Warehouse on

Nicholson Street


Williamsburg Avenue




Lat = 37 degrees, 31.2 minutes North

Long = 77 degrees, 24.7 minutes West

Tuesday 19th September 1989 (same day)

Nineteen fifty-five hours EDT

Along with Tracy and his team, Roy had been staking the warehouse out for the past two hours, they had confirmed the number of guards on the ground and on the rooftop, but there had been no change over up to now.

His six-man team had paired up and found discreet OP’s to keep eyes on the building with twenty minute SITREPS to Roy, they had also confirmed that the men guarding the premises were armed with Soviet design weapons.

Roy looked at his watch nineteen fifty-eight hours; he was just about to call the team back to his location when his Codetta came to life.

“Eagle 4 from OP-2 over.”

“Go ahead OP-2.”

“I have movement from the side door; several men are emerging, over.”

Roy replied, “Stand by.”

Roy had to move several yards to his left to bring him into line with the side of the building OP-2 had flagged up, he raised his binoculars and eyed the location and could see the men moving out of a large roller shutter style door.

The interior of the warehouse was lit up and as the last man came out of the door, there was no attempt made to bring the shutter down.

Roy had an excellent view into the building, he clocked several other men wandering around, and a handful were watching a television screen at the far end and a large dark blue semi eighteen-wheeler truck.

But what caught his eye was a chamber made of glass that he estimated was fifteen foot square, that appeared to have been erected within the warehouse and within it a container about six feet by two feet by one foot.

There was what appeared to be a glass tunnel leading from this room to a single door that opened into a smaller room and then another door leading into another identically sized room.

Roy immediately noticed the shower systems in both rooms with a light blue coloured Hazmat-suit hanging up in the last shower room with a final exit door that allowed access into the warehouse area.

He picked up his Codetta and said, “Eagle-4 to OP-2, do you see what I see inside the warehouse, over?”

The reply came back quick, “I see it eagle-4, looks like a decontamination facility and a container in the large room, over.”

Roy said, “Eagle-4 to all units remain at your respective OP’s until further instructions from me, out.”

Tracy had made her way alongside him and said, “what is it Roy?”

Roy handed her the binoculars and said, “Take a look, inside the warehouse.”

Tracy adjusted the binoculars to her eye frame and aimed them at the warehouse open door; she made a slight adjustment for focus and looked at the structure inside for several moments.

She removed the binoculars, looked at Roy, and said, “Is that what I think it is Roy?”

Roy said, “Looks like a sterile area with decontamination facilities and a container that probably has the Red Mercury in it and if I am not mistaken that’s the truck that hijacked the cargo at the docks.”

Roy spoke into his Codetta, “all OP’s SITREP?”

“OP-1 looks like they are changing the guards, over.”

“OP-2, we can confirm that, over.”

“Op-3 we have a vehicle turning from Nicholson Street into Williamsburg Avenue, over.”

Tracy handed the binoculars back to Roy and he adjusted them to look at the car coming down the road.

It was a dark coloured Ford SUV as it came closer he could make out the licence plate, G21. 33111 with the words U.S Government across the top of the plate.

He watched as the car turned in through the open gate that had just been opened and then into the open warehouse, two men and a woman climbed out of the vehicle.

The two guys were in suits typical of any of the American enforcement agencies, the woman however was a different entity.

Roy zoomed in on her and noticed she was of Asian origin; his view was obliterated as she moved out of view.

He removed the binoculars and handed them to Tracy as he thought for a moment before speaking into his Codetta, “eagle 4 to eagle 3 over.”

Max was back at the safe house and picked up his Codetta and replied, “Eagle 4 go ahead over.”

Roy said, “We have some visitors at the location, I am staying onsite to keep eyes on them, over.”

“Copy that eagle 4, keep me posted, eagle 3 out.”

Tracy handed the binoculars back to Roy and said, the two men are Sydney Carter and Sean McFaul, the CIA agents whom were at the docks when the cargo went missing.”

Roy replied, “what about the woman?”

“Never seen her before Roy!”

