Twelve Step fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous and over one hundred others, speak of what A Course in Miracles calls special (i.e., toxic or addicted) relationships in various ways. One is the trap that we get into called resentments. Almost by definition, when we have a resentment toward any person, place or thing, we are most likely to be enmeshed in such a special relationship. Not wanting to tolerate the emotional pain of the resentment, and not knowing what to do to heal it, we often search out our drug or behavior of choice to lessen the pain. But the Course says that there is a better way.

It says that whenever we may find ourselves involved in painful or conflicted relationships, we can remember that, as with any pain or conflict, we have a choice. We can choose God and then surrender into God’s love and peace. The Course says that prayer is an effective tool to achieve this goal

There are numerous similarities between the Course and Twelve Step process and work. We show some of these similarities in Table D.1. Being spiritual seekers, many Twelve Steppers have begun to read and study the Course.

Table D.1: Similarity of Selected Terms from Twelve Step Work and A Course in Miracles

Alcoholics Anonymous

A Course in Miracles

2.* Sanity

Right mindedness; seeing with Christ’s vision

3. Decision (made a . . .)

Decision maker; choice maker

4. Moral inventory process

ego undoing; forgiveness

5, 6 and 7. Our wrongs, character defects, shortcomings

ego attachment; wrong mind; mistakes

7. Humbly asked (humility)

Humility; openness; willingness

8 and 9. Making amends

Let go of ego/forgive

10. Continuing to take personal inventory

Vigilance for ego

11. Prayer and meditation

Prayer; miracles


Inner peace

* Number of Step of A.A. and other self-help fellowships.