a ceteris dissentire unorthodox

a commanding portion bulk

a fortiori discursive (analytical). SEE MAIN ENTRY

a good deal of considerable

a posteriori discursive (analytical)

a priori axiomatic. SEE MAIN ENTRY

a priori discursive (analytical)

à propos admissible, applicable


a.k.a. alias

ab initio SEE MAIN ENTRY

ab origine ab initio

ab ovo ab initio

ab re desistere abandon (withdraw)

ab re discrepare contradict

abalienare alienate (estrange), alienate (transfer title), estrange

abalienate alienate (transfer title), assign (transfer ownership), cede, consign, convey (transfer). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abalienatio alienation (transfer of title), pass (advance)

abalienation alienation (transfer of title), assignment (transfer of ownership), cession, demise (conveyance), estrangement. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abandon betray (lead astray), cede, disclaim, disinherit, disown (refuse to acknowledge), fail (neglect), flee, forfeit, forgo, forswear, leave (depart), pretermit, quit (discontinue), quit (evacuate), reject, relinquish, renege, renounce, repudiate, resign, retire (retreat), retreat, secede, set aside (annul), stop, vacate (leave), vacate (void), withdraw, yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abandon allegiance defect

abandon nationality expatriate

abandoned dissolute, helpless (defenseless), licentious, obsolete, solitary, tainted (corrupted), uncurbed, vicious, void (empty). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abandoned child orphan

abandoned infant orphan

abandoned to vice profligate (corrupt)

abandoning cancellation

abandonment abdication, abjuration, absence (nonattendance), cancellation, capitulation, cessation (termination), cloture, dereliction, desertion, desuetude, disclaimer, disuse, estrangement, expense (sacrifice), halt, neglect, negligence, rejection, release, renunciation, rescision, resignation (relinquishment), waiver. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abandonment of a known right waiver

abandonment of a trademark SEE MAIN ENTRY

abandonment of allegiance desertion, infidelity

abase adulterate, betray (lead astray), damage, debase, demean (make lower), demote, denigrate, depress, derogate, disgrace, dishonor (deprive of honor), humiliate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abasement attaint, bad repute, degradation, deterioration, disgrace, dishonor (shame), disrepute, ignominy, infamy, obloquy, opprobrium, perversion, prostration, shame

abash browbeat, confound, confuse (bewilder), disconcert, disgrace, disorient, dissuade, embarrass, humiliate, intimidate, perturb

abashed diffident

abashment embarrassment

abasing contemptuous

abate abolish, allay, alleviate, assuage, cease, check (restrain), commute, curtail, decrease, deduct (reduce), diminish, discount (minimize), discount (reduce), ease, enjoin, give (yield), lapse (cease), lessen, mitigate, moderate (temper), modify (moderate), mollify, obtund, quash, reduce, relax, relieve (free from burden), remit (relax), subdue, subside. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abate in intensity mitigate

abate severity relent

abatement abridgment (disentitlement), curtailment, decline, decrease, decrement, deduction (diminution), diminution, discount, lull, mitigation, mollification, outflow, relief (release), remission, removal, solace. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abatement of differences adjustment, arrangement (understanding), collective bargaining, compromise, conciliation

abating mitigating

abbreviate abridge (shorten), abstract (summarize), commute, condense, constrict (compress), curtail, decrease, digest (summarize), dilute, diminish, discount (minimize), lessen, minimize, reduce abbreviated brief, compact (pithy), concise, laconic, minimal, succinct

abbreviation abridgment (condensation), abstract, capsule, compendium, curtailment, decrease, digest, diminution, outline (synopsis), summary, symbol

abbreviatory compact (pithy)

abbreviature abridgment (condensation), abstract, curtailment

abdere hide

abdicate abandon (withdraw), cede, defect, demit, forfeit, leave (depart), quit (discontinue), relinquish, renounce, repudiate, resign, retire (conclude a career), surrender (give back), vacate (void), withdraw, yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abdicatio abdication, renunciation, resignation (relinquishment)

abdication abandonment (discontinuance), renunciation, resignation (relinquishment), waiver. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abditus latent

abduce carry away

abduct carry away, hijack, kidnap. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abduction taking. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abecedarian elementary, neophyte, rudimentary

aberemurder SEE MAIN ENTRY

aberrance deviation, error, indirection (indirect action), irregularity, perversion. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aberrancy deviation, digression, error, indirection (indirect action), irregularity, perversion. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aberrant anomalous, astray, atypical, deviant, devious, disordered, disorderly, disparate, dissimilar, divergent, eccentric, errant, erroneous, faulty, irregular (not usual), licentious, nonconforming, peccant (culpable), peculiar (curious), unaccustomed, uncommon, unorthodox, unpredictable, unusual, variable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aberrare detour, deviate, digress

aberration deviation, digression, discrepancy, error, fault (mistake), insanity, irregularity, nonconformity, perversion, quirk (idiosyncrasy). SEE MAIN ENTRY

aberration of mind insanity

abet aid, assist, bear (support), conduce, conspire, contribute (assist), countenance, enable, espouse, foment, foster, help, maintain (sustain), promote (organize), subsidize. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abetment aid (help), auspices, collusion, conspiracy, contribution (participation), favor (sanction), help, service (assistance). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abetting ancillary (auxiliary), concerted, concurrent (united), promotion (encouragement). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abettor accessory, accomplice, advocate (espouser), assistant, backer, benefactor, catalyst, coactor, coadjutant, coconspirator, cohort, colleague, confederate, consociate, conspirator, conspirer, contributor (contributor), copartner (coconspirator), participant, partner, proponent. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abeyance cessation (interlude), check (bar), cloture, desuetude, discontinuance (act of discontinuing), extension (postponement), halt, hiatus, inaction, interruption, interval, moratorium, nonuse, pause, pendency, respite (interval of rest), stay. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abeyancy stay

abeyant dormant, inactive, prospective

abhor blame, condemn (ban), contemn, disdain, forswear, reject, renounce, shun. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abhorrence alienation (estrangement), contempt (disdain), disapprobation, disapproval, disdain, hatred, odium, phobia, rejection

abhorrent antipathetic (distasteful), bad (offensive), contemptible, heinous, loathsome, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive (offending), repugnant (exciting aversion), repulsive. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abide adhere (persist), allow (endure), bear (tolerate), continue (persevere), dwell (reside), endure (last), inhabit, lodge (reside), occupy (take possession), persist, reside, subsist, suffer (permit), tolerate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abide by accede (concede), adhere (maintain loyalty), comply, concede, conform, defer (yield in judgment), fulfill, keep (fulfill), obey, observe (obey), perform (adhere to)

abide together cohabit

abider habitant, inhabitant

abiding constant, continuance, durable, habitation (act of inhabiting), indestructible, lasting, live (existing), noncancellable, permanent, persistent, stable, steadfast, tolerance. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abiding place building (structure), domicile, habitation (dwelling place)

abiding together cohabitation (living together)

abiectus contemptible, servile, sordid

ability aptitude, caliber (mental capacity), capacity (aptitude), efficiency, facility (easiness), force (strength), gift (flair), performance (workmanship), potential, proclivity, propensity, qualification (fitness), quality (excellence), quality (grade), science (technique), skill, specialty (special aptitude). SEE MAIN ENTRY

ability to bear tolerance

ability to distinguish judgment (discernment)

ability to endure tolerance

ability to get along with others discretion (quality of being discreet)

ability to know comprehension, reason (sound judgment)

ability to make distinctions perception

ability to perceive intellect

ability to pursue tenacity

ability to reason intellect

ability to tolerate tolerance

ability to understand insight, intellect

ability to withstand tolerance

abire disappear, resign, retire (retreat), secede

abject base (inferior), blameful, blameworthy, caitiff, contemptible, contemptuous, ignoble, loathsome, odious, servile, sordid, subservient. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abject fear phobia

abject slavery bondage

abjection bad faith, bad repute, degradation, dishonor (shame), ignominy. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abjectness bad faith, bad repute, disgrace, dishonor (shame), disrepute, ignominy, shame. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abjudge hold (decide). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abjudicate hold (decide)

abjuration abdication, denial, desertion, disclaimer, disdain, negation, refusal, rejection, renunciation, repudiation, rescision, resignation (relinquishment), retraction. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abjuratory contradictory, recusant

abjure abandon (relinquish), abrogate (annul), cede, controvert, disaffirm, disallow, disown (deny the validity), disown (refuse to acknowledge), forfeit, forgo, forswear, leave (depart), quit (discontinue), recant, refuse, reject, relinquish, renounce, repudiate, resign, revoke, set aside (annul), surrender (give back), withdraw. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abjurement confutation, disclaimer, resignation (relinquishment)

