Note: The author gave his name as Stanislaus Eric Stenbock on the front covers and title pages of 1a and 2a; as S.E. Stenbock on the front cover, and Count Stanislaus Eric Stenbock on the title page, of 3a; and as Eric, Count Stenbock on the title page, and as S.E. Stenbock on the spine, of 4a. Books 1a, 2a, and 3a have blank spines.

  1. Love, Sleep, & Dreams, A Volume of Verse, A. Thomas Shrimpton & Son, Oxford/Simpkin, Marshall & Co., London, [1881?]. Poetry.
  2.  reprinted, Hermitage Books, Harleston, 1992.
  3. Myrtle, Rue, and Cypress, A Book of Poems, Songs and Sonnets, printed for the author by Hatchards, London, 1883. Poetry.
  4.  reprinted, Hermitage Books, Harleston, 1992.
  5. The Shadow of Death, A Collection of Poems, Songs and Sonnets, The Leadenhall Press, London, 1893. Poetry.
  6.  reprinted, Garland, New York, 1984. Also contains 4b.
  7. Studies of Death, Romantic Tales, David Nutt, London, 1894. Short stories. Twenty large paper copies were also printed on Japanese vellum.
  8.  reprinted, Garland, New York, 1984. Also contains 3b.
  9.  reprinted, Durtro Press, London, 1996. Introduction by David Tibet. Adds story “The Other Side” from 17a and translations by Stenbock of two stories by Honoré de Balzac, “Christ in Flanders” and “A Passion in the Desert”, both from 16a.
  10. Christ in Flanders, A Legend of the Middle Ages, Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, 1910. Story by Honoré de Balzac translated by Count Stenbock, from 16a.
  11. On the Freezing of the Baltic Sea, privately printed for Timothy d’Arch Smith, London, 1961. Single sheet, printed both sides. Poem from 3a.
  12. The True Story of a Vampire, Tragara Press, Edinburgh, 1989. Short story from 4a, with an Introduction by John Adlard.
  13. The Myth of Punch, Durtro, London, 1999. Essay, with an Afterword by David Tibet.
  14. The Child of the Soul, Durtro, London, 1999. Short stories edited and with an Introduction by David Tibet.
  15. The Collected Poems of S.E. Stenbock, Durtro, London, 2001. Contains all the poems from 1a, 2a, and 3a. Edited and with an Introduction by David Tibet.
  16. Ballad of Creditors, Durtro, London, 2001. Poem printed at the Tragara Press and inserted in copies of 10a.
  17. A Secret Kept, Durtro, London, 2002. Short story edited and with an Afterword by David Tibet. An untitled loose-leaf single-sheet addendum was issued shortly afterwards, with a short note by David Tibet and two brief explanations by Alan Anderson and Mark Valentine of Stenbock's epilogue to the story.
  18. La Mazurka des Revenants, Durtro, London, 2002. Play edited and with an Afterword by David Tibet.
  19. The King's Bastard, or, The Triumph of Evil, Durtro, London, 2004. Short story.
  20. Faust, Durtro, [London], 2000. Novella printed as 12” record insert and CD booklet, accompanying the album Faust (Durtro 060) by David Tibet's Current 93. With a Note by David Tibet.
  21. Faust, Durtro Press, [Hastings], 2007. First book edition of 15a.


  1. Shorter Stories from Balzac: English versions by William Wilson and the Count Stenbock: with a prefatory notice. Walter Scott, London, 1890. Contains translations by Stenbock of two stories by Honoré de Balzac, “Christ in Flanders” and “A Passion in the Desert”.
  2. The Spirit Lamp, Vol. IV, No. II, 6 June 1893, James Thornton, Oxford, 1893. First publication of story “The Other Side, A Breton Legend”, later included in 4c. The author's surname is misspelled “Stenbok” on both the front wrapper and on p. 68 where the story ends.
  3. Cradle Songs and Nursery Rhymes, Walter Scott, London [1894]. Edited, with an introduction, by G. Rhys. Contains poem “London Bridge Is Broken Down” by Stenbock.
  4. The Moons at Your Door, Strange Attractor, London, 2016. Anthology of supernatural fiction selected, and with an Introduction, by David Tibet. Contains 15a, short story “The True Story of a Vampire” from 4a, and poems “Viol d’Amor” and “Requiem”, both from 3a.


