NAïVE, adjective believing, callow, childish, childlike, credulous, deceivable, deludable, dupable, exploitable, foolable, green, gullible, immature, inexperienced, innocent, natural, open, plain, provincial, simple, simplex, trusting, unaffected, unfeigned, unschooled, unsophisticated, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unworldly, void of suspicion
NAKED (Lacking embellishment), adjective bare, basal, basic, devoid of consideration, elementary, fundamental, laid bare, mere, plain, sheer, simple, stark, straight, unadorned, unadulterated, uncomplicated, undecorated, undisguised, unembellished, unexaggerated, unmasked, unornamented, unvarnished, unveiled
NAKED (Perceptible), adjective apparent, brought to light, clear, cognizable, conspicuous, discernible, disclosed, discoverable, distinct, distinguishable, easy to see, evident, explicit, exposed, express, in plain view, made public, manifest, not obscure, noticeable, observable, obvious, open, ostensible, overt, patent, perceivable, plain, prominent, recognizable, revealed, unconcealed, unmistakable, visible
NAME, noun being, characteristic, difference, distinction, distinctiveness, distinctness, identifier, identifying characteristic, identity, individualism, oneness, originality, particularity, personage, personal characteristic, personality, quality of being singular, self, selfness, singleness, singularity, specialty, uniqueness
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: distinctive name, trade name
NAMED, adjective called, classified, delineated, denoted as, described as, designate as, determined as, discriminated as, distinguished as, identified as, known as, recognized as, referred to as, specified as
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: named in a caption
NARCOTIC, adjective anesthetic, anodyne, anodynous, assuaging, assuasive, calmant, calmative, deadening, depressant, dulling, hypnotic, mitigating, narcotical, opiate, pain-killing, palliative, paregoric, sedative, slumberous, somniferous, somnific, soothing, soporiferous, soporific, stupefactive, torporifc, tranquilizing
NARCOTIC, noun alleviative, alleviator, anesthetic, anodyne, assuasive drug, barbiturate, calmative, depressant, dope, drug, hypnotic, lenitive, medication, medicine, mitigative, opiate, pain reliever, painkiller, palliative, sedative, somnifacient, soother, soporific, stupefacient, tranquilizer
NARRATION, noun account, chronicle, delineation, depiction, depictment, description, descriptive account, discourse, disquisition, expositio, exposition, iteration, narratio, narrative, portrayal, recapitulation, recital, recitation, recountal, recounting, reiteration, relation, rendition, repetition, report, representation, restatement, retelling, review, setting forth, sketch, storytelling, summarization, summary, tale, tale telling
NARRATIVE, adjective anecdotal, communicative, declarative, declaratory, descriptive, detailed, disquisitional, epic, exegetic, exegetical, explanatory, explicative, explicatory, expositive, expository, graphic, illuminating, illuminative, illustrative, informational, informative, narrare, recounted, reported, sequential, storylike, told
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: narrative testimony
NARROW, adjective attenuated, bigoted, circumscribed, compressed, confined, constricted, contracted, contractus, cramped, crowded, defined, dogmatic, exact, fanatical, fine, illiberal, incapacious, inhibiting, intolerant, limited, literal, narrow-minded, opinionated, parochial, pinched, precise, prescribed, protected, provincial, qualified, registered, restricted, rigid, scant, scanty, simple, slender, strict, tapering, thin, tight
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: a narrowly written decision, narrow interpretation
NARROW MEANING, noun accurate meaning, correct meaning, defined meaning, definition, distinct meaning, exact meaning, explanation, explicit meaning, express meaning, faithful meaning, inflexible meaning, literal meaning, methodical meaning, meticulous meaning, not subject to interpretation, ordinary meaning, plain meaning, precise meaning, prescribed meaning, rigid meaning, rigorous meaning, sharply defined, significance, specific meaning, strict meaning, unbending meaning, uncompromising meaning, unequivocal meaning
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: construction, literal contract, literal proof, plain meaning rule, rules of statutory, soft plain meaning rule, textualism
NARROWLY TAILORED, noun government action that addresses essential elements of government interest, government action that goes no further than necessary, government action that is appropriate, government action that is not overbroad, government action that utilizes the least restrictive means
NASCENCY, noun beginning, birth, commencement, creation, debut, development, emergence, entrance, entry, evolution, evolvement, first appearance, first stage, first step, formation, foundation, founding, genesis, inauguration, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, incunabula, induction, infancy, initiation, introduction, invention, launching, nascence, nativity, onset, origin, origination, outset, rise, start, starting
NASCENT, adjective beginning, blossoming, budding, burgeoning, developing, earlier, early, elemental, elementary, embryonic, first, first ever, first of all, fledgling, flowering, formative, foundational, fundamental, germinal, in its infancy, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, incipient, incunabular, infant, infantile, infantine, initial, initiatory, introductory, inventive, original, originating, potential, prenatal, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, promising, rudimental, rudimentary, seminal, youthful
NATION, noun captive nation, commonweal, commonwealth, confederation, county, developed nation, domain, dominion, kingdom, land, nationality, possession, power, province, realm, territory
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: comity, free trade, international law
NATIONAL, adjective affecting the nation as a whole, common, country-wide, domestic, established by the federal government, federal, general, government, government-owned, governmental, public, publicly owned, societal, sovereign
NATIONALITY, noun allegiance, birth, body politic, citizenry, commonwealth, country, fatherland, habitancy, homeland, inhabitancy, inhabitation, nation, national group, national status, native land, nativity, origin, people, polity, populace, society, sovereign state, statehood, stock
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: immigration and naturalization
NATIONALIZE, verb appropriate for federal use, appropriate for government use, make national, make national in character, place under government control, remove from private ownership, seize for public use, seize for the government, socialize, transfer control to the government, transfer ownership to the government
NATIVE (Domestic), adjective aboriginal, autochthonal, autochthonic, autochthonous, domestic, enchorial, enchoric, endemic, endemical, home-grown, indigenous, local, locally born, not alien, not foreign, original, regional, unborrowed, vernacular
NATIVE (Inborn), adjective basic, born, congenital, connate, connatural, essential, fundamental, genetic, hereditary, inbred, indigenous, ingenerate, ingenit, ingrained, inherent, inherited, innate, instinctive, instinctual, intrinsic, natal, natural, organic, original
NATIVE RIGHTS, noun Aboriginal American rights, indigenous rights, Native American civil rights, Native American rights, tribal sovereignty
NATURAL, adjective artless, authentic, characteristic, connate, consistent, crude, free from affectation, fundamental, genuine, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingenerate, ingrained, innate, innatus, instinctive, instinctual, lifelike, native, nativus, normal, organic, original, pure, real, realistic, regular, true to life, typical, unadulterated, unartificial, uncultivated, unsynthetic, untouched
NATURALIZE (Acclimate), verb accommodate, accustom, adapt, adjust, assimilate, become habituated, cultivate a habit, familiarize, fit the pattern, get used to, habituate, harmonize, inure, learn a habit, make easy, make natural, normalize, regularize
NATURALIZE (Make a citizen), verb accept as a citizen, admit citizenship, adopt, adopt as a citizen, adopt into a nation, assimilate, citizenize, confer privileges of a native citizen, confer rights of citizenship, denizenize, endow with rights of citizenship, extend citizenship to an alien, homini civitatem dare, nationalize, place in the condition of natural born subjects
NATURE (Kind), noun attribute, brand, breed, character, characteristic, description, designation, differentia, differential, distinctive feature, domain, feature, ilk, individualism, label, make, manner, mannerism, mark, model, mold, particularity, peculiarity, persuasion, quality, quirk, specialty, species, sphere, strain, style, taint, tang, taste, the like or likes of, token, trait, tribe, trick, type, variety
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nature of an action, the nature of a case
NATURE (Naturalness), noun artlessness, inartificiality, intactness, natural man, natural state, nature in the raw, pristineness, state of nature, virginity
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: environmental law
NEAR, adjective adjacent, adjoining, approaching, approximate, bordering, close, close by, contiguous, imminent, impending, in close proximity, in the area, in the neighborhood, in the vicinity, nearby, neighboring, next, next to, proximal, proximate to, surrounding, tangent, touching, vicinal
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: case near to being put on the trial calendar, case nearly ready for trial, cases near trial, completion, near competition, substantial completion
NEARBY, adjective abutting, accessible, adjacent, adjoining, approaching, bordering, close, close-up, coming, contiguous, convenient, handy, immediate, local, near, neighboring, next-door, nigh, proximate
NEAREST, adjective almost, approximate, closer, closest, close-up, immediate, most immediate, near, nearby, neighboring, next-door, proximate, relative
NEBULOUS, adjective abstruse, ambiguous, bleared, blurred, blurry, clouded, cloudy, confused, dim, dusky, faint, foggy, hazy, ill-defined, imperspicuous, indeterminate, indistinct, lacking clarity, nebulose, nebulosus, not clear, obfuscated, obscure, out of focus, pale, recondite, shadowed, shadowy, uncertain, unclear, undefined, undiscernible, unintelligible, vague
