‘Le bercement vague d’une incantation magique entendue à demi dans un rêve.’

MINE head upon thy lap, love, let me lie,

I am wounded, and without thee I shall die,

Lull me and love me, love! till I am well,


Turn on me sweetly till my soul have ease,

Thine evening eyes, that seem to breath forth peace,

Wherefrom the tender tears are quick to quell,


Ah! for an everlasting afternoon—

Lift not thine eyes, lest sunset come too soon,

With the long tolling of the vesper bell,


The sweet, slow, sleepy, solemn sounds that seem

Like incantations half heard in a dream,

Or sad-eyed Siren singing some strange sea spell,


Sing me to sleep while the long shadows wane,

Sing to me the songs of childhood—come again

With thy sweet eyes, that all ill thoughts repel,


In blessing lay thine hands upon my head,

Ah! would that with the sunset I were dead!

Having lived for one sweet hour, too sweet to tell,


Living no longer than the lingering light,

Seeing thy sweet eyes slowly sink from sight,

While the slant shadows sound my dying knell,