able adequate, artful, capable, competent, deft, effective (efficient), efficient, expert, fit, omnipotent, potent, powerful, practiced, professional (trained), proficient, qualified (competent), ready (prepared), resourceful, sciential, strong. SEE MAIN ENTRY

able to be altered ambulatory

able to be confirmed deductible (provable)

able to be felt palpable

able to be handled palpable

able to be pierced penetrable

able to be seen apparent (perceptible), ostensible

able to be shown deductible (provable)

able to be subducted deductible (capable of being deducted from taxes)

able to be subtracted for tax purposes deductible (capable of being deducted from taxes)

able to be touched palpable

able to contain a great deal capacious

able to endure resilient

able to improve corrigible

able to meet situations resourceful

able to pay solid (sound), solvent

able to recognize conscious (awake)

able to withstand insusceptible (resistant)

able-bodied powerful

ablegare send

ableness ability, caliber (mental capacity), capacity (aptitude), dint, efficiency, faculty (ability), force (strength), quality (excellence), quality (grade). SEE MAIN ENTRY

ablude conflict, disaccord

abnegate abrogate (annul), adeem, annul, condemn (ban), controvert, countercharge, decline (reject), deny (refuse to grant), disaffirm, disallow, disapprove (reject), disavow, disclaim, disown (deny the validity), forgo, forswear, negate, refuse, refute, reject, renounce, repudiate, set aside (annul), surrender (give back). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abnegation abandonment (repudiation), ademption, declination, denial, disdain, negation, refusal, rejection, renunciation, rescision, temperance. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abnegative contrary

abnormal anomalous, atypical, deviant, disordered, irregular (not usual), non compos mentis, peculiar (curious), prodigious (amazing), suspicious (questionable), unaccustomed, uncommon, unusual. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abnormality deviation, incongruity, insanity, irregularity, nonconformity, perversion, quirk (idiosyncrasy). SEE MAIN ENTRY abnormity irregularity, nonconformity, quirk (idiosyncrasy). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abnormous peculiar (curious)

abode address, base (place), building (structure), domicile, dwelling, habitation (dwelling place), home (domicile), house, inhabitation (place of dwelling), lodging, residence. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abolere abolish, annul, obliterate

abolish abate (extinguish), abrogate (annul), abrogate (rescind), adeem, annul, cancel, destroy (void), disaffirm, discharge (release from obligation), discontinue (abandon), eliminate (eradicate), eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, invalidate, kill (defeat), negate, nullify, obliterate, overthrow, overturn, quash, recall (call back), remove (eliminate), renege, repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke, stop, supersede, supplant, terminate, vacate (void), vitiate, withdraw. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abolish the organization of disorganize abolished inactive, null (invalid), null and void

abolishing cancellation

abolishment abolition, ademption, annulment, cancellation, countermand, defeasance, discharge (annulment), discontinuance (act of discontinuing), dissolution (termination), disuse, negation, rescision, retraction, reversal, revocation. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abolition abatement (extinguishment), ademption, annulment, cancellation, censorship, countermand, defeasance, destruction, discharge (annulment), discharge (release from obligation), discontinuance (act of discontinuing), dissolution (termination), disuse, negation, obviation, removal, repudiation, rescision, reversal, revocation, subversion. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abominable bad (offensive), contemptible, contemptuous, depraved, disgraceful, disreputable, heinous, invidious, loathsome, nefarious, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive (offending), outrageous, repugnant (exciting aversion), repulsive, sordid, undesirable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abominableness disrepute

abominari deprecate

abominate contemn

abomination alienation (estrangement), atrocity, bad repute, contaminate, contempt (disdain), defilement, disgrace, hatred, misdeed, perversion, wrong

aboriginal incipient, native (domestic), prime (original), primordial

abort cancel, conclude (complete), destroy (efface), discontinue (abandon), dissolve (terminate), extinguish, frustrate, invalidate, negate, quit (discontinue). SEE MAIN ENTRY

aborted attempt failure (lack of success)

aborticide abortion (feticide)

abortio abortion (feticide)

abortion miscarriage. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abortive futile, imperfect, ineffective, ineffectual, otiose, unavailing, unproductive

abortive attempt frustration, miscarriage

abortive effort miscarriage

abound increase, proliferate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abounding ample, copious, full, profuse, replete

abounding in error fallacious, false (inaccurate)

abounding in riches opulent, prosperous

about to be imminent, prospective

about to happen forthcoming, immediate (imminent), imminent, inevitable, pending (imminent), proximate

about-face reversal, reversion (act of returning)

aboutir abut

above before mentioned, last (preceding). SEE MAIN ENTRY

above all a fortiori, particularly

above all price inestimable

above all value inestimable

above appraisal inestimable

above average extraordinary, superior (excellent)

above meanness magnanimous

above par meritorious, notable, noteworthy, preferable, superior (excellent), valuable

above pettiness magnanimous

above reproach blameless, unimpeachable

above suspicion blameless, clean, incorruptible, inculpable, irreprehensible, not guilty. SEE MAIN ENTRY

above the average best

above the law SEE MAIN ENTRY

above-cited before mentioned, last (preceding), previous

above-mentioned aforesaid, before mentioned, last (preceding), previous, said. SEE MAIN ENTRY

above-named before mentioned, last (preceding), previous. SEE MAIN ENTRY

above-stated before mentioned, last (preceding)

aboveboard bona fide, candid, direct (forthright), ethical, honest, ingenuous, irreprehensible, moral, right (correct), scrupulous, straightforward, unaffected (sincere), upright

abrade diminish, erode, expunge

abrasion deterioration, erosion

abrasive caustic

abreaction catharsis

abreast equal, informed (having information)

abrégé capsule

abri cache (hiding place)

abridge abstract (summarize), commute, condense, constrict (compress), curtail, decrease, digest (summarize), diminish, discount (minimize), expurgate, extract, lessen, minimize, reduce, retrench. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abridged brief, compact (pithy), concise, laconic, minimal, partial (relating to a part), sententious. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abridgment abstract, brief, capsule, censorship, compendium, curtailment, decrease, decrement, deduction (diminution), denial, deterrence, digest, mitigation, outline (synopsis), paraphrase, restatement, summary, synopsis. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abrogare abrogate (annul), annul, discredit, repeal, rescind, revoke

abrogate abate (extinguish), abolish, adeem, annul, ban, bear false witness, cancel, cease, condemn (ban), contradict, controvert, countervail, debar, disallow, discharge (release from obligation), disclaim, discontinue (abandon), disinherit, dissolve (terminate), invalidate, kill (defeat), negate, nullify, overrule, proscribe (prohibit), recall (call back), recant, renege, repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke, set aside (annul), vacate (void), vitiate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abrogated defunct, inactive, invalid, lifeless (dead), null (invalid), null and void, powerless. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abrogatio revocation

abrogation abandonment (desertion), abandonment (discontinuance), abatement (extinguishment), abolition, ademption, annulment, avoidance (cancellation), cancellation, condemnation (seizure), countermand, default, defeasance, desuetude, discharge (annulment), discharge (release from obligation), dissolution (termination), inaction, mistrial, negation, nollo prosequi, obviation, repudiation, rescision, reversal, revocation, waiver. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abrupt caustic, impulsive (rash), instantaneous, precipitate, unanticipated, unexpected. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abruption impasse

abruptness disrespect

abscind break (violate), excise (cut away), split. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abscission cancellation

abscond abandon (physically leave), defect, depart, disappear, elude, escape, evacuate, flee, leave (depart), move (alter position), quit (evacuate), withdraw. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abscond with hold up (rob), jostle (pickpocket), loot, pilfer, steal

abscondence bad faith

absconder fugitive

abscondere hide

absconding flight

absconditus hidden, latent

absence blank (emptiness), dearth, deficiency, deficit, desuetude, furlough, insufficiency, need (deprivation), nonresidence, nonuse, paucity, poverty, privation. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absence of authority anarchy

absence of ceremony informality

absence of change status quo

absence of diversity uniformity

absence of doubt certainty

absence of fear prowess (bravery)

absence of feeling insentience

absence of foreign rule liberty

absence of guilt innocence

absence of meaning incoherence, platitude

absence of restraint latitude, liberty

absence of sensation insentience

absence of servitude liberty

absence of variation uniformity

absence without leave desertion, non-appearance

absent lost (taken away), oblivious, truant, vacuous. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absent oneself abandon (physically leave), abscond, depart, evacuate, flee, withdraw

absent-minded perfunctory, thoughtless

absentation leave (absence), nonappearance

absenteeism nonappearance

absentia absence (nonattendance)

absentminded lax, oblivious

absentmindedness neglect

absinthal bitter (acrid tasting)

absinthian bitter (acrid tasting)