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nebulous contract
NECESSARY (Inescapable), adjective avoidless, certain, choiceless, compelling, constraining, decided, decreed, designated, destined, expected, fated, fateful, fixed, foreordained, imminent, impending, ineluctable, ineludible, inevitable, inexorable, irresistible, irrevocable, ordained, sealed, settled, sure, unalterable, unavoidable, uncontrollable, undeniable, unevasible, unpreventable
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: necessary damages, necessary expenses, necessary implication, necessary inference, necessary injury
NECESSARY (Required), adjective all-important, basic, binding, bounden, chief, coercive, compelling, compulsory, critical, crucial, demanded, dictated, essential, exigent, expedient, fundamental, imperative, important, imposed, incumbent, indispensable, integral, key, mandatory, necessitated, necessitous, needed, obligatory, paramount, prerequisite, prescribed, prime, principal, requisite, requisitioned, significant, strategic, strategical, substantive, urgent, vital
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: necessary parties
NECESSARY, noun essence, essential, essentiality, indispensable thing, necessitas, necessities, necessitousness, necessitude, necessity, need, prerequirement, prerequisite, qualification, requirement, requisite, vitals
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: duty to provide necessaries, necessaries of life
NECESSARY PARTY, noun critical party who cannot be joined, crucial party who cannot be joined, integral defendant who cannot be joined, integral disputant who cannot be joined, integral party who cannot be joined, integral petitioner who cannot be joined, integral plaintiff who cannot be joined, integral respondent who cannot be joined, needed party who cannot be joined, party whose interests will be affected, prescribed party whose cannot be joined, significant party who cannot be joined, strategic party who cannot be joined, vital party who cannot be joined
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: indispensable party, proper party
NECESSITATE, verb call for, clamor for, coerce, cogere, compel, concuss, create a need, decree, demand, dictate, enjoin, exact, force, impel, impose, insist upon, leave no choice, leave no option, make indispensable, make inevitable, make necessary, make unavoidable, obligate, oblige, ordain, predetermine, raise a demand, render necessary, require
NECESSITY, noun absolute requisite, basic ingredient, central element, characteristic feature, compelling quality, compulsory detail, crucial part, egestas, elementary detail, essential, essential element, exigency, fundamental, fundamental principle, fundamental unit, highly important detail, imperative, indispensable, indispensable provision, inevitable, integral part, irreplaceable feature, irresistible compulsion, main ingredient, mandatory factor, necessary attribute, necessary component, necessitas, need, precondition, prerequirement, prerequisite, primary constituent, qualification, recognized condition, required item, requirement, requisite, rudiment, significant detail, strategic item, urgency, urgent requirement, vital part, vitals
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: compelling necessity, economic necessity, finding of necessity, prescription by necessity, public necessity, strict necessity
FOREIGN PHRASES: Quod est necessarium est licitum. That which is necessary is lawful. Necessitas excusat aut extenuat delictum in capitalibus, quod non operatur idem in civilibus. Necessity excuses or extenuates an offense in capital cases, but not in civil cases. Necessitas est lex temporis et loci. Necessity is the law of a particular time and place. Lex judicat de rebus necessario faciendis quasi re ipsa factis. The law judges of things which must necessarily be done as if they were actually done. Necessitas inducit privilegium quoad jura privata. Necessity gives a privilege with reference to private rights. Necessitas publica major est quam privata. Public necessity is greater than private.
NECTAROUS, adjective candied, cloying, delectable, delicious, dulcet, honeyed, luscious, melliferous, oversweet, rich, saccharine, sugary, sweet, tasty
NEED (Deprivation), noun absence, dearth, deficiency, deficit, demand, exigency, extremity, inadequacy, incompleteness, indigence, insufficiency, lack, necessitousness, necessitude, necessity, paucity, penury, privation, scantiness, scarcity, shortage, shortness of supply, thirst, vacuum, want, wantage
NEED (Requirement), noun compulsion, compulsory detail, crucial part, demand, desideration, desideratum, essential element, essentiality, essentialness, fundamental, highly important detail, indispensability, indispensable provision, integral part, irreplaceability, irreplaceable feature, mandatory factor, necessary, necessary attribute, necessary component, necessity, obligation, precondition, preliminary condition, prequisiteness, prerequirement, proviso, required item, requisite, requisiteness, strategic item, urgency, urgent requirement, vital part, vitalness
NEED, verb claim, clamor for, crave, cry for, demand, desire, exact, feel the necessity for, feel the want of, find indispensable, find necessary, have an urge for, have need for, have occasion for, have use of, hunger for, long for, lust for, miss, require, thirst for, want, yearn for
NEEDLESS, adjective avoidable, beside the point, causeless, dispensable, excess, excessive, exorbitant, expendable, expletive, extra, extraneous, fruitless, futile, gratuitous, groundless, inordinate, irrelevant, non necessarius, noncompulsory, nonessential, optional, overabundant, overmuch, overplentiful, oversufficient, pleonastic, prodigal, redundant, spare, superabundant, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, supervenient, surplus, unavailing, uncalled-for, undesirable, unessential, unnecessary, unneeded, unprofitable, unrequired, unrewarding, unwanted, useless, valueless, wanton, wasteful, worthless
NEFARIOUS, adjective abominable, arrant, bad, base, confounded, contemptible, corrupt, criminal, degenerate, deplorable, depraved, despicable, detestable, devilish, diabolical, discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable, dissolute, dreadful, evil, execrable, felonious, flagitious, flagrant, foul, gross, hateful, heinous, horrible, ignoble, immoral, impious, improper, indecent, infamous, infernal, iniquitous, malignant, miscreant, monstrous, nefarius, obnoxious, odious, outrageous, peccant, pernicious, profligate, reprehensible, reprobate, scandalous, shameful, sinful, sinister, terrible, treacherous, unrighteous, vile, villainous, wicked, wrong
NEGATE, verb abnegate, abolish, abort, abrogate, annihilate, annul, cancel, confound, confute, contradict, contravene, controvert, counter, counteract, countermand, counterpoise, declare invalid, declare null and void, defeat, demur, deny, deprive of force, destroy, disaffirm, disallow, disavow, disclaim, discontinue, discredit, disprove, dispute, disregard, explain away, falsify, impugn, invalidate, negative, neutralize, nullify, object, obliterate, offset, oppose, override, overrule, overthrow, prohibit, protest, prove the contrary, quash, rebut, recant, refute, render null and void, renounce, repeal, repudiate, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, rule out, set aside, suppress, suspend, traverse, vacate, veto
NEGATION, noun abjuration, abnegation, abolishment, abolition, abrogation, annulment, cancellation, cassation, confutation, contradiction, contravention, declination, declinature, defiance, denial, disaffirmation, disagreement, disapprobation, disapproval, disavowal, disclaimer, disproof, dissent, forswearing, gainsay, gainsaying, infitiatio, invalidation, negatio, nonacceptance, nonagreement, noncompliance, nonconsent, noncorroboration, nullification, objection, opposition, protest, protestation, recantation, refusal, refutation, rejection, repeal, repudiation, rescission, resistance, retractation, retraction, reversal, revocation, revokement, traversal
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: negation of warranty
NEGATIVE, adjective acrimonious, antagonistic, antipathetic, antipathetical, argumentative, at odds with, attacking, averse, belligerent, bickering, cantankerous, clashing, conflicting, confutative, contentious, contesting, contradictory, contrary, contrasted, contrasting, contravening, converse, counteractive, countering, demurring, denying, disaccordant, disavowing, discordant, disobliging, disputing, dissentient, dissident, factious, fractious, gainsaying, hostile, ill-willed, impugning, incompatible, inimical, inverse, negans, negatory, opposed, opposing, opposite, quarrelsome, rancorous, rebuffing, rebutting, refuting, rejecting, repudiating, repugnant, resistive, reverse, spurning, traversing, unaffirmative, unconverted, unconvinced
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: negative covenant, negative easement, negative evidence, negative testimony
NEGATIVE ADVERTISING, noun blemishing political ads, derogative political ads, derogatory commercials, immoral ads, malicious political ads, marring political ads, mean commercials, nasty political spots, negative commercials, offensive election commercials, smearing political ads
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: election law, Federal Election Commission
NEGLECT, noun abandonment, absentmindedness, breach, bungling, careless abandon, carelessness, default, delinquency, dereliction, disregard, failure, heedlessness, idleness, improvidence, imprudence, inaction, inadvertence, inattention, inattentiveness, incuria, indifference, indiligence, indiligentia, inexecution, inexertion, laches, laxity, laxness, misprision, neglegentia, negligence, noncompletion, noncompliance, nonfeasance, nonfulfillment, nonobservance, nonperformance, omission, oversight, procrastination, prodigality, rashness, recklessness, remissness, slackness, slight, sloth, slovenliness, thoughtlessness, unactivity, unalertness, unconcern, unconscientiousness, unheedfulness, unmindfulness, unobservance, unwariness, unwatchfulness
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: culpable neglect, neglect of duty, neglect to act, neglect to prosecute, willful neglect
FOREIGN PHRASES: Magna culpa dolus est. Gross neglect is the equivalent of fraud.
