Roosevelt Room

West Wing

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D.C.

Lat = 38 degrees, 53.4 minutes North

Long = 77 degrees, 0.5 minutes West

Friday 15th September 1989. (48 hours later)

Ten hundred hours EDT

Chuck Morris had spent the last two days looking into Walter Smiths life and what he had found had surprised him.

He had taken very little sleep time in the last two days and was now exhausted as he walked through the lobby entrance and into the lobby room.

He had managed to have a hot shower and a shave in an attempt to at least look human from the outside, inside he felt like shit.

The door that lead to the Roosevelt room was opened for him by one of the Presidents security men, as he walked in the door closed behind him.

The President was seated at the head of the large table that faced west with the fireplace behind him.

A Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt as a Rough Rider was hanging above the fireplace.

President Bob Dulles gestured for him to take a seat; he sat down on the corner chair to the left of the President.

“So what have you unearthed Chuck?”

Chuck Morris replied, “firstly I have checked the phone records into Walter Smiths office and can confirm he did receive a call from Sydney Carter on the 9th of this month at 10:59hrs, as per the Intel pack from London, I have a transcript here for you sir,” Chuck Morris handed a sheath of paper to the President.

The President quickly read the transcript.

“The cargo has been recovered from the vessel sir and is now on route to the storage facility in Richmond.”

“Any problems with the captain?”

“No everything went like clockwork sir.”

“What’s the ETA to the warehouse Syd?”

“Four hours sir should be there about 2pm.”

“Okay, let me know when it arrives?”

“Will do sir,”

End of transcript.

“Okay what else have you Chuck?”

Chuck Morris pulled another sheath of paper from his folder and said, “This is a transcript of another phone conversation between Walter Smith and Yuri Yurchenko currently the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Russian embassy, timed at 11:12hrs the same day,” Chuck handed the paper over to the President.

Again, the President read the transcript.

“Yurchenko here!”

“Good morning Yuri.”

“Good morning Walter, how is everything?”

“Everything is as well as it can be Yuri, I have just had confirmation that the present for my wife has arrived this morning.”

“I hope it is something expensive and unique Walter?”

“Certainly is Yuri, very expensive and very rare, I had to obtain it from abroad.”

“Maybe we can make time for a coffee early next week Walter?”

“My diary is looking good for Monday at noon, does that suit you Yuri?”


“12 noon looks good with me Walter, where do you want to meet?”

“How’s the Café Reggio 119 MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village.”

“Perfect Walter see you Monday at noon.”

End of transcript.

The President placed the transcript down on the table alongside the first one and said, “So it looks like we may have a serious problem here Chuck?”

Chuck Morris looked at the President and replied, “This could be our worst nightmare sir, I have some more and it does not get any better!”

Chuck Morris handed another transcript to the President who looked at the heading, Tuesday 12th September 1989 Zero two zero-eight hours

“Walter Smith here!”

“Sir; its Carter, the package is in order and operational.”

“Is the place secure Carter?”

“Everything is in place and secure sir.”

“Good, I will get back to you when I need too Carter,”

End of transcript.

Chuck Morris removed another sheath of paper from his folder placed it on the table and put on his reading glasses.

“Sir; over the past twelve weeks Walter Smith has met with a number of high ranking military generals and some senior members of the NSA and FBI on several occasions. On one occasion, they all met at his office in a closed session. There is no transcript from this meeting which makes it suspicious.”

The President paused for a few moments digesting what his head off the CIA had said and then replied, “good God Chuck, this sounds like a bloody conspiracy and it looks like it may be rife and right within our own ranks, what do we need to do?”

Chuck Morris had expected this question from his President and had a reply, “sir; at this moment in time we are the only other two people outside the conspirators to know what appears to be taking place. We cannot trust anyone within our own community, as it will surely leak back to Walter Smith or one of the others. What I propose would be lest say highly controversial and certainly has never been done before in our countries history to my knowledge,” Chuck Morris paused giving the President time to reflect on his statement.

The President had listened and had welcomed Chucks pause, he replied, “Okay Chuck shoot, what do you propose?”

“Sir; all this has come to light from the British, they do not want a nuclear war to start with the Russians, as it would certainly affect them. As you are aware, we have several US Air force bases on their soil including Cruise missile launch capabilities. The Russians would certainly launch a strike on their soil,” Chuck Morris again paused.

The President said, “Keep going Chuck?”

“You are aware of their OSC sir; in fact you decorated their operational leader Colonel Max Storm after he saved our Ambassador in London a short while ago.”

“Yes I remember him well Chuck, a man you would want on your side, his and the units activities over the last eighteen months have been well documented in the news and other media. Are you suggesting we ask them for assistance in this matter?”

“That’s exactly what I propose sir!”

“How will it work Chuck?”

“Providing the British PM is agreeable to the proposal I will link them up with a liaison here, whom I would trust with the lives of myself and family too, they would be the on the ground agent and liaison between the British team yourself and me sir.”

The President looked at his watch, ten nineteen hours and replied, “Okay Chuck; I will phone the British PM and pose the question to her, as soon as I have her answer I will contact you.”

Chuck Morris stood up and replied, “I will await your call sir.”

He turned and left the room.