absolute actual, affirmative, arbitrary and capricious, axiomatic, cardinal (outstanding), categorical, certain (fixed), certain (positive), clear (certain), compelling, complete (all-embracing), conclusive (determinative), convincing, decisive, definite, definitive, demonstrable, dogmatic, explicit, gross (flagrant), implicit, inappealable, incontrovertible, indubious, outright, plenary, positive (incontestable), pure, radical (extreme), resounding, right (direct), stark, strict, thorough, total, unalienable, unconditional, undisputed, unequivocal, unmitigated, unqualified (unlimited). SEE MAIN ENTRY

absolute assertion affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation

absolute certainty certification (certainness), certitude, fact

absolute condition sine qua non

absolute confidence certainty, certification (certainness), surety (certainty)

absolute difference antipode, antithesis

absolute inheritance fee (estate)

absolute interest in realty fee (estate)

absolute leader dictator

absolute prerequisite sine qua non

absolute quiet silence

absolute reality fact

absolute requisite necessity

absolute right birthright

absolute ruler dictator

absolutely de facto, fairly (clearly), faithfully, in toto, ipso facto, purely (positively) absolutely clear incontestable

absoluteness belief (state of mind), certainty, certitude, surety (certainty)

absolutio acquittal

absolution acquittal, amnesty, clemency, compurgation, condonation, discharge (liberation), discharge (release from obligation), dispensation (exception), exoneration, grace, immunity, impunity, liberation, pardon, release, remission, waiver. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absolution of a charge exoneration

absolutistic dictatorial

absolutus absolute (complete)

absolve acquit, clear, condone, discharge (liberate), discharge (release from obligation), exculpate, excuse, exonerate, extenuate, forgive, free, justify, palliate (excuse), purge (wipe out by atonement), quit (free of), redeem (satisfy debts), remit (release from penalty), vindicate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absolve of a charge exonerate

absolve of fault exculpate

absolve of wrongdoing exculpate

absolved blameless, clear (free from criminal charges), exempt, free (relieved from a burden), immune. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absolvere absolve, acquit, dispatch (dispose of), perfect

absonant contradictory, opposite

absorb comprehend (understand), conceive (comprehend), concern (involve), digest (comprehend), engage (involve), immerse (engross), impress (affect deeply), include, incorporate (include), interest, merge, monopolize, occupy (engage), penetrate, realize (understand), receive (permit to enter), understand. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absorb the attention occupy (engage)

absorb the mind occupy (engage)

absorb the thoughts occupy (engage)

absorbed internal, oblivious, pensive

absorbed interest preoccupation

absorbent penetrable

absorbing moving (evoking emotion)

absorption centralization, contemplation, interest (concern), merger, notice (heed), obsession, osmosis, preoccupation, reflection (thought)

absorption of mind diligence (care)

abstain abandon (relinquish), decline (reject), defer (yield in judgment), desist, discontinue (abandon), eschew, forbear, refrain, refuse, rest (cease from action), shirk, shun, withhold. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abstain from avoid (evade), cease, forgo

abstain from inserting omit

abstain from recognizing ignore

abstainment abstention, continence

abstemious frugal. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abstemiousness abstention, austerity, moderation, temperance

abstention absence (nonattendance), continence, desuetude, temperance. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abstention from buying boycott

abstention from using boycott

absterge decontaminate

absterrere deter

abstinence abstention, continence, disuse, moderation, nonuse, temperance abstinence from action abstention, inaction, laissez faire

abstract abridgment (condensation), capsule, compendium, condense, delineation, digest, digest (summarize), extract, hold up (rob), intangible, lessen, moot, note (brief comment), outline (synopsis), recondite, restatement, review, scenario, select, speculative, steal, summary, synopsis, theoretical, withdraw. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abstract idea concept

abstract on the law hornbook

abstracted compact (pithy), concise, disconnected, oblivious, pensive, perfunctory, thoughtless

abstraction concept, generality (vague statement), idea, impalpability, larceny, notion, preoccupation, vision (dream)

abstruse ambiguous, complex, elusive, esoteric, hidden, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, indefinable, inexplicable, mysterious, nebulous, private (confidential), profound (esoteric), recondite, secret, technical. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abstruse knowledge secret

abstruseness ambiguity, mystery

absumere consume, exhaust (deplete)

absurd egregious, fatuous, impossible, incredible, inept (inappropriate), infeasible, irrational, ludicrous, lunatic, outrageous, unbelievable, unreasonable, unsound (fallacious), unsuitable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absurd story myth. SEE MAIN ENTRY

absurdity incongruity absurdly foolish fatuous

absurdness incongruity

absurdus illogical, irrational

abundance boom (prosperity), bulk, plethora, prosperity, quantity, quorum, spate, store (depository), sufficiency

abundant ample, considerable, copious, full, liberal (generous), multiple, predominant, prevailing (current), prevalent, profuse, prolific, replete, rife, substantial, usual. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abundantia store (depository)

abuse aspersion, atrocity, attack, badger, beat (strike), contumely, criticism, damage, debauch, defamation, diatribe, dissipate (expend foolishly), endanger, exploit (take advantage of), harm, ill use, imprecation, infliction, injury, injustice, malign, maltreat, misapplication, misappropriation, misemploy, mishandle (maltreat), mishandle (mismanage), mistreat, misusage, misuse, molest (subject to indecent advances), molestation, obloquy, offend (insult), oppression, persecute, perversion, pervert, provocation, rape, reproach, revilement, shame, transgression, vilification, violation, wrong. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abuse a privilege infringe

abuse of privilege infringement

abuse of public trust corruption

abuse one’s rights infringe

abused aggrieved (harmed). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abusive calumnious, contemptuous, hostile, impertinent (insolent), insolent, libelous, offensive (offending), outrageous, pejorative, scurrilous. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abusive harangue diatribe

abusive language diatribe, obloquy, phillipic, slander, vilification

abusive speech harangue, malediction

abusiveness oppression

abut contact (touch), juxtapose. SEE MAIN ENTRY

abut on adjoin

abut upon border (approach), border (bound)

abuti abuse (misuse), ill use, misemploy

abutment bulwark, contact (touching). SEE MAIN ENTRY

abuttal connection (abutment), contact (touching)

abutting adjacent, coalescence, contiguous, immediate (not distant), proximate

abysmal profound (intense)

abyss pitfall. SEE MAIN ENTRY

academic didactic, disciplinary (educational), moot, speculative, theoretical. SEE MAIN ENTRY

academic honor degree (academic title)

academician pedagogue

academy institute

accede acknowledge (respond), admit (concede), agree (comply), allow (endure), assent, cede, coincide (concur), concede, confirm, conform, consent, defer (yield in judgment), grant (concede), obey, relent, sanction, submit (yield), succumb, suffer (permit), yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accede to accept (admit as sufficient), accept (assent), approve, bear (tolerate), certify (approve), comply, concur (agree), countenance, inherit, pass (approve)

accedence acceptance, acquiescence, compliance, consent

accedere approach

accedere ad approximate

accelerare hasten, precipitate (hasten)

accelerate expedite, facilitate, hasten, precipitate (hasten), race. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accelerated expeditious, rapid

accelerated decision accelerated judgment

accelerated judgment SEE MAIN ENTRY

accelerating cumulative (intensifying)

acceleration boom (increase), haste. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acceleration lane causeway

accendere incense

accent consequence (significance), dwell (linger over), emphasis, enunciate, inflection, insist, pronounce (speak), reaffirm accentuate dwell (linger over), insist, pronounce (speak), reaffirm. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accentuation emphasis, inflection, intonation, stress (accent)

accept abide, accede (concede), accommodate, accredit, acquire (receive), admit (concede), adopt, agree (comply), allow (endure), approve, assent, assume (undertake), bear (tolerate), certify (approve), coincide (concur), collect (recover money), comply, concede, conceive (comprehend), concur (agree), condone, conform, consent, defer (yield in judgment), espouse, gain, grant (concede), obey, partake, pass (approve), receive (acquire), receive (permit to enter), recognize (acknowledge), sanction, seal (solemnize), sign, submit (yield), suffer (permit), tolerate, trust, undertake, uphold, validate, yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accept a liability promise (vow)

accept advice hear (give attention to)

accept an obligation assume (undertake), promise (vow)

accept an offer close (agree), contract

accept as a citizen naturalize (make a citizen)

accept as a member enroll

accept responsibility promise (vow)

accept responsibility for sponsor

accept the loan of borrow

acceptability admissibility, expedience, mediocrity, qualification (fitness)

acceptable adequate, admissible, allowable, allowed, applicable, commensurate, convenient, conventional, desirable (qualified), eligible, fair (satisfactory), fit, justifiable, mediocre, meritorious, palatable, passable, proper, qualified (competent), sapid, seasonable, suitable, tenable, unobjectionable, viable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acceptable evidence admissible evidence