NEGLECT, verb be careless, be inattentive, be lax, deserere, disdain, disregard, fail, forget, gloss over, ignore, intermittere, lay aside, leave alone, lose sight of, neglegere, not care for, not use, omit, overlook, pass by, pass over, pay no attention, pay no heed to, pay no regard to, pretermit, procrastinate, refuse to recognize, shirk, shun, skip, slight, take no note, take no notice
NEGLECTFUL, adjective careless, delinquent, derelict, disregardful, forgetful, heedless, inadvertent, inattentive, incautious, injudicious, inobservant, irresponsible, lax, mindless, neglectful, not diligent, not heedful, oblivious, reckless, remiss, thoughtless, unconcerned, unheeding, unmindful, unthinking, unwatchful
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: defendants neglectful of their duty, neglectful parents
NEGLIGENCE, noun abandonment, breach of duty, carelessness, culpa, delinquency, dereliction, disregard, failure, heedlessness, improvidence, imprudence, inadvertence, inadvertency, inattention, inattentiveness, incautiousness, incircumspection, inconsideration, incuria, indifference, indiligentia, inobservance, irresponsibility, lack of attention, lack of diligence, laxity, laxness, neglectfulness, neglegentia, obliviousness, omission, oversight, recklessness, regardlessness, remissness, slackness, unalertness, unconcern, unmindfulness, unobservance, unwariness, unwatchfulness, want of thought
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: actionable negligence, active negligence, assumption of risk, causal negligence, comparative negligence, concurrent negligence, contributory negligence, criminal negligence, culpable negligence, estoppel by negligence, gross negligence, imputed negligence, last clear chance doctrine, malpractice, negligence per se, ordinary negligence, passive negligence, res ipsa loquitur, standard of care, supervening negligence, wanton negligence, willful negligence
FOREIGN PHRASES: Magna negligentia culpa est; magna culpa dolus est. Gross negligence is fault; gross fault is equivalent to a fraud. Culpa lata dolo aequiparatur. Gross negligence is equivalent to intentional wrong.
NEGLIGENCE PER SE, idiom absolute delinquency, absolute fault, breach, breach of a standard of conduct, contravention, crime, disobedience, failure, infraction, lapse, misbehavior, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanor, neglect, noncompliance, offense, oversight, pure dereliction, strict imposition of liability, transgression, trespass, violation, wrongdoing
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: negligence per quod
NEGLIGENT, adjective bungling, careless, delinquent, derelict, disregardant, disregardful, heedless, ill-considered, improvident, imprudent, inadvertent, inattentive, incautious, indifferent, indiligens, injudicious, inobservant, irresponsible, lax, mindless, neglectful, neglegens, oblivious, off guard, rash, reckless, regardless, remiss, remissus, slack, slipshod, slothful, slovenly, temerarious, temerous, thoughtless, unalert, uncalculating, uncircumspect, unconcerned, undiligent, unheedful, unheeding, unmindful, unthinking, unthorough, unwary, unwatchful
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: negligent act, negligent conduct, negligent injury
NEGLIGIBLE, adjective beneath notice, dispensable, expendable, immaterial, imperceptible, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, insubstantial, irrelevant, levis, light, little, meager, minor, minute, moderate, modest, nominal, nugatory, of little account, of little consequence, of little importance, of no moment, of no significance, paltry, picayune, poor, puny, scant, scanty, slight, small, tenuis, trifling, trivial, unessential, unimportant, unnoteworthy, unsubstantial, unworthy of regard, valueless
FOREIGN PHRASES: De minimis non curat lex. The law pays no attention to insignificant things.
NEGOTIABLE, adjective alienable, assignable, capable of being transferred, consignable, conveyable, exchangeable, interchangeable, maneuverable, marketable, salable, transferable, transmissible, transmittible, vendible
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: commercial paper, negotiable contract, negotiable instruments, promissory note
NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT, noun bank check, bank note, bank paper, bill, bill of exchange, cashier’s check, check, commercial instrument, commercial paper, commercial transition, debenture, draft, negotiable paper, note, personal check, promissory note, secured
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: dishonor, named payee presentment
NEGOTIATE, verb accommodate, arbitrate, arrange for, bargain, bid for, bring to terms, come to terms, dicker, haggle, hurdle, intercede, intermediate, make peace, make terms, mediate, meet halfway, parley, referee, settle, settle disputes, straighten out, surmount, transact, umpire, work out
NEGOTIATION, noun arbitrament, arbitration, bargaining, compromise, conference, conloquium, consultation, contract talks, deliberation, dickering, diplomacy, discussion, exchange of views, haggling, mediation, parley, summitry, treaty-making
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: collective bargaining, preliminary negotiation
NEGOTIATOR, noun adjudicator, adjuster, agent, arbiter, bargainer, broker, consul, dealer, delegate, diplomat, emissary, envoy, financier, go-between, intermediary, mediator, merchant, middleman, moderator, plenipotentiary, politician, representative, tactician
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: arbitration, litigation, mediation
NEIGHBORHOOD, noun area, citizenry, city, commune, community, hamlet, locale, locale enclave, locality, place, populous, public, region, town, vicinity, village
NEOPHYTE, noun abecedarian, amateur, apprentice, beginner, catechumen, debutant, entrant, fledgling, freshman, learner, newcomer, novice, prentice, pupil, student, tenderfoot, trainee, tyro
NEPOTISM, noun bias, corruptibility, corruption, family patronage, favor, favoritism, inequitableness, inequity, injustice, interest, leaning, partiality, partisanism, partisanship, patronage, preferential treatment, undetachment, unfairness, unjustness
NESCIENCE, noun blindness, darkness, greenness, ignorance, ignoration, incognizance, inexperience, lack of awareness, lack of knowledge, lack of learning, naïveté, rawness, unawareness, uncomprehension, unenlightenment, uninformedness, unintelligence, unknowingness, unlearnedness
NET, adjective clear, irreducible, leftover, remaining, residual, residuary, surplus, surviving, unexpended, unspent
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: net assets, net balance, net capital stock, net earnings, net estate, net income, net loss, net premium, net price, net proceeds, net profit, net rents, net revenues, net value, net worth
NETTLE, verb acerbate, affront, aggravate, agitate, anger, annoy, antagonize, badger, chafe, disquiet, disturb, exasperate, excite, fret, gall, goad, harass, incense, insult, ire, irritate, miff, pester, pique, provoke, rankle, sting, tease, upset, vex
NETWORK, noun body, combined system, complicated system, interface, intertwining system, laced system, systematic web, weave, weaving, web, webbing
NEUTRAL, adjective disengaged, disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, fair, fair-minded, impartial, impersonal, independent, indifferent, isolationist, nonaligned, nonbelligerent, noncombatant, noncommittal, noninterfering, noninterventionist, nonparticipant, nonparticipating, nonpartisan, objective, pacific, pacifistic, peaceable, peaceful, unaffected, unbiased, unbigoted, uncommitted, unconcerned, uninfluenced, uninvolved, unjaundiced, unprejudiced, unprepossessed, unswayed
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: neutral property
NEUTRALITY, noun aloofness, detachment, disinterest, disinterestedness, dispassionateness, impartiality, indifference, moderateness, neutralism, nonbelligerence, noncombatance, noninterference, nonintervention, nonparticipance, nonparticipation, nonpartisanship