Roy scoped the warehouse and could see that the guards had finished relieving their comrades and the relieved guards were re-entering the warehouse via the roller shutter door that was now slowly descending to close. He checked his watch; twenty zero six hours.

He quickly did the maths change over time eight minutes.

Roy re trained the binoculars back inside the warehouse and observed the Asian female putting on the blue coloured Hazmat-suit and then watched as she walked through the tunnel area to the main area carrying a rucksack, this was when the roller shutter door came completely back down and blanked his view.

Roy spoke into his Codetta, “eagle-4 to all teams keep eyes on the target area, we wait until the vehicle comes back out.

He turned to Tracy and said, “go to our vehicle and have it ready, you and me will follow the car when it comes out.”

Inside the warehouse, Sydney Carter and Sean McFaul were again watching Sun-Yung.

They had collected her from her hotel; it had been seven days since Sun-Yung had checked the device and it was felt prudent to have her recheck it to ensure its stability.

Prior to joining the Korean military she had studied nuclear physics and having then entered the wide world, found that being a female even with her qualifications was extremely difficult in a mainly man’s world of Korea.

Therefore, her direction turned to the military where even there, there was male chauvinism.

However, during her training she discovered she had a natural talent with weapons and hand-to-hand combat and she quickly earned the respect from her male counterparts.

Sun-Yung was given access to nuclear weapons systems to develop her knowledge and skills to complement her years studying the subject.

It was during this time that a senior officer took a liking to her, at first it was harmless banter mainly from him, however it then turned to the man trying to grope her when no one was around.

On the last occasion the officer went much further, she was working on a rocket weapons system when he came up behind and reached around to her breasts.

Sun-Yung was startled and taken completely by surprise and she reacted instinctively, she was holding a screwdriver in her right hand as she turned quickly around at a lightning speed in a clockwise rotation her right arm was bent as she drove the screwdriver into the neck of her attacker.

The officer had already released his hands from her breasts as she had rotated and immediately fell to the floor with the screwdriver protruding from his neck along with blood spurting from the wound.

He looked up at her and just managed to say with his dying breath, “Sun-Yung!”

Sun-Yung looked down at the dead man, then immediately around the area, no one was about and panic set in, she realised that no one would believe her story.

She immediately dragged the offices body and hid it under a tarpaulin cover.

An hour later, she had exited the camp and two days later had made it to Chechnya.

In the last year, she had been approached by the Russian KGB and threatened with deportation back to Korea, unless she placed her skills at their disposal.

Sun-Yung knew that would be a sentence to certain death and she had agreed and was placed under Ivan Balagula the local Russian KGB officer for Chechnya.

It had taken her twenty minutes to check the two systems and she was now back out of the containment area and had walked over to the two CIA men carrying a rucksack and said, “everything is in order.”

Sydney Carter said, “Okay, we will take you back to the hotel, give Sean the rucksack.”

Sun-Yung handed Sean the rucksack and he placed it in the trunk of the vehicle and a few minutes later the car was emerging out of the warehouse and out onto the road.

Tracy and Roy were parked on Williamsburg Avenue just back from a large rig enough to keep them out of site but able to observe the junction.

They spotted the SUV emerging from the junction and turn left away from them Roy said to Tracy, “Okay nice and easy now, we don’t want to spook them.”

Tracy turned and gave him a knowing smile and replied, “sit back Roy; I do this for a living.”

Tracy shifted the vehicle into drive and slowly rolled out from the kerb around the truck and dropped in a distance behind the car.

Roy spoke into his Codetta, eagle-4 to team head back to the safe house, out.”

Back at the safe house Max had been keeping abreast of the Comms chatter and picked up his Codetta and spoke into it, “eagle-3 to eagle-4 over.”

Roy replied, “Go ahead eagle-3.”

“Roy, Stay on the vehicle all night if necessary, give me a SITREP every fifteen minutes, over.”

“Roger that Max, eagle-4 out.”

Roy said to Tracy, “you heard the man, looks like we have each other’s company for a little longer tonight Tracy.”

Tracy replied, “I couldn’t ask for better company Roy.”