acceptably fairly (moderately)

acceptance acquiescence, acquisition, affirmance (judicial sanction), approval, assent, assumption (adoption), charter (sanction), compliance, concession (compromise), confirmation, consent, credence, faith, indorsement, lenience, ratification, receipt (act of receiving), recognition, reliance, sanction (permission), subscription, understanding (tolerance). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acceptance bill draft

acceptance of penalty nollo contendere

acceptation acquisition, meaning, signification

accepted allowable, allowed, assumed (inferred), boiler plate, common (customary), conventional, customary, familiar (customary), formal, general, ordinary, plausible, popular, prescriptive, prevailing (current), prevalent, right (suitable), select, traditional, uncontested, undisputed, usual

accepted belief principle (axiom)

accepted fact common knowledge

accepted language plain language

accepted meaning content (meaning)

acceptedly admittedly

accepter disciple, receiver, recipient

accepting orthodox

acceptio acceptance, receipt (act of receiving), taking

acceptor bearer, customer, devisee, donee, feoffee, grantee, heir, payee, transferee

access admission (entry), admittance (means of approach), entrance, entry (entrance), ingress, outlet, portal. SEE MAIN ENTRY

access road causeway

accesses approaches

accessibility access (opening)

accessible amenable, available, convenient, destructible, indefensible, obvious, open-minded, passable, penetrable, potential, present (attendant), public (open), ready (prepared), receptive, responsive, suasible, untenable, vulnerable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accessible to all competitive (open)

accessible to bribery mercenary

accessibleness amenability

accessio accession (annexation), addition, appendix (supplement), augmentation

accession acceptance, acknowledgment (acceptance), acquiescence, addition, appurtenance, arrogation, collection (accumulation), cumulation, receipt (act of receiving). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accessories paraphernalia (apparatus), paraphernalia (personal belongings), property (possessions)

accessory abettor, accomplice, addition, additional, adjunct, ancillary (auxiliary), appendix (accession), appliance, appurtenance, appurtenant, assistant, attachment (thing affixed), augmentation, circumstantial, clerical, coactor, coadjutant, coconspirator, codicil, cohort, collateral (accompanying), colleague, confederate, consociate, conspirer, contributor (contributor), contributory, copartner (coconspirator), expendable, extrinsic, incident, incidental, inferior (lower in position), minor, nonessential, participant, partner, secondary, subordinate, subservient, supplementary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accessory after the fact accomplice, coactor, coconspirator, conspirer, copartner (coconspirator)

accessory before the fact accomplice, coactor, coconspirator, conspirer, copartner (coconspirator)

accessus access (right of way)

accident act of god, casualty, catastrophe, contingency, emergency, happenstance, misfortune, tragedy. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accidental coincidental, fortuitous, haphazard, inadvertent, incidental, random, unexpected, unforeseen, unintentional, unwitting. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accidental death fatality

accidental homocide manslaughter

accidental occurrence happenstance, quirk (accident)

accipere accept (take), construe (comprehend), enfranchise, hear (give attention to), receive (acquire)

accipient assignee

acclaim honor (outward respect), honor, mention (tribute), recommend, remembrance (commemoration), reputation

acclaimed famous, illustrious, notable, renowned, reputable

acclamation consensus, mention (tribute)

acclamatory favorable (expressing approval)

acclimate inure (accustom)

acclimated accustomed (familiarized)

acclimation compatibility, habituation

acclimatization habituation

acclimatize adapt, attune, conform, inure (accustom)

acclimatized accustomed (familiarized)

accolade prize

accommodare accommodate, adjust (regulate)

accommodate adjust (regulate), agree (comply), assist, attune, comply, compromise (settle by mutual agreement), conform, contribute (assist), fund, furnish, help, loan, naturalize (acclimate), negotiate, obey, pacify, propitiate, provide (supply), serve (assist), settle, support (assist). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accommodate oneself adapt, condescend (deign)

accommodate with lend, supply

accommodated fit, res judicata

accommodating benevolent, charitable (lenient), civil (polite), consenting, malleable, philanthropic, pliable, pliant, propitious, sequacious, suitable, yielding. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accommodatio adjustment

accommodation accord, accordance (compact), accordance (understanding), adjustment, advance (allowance), advancement (loan), advantage, aid (help), amenity, arrangement (understanding), assistance, benefit (betterment), comity, compatibility, compliance, conciliation, condonation, conformity (agreement), consideration (recompense), consideration (sympathetic regard), consortium (marriage companionship), coverage (scope), dispensation (act of dispensing), favor (act of kindness), help, latitude, loan, lodging, provision (act of supplying), relief (aid), service (assistance), settlement, space, support (assistance). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accommodations domicile, habitation (dwelling place), house, residence

accommodative concordant, nonmilitant

accommodativeness amenability

accommodatus adequate, appropriate, convenient, qualified (conditioned)

accompanied composite

accompanier colleague, consort, copartner (coconspirator)

accompaniment appurtenance, attendance, codicil, rider, synchronism

accompaniments paraphernalia (apparatus)

accompany coincide (correspond), concur (coexist). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accompanying coincidental, concomitant, concurrent (at the same time), incidental, simultaneous. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accompanying events circumstances

accomplice abettor, accessory, assistant, coactor, coadjutant, coconspirator, cohort, colleague, confederate, consociate, conspirer, contributor (contributor), copartner (coconspirator), participant, partner. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accomplice in crime abettor, accessory, coactor, conspirer, copartner (coconspirator)

accomplish attain, avail (bring about), carry (succeed), commit (perpetrate), complete, compose, consummate, culminate, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), effectuate, evoke, finish, fulfill, gain, implement, make, operate, pass (satisfy requirements), perfect, perform (execute), perpetrate, procure, produce (manufacture), reach, realize (make real), render (administer), succeed (attain), transact

accomplish promptly expedite

accomplished capable, cognizant, competent, complete (ended), deft, expert, facile, familiar (informed), informed (educated), learned, literate, practiced, proficient, qualified (competent), resourceful, sciential, subtle (refined)

accomplished efficiently expeditious

accomplished fact fait accompli, performance (execution)

accomplished practitioner professional

accomplishment act (undertaking), action (performance), boom (prosperity), commission (act), development (outgrowth), discharge (performance), effect, end (termination), fait accompli, finality, fruition, output, performance (execution), performance (workmanship), product, progress, realization, satisfaction (fulfilment), specialty (special aptitude), transaction. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accomplishments civilization, education accord accede (concede), accordance (compact), adjust (resolve), adjustment, administer (tender), agree (comply), agreement (concurrence), allow (endure), approval, arbitrate (conciliate), arrangement (understanding), ascribe, assent (noun), assent (verb), attune, authorize, bargain, bestow, cartel, certify (approve), cohere (be logically consistent), coincide (concur), comity, compatibility, compliance, concert, concession (compromise), conciliation, concordance, concur (agree), condescend (deign), confer (give), confirm, confirmation, conform, conformity (agreement), consensus, consent (noun), consent (verb), contact (association), contract, contribute (supply), correspondence (similarity), defer (yield in judgment), delegate, endue, give (grant), grant (concede), impart, indorsement, league, leave (give), mutual understanding, peace, present (make a gift), propinquity (similarity), provide (supply), rapport, rapprochement, reconciliation, render (administer), synchronism, treaty, understanding (agreement), union (unity), volition, vouchsafe, yield (produce a return). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accord one’s approval certify (approve), notarize, permit

accord recognition to accept (recognize)

accord superiority to defer (yield in judgment)

accord with comport (agree with)

accordance acceptance, accommodation (adjustment), accord, acquiescence, adjustment, arrangement (understanding), assent, bargain, capacity (authority), cartel, coalescence, compatibility, compliance, concert, conciliation, concordance, confirmation, conformity (agreement), contract, indulgence, leave (permission), license, propriety (appropriateness), rapport, rapprochement, understanding (agreement), union (unity). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accordance with law legality

accordant agreed (harmonized), apposite, appropriate, commensurate, concerted, concordant, concurrent (united), congruous, consensual, consenting, consistent, consonant, contractual, correlative, felicitous, germane, harmonious, suitable

accordant with the facts authentic

according to pursuant to

according to contract as agreed upon

according to custom orthodox, typical

according to desires arbitrary

according to edict licit

according to established form formal

according to fiat lawful

according to general belief reputedly

according to habit habitual

according to law choate lien, de jure, due (regular), jural, juridical, just, law-abiding, lawful, legitimate (rightful), licit, permissible, rightful, statutory. SEE MAIN ENTRY

according to plan purposely

according to regulation orthodox

according to reputation reputedly

according to routine typical

according to rule normal (regular), orthodox, regular (conventional), systematic

according to the agreement as agreed upon

according to the bargain as agreed upon

according to the book orthodox

according to the contract as agreed upon

according to the facts authentic, true (authentic)