NEUTRALIZE, verb annul, balance, cancel, cancel out, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, deactivate, deaden, demagnetize, destroy the effect of, disable, disenable, equalize, incapacitate, invalidate, make ineffective, negate, nullify, offset, render inert, render inoperative, render neutral, vitiate
NEW (Creative), adjective causative, conceived, conceptive, conceptual, constructive, created with a different approach, created with a different look, created with a fresh approach, created with a fresh look, effectuated, formative, imagined, ingenious, innovative, inventive, original, originated by, originative, produced, produced by someone blessed with talent, produced by someone capable, produced by someone talented, resourceful, talented, unique
NEW (Initial), adjective beginning, chief, elementary, first, first ever, foremost, fundamental, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, incipient, introductory, nascent, original, preliminary, primary, primary original, rudimentary, seminal, unique
NEWS, noun broadcast news, coverage, current affairs, daily news, developments, happenings, hard news, information, intelligence, media, news gathering, news medium, news service, press, reportage, reporting, television, the fourth estate, the press, the press corps, word
NEWSWORTHY, adjective acclaimed, consequential, contemporary, crucial, essential, far-reaching, front-page, great, important, influential, meaningful, momentous, notable, noteworthy, paramount, relevant, significant, substantive, timely, topical, urgent, vital
NEXT (Near), adjective abutting, adjacent, adjoining, bordering, connecting, contiguous, immediate, in the neighborhood, in the vicinity, joined, juxtaposed, neighboring, tangential
NEXT (Noted), adjective acclaimed, applauded, celebrated, consequential, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, exalted, extraordinary, famed, famous, foremost, great, honored, illustrious, important, known, leading, matchless, much touted, notable, noteworthy, notorious, outstanding, popular, preeminent, prominent, recognized, remarkable, reputable, singular, unexampled, unique, unparalleled, unprecedented, well-known
NEXT (Succeeding), adjective additional, consequent, ensuing, following, progressive, sequent, sequential, serial, subsequent, successive
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: next devisee, next estate, next of kin
NEXT OF KIN, noun blood kindred, blood relation, blood relative, close relative, collateral relative, consanguineal relations, family, family connection, family tie, individual’s nearest relative, kin, kindred, kinsman, kinspeople, near relation, nearest blood relation, nearest relative by blood, related by affinity, relation by blood, relations, relatives
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: decedent’s estate, heirs
NEXUS, noun affiliation, alliance, association, attachment, bond, bridge, connecting link, connection, connective, coupling, interconnection, intermedium, interrelation, kinship, liaison, link, privity, relation, relationship, thread, tie, union, vinculum
NICE, adjective affable, agreeable, befitting, correct, decent, decorous, delicate, exact, finespun, genial, genteel, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, hospitable, mellow, nice, nuanced, palatable, pleasant, polite, refined, respectable, seemly, subtle, sweet, well-disposed
NOBLE, adjective aristocratic, august, courtly, dignified, distinguished, elevated, eminent, esteemed, estimable, exalted, famous, glorious, grand, held in esteem, heroic, highly esteemed, honorable, honored, inspiring, kingly, lauded, lofty, magisterial, magnificent, majestic, meritorious, outstanding, prestigious, princely, prominent, regal, renowned, reputable, respectable, respected, revered, royal, soaring, stately, superb, worthy
NOISE, noun ado, blare, blatancy, cacophony, charivari, clamor, clamorousness, clangor, clatter, cry, detonation, din, discord, fanfare, fracas, harsh sound, hubbub, hullabaloo, jangle, loudness, outcry, pandemonium, racket, ruckus, ruction, sonitus, sound, stir, strepitus, tumult, unpleasant sound, uproar, uproariousness, vociferance, vociferation
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: disturbing the peace, noise pollution, nuisance
NOISOME, adjective abhorrent, abominable, arrant, atrocious, awful, base, blameworthy, brutal, coarse, contemptible, crude, deplorable, despicable, detestable, disgusting, dreadful, egregious, execrable, fetid, foul, grievous, heinous, horrible, horrid, ignoble, infamous, monstrous, nefarious, noxious, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rude, sad, shameful, shocking, sickening, terrible, vile, woeful, wretched
NOLLO CONTENDERE, noun acceptance of penalty, admission of the facts, plea, settlement
NOLLO PROSEQUI, noun abrogation, cancellation, counter order, countermand, reversal, reversion
NOMINAL, adjective cheap, cut-rate, hardly worth mention, honorary, in name only, inconsiderable, inexpensive, insignificant, little, low, low-priced, meager, meaningless, minimum, minute, moderate, modest, negligible, nomine, petty, reduced, scanty, simple, slight, small, superficial, symbolic, titular, titulary, token, trifling, trivial, unactual, unimportant, unsubstantial
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nominal capital, nominal consideration, nominal damages, nominal defendant, nominal owner, nominal parties, nominal plaintiff, nominal value
NOMINATE, verb appoint, assign, call, choose, commission, constitute, denominate, designare, designate for appointment, designate for election, dicere, draft, engage, entitle, install, label, name, name for office, nominare, ordain, ordinate, place in authority, place in command, place in office, propose, propose as a candidate, put up, select, specify, style, suggest, tag, title, vote into office
NOMINATION, noun appointment, assignment, authorization, choice, choosing, delegation, denomination, deputization, designatio, designation, election, naming, nominatio, ordainment, ordination, proposal, selection
NOMINEE (Candidate), noun chosen representative, flag bearer, named representative, political representative, selection
NOMINEE (Delegate), noun appointee, consignee, licensee, representative, selectee, trustee
NON COMPOS MENTIS, adjective abnormal, bereft of reason, crazed, crazy, declared insane, defective, demented, deprived of one’s wits, deranged, dim-witted, diseased in mind, disoriented, distraught, dull-witted, feeble-minded, idiotic, insane, insanely deluded, lunatic, mad, maddened, manic, maniacal, mental, mentally deficient, mentally diseased, mentally ill, mentally sick, mentally unsound, mindless, moronic, of unsound mind, out of one’s mind, out of one’s senses, out of one’s wits, psychologically abnormal, psychopathic, psychotic, raving, senseless, simple-minded, unbalanced, unsettled, unsettled in one’s mind, unsound, unstable, utterly senseless
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: insanity, lack of capacity
NON SEQUITUR, noun anacoluthon, bad logic, circular reasoning, contradiction of terms, disconnectedness, discontinuity, fallacious argument, fallacious reasoning, fallacy, false reasoning, flaw in the argument, illogical conclusion, illogical deduction, illogical result, inconsequence, irrational conclusion, irrelevancy, loose thinking, lost connection, nonsensicality, nonsensicalness, paralogism, sophism, sophistry, specious argument, specious reasoning, unfounded conclusion, unwarranted conclusion, wrong reasoning
NONACCEPTANCE, noun abnegation, abridgment, at an impasse, confutation, contradiction, contrary assertion, contravention, disaffirmation, disallowance, disavowal, disclamation, dissent, negation, no agreement, no meeting of the minds, objection, protest, rebuttal, recantation, refutation, rejection, renouncement, renunciation, retraction
NONAGE, noun adolescence, childhood, early stage, immaturity, infancy, legal immaturity, legal minority, minority, period of legal immaturity, period of legal minority, tender age, youth