  1. Adlard, John (editor): Christmas with Count Stenbock, Enitharmon, London, 1970.
  2. Adlard, John: Stenbock, Yeats and the Nineties, Cecil & Amelia Woolf, London, 1969.
  3. Barry, William: Memories and Opinions, G.P. Putnam's Sons, London, 1926.
  4. Croft-Cooke, Rupert: Feasting with Panthers, W.H. Allen, London, 1967.
  5. D’Arch Smith, Timothy: Love in Earnest: Some Notes on the Lives and Writings of English ‘Uranian’ Poets from 1889 to 1930, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1970.
  6. D’Arch Smith, Timothy: English Homosexual Poetry of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Timothy d’Arch Smith Collection, Michael deHartington, London, 1972.
  7. Hudson, Derek: Norman O’Neill, A Life of Music, Quality Press, London, 1945.
  8. Hughes, Tom: Clerical Errors: A Victorian Series Volume 1, Kindle, 2016.
  9. King, Francis: The Magical World of Aleister Crowley, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1977.
  10. Machin, James: “Weird Fiction and the Virtues of Obscurity: Machen, Stenbock, and the Weird Connoisseurs”, Textual Practice, v. 31 (2017). Reworked into chapter 3 of Weird Fiction in Britain 1880-1939 (2018).
  11. Queensberry, The Marquess of: Oscar Wilde and the Black Douglas, Hutchinson & Co, London, 1949.
  12. Parker, Rosalie, “Count Stenbock”, Book and Magazine Collector, No. 317, London, February 2010.
  13. Reade, Brian (editor): Sexual Heretics: Male Homosexuality in English Literature from 1850 to 1900, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1970.
  14. Reed, Jeremy: A Hundred Years of Disappearance; Count Eric Stenbock, privately printed by the Tragara Press, Midlothian, 1995.
  15. Reed, Jeremy: Peacocks and Coffins, Rivendale Press, High Wycombe, 1998.
  16. Rhys, Ernest: Everyman Remembers, J.M. Dent & Sons, London, 1931.
  17. Rhys, Ernest: Letters from Limbo, J.M. Dent & Sons, London, 1936.
  18. Rhys, Ernest: Wales England Wed, J.M. Dent & Sons, London, 1940.
  19. Russell, R.B.: “Count Stenbock: A Brief Biography”, Machenalia [Arthur Machen at 150, (c) 2013 but sent out in May 2014]: 8-9.
  20. Strachey, Barbara: Remarkable Relations: the Story of the Pearsall Smith Family, Victor Gollancz, London, 1981.
  21. Valentine, Mark: “Count Stenbock, Storyteller”, Aklo, A Journal of the Fantastic, edited by Mark Valentine and Roger Dobson, Caermaen Books, Clitheroe and Oxford, 1991. With a reprint of “Viol d’Amor” from 4a.
  22. Von Bodisco, Theophile: Im Hause des alten Freiherrn, G. Fischer, Berlin, 1913.
  23. Von Bodisco, Theophile: Versunkene Welten: Erinnerungen einer estländischen Dame, Anton H. Konrad, Weissenhorn, 1997.
  24. Von Wistinghausen, Walter: Aus meiner näheren Umwelt, Avita, Tallinn, 1995.
  25. Woodfoot, Gef: The Count who—Vanished! PixieTime, Doarlish Cashen, 1936.
  26. Yeats, W.B. (editor): The Oxford Book of Modern Verse 1892-1935. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1936.
  27. Yeats, W.B.: The Speckled Bird, edited by William H. O’Donnell, Cuala Press, Dublin, 1973.