according to the law legal

according to usage customary

according to value ad valorem

accordingly a fortiori, a priori, consequently. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accost approach, assail, assault, confront (encounter). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accost bellicosely assault

accoster assailant

account amount (sum), behalf, bill (invoice), brief, calculate, census, computation, deem, delineation, description, distinction (reputation), entry (record), intelligence (news), invoice (bill), narration, rationale, reason (basis), recital, record, rendition (explication), report (detailed account), representation (statement), review (critical evaluation), roll, statement, story (narrative), tariff (bill), worth. SEE MAIN ENTRY

account book ledger

account debtor debtor

account for enlighten, explain, exposit, justify, rationalize, solve, support (justify), vindicate

account of goods shipped invoice (itemized list)

account of merchandise invoice (itemized list)

account of transactions ledger

account outstanding debt

account owing debt

account rendered invoice (bill)

accountability blame (responsibility), burden, charge (lien), charge (responsibility), commitment (responsibility), duty (obligation), fault (responsibility), liability, obligation (liability). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accountable actionable, bound, cognizable, determinable (ascertainable), liable, subject (exposed). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accountableness charge (responsibility), commitment (responsibility), liability, responsibility (accountability)

accountancy budget, computation

accountant comptroller. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accounted detailed

accounted for present (attendant)

accounting attribution, computation. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accounts budget, finance, ledger

accounts collectable due

accounts outstanding due

accounts payable bill (invoice)

accouple cement, join (bring together)

accouplement marriage (intimate relationship)

accouter clothe, furnish, supply

accouterment equipment

accouterments paraphernalia (apparatus)

accredit allow (authorize), ascribe, authorize, bestow, certify (approve), concur (agree), confirm, cosign, countenance, delegate, empower, honor, indorse, notarize, qualify (meet standards), seal (solemnize), sign, support (corroborate), trust, verify (confirm). SEE MAIN ENTRY

accredit with attribute

accreditation jurat

accredited authentic, documentary, official, popular

accreted coherent (joined)

accretion accession (enlargement), boom (increase), collection (accumulation), compilation, cumulation, development (progression), increment. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accretive coherent (joined)

accroach annex (arrogate), assume (seize), condemn (seize), impropriate, obtrude, overreach, overstep, usurp. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accroachment appropriation (taking)

accrual accession (enlargement), additive, appreciation (increased value), augmentation, boom (increase), interest (profit)

accruance profit

accrue accumulate (enlarge), arise (originate), bear (yield), compound, develop, hoard, increase, mature, redound, result, yield (produce a return). SEE MAIN ENTRY


accruement appreciation (increased value), augmentation, boom (increase), cumulation

accruing cumulative (increasing)

accumulare accumulate (amass)

accumulate accrue (increase), aggregate, codify, collect (gather), compile, concentrate (consolidate), congregate, conjoin, consolidate (unite), convene, crystallize, cull, expand, fund, garner, glean, hoard, increase, inure (benefit), join (bring together), keep (shelter), obtain, procure, raise (collect), reserve, set aside (annul), store. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accumulated accrued, collective, conglomerate

accumulation accession (enlargement), agglomeration, appreciation (increased value), arsenal, assemblage, augmentation, boom (increase), boom (prosperity), bulk, compilation, conglomeration, cumulation, deposit, development (progression), entirety, fund, growth (increase), hoard, plethora, profit, resource, selection (collection), stock (store), store (depository), sufficiency, treasury. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accumulative collective, cumulative (increasing), lucrative

accuracy honesty, rigor, truth, veracity

accurate absolute (conclusive), actual, appropriate, authentic, bona fide, definite, definitive, detailed, documentary, exact, explicit, factual, faithful (true to fact), genuine, honest, literal, particular (exacting), precise, proper, punctilious, punctual, real, reliable, right (correct), sound, strict, thorough, true (authentic), unrefutable, valid. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accurately duly, faithfully

accuratus careful, circumstantial, scrupulous, systematic

accursed arrant (onerous), diabolic, iniquitous, loathsome, odious, peccant (culpable)

accusable bad (offensive), blameful, blameworthy, culpable, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), illicit, peccant (culpable), reprehensible, reprobate, unjustifiable

accusal accusation, blame (culpability), complaint, denunciation, impeachment, incrimination, indictment, information (charge)

accusant accuser, claimant, complainant

accusare accuse, arraign, charge (accuse), complain (charge), fault, impeach, indict, prosecute (charge)

accusatio accusation, charge (accusation), denunciation, impeachment, indictment

accusation arraignment, blame (culpability), claim (legal demand), complaint, condemnation (blame), count, criticism, denunciation, diatribe, disparagement, impeachment, incrimination, inculpation, indictment, information (charge), innuendo, libel, objurgation, obloquy, onus (blame), outcry, pleading, presentment, reproach, slander, stricture. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accusation in court arraignment

accusative inculpatory

accusator prosecutor

accusatory contemptuous, incriminatory, inculpatory. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accusatory instrument SEE MAIN ENTRY

accusatrix accuser

accuse arraign, blame, book, complain (charge), complain (criticize), condemn (blame), contemn, defame, denigrate, denounce (inform against), fault, impeach, implicate, incriminate, indict, inform (betray), involve (implicate), lodge (bring a complaint), pillory, present (prefer charges), proscribe (denounce), rebuke, recriminate, reprehend, reprimand, reproach. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accuse falsely defame, frame (charge falsely), libel

accuse in writing libel

accuse of maladministration impeach

accuse of misconduct impeach

accuse of wrong arraign

accuse unfairly frame (charge falsely)

accuse unjustly frame (charge falsely)

accused convict, suspect. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accused litigant defendant

accused party defendant

accused person convict, suspect

accuser claimant, complainant, district attorney, informant, informer (one providing criminal information), plaintiff. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accusing critical (faultfinding), incriminatory, inculpatory

accustom discipline (train), inure (accustom), naturalize (acclimate), reconcile

accustom oneself to endure (suffer)

accustomary habitual, mundane, ordinary, prevailing (current), prevalent

accustomed addicted, conventional, customary, daily, familiar (customary), frequent, habitual, household (familiar), inveterate, ordinary, orthodox, prevailing (current), prevalent, regular (conventional), rife, routine, typical, usual. SEE MAIN ENTRY

accustoming habituation

ace unit (item)

acedia sloth

acer acute, intense

acerb harsh

acerbate aggravate (annoy), annoy, bitter (acrid tasting)

acerbic bitter (acrid tasting), harsh, mordacious

acerbitas intolerance, severity

acerbity ill will, rancor, severity

acerbus bitter (acrid tasting), caustic, scathing, virulent

acervation assemblage, collection (accumulation), cumulation

acervus collection (accumulation), hoard

ache pain

achievability feasibility, possibility

achievable passable, possible, potential, practicable

achieve accomplish, acquire (receive), attain, build (construct), carry (succeed), commit (perpetrate), complete, compose, consummate, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), earn, effectuate, evoke, execute (accomplish), finish, fulfill, function, gain, implement, make, obtain, operate, pass (satisfy requirements), perform (adhere to), perform (execute), perpetrate, procure, produce (manufacture), reach, realize (make real), realize (obtain as a profit), reap, recover, succeed (attain), transact. SEE MAIN ENTRY

achieve by continued effort earn

achieve liberty escape

achieved complete (ended)

achievement act (undertaking), action (performance), boom (prosperity), commission (act), development (outgrowth), discharge (performance), effect, end (termination), endeavor, fait accompli, finality, fruition, monument, objective, outcome, output, performance (execution), performance (workmanship), progress, prosperity, realization, satisfaction (fulfilment), step, transaction

achievement of liberty liberation

aching painful

acid astringent, bitter (acrid tasting), harsh, mordacious

acidulous bitter (acrid tasting)

acidus bitter (acrid tasting)

acknowledge abide, accede (concede), accept (recognize), admit (concede), agree (comply), allow (authorize), answer (reply), appreciate (comprehend), assent, avouch (avow), avow, bear (adduce), betray (disclose), certify (approve), certify (attest), comply, concede, concur (agree), confess, confirm, correspond (communicate), corroborate, defer (yield in judgment), disclose, grant (concede), hear (give attention to), keep (fulfill), note (notice), notice (observe), posit, prescriptive, profess (avow), reply, respond, return (respond), reveal, sign, subscribe (sign), uphold, vouch, witness (attest to). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acknowledge defeat quit (discontinue), submit (yield)

acknowledge one’s guilt confess

acknowledge openly bear (adduce), testify

acknowledge through possession prescriptive

acknowledge through use prescriptive

acknowledged alleged, allowed, customary, familiar (customary), nunc pro tunc, orthodox, proverbial, public (known), putative, sound, traditional, undisputed, usual. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acknowledged elsewhere as alias