NONAPPEARANCE, noun absence without leave, absentation, absenteeism, concealment, default, failure to appear, hiding, imperceptibility, indiscernibility, inexistence, invisibility, invisibleness, nonattendance, nonpresence, obscurity, truancy, unperceivability, unseeableness, vanishment
NONCANCELABLE, adjective abiding, durable, indelible, ineffaceable, irrepealable, irreversible, lasting, nonabolishable, nonannullable, nonerasable, nonrescindable, nonretractable, nonreversible, permanent, unchangeable, undestroyable, unquashable, unvoidable
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: noncancelable clause
NONCHALANT, adjective aequo animo, apathetic, blase, calm, carefree, casual, collected, composed, cool, dispassionate, easygoing, impassive, imperturbable, indifferent, insouciant, inured, lacking enthusiasm, lacking interest, lacking warmth, lukewarm, offhand, passionless, pococurante, self-controlled, spiritless, studied, unaffected, unaroused, unblushing, uncaring, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, unexcited, unfeeling, unflappable, unimpassioned, unimpressed, uninterested, unmindful, unmoved, unruffled, unshocked, unspirited, unstirred, untouched, unworried
NONCOMMITTAL, adjective careful, cautious, changeable, close, discreet, evasive, faltering, guarded, hedging, heedful, hesitant, hesitating, incommunicative, inconstant, indecisive, infirm of purpose, irresolute, irresolved, laconic, lukewarm, mutable, neutral, on guard, precautionary, precautious, prudent, reserved, reticent, secretive, silent, taciturn, unassured, uncertain, uncommitted, uncommunicative, undaring, undecided, unforthcoming, uninvolved, unresolved, unresponsive, unsettled, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsure, vacillating, vague, wary, watchful, wavering
NONCOMPETE CLAUSE, noun agreement not to compete, contract against competing, covenant not to compete, express promise not to compete, noncompete agreement, prohibition against competition, restrictive covenant not to compete, restrictive provisions against competing
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: golden handcuffs, per se violations of law, restrictive covenants, scope of geographical area, time period
NONCOMPLIANCE (Improper completion), noun deficient work, faulty work, inadequate final work, poor quality work, shabby work, wrong implementation
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: noncompliance with a judicial order
NONCOMPLIANCE (Nonobservance), noun defiance, disloyalty, disregard of orders, non occurrence, nonconformity, refusal
NONCONFORMING, adjective aberrant, alien, at odds with, at variance with, Bohemian, contrary, defiant, deviating, different, differing, disagreeing, disapproved, discordant, disobedient, dissentient, dissenting, dissident, dissimilar, distinct, distinguished, diversified, eccentric, exotic, heretical, incongruous, independent, irregular, lawless, nonadhering, noncompliant, nonobservant, nonuniform, original, out of line, out of step, peculiar, quaint, rare, remarkable, singular, solitary, special, unaccountable, unaccustomed, unadaptable, unadjustable, unclassifiable, uncommon, unconformable, unconventional, uncustomary, unexpected, unfashionable, unique, unordinary, unorthodox, unparalleled, unprecedented, unsubmissive, unusual, unwonted
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nonconforming use
NONCONFORMITY, noun aberration, abnormality, abnormity, anomalousness, anomaly, apostasy, bizarreness, Bohemianism, change, contrast, defiance, departure, deviation, difference, disagreement, disconformity, disobedience, disparity, dispute, dissent, dissidence, dissimilarity, distinctness, divergence, diverseness, diversity, eccentricity, exception, exceptionality, heresy, heterodoxy, heterogeneity, idiosyncrasy, incongruity, inconsistency, independence, individuality, irregularity, lack of agreement, nonagreement, nonconcurrence, nonuniformity, objection, originality, otherness, peculiarity, protest, protestation, recusancy, rejection, separateness, separatism, singularity, strangeness, unconformity, unconventionality, uniqueness, unlikeness, unorthodoxness, unorthodoxy, variance, variation, variety, veto
NONCONSENTING, adjective critical, declinatory, defiant, disapproving, discontented, disobedient, disparaging, dissentient, dissenting, dissident, faultfinding, hostile, inacquiescent, insubordinate, intractable, nonconformant, noncontent, objecting, overcritical, protesting, recalcitrant, recusant, refusing, resistant, seditious, unapproving, uncomplying, unconsenting, unsubmissive, unwilling
NONCONTESTABLE, adjective nonchallengeable, noncontrovertible, nondebatable, nondisputable, nonproblematical, nonquestionable, nonrefutable, undeniable, undoubtable, unquestionable
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: noncontestable clause
NONDESCRIPT, adjective average, boring, characteristic, common, commonplace, conventional, difficult to classify, difficult to describe, dull, everyday, familiar, hackneyed, homely, indescribable, insipid, mediocre, middling, not extraordinary, not odd, not singular, not special, not unique, ordinary, pedestrian, plain, prosaic, stock, trite, typical, unadorned, unclassifiable, undistinguished, unenlivened, unexceptional, unexciting, unidentifiable, uninteresting, unremarkable, usual
NONENTITY, noun blank, cipher, existenceless, figurehead, inexistence, insignificance, insignificancy, insubstantiality, matter of no consequence, matter of no importance, nihil, no one, nobody, nonbeing, nonexistence, nothing, nothingness, nought, nullity, terrae filius, unsubstantiality, unsubstantialness
NONESSENTIAL, adjective accessory, added, additional, adscititious, auxiliary, avoidable, beside the point, beside the question, dispensable, excess, expendable, extra, extraneous, extrinsic, extrinsical, frivolous, gratuitous, incidental, inconsequential, inessential, insignificant, minor, needless, negligible, of little consequence, of little importance, of no account, of no concern, of no consequence, of no importance, of no significance, of small importance, optional, parenthetic, parenthetical, peripheral, redundant, spare, supererogatory, superfluous, supervenient, supplemental, supplementary, trifling, trivial, uncalled for, unessential, ungermane, unimportant, unnecessary, unneeded, unnoteworthy, unrequired, unwarranted
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nonessential services
NONEXISTENT, adjective chimerical, fancied, fantastic, fantastical, hallucinatory, hypothetical, ideal, illusory, imaginary, imagined, inexistent, legendary, notional, theoretical, unborn, uncreated, unexisting, unreal, visionary
NONFEASANCE, noun delinquency, dereliction, disregard, disregard of duty, failure, inattention, indifference, laxity, misprision, neglect of duty, negligence, nonfulfillment, nonperformance, omission
NONMILITANT, adjective accommodative, agreeable, amicable, appeasable, conciliable, conciliative, conciliatory, concordant, forgiving, gentle, halcyon, irenic, irenical, meek, neutral, nonaggresive, noncombatant, noncombative, nonviolent, pacificatory, pacifistic, peaceloving, peaceable, peaceful, placable, placative, propitiable, propitiatory, tolerant, unaggressive, unbellicose, unbelligerent, uncontentious, unhostile, unmilitant, unpugnacious, unwarlike
NONOBSERVANCE, noun arbitrary, averse, contrary, contumacious, defiant, delinquent, derelict, disloyal, disregarding, disrespectful, fractious, hostile, incorrigible, independent, indisposed, insubordinate, insurgent, intractable, irascible, irresponsible, lawbreaking, lawless, licentious, loath, mind of his or her own, misbehaving, mutinous, neglectful, negligent, noncompliant, nonconforming, obdurate, objecting, obstinate, obstreperous, opposed, opposing, perfidious, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, reluctant, remiss, resistant, resistive, restive, stubborn, uncooperative, undependable, undisciplined, undutiful, unfaithful, ungovernable, unmanageable, unmindful, unreliable, unruly, unwilling, unyielding, violating, wayward, wild, willful
FOREIGN PHRASES: Non observata forma, interftur adnullatio actus. Where form is not observed, the annulling of the act is implied or follows.
