearly. Same goes for laziness. Harder to wave signs admonishing sloth if you are lazy. That’d be pointing out a speck in another’s eye when you have a plank in your own.”
“Weird ass thing to say, amigo.”
“Wasn’t me who came up with it. So, no I don’t care if Louis Lindsey is gay. Not my business and I wouldn’t take a job ‘outting’ him. But things change if Louis Lindsey is sexually harassing others. Male or female.”
“Because assault is different than sexual preference.”
“Correct. Sexual indiscretion disqualifies Father Louis Lindsey from church leadership. Especially if it’s unconfessed and unrepentant indiscretion. The church leaders need to know the truth.”
“And that’s what you do. You find truth.”
“Yes,” I said.
“Harder than what I do. I just run the bad guys down.”
Father, pull over. I’ll give you five cookies to pass a message to the mother of that brunette vixen over there. Tell her…I’m interested. But only if she is. Tell her I’ve got a lot of options. Go on.
I said, “Bad can be subjective. Being unfit for leadership doesn’t necessarily make one bad.”
“Are you splitting hairs, as you white people say?”
“I am. But I think they are important hairs.”
“You think Father Louis is guilty of sexual harassment?”
“Way too early to tell,” I said.
“Man’s guilty as sin. In my humble and confused opinion.”