acknowledged judgment cognovit

acknowledgment acceptance, acquiescence, admission (disclosure), adoption (acceptance), affirmance (authentication), affirmation, answer (reply), approval, assent, asseveration, attribution, avouchment, avowal, charter (sanction), common knowledge, concession (compromise), confession, confirmation, consensus, consent, corroboration, disclosure (something disclosed), expiation, grant, honorarium, ratification, recognition, recognizance, requital, response, reward. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acknowledgment of guilt confession

acknowledgment of payment receipt (proof of receiving)

acme ceiling, culmination, pinnacle

acme of perfection paragon

acolyte coactor

acquaint apprise, communicate, convey (communicate), disabuse, disclose, divulge, enlighten, impart, inform (notify), instruct (teach), inure (accustom), mention, notify, relate (tell), report (disclose), signify (inform)

acquaintance cognition, experience (background), knowledge (awareness). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquaintanceship contact (association)

acquainted accustomed (familiarized), cognizant, expert, familiar (informed), informed (having information), knowing. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquainted with conscious (aware), learned, privy

acquainting informatory

acquest demesne

acquiesce abide, accede (concede), accept (admit as sufficient), accept (assent), admit (concede), agree (comply), allow (endure), assent, bear (tolerate), coincide (concur), concede, concur (agree), confirm, consent, defer (yield in judgment), grant (concede), obey, observe (obey), pass (approve), relent, sanction, submit (yield), succumb, suffer (permit), surrender (yield), tolerate, vouchsafe, yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquiesce in approve, authorize, comply, countenance, indorse

acquiesced in consensual

acquiescence acceptance, acknowledgment (acceptance), affirmance (judicial sanction), affirmation, amenability, approval, assent, capitulation, charter (sanction), compliance, concession (compromise), confession, confirmation, conformity (agreement), consent, deference, discipline (obedience), dispensation (exception), indorsement, indulgence, leave (permission), permission, resignation (passive acceptance), sanction (permission). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquiescent amenable, charitable (lenient), concurrent (united), congruous, consensual, consenting, favorable (expressing approval), harmonious, inclined, law-abiding, malleable, obedient, open (persuasible), passive, patient, permissive, pliable, pliant, ready (willing), sequacious, tractable, willing (not averse), yielding

acquiescently faithfully

acquiescing consenting

acquire accept (take), accrue (arise), accrue (increase), aggregate, appropriate, attain, collect (gather), collect (recover money), condemn (seize), derive (receive), gain, garner, hoard, impress (procure by force), incur, inherit, obtain, occupy (take possession), possess, procure, profit, purchase, realize (obtain as a profit), reap, recover, store, succeed (attain). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquire beforehand preempt

acquire by purchase buy

acquire by service earn

acquire currency circulate

acquire from ancestors inherit

acquire information ascertain

acquire information about find (discover)

acquire intelligence about ascertain

acquire knowledge study

acquire ownership of buy, purchase

acquire the habit practice (train by repetition)

acquired facts information (knowledge), intelligence (news)

acquired knowledge civilization, information (knowledge)

acquired mode of behavior habit

acquired right option (contractual provision)

acquirement acquisition, distress (seizure), edification, realization, receipt (act of receiving)

acquirements education

acquisition accession (enlargement), adverse possession, appropriation (taking), assumption (adoption), boom (prosperity), collection (accumulation), cumulation, distress (seizure), profit, realization, receipt (act of receiving), recovery (repossession), replevin, takeover, taking. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquisition by right of eminent domain condemnation (seizure)

acquisition of knowledge discovery, education

acquisitive confiscatory, insatiable, mercenary, parsimonious

acquisitiveness greed

acquit absolve, clear, comport (behave), demean (deport oneself), deport (conduct oneself), discharge (liberate), exculpate, excuse, exonerate, extenuate, forgive, free, liberate, palliate (excuse), pardon, pay, purge (wipe out by atonement), quit (free of), remit (release from penalty), remunerate, vindicate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquitment acquittal, discharge (payment), satisfaction (discharge of debt)

acquittal absolution, compurgation, condonation, discharge (liberation), discharge (payment), discharge (release from obligation), emancipation, exoneration, immunity, impunity, liberation, pardon, payment (act of paying), release, remission, remittance, respite (reprieve), satisfaction (discharge of debt), waiver. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acquittance acquittal, amnesty, collection (payment), compurgation, discharge (payment), exoneration, liberation, payment (act of paying), quitclaim, receipt (proof of receiving), release, remission, satisfaction (discharge of debt)

acquitted blameless, clean, clear (free from criminal charges), free (relieved from a burden). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acreage homestead, parcel, plot (land), property (land), real estate, space

acres estate (property), freehold, homestead, property (land), realty

acrid astringent, bitter (acrid tasting), caustic, harsh, mordacious, virulent

acrimonious astringent, bitter (penetrating), bitter (reproachful), caustic, cruel, cynical, harsh, hostile, libelous, malevolent, malicious, mordacious, negative, outrageous, pejorative, petulant, resentful, scathing, severe, spiteful, trenchant, vicious, virulent. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acrimoniousness spite

acrimony alienation (estrangement), malice, philippic, rancor, resentment, severity, spite, umbrage

acroamatic esoteric, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, inexplicable, profound (esoteric), secret

acroamatical esoteric, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, inexplicable, profound (esoteric), secret

acroatic esoteric, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, inexplicable, learned, profound (esoteric)

act amendment (legislation), canon, codification, commit (perpetrate), comport (behave), constitution, course, demean (deport oneself), deport (conduct oneself), dictate, enactment, execute (accomplish), exercise (discharge a function), fake, false pretense, function, law, measure, mock (imitate), officiate, operate, operation, palter, performance (execution), portray, prescription (directive), pretend, procedure, proceed (go forward), regulation (rule), represent (substitute), role, rubric (authoritative rule), rule (legal dictate), scene, simulate, statute, step, transaction. SEE MAIN ENTRY

act a part impersonate

act against counter, gainsay

act against with equal force compensate (counterbalance), countervail

act as assume (simulate), pose (impersonate)

act as agent intercede. SEE MAIN ENTRY

act as assistant to assist

act as broker represent (substitute)

act as chairman moderate (preside over), preside

act as delegate represent (substitute)

act as go-between intercede

act as mediator intercede

act as moderator moderate (preside over)

act as one combine (act in concert)

act as president moderate (preside over), preside

act as surety for sponsor

act committed in violation of law misdemeanor

act contrary disoblige

act demanded by social custom decorum

act despite override

act dishonestly cheat

act effectively function

act falsely fake

act foolishly mismanage

act for displace (replace), replace, represent (substitute), supplant

act illegally disobey, violate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

act improperly mismanage

act in accordance with orders obey

act in advance forestall

act in collusion plot

act in combination conspire

act in concert concur (agree), connive, conspire, cooperate, federalize (associate), federate, involve (participate), join (associate oneself with), participate, unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY

act in harmony conspire

act in opposition fight (battle)

act in opposition to antagonize, confront (oppose), counter, counteract, cross (disagree with), fight (counteract), oppose

act in place of represent (substitute)

act in response to answer (reply)

act in support adhere (maintain loyalty)

act insincerely palter

act interchangeably alternate (take turns), reciprocate

act jointly combine (act in concert), cooperate

act of bearing witness attestation

act of believing credence

act of berating diatribe, disparagement

act of bribing corruption

act of bringing in introduction

act of coming together chain (nexus)

act of compassing coverage (scope)

act of comprehending coverage (scope)

act of containing coverage (scope)

act of copying counterfeit

act of coupling chain (nexus)

act of crumbling decline

act of despising disdain

act of discrediting disdain, impeachment

act of dissembling color (deceptive appearance)

act of driving out eviction

act of dwelling together cohabitation (living together)

act of dwindling decline

act of embracing coverage (scope)

act of encircling coverage (scope)

act of encompassing coverage (scope)

act of engrossing coverage (scope)

act of facing confrontation (act of setting face to face)

act of falling away decline

act of ferocity atrocity

act of forestalling constraint (restriction)

act of forsaking desertion

act of generosity favor (act of kindness)

act of giving one’s word pledge (binding promise)

act of God calamity. SEE MAIN ENTRY

act of grace amnesty, favor (act of kindness)

act of hampering constraint (restriction)

act of hardening congealment

act of holding harmless indemnity

act of hostility assault

act of indemnity exoneration

act of inhumanity brutality

act of joining chain (nexus)

act of judgment adjudication, award, choice (decision), holding (ruling of a court)

act of keeping in constraint (imprisonment)