NONOBVIOUSNESS, noun invention which is not an obvious combination of preexisting work, invention which is not an obvious development of a preexisting work, invention which is not an obvious variation of a preexisting work, patent for invention unexpected by a person with ordinary skill in the art, requirement for patentability
NONPARTISAN, adjective autonomous, broad-minded, detached, disengaged, equitable, evenhanded, fair, fair-minded, impartial, independent, judicious, latitudinarian, moderate, neutral, nonaligned, objective, self-determined, self-directing, self-governing, sovereign, unbiased, unbigoted, uncommitted, uncompelled, unforced, uninduced, uninfluenced, unprejudiced, unswayed, unwarped
NONPAYMENT, noun bad debt, balance due, default, deferred payment, delinquency, dishonor, dishonored bill, evasion, failure, failure to pay, lapse, neglect, outstanding debt, oversight, refusal to pay, repudiation, unpaid dues
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nonpayment of rent
NONPERFORMANCE, noun avoidance, breach of promise, default, delinquency, dereliction of duty, disregard, dutilessness, evasion, evasion of duty, failure to perform, idleness, inactivity, inexecution, laxity, neglect, negligence, noncompletion, noncompliance, noncooperation, nonfeasance, nonfulfillment, nonpractice, omission, truancy, unduteousness, undutifulness, unfulfillment
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nonperformance of a contract, nonperformance of a duty
NONPHASED, adjective addled, at a loss, at a nonplus, at a stand or standstill, at an impasse, at one’s wit’s end, baffled, bamboozled, bewildered, buffaloed, confounded, dazed, deadlocked, fuddled, in a dilemma, in suspense, muddled, mystified, nonplussed, on tenterhooks, on the horns of a dilemma, perplexed, puzzled, stuck and stumped, stymied
NONPROFIT, adjective altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, eleemosynary, humanitarian, munificent, philanthropic, public service
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nonprofit corporation
NONRESIDENCE, noun absence, nondomicile, nonhabitancy, nonhabitation, noninhabitance, noninhabitancy, nonoccupance, nonoccupancy, nonoccupation, nonpresence, nontenancy
NONSECTARIAN, adjective all-comprehensive, all-embracing, all-including, all-inclusive, broad, broad-based, collective, comprehensive, ecumenical, general, global, interdenominational, mixed, undenominational, universal, unspecified, worldwide
NONSUBSTANTIAL (Not sturdy), adjective adynamic, asthenic, attenuated, below par, breakable, brittle, defective, deficient, delicate, destructible, enervated, ephemeral, fallacious, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, frangible, ghostly, illogical, inadequate, infirm, intangible, lame, limp, mediocre, perishable, powerless, slight, sorry, strengthless, tenuous, unearthly, ungrounded, unsolid, unsound, unstable, unsturdy, unsubstantial, untenable, weak, weakly, without force, without foundation, wobbly
NONSUBSTANTIAL (Not sufficient), adjective deficient, depleted, deprived, disappointing, drained, inadequate, incomplete, insignificant, insubstantial, lacking, low, meager, niggardly, paltry, scant, scanty, scarce, stingy, thin, too little, too small, unacceptable, ungratifying, unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, unsufficing, wanting
NONSUIT, noun defeat, directed verdict, failure to establish a cause of action, failure to make a case, failure to meet the burden of proof, failure to present sufficient evidence, hostile verdict, insufficiency as a matter of law, insufficient evidence, judgment for the defendant as a matter of law, termination of a case by inaction, termination of a judicial contest, termination of a lawsuit, termination of a lawsuit by failing to proceed, termination of a legal action, termination of a legal proceeding, termination of a proceeding, termination of a suit in law, termination of an action, termination of an action at law by failure to proceed, termination of an action by neglect, termination of litigation
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: compulsory nonsuit, demurrer, discontinuance, dismissal, involuntary nonsuit, motion for nonsuit, peremptory nonsuit, voluntary nonsuit
NONTOXIC, adjective benign, harmless, hurtless, innocent, innocuous, innoxious, inoffensive, nonfatal, nonirritating, nonlethal, nonmalignant, nonpoisonous, nonvenomous, nonvirulent, not baneful, not dangerous, not deadly, not deleterious, not pernicious, not toxiferous, safe, undestructive, unhazardous, uninjurious, unobjectionable, without risk
NONUSE, noun abeyance, absence, abstinence, desuetude, disusage, disuse, forebearance, neglect, nonemployment, nonutilization, suspension
NORM, noun average, general performance, generality, habit, median, midpoint, model, mold, ordinary run, pattern, point of comparison, regular performance, rule, standard, typical performance
NORMAL (Regular), adjective according to rule, average, common, commonplace, conforming, conventional, customary, established, everyday, habitual, natural, orderly, ordinary, representative, routine, standard, standardized, true to form, typical, unexceptional, unvarying, usual
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: normal conditions, normal course of business, normal use
NORMAL (Sane), adjective fit, logical, lucid, mentally sound, of sound judgment, rational, reasonable, responsible, sensible, sound, temperate
NOSCITUR A SOCIIS, adverb comprehended from accompanying words, perceived from accompanying words, realized from accompanying words, recognized from accompanying words, understood from accompanying words
NOT ADMISSIBLE, adjective banned, barred, deemed improper, deemed inapplicable, disallowed, disapproved, excepted, excluded, inadmissible, inapposite, inappropriate, ineligible, irrelevant, not admitted in, not allowed as evidence, not allowed in, not allowed in evidence, not allowed to be admitted as evidence, not capable of being introduced as evidence, objectionable, prohibited, refused, rejected, suppressed, unfit, unqualified, unsuitable, wrong
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: evidence obtained by torture, hearsay, impeachment, not admissible into evidence
NOT COUNTENANCED, adjective disallowed, forbidden, illegitimate, improper, inappropriate, incorrect, not allowed, not approved, not blessed, not permitted, not proper, prohibited, proscribed, unapproved, uncertified, undue, unendorsed, unlawful, unlicensed, unsanctioned, unsuitable, unwarranted
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: a deception not countenanced, a substantial departure not countenanced by law, mistake not countenanced, not countenanced by the courts, practices not countenanced by the courts
NOT EQUITABLE, adjective biased, fraudulent, improper, inequitable, jaundiced, not balanced, not fair, not just, not proper, one-sided, prejudiced, unequal, uneven, unfair, unjust, unprincipled, unreasonable
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: not equitable process
NOT GUILTY, adjective above suspicion, blameless, clean-handed, exculpable, faultless, free from guilt, guilt-free, guiltless, impeccable, incorrupt, inculpable, innocent, not responsible, sinless, unblemished, unimpeachable, uninvolved
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: plea of not guilty
NOT HONORABLE, adjective conniving, conscienceless, corrupt, deceitful, deceiving, deceptive, delusive, delusory, discreditable, dishonorable, disingenuous, disreputable, faithless, fake, faked, false, false-hearted, falsified, fraudulent, guileful, immoral, iniquitous, insidious, insincere, lying, meretricious, misleading, nefarious, not fair, not honest, not just, not legitimate, not proper, not true, perfidious, shameless, shifty, spurious, surreptitious, treacherous, underhanded, unethical, unfaithful, unprincipled, unprofessional, unscrupulous, untrue, untrustworthy, untruthful, worthy of disbarment
NOT PERMITTED, adjective banished, banned, barred, blocked, checked, curbed, debarred, denied, disallowed, disqualified, enjoined, excluded, forbid, foreclosed, halted, hampered, hindered, illegal, impeded, inhibited, interdicted, interfered, limited, negated, obstructed, omitted, opposed, ordered stopped, precluded, prevented, proscribed, quashed, quelled, refused, refused permission, regulated, rejected, repressed, repudiated, restrained, restricted, revoked, shut out, smothered, stayed, stopped, suppressed, suspended, thwarted, vetoed
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: motion practice, not permitted to disclose confidences, not permitted to many, punitive damages in private lawsuits
NOT PERTINENT, adjective alien, discordant, discrepant, dissonant, gratuitous, improper, inadmissible, inapplicable, inapposite, incongruent, incongruous, inconsistent, ineligible, inessential, inopportune, irrelevant, misapplied, misdirected, misplaced, not appropriate, not germane, not related, objectionable, undue, unfit, unfitting, unharmonious, unsuitable, unsuited
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: evidence presented that is not pertinent, information requested that is not pertinent, not pertinent trait or character, objections
NOT SUBSTANTIATED, adjective baseless, controvertible, empty, flimsy, groundless, ill-conceived, ill-founded, inconclusive, insubstantial, not proven, poorly argued, unfounded, ungrounded, unproved, unsound, unsubstantial, unsupportable, unsupported, unsustainable, unverifiable, without a sound basis, without basis, without foundation
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: allegations not substantiated, arguments not substantiated, claims not substantiated, complaints not substantiated, motions not substantiated
NOT VALID, adjective abrogated, baseless, canceled, fallacious, faulty, futile, having no force, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inoperative, invalid, lacking authority, lacking force, lacking strength, not binding, nugatory, null, quashed, spurious, unauthentic, untenable, untrue, useless, vain, void, without legal basis, without legal efficacy, without legal justification
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: objections, patents, recordation in copyright office, validity of claims, wills
NOTABLE, adjective above par, acclaimed, astonishing, atypical, awe-inspiring, awesome, celebrated, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, exceptional, extraordinary, famed, famous, foremost, illustrious, important, impressive, leading, luminous, marked, memorable, momentous, momumental, newsworthy, notabilis, noted, noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent, prime, prominent, rare, remarkable, rememberable, renowned, salient, signal, significant, singular, special, striking, superior, talked of, top-rank, transcendent, unforgettable, worthy of notice, worthy of remark
NOTARIZE, verb accord one’s approval, accredit, affirm, affix a legal signature, affix one’s signature to, approve, attach a legal signature, attest to, authenticate, authorize, bear witness, certify, confirm, confirm officially, evidence, legalize, make valid, pronounce legal, seal, set one’s hand and seal, sign, sign and seal, sign legally, subscribe, undersign, validate, witness
NOTARY PUBLIC, noun attestor of documents, clerk of the court, commissioner of oaths, functionary, indorser, notary, official, recorder, register, registerer, registrar, scriba, scribe, scrivener, subscriber
NOTATION, noun annotation, chronicle, comment, commentary, entry, footnote, inscription, marginalia, memorandum, minute, note, record, register
NOTE (Brief comment), noun abstract, adnotatio, annotation, billet, brief, codicilli, comment, commentary, communication, dispatch, entry, epistula, exegesis, explanatory comment, explanatory remark, footnote, gloss, marginal annotation, memorandum, message, minute, missive, record, reminder, scholium, short letter, statement, word of explanation
NOTE (Written promise to pay), noun bond, check, debenture, draft, money order, negotiable instrument, negotiable paper, voucher
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: accommodation note, bank note, bearer notes, cognovit note, commercial paper, negotiable note, promissory note, treasury note
NOTE (Notice), verb acknowledge, advert to, apperceive, appreciate, attend, be attentive, become aware, become conscious, cognize, direct attention to, discern, discover, fix attention on, give attention to, hearken to, heed, look at, make out, mark, mind, observe, pay attention to, pay heed to, perceive, realize, regard, see, take account of, take cognizance of, take notice, turn attention to, watch, witness
NOTE (Record), verb adnotare, annotate, calendar, catalog, chronicle, commit to writing, docket, document, enregister, enter, jot down, keep accounts, log, make a memorandum, make an entry, mark, mark down, pen, put in writing, put on paper, put on record, scribe, set down, take down, write, write down
NOTED (Acknowledged), adjective accepted, admitted, cleared, declared, disclosed, discovered, established, evident, exposed, familiar, identified, manifest, obvious, patently known, proclaimed, realized, recognized, revealed, well-known
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: as noted, briefly noted, judicial notice
NOTED (Well-known), adjective acclaimed, applauded, celebrated, consequential, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, exalted, extraordinary, famed, famous, foremost, great, honored, illustrious, important, known, leading, matchless, much touted, notable, noteworthy, notorious, outstanding, popular, preeminent, prominent, recognized, remarkable, reputable, singular, unexampled, unique, unparalleled, unprecedented
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: a noted authority
NOTEWORTHY, adjective above par, amazing, anomalous, astonishing, astounding, atypical, bizarre, breathtaking, celebrated, choice, commanding, considerable, conspicuous, curious, different, distinctive, distinguished, egregious, eminent, especial, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, extreme, famous, fantastic, foremost, idiosyncratic, illustrious, important, impressive, incredible, individual, individualistic, infrequent, leading, main, marked, material, memorable, momentous, monumental, newsworthy, notable, noticeable, novel, odd, original, out of the ordinary, outstanding, paramount, peculiar, peerless, pertinent, phenomenal, preeminent, principal, prodigious, prominent, queer, rare, remarkable, renowned, salient, signal, significant, singular, special, standing out, stirring, strange, surprising, telling, uncommon, uncustomary, unequaled, unfamiliar, unforgettable, unheard of, unimitated, unique, unparalleled, unprecedented, unusual, wonderful, wondrous, worthy of notice, worthy of remark
NOTHING (Void), noun blank, clean slate, emptiness, empty feeling, empty space, inanity, nothingness, vacuity, vacuum
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nothing but the truth, nothing to hide
NOTHING (Zero), noun naught, nil, none, not one iota, nothing at all, nothing whatever
NOTICE (Announcement), noun bulletin, circular, communication, communique, declaration, decree, denuntiatio, disclosure, dispatch, enlightenment, enunciation, flier, information, memorandum, mention, message, news, note, notification, presentation, proclamation, promulgatio, pronouncement, publicity, release, reminder, report, revelation, statement
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: legal notice, notice of appeal, notice of appearance, notice of claim, notice of motion, notice of protest, public notice
FOREIGN PHRASES: Notitia dicitur a noscendo; et notitia non debet claudicare. Notice is named from a knowledge being had; and notice ought not to be imperfect.
NOTICE (Heed), noun absorption, advertence, advertency, alertness, animadversio, attention, attentiveness, care, careful attention, carefulness, cautel, caution, cautiousness, circumspection, cognizance, consideration, discernment, engrossment, guard, heedfulness, mindfulness, notatio, observance, observation, recognition, regard, regardfulness, scrutiny, surveillance, thought, vigil, vigilance, wariness, watch, watchfulness
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: judicial notice
FOREIGN PHRASES: De minimis non curat lex. The law is not concerned with trifling matters.
NOTICE (Warning), noun admonishment, admonition, caution, caveat, commination, communication, counsel, dehortation, denuntiatio, forewarning, monition, premonishment, prenotification, ultimatum
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: absence of notice, actual notice, adequate notice, constructive notice, due notice, explicit notice, express notice, implied notice, imputed notice, notice of disallowance, notice to appear, notice to vacate, proper notice, reasonable notice, requisite notice, timely notice, verified notice, written notice
NOTICE (Give formal warning), verb address a warning to, advise, apprise, communicate, convey knowledge to, denuntiatio, direct attention to, disclose, divulge, entrust with information, forewarn, formally advise, give fair warning, give information, give warning, impart knowledge of, impart to, inform, instruct, make a formal proclamation, make acquainted with, make an announcement, make known, make mention of, make public, notify, offer a word of caution, pass on information, promulgatio, publish, put on one’s guard, reveal, warn
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: notice a deposition, notice a hearing
NOTICE (Observe), verb acknowledge, animadvertere, appreciate, ascertain, assess, attend to, be attentive, be conscious of, become aware of, become conscious of, behold, call attention to, cognize, comment, detect, discern, discover, distinguish, elucidate, examine closely, examine intently, give heed to, glance at, hear, heed, inspect, investigate, look, look at, mark, mention, notatio, note, observe, occupy oneself with, pass under review, pay attention, perceive, pore over, realize, recognize, regard, review, scrutinize, see, sight, spot, take cognizance, take into account, take into consideration, take stock of, view, watch, witness
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, noun announcement of the lawyer in a case, entrance by counsel in a case, formal notification of counsel’s presence, noted presence in court, notice of entry, notification of representation, notification of the entry of counsel to a case, official acknowledgment of counsel’s presence, official appearance by counsel, official statement of representation, statement of counsel’s appearance
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: attorney of record, court proceeding, notice of limited appearance
NOTIFICATION, noun announcement, annunciation, aviso, bulletin, caution, communication, communiqué, declaration, denuntiatio, disclosure, dispatch, dissemination, divulgation, enlightenment, enunciation, evulgation, information, intelligence, intercommunication, knowledge, legal notice, mention, message, monition, news, notice, proclamation, promulgatio, promulgation, pronouncement, publicity, release, report, revelation, statement, transmission of knowledge, warning
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: due process, process of service, proper notification
NOTIFY, verb acquaint, advertise, advise, alert, announce, annunciate, apprise, break the news, brief, bring word, call attention to, caution, communicate, confide, contact, convey, counsel, declare, disclose, disseminate, divulge, enlighten, enunciate, exhort, forewarn, give notice, give the facts, give to understand, give warning, herald, impart, indicate, inform, instruct, issue a proclamation, issue a pronouncement, let know, make an announcement, make known, make public, mention, post, proclaim, promote, promulgate, propagate, publicize, publish, recount, relate, remind, report, reveal, serve notice, signal, signify, state, tell, tip off, transmit, warn
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: notify a defendant of charges pending, notify of an action pending
NOTION, noun abstraction, apprehension, belief, caprice, concept, conception, conviction, desire, estimation, fancy, feeling, humor, idea, impression, inclination, inkling, judgment, mental image, notio, opinion, sentiment, suggestion, supposition, suspicio, thought, understanding, vagary, view, whim
NOTORIETY, noun attaint, bad report, bad reputation, bad repute, bruit, celebrity, censure, conspicuousness, dedecoration, degradation, denunciation, disapprobation, discredit, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace, dishonor, disparagement, disreputability, disreputableness, disrepute, disrespect, distinction, eclat, eminence, fama, fame, famousness, flagrancy, ignominy, ignomy, ill repute, imputation, indignity, infamia, infamousness, infamy, ingloriousness, loss of honor, loss of reputation, name, notability, notedness, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, popular repute, popularity, prominence, public notice, publicity, recognition, renown, reproach, reputation, repute, scandal, shame, significance, slur, stigma, stigmatization, taint, unrespectability