act of killing dispatch (act of putting to death), murder

act of lawbreaking misdemeanor

act of lessening decline act of living together as husband and wife cohabitation (married state)

act of loathing disdain

act of looking backward hindsight

act of losing ground decline

act of maneuvering connivance

act of mercy amnesty

act of oath-breaking perjury

act of pairing cohabitation (married state)

act of profiteering corruption

act of promise-making coverage (insurance)

act of protecting custody (supervision)

act of pursuing course

act of quelling constraint (restriction)

act of relinquishing a right waiver

act of reverting escheatment

act of running down disparagement

act of scheming connivance

act of scorning disdain

act of setting forth delineation

act of shrinking decline

act of shunning disdain

act of slaying dispatch (act of putting to death), murder

act of slipping back decline

act of spanning coverage (scope)

act of spurning disdain

act of stifling constraint (restriction)

act of strangling constraint (restriction)

act of subsuming coverage (scope)

act of surrounding coverage (scope)

act of taking life murder

act of taunting disdain

act of throwing out eviction

act of thwarting constraint (restriction)

act of uniting chain (nexus)

act of wasting away decline

act of weakening decline

act of working together collusion

act of worsening decline

act on affect, award, commit (perpetrate), discharge (perform), militate, obey, treat (process)

act on (complete). SEE MAIN ENTRY

act on (rule). SEE MAIN ENTRY

act on behalf of represent (substitute)

act on one’s own authority choose

act out impersonate

act prohibited by law crime

act the part of displace (replace), exemplify, impersonate, pose (impersonate)

act together cooperate, participate

act upon execute (accomplish), operate

act vicariously represent (substitute)

acta diurna journal

actable viable

acte act (enactment)

acting histrionics, operative, representative, surrogate, temporary, vicarious (delegated). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acting as a substitute vicarious (delegated)

acting as attorney for representation (acting for others)

acting in conjunction concurrent (united)

acting out catharsis

acting with force drastic

acting without due consideration ill-judged

actio action (proceeding), delivery, proceeding, suit

action act (undertaking), award, campaign, case (lawsuit), cause (lawsuit), cause of action, contest (dispute), controversy (lawsuit), course, day in court, fight (battle), happening, hearing, holding (ruling of a court), lawsuit, matter (case), operation, overt act, performance (execution), performance (workmanship), ploy, procedure, proceeding, process (course), prosecution (criminal trial), step, suit, transaction, trial (legal proceeding). SEE MAIN ENTRY

action at law action (proceeding), cause of action, lawsuit, proceeding, suit, trial (legal proceeding)

action in court cause (lawsuit)

action to defeat plaintiff’s demand counterclaim

action to serve justice suit

actionable illegal, illicit, impermissible, justiciable, litigable, litigious, moot, triable, unlawful. SEE MAIN ENTRY

actionable act tortious act

actions behavior, conduct, dealings, deportment, manner (behavior). SEE MAIN ENTRY

activate empower, launch (initiate), maintain (commence), motivate, originate, prompt, stimulate, urge. SEE MAIN ENTRY

activating impulsive (impelling)

activator catalyst, stimulus

active alert (vigilant), conscious (awake), effective (operative), expeditious, fervent, industrious, moving (in motion), operative, potent, rapid, responsive, sedulous, volatile, zealous. SEE MAIN ENTRY

active application diligence (care)

active attention diligence (care)

active discouragement deterrence

active element catalyst

active espousal advocacy

active giving charity

active ill will malice

active partisan catalyst

active partisans lobby

active reformer catalyst

active reformers lobby

active study diligence (care), examination (study)

active supporters lobby

active thought diligence (care)

actively opposed hostile, malevolent

actively represent lobby

activeness life (vitality)

activism campaign

activists lobby

activities affairs, dealings. SEE MAIN ENTRY

activity agency (legal relationship), business (affair), business (occupation), calling, campaign, career, course, employment, enterprise (undertaking), life (vitality), occupation (vocation), project, pursuit (occupation), transaction, turmoil. SEE MAIN ENTRY

actor actor. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acts conduct, dealings, legislation (enactments), manner (behavior). SEE MAIN ENTRY

actual absolute (conclusive), accurate, authentic, bona fide, certain (positive), clear (certain), corporeal, de facto, definite, documentary, factual, genuine, honest, material (physical), objective, peremptory (absolute), physical, real, realistic, substantive, tangible, true (authentic), unalienable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

actual existence reality

actual occurrence fact

actual possession occupancy

actual reality fact

actuality entity, fact, fait accompli, reality, substance (essential nature), truth, veracity

actualization commission (act), embodiment, fait accompli, realization

actualize compose, consummate, embody, exemplify, forge (produce), implement, make, realize (make real), substantiate

actually de facto


actuate agitate (activate), bait (lure), constrain (compel), impel, induce, influence, inspire, lobby, motivate, persuade, prevail (persuade), prompt, provoke, spirit, stimulate

actuating impulsive (impelling), persuasive

actuation commission (act), impetus, impulse, incentive, instigation, persuasion, provocation, reason (basis)

actuator abettor, catalyst

actus reus SEE MAIN ENTRY

acuity insight, perception, sagacity

aculeatus scathing

acumen caliber (mental capacity), common sense, discrimination (good judgment), insight, intelligence (intellect), judgment (discernment), perception, reason (sound judgment), sagacity, sense (intelligence). SEE MAIN ENTRY

acuminate acute

acute artful, caustic, conscious (awake), critical (crucial), crucial, exigent, important (urgent), incisive, insufferable, intense, intensive, knowing, mordacious, perceptive, politic, profound (intense), responsive, sapient, trenchant. SEE MAIN ENTRY

acute alcoholism dipsomania acute dissatisfaction ill will

acuteness caliber (mental capacity), discretion (quality of being discreet), discrimination (good judgment), insight, judgment (discernment), perception, sagacity, sensibility

acutus acute, perspicacious

ad administrationem pertimens clerical

ad aerarium pertinens financial

ad captandum colorable (plausible)

ad damnum clause SEE MAIN ENTRY


ad hominem confugere apply (request)

ad infinitum SEE MAIN ENTRY

ad inritum redigere frustrate, nullify

ad interim SEE MAIN ENTRY

ad persuadendum accommodatus convincing

ad pugnam provocare challenge

ad rem apposite

ad rem spectare relevant

ad sententiam adopt

ad tempus temporary

ad tempus advenire punctual

ad vadimonium non venire default (noun), default (verb)

ad valorem SEE MAIN ENTRY

ad vanum frustrate

adage catchword, maxim, phrase, principle (axiom)

adamant callous, immutable, implacable, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, irreconcilable, persistent, pertinacious, resolute, unalterable, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adamantine callous, unyielding

adapertus open (unclosed)

adapt accommodate, adjust (regulate), agree (comply), alter, apply (put in practice), arrange (methodize), attune, change, conform, modify (alter), naturalize (acclimate), orchestrate, reconcile. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adapt to correspond (be equivalent)

adaptability ability, amenability, compliance, conciliation

adaptable applicable, corrigible, disposable, flexible, malleable, pliable, pliant, practical, resilient, sequacious, tractable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adaptable to change liberal (broad-minded)

adaptation accommodation (adjustment), adjustment, compromise, habituation, innovation, modification, propriety (appropriateness)

adapted accustomed (familiarized), agreed (harmonized), apposite, congruous, consonant, correlative, effective (efficient), felicitous, fit, fitting, harmonious, pertinent, proper, qualified (competent), resigned, sciential, suitable, tempered. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adapted to applicable, appropriate

adapted to argumentation forensic

adapted to teach didactic

adapted to the understanding coherent (clear)

adaption arrangement (ordering)

adaptive pliable, resilient

add affix, append, attach (join), conjoin, contribute (supply), extend (enlarge), heighten (augment), interject, recruit, sum, supplement, unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY

add as a third party implead

add as an accessory attach (join)

add details embellish

add on accrue (increase), increase

add strength to confirm

add to accumulate (enlarge), aggravate (exacerbate), amend, amplify, build (augment), collect (gather), compound, conjoin, consolidate (strengthen), elaborate, enhance, enlarge, expand, increase, intensify, magnify, supplement

add to the payroll employ (engage services), hire

add together aggregate

add up to consist

add water dilute

add weight to aggravate (exacerbate)

added additional, ancillary (auxiliary), attached (annexed), expendable, extrinsic, incidental, nonessential

added charge surcharge

added monetary worth appreciation (increased value)

added protection buffer zone

added time extension (postponement)

added to accrued

added together cumulative (increasing)

addend addition

addendum addition, additive, adjunct, allonge

addendum appendix (supplement)

addendum appurtenance, attachment (thing affixed), codicil, insertion, rider. SEE MAIN ENTRY

addere append, appendix (supplement)

addicere adjudge, allot, award


addicted accustomed (familiarized), inveterate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