NOTORIOUS, adjective arrant, blameworthy, celebrated, conspicuous, contemptible, degraded, deplorable, despised, discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable, disreputable, disrespectable, egregious, famed, famous, flagrant, generally known, glaring, held in contempt, ignoble, ignominious, infamous, inglorious, nobilis, noted, notus, odious, of ill fame, of ill repute, opprobrious, outcast, outrageous, prominent, publicized, renowned, scandalous, shameful, shameless, shocking, unfavorably known, unrespectable, unseemly, unworthy of respect, villainous, without repute
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: notorious easement, notorious possession, open and notorious use
NOTWITHSTANDING, preposition all the same, although, despite, even, however, in any case, in any event, in spite of, nevertheless, none the less, still, yet
NOVATION, noun complete substitution, exchange, replacement, substitution
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: novation of a contract
NOVEL, adjective alien, anomalous, bizarre, different, distinctive, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, foreign, fresh, innovative, inusitate, irregular, modern, neoteric, neoterical, new, newly come, nonconformist, novus, odd, original, peculiar, quaint, rare, recent, singular, strange, uncharacteristic, uncommon, unconventional, uncustomary, unfamiliar, unheard of, unique, unordinary, unorthodox, unprecedented, untested, untried, unused, unusual, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: novel question of law
NOVICE, noun amateur, apprentice, aspirant, beginner, catechumen, disciple, entrant, fledgling, freshman, hopeful, inexperienced person, initiate, learner, neophyte, new arrival, newcomer, probationer, pupil, recruit, rookie, rudis, student, trainee, tyro, unskilled person, untrained individual
NOW AND FOREVER, adverb evermore, for ever and ever, forever, forevermore
NOXIOUS, adjective adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, brutal, causing danger, contaminated, corrupting, damaging, dangerous, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, disadvantageous, fatal, fraught with danger, harmful, hazardous, hurtful, impairing, injurious, insalubrious, internecine, jeopardous, lethal, malefic, malicious, malignant, menacing, mischievous, nocent, noisome, offensive, perilous, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilent, poisonous, precarious, risky, ruinous, scatheful, threatening, toxic, unfavorable, unhealthy, unsafe, unwholesome, vicious, virulent
NUANCE, noun cast, degree, delicacy, difference, differentiation, discrimination, distinction, hidden meaning, implication, nicety, shade, shade of difference, shade of meaning, shadow, subtle difference, subtlety, suggestion, touch, variance
NUCLEUS, noun apex, axis, base, capital, center, central, core, cornerstone, cynosure, epicenter, eye, focus, ground zero, heart, hub, locus, mecca, nerve center, nexus, nucleus, omphalos, seat, vortex
NUGATORY, adjective fatuous, frivolous, frothy, futile, immaterial, inadequate, inane, inapt, incompetent, inconsequential, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inept, inoperative, insignificant, insubstantial, inutile, invalid, irrelevant, jejune, nugatorius, null, null and void, otiose, paltry, petty, purposeless, slight, superficial, trifling, trivial, unavailing, unfruitful, unimportant, unproductive, unprofitable, unserviceable, useless, vain, valueless, void, worthless
NUISANCE, noun affliction, aggravation, annoyance, anxiety, bedevilment, bother, burden, cause of distress, devilment, difficult situation, difficulty, discomfort, displeasure, disturbance, grievance, handicap, harassment, hardship, hindrance, imposition, inconvenience, infliction, infringement, injurious interference, interference, intrusion, irritation, molestation, obstacle, ordeal, pain, pest, pestilence, plague, problem, scourge, trial, trouble, unlawful obstruction, unwarrantable intrusion, vexation, worry
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: abatement of a nuisance, attractive nuisance, common nuisance, continuing nuisance, nuisance at law, nuisance in fact, nuisance per se, public nuisance
FOREIGN PHRASES: Aedificare in tuo proprio solo non licet quod alteri noceat. It is not lawful to build upon one’s own land what may injure another.
NUISANCE VALUE, noun cost to resolve a frivolous action, disposal value, number to dispose of a frivolous case, number to get rid of a frivolous action, number to make a case go away, price to resolve a frivolous case, quick settlement amount for a frivolous case, value to dispose of a frivolous lawsuit, walking money
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: frivolous lawsuit
NULL (Insignificant), adjective beneath notice, dispensable, disregarded, empty, expendable, immaterial, impuissant, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inessential, inferior, insubstantial, insufficient, irrelevant, meaningless, minor, negligible, nominal, nugatory, of no account, of no effect, of no moment, of no value, paltry, peripheral, petty, pointless, powerless, puny, secondary, small, superficial, tenuous, token, trifling, trivial, unavailing, unessential, unimportant, uninfluential, unmeaningful, unnecessary, unsubstantial, useless, valueless, without consequence, without meaning, without significance, without substance, worthless
NULL (Invalid), adjective abolished, abrogated, annulled, canceled, dead, defeated, defunct, deleted, disannulled, disestablished, effectless, extinct, extinguished, forceless, gone, impotent, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inoperative, inritus, negated, no longer law, not valid, nugatory, nullified, obliterated, of no binding force, of no effect, of no validity, of no weight, omitted, overruled, powerless, quashed, repealed, rescinded, reversed, revoked, set aside, strengthless, superseded, suspended, unauthorized, unsanctioned, useless, vacated, valueless, void, withdrawn, without authority, without legal effect, without legal force, without potency, without value, worthless
NULL AND VOID, adjective abolished, abrogated, annulled, canceled, defeated, defunct, disannulled, disestablished, effectless, extinct, extinguished, forceless, impotent, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inoperative, invalid, negated, no longer law, not valid, nugatory, nullified, obliterated, of no binding force, of no effect, of no legal weight, of no validity, omitted, overruled, quashed, repealed, rescinded, reversed, revoked, set aside, strengthless, superseded, suspended, unauthorized, unsanctioned, useless, vacated, valueless, void, withdrawn, without authority, without legal effect, without legal force, without potency, without value, worthless
NULLIFICATION, noun abolishment, absolute contradiction, annulment, cancel, cancellation, canceling, contradiction, contrary assertion, contravention, countering, disaffirmation, disallowance, disavowal, disclaimer, disclamation, disproof, emphatic denial, flat denial, invalidation, recantation, refutation, renunciation, repeal, repudiation, rescinding, rescission, retraction, reversal, revocation, revoke, setting aside, striking down, suspension, voidance
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: antinullification, Constitution, state’s rights, ultimate sovereign
NULLIFY, verb abolish, abrogate, ad inritum redigere, annul, cancel, cast aside, counteract, countermand, declare null and void, deprive of efficacy, deprive of legal force, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, make useless, make valueless, make void, negate, neutralize, obliterate, offset, outweigh, override, overrule, overturn, quash, recall, recant, render invalid, renege, repeal, repudiate, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, suspend, vacate, vitiate, void
NULLITY, noun blankness, inanitas, inefficacy, inexistence, insignificance, invalidity, naught, nihility, nonbeing, nonentity, nonexistence, nothing, nothingness, oblivion, vacuity, vanitas, void
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: decision to overrule decision
NUMBER, noun account, accounting, aggregate, calculation, collection, complement, count, decimal, degree, estimate, exponent, figure, integer, integral, multitude, overall amount, overall quantity, quantity, score, sum, symbol, tally, total
NUMEROUS, adjective abundance, ample, an excessive amount, bounteous, bountiful, copious, countless, ever so many, exhaustless, generous, lavish, liberal, many, much, multiple, myriad, not a few, overflowing, plentiful, plentious, plenty, rampant, too many
NUNC PRO TUNC, noun acknowledged, operative with respect to the past, ratified, reaffirmed, reconfirmed, reendorsed, reestablished, retroactive effect, retrospective effect, revalidated
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nunc pro tunc order
NUNCUPATIVE, adjective articulated, conversational, conveyed orally, declared, dictated, enunciated, expressed in words, not written, oral, oral declaration, oral testimony, oratorical, parol, phonic, pronounced, spoken, stated, unwritten, uttered, verbal, vocal, voiced
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: nuncupative will
NUPTIAL, adjective allied, betrothed, bridal, conjugal, connubial, coupled, espoused, genialis, marital, married, mated, matrimonial, nuptialis, united, wedded
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: antenuptial agreement
NUPTIAL AGREEMENTS, noun contract regarding a marriage arrangement, contract regarding the bonds of matrimony, marriage agreement, marriage compact, marriage concordat, marriage understanding, marriage undertaking, matrimonial contract, pact, pledge, postnuptial agreement, prenuptial agreement, spousal agreement
ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: domestic relations, family law, postnuptial agreements, prenuptial agreement
NURTURE, verb advance, aid, assist, back, bolster, bring to maturity, bring up, care for, cherish, coach, cultivate, develop, direct, educate, encourage, enrich, feed, fortify, forward, foster, further, give aid, harbor, help, improve, instruct, invigorate, maintain, make provisions for, make strong, mold, nourish, nurse, nutrire, patronize, prepare, promote, provide for, rear, render better, render strong, sponsor, strengthen, succor, supply aid, support, sustain, teach, train, tutor, victual