addicted to lewdness lecherous

addictedness dipsomania

addiction dipsomania

adding augmentation, computation additament addendum, addition, adjunct, allonge, appendix (accession), appurtenance, boom (increase), codicil, insertion, rider

addition accession (annexation), accession (enlargement), accretion, addendum, additive, adjunct, allonge, appendix (supplement), appreciation (increased value), appurtenance, boom (increase), codicil, collection (accumulation), continuation (prolongation), corollary, cumulation, exaggeration, expletive, extension (expansion), growth (increase), increment, insertion, offshoot, reinforcement, rider. SEE MAIN ENTRY

addition to adjoiner

addition to a will codicil

addition to realty fixture

additional ancillary (auxiliary), circumstantial, collateral (accompanying), contributory, cumulative (increasing), expendable, extraneous, extrinsic, gratuitous (unwarranted), incidental, nonessential, pendent, superfluous, supplementary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

additional charge surcharge

additional clause rider

additional strength reinforcement

additional time extension (postponement)

additionally also, further. SEE MAIN ENTRY

additive addition, additional, bonus, codicil, cumulative (increasing), factor (ingredient), supplementary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

additory boom (increase), cumulative (increasing)

additum attachment (thing affixed), codicil


additus additional

addle confuse (bewilder), decay, discompose, muddle, obfuscate, spoil (impair)

addlebrained opaque

addled fatuous

addleheaded opaque

addlepated opaque

address abode, accost, bestow, building (structure), call (appeal), conduct, converse, declaim, declamation, deportment, discourse (noun), discourse (verb), dispatch (send off), domicile, habitation (dwelling place), locality, lodging, manner (behavior), parlance, peroration, recite, report (detailed account), residence, rhetoric (skilled speech), site, speak, speech. SEE MAIN ENTRY

address a petition call (appeal to)

address a request call (appeal to), plead (implore), pray

address a warning to admonish (warn), notice (give formal warning) address oneself to call (appeal to), endeavor, occupy (engage), specialize, undertake

address to dedicate

address to the jury charge (statement to the jury)

addressee inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident

addriri assault

adduce allege, depose (testify), mention, proffer, quote, rationalize, refer (direct attention). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adduce evidence corroborate

adduced alleged. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adducere adduce, induce

adeem assume (seize), attach (seize), confiscate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adeemed attached (seized) ademption taking. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adept artful, capable, competent, deft, diplomatic, expert, practiced, professional (trained), proficient, qualified (competent), sciential, veteran. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adept practitioner professional adeptness ability, efficiency, facility (easiness), gift (flair), prowess (ability), skill, specialty (special aptitude)

adequacy ability, caliber (mental capacity), competence (ability), quorum, sufficiency, utility (usefulness). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adequate ample, capable, commensurate, competent, effective (efficient), fair (satisfactory), fit, functional, habitable, mediocre, operative, prima facie (legally sufficient), proficient, qualified (competent), sciential, suitable, unobjectionable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adequate notice SEE MAIN ENTRY

adequate proof SEE MAIN ENTRY

adequate resources sufficiency

adequately fairly (moderately)

adequately perceive appreciate (value) adequateness admissibility, mediocrity, quorum

adesse appear (attend court proceedings), support (assist)

adeundi copiam admit (give access)

adferre entail, quote, report (disclose)

adficere affect

adfigere affix, attach (join)

adfinis germane

adfirmare affirm (uphold), assert, contend (maintain), maintain (carry on)

adfirmatio affirmation, allegation, assertion, indorsement, possess

adfligere overthrow

adgredi assail, assault, attack

adherance concrescence

adhere abide, affix, attach (join), cement, confirm, join (bring together), maintain (sustain), persevere, remain (continue), remain (stay). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adhere to bear (tolerate), comply, conform, fulfill, keep (fulfill), obey, observe (obey), pursue (carry on). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adherence accession (annexation), adhesion (affixing), adhesion (loyalty), allegiance, coalescence, coherence, compliance, conformity (obedience), continuation (prolongation), loyalty. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adherence to duty adhesion (loyalty), allegiance

adherences ties

adherency loyalty

adherent addict, advocate (espouser), backer, coadunate, coherent (joined), cohesive (sticking), consociate, disciple, partisan, protégé. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adhering coadunate, coherent (joined), cohesive (sticking), inextricable

adhering to a purpose pertinacious

adhering to an original faithful (true to fact)

adhesion accession (annexation), coalescence, coherence, contact (touching). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adhesions ties

adhesive coadunate, coherent (joined), cohesive (sticking)

adhesiveness adhesion (affixing), coherence, tenacity. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adhibition use

adhortari exhort

adiacere adjoin, border (bound)

adiectio addition

adiectus additional

adipisci acquire (receive), obtain

adit access (right of way), entrance, entry (entrance)

aditus access (right of way), entrance

adiudicare adjudge, award

adiumentum assistance, support (assistance)

adiungere append, appendix (accession)

adiutor assistant, promoter

adiutores staff

adiutrix assistant

adiuvare abet, contribute (assist), cooperate, subsidize

adjacency conjunction, contact (touching), propinquity (proximity)

adjacent close (near), contiguous, immediate (not distant), local, present (attendant), proximate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjective procedural

adjective law procedure. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjoin abut, affix, attach (join), border (approach), border (bound), contact (touch), juxtapose, overlap. SEE MAIN ENTRY


adjoining accession (annexation), adjacent, close (near), contiguous, immediate (not distant), local, proximate

adjourn cease, conclude (complete), defer (put off), delay, discontinue (break continuity), halt, hold up (delay), postpone, procrastinate, recess. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjournal adjournment, cloture

adjourned arrested (checked)

adjournment cessation (interlude), close (conclusion), cloture, deferment, discontinuance (act of discontinuing), end (termination), extension (postponement), hiatus, pendency. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjournment of a cause continuance

adjournment of a proceeding continuance

adjudge adjudicate, ascertain, award, condemn (punish), confer (give), criticize (evaluate), decide, decree, deem, determine, find (determine), gauge, judge, opine, pronounce (pass judgment), rule (decide), sentence, try (conduct a trial). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjudge innocent absolve, palliate (excuse)

adjudge the validity of a will probate

adjudge to be due award

adjudged juridical

adjudger judge, juror

adjudgment adjudication, arbitration, award, conviction (finding of guilt), decree, determination, judgment (formal court decree)

adjudgment body jury adjudicate adjudge, arbitrate (adjudge), award, decide, decree, determine, find (determine), hear (give a legal hearing), judge, pronounce (pass judgment), rule (decide), try (conduct a trial). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjudicate the validity of a will probate

adjudication award, cognovit, conclusion (determination), conviction (finding of guilt), decree, determination, direction (order), holding (ruling of a court), judgment (formal court decree), opinion (judicial decision), res judicata, ruling, sentence, verdict. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjudicator arbiter, arbitrator, judge, juror, referee, umpire

adjudicators jury

adjunct addendum, addition, additive, allonge, ancillary (auxiliary), appendix (supplement), appliance, appurtenance, appurtenant, associate, attachment (thing affixed), backer, coactor, codicil, colleague, confederate, consociate, copartner (coconspirator), corollary, pendent, rider, supplementary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjunct in crime coconspirator

adjunction addition, attachment (act of affixing)

adjuration affirmance (legal affirmation), asseveration, assurance, attestation, averment, avouchment, call (appeal), charge (statement to the jury), claim (legal demand), entreaty, oath, petition, requirement. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjure attest, bear (adduce), call (appeal to), command, direct (order), exhort, importune, motivate, order, petition, pray, press (beseech), pressure, promise (vow), request, swear, urge. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjurement affirmation, averment, avowal

adjust accommodate, adapt, alter, amend, apply (put in practice), arrange (methodize), attune, change, check (restrain), compromise (settle by mutual agreement), conform, coordinate, decide, defray, discharge (pay a debt), discharge (perform), emend, fix (arrange), fix (repair), inure (accustom), liquidate (determine liability), mediate, mitigate, modify (alter), naturalize (acclimate), orchestrate, organize (arrange), pay, reconcile, rectify, redress, refund, remedy, repair, settle, stipulate, transform. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjust differences agree (comply), agree (contract), arbitrate (conciliate), dicker

adjust difficulties mediate

adjust oneself to countenance

adjustable flexible, malleable, pliable, resilient

adjusted accustomed (familiarized), fit, harmonious, res judicata, resigned, tempered


adjustment accord, accordance (compact), accordance (understanding), amendment (correction), arbitration, arrangement (understanding), collection (payment), collective bargaining, compatibility, compromise, conciliation, conformity (agreement), correction (change), disposition (determination), disposition (final arrangement), expiation, habituation, justification, mediation, mitigation, modification, order (arrangement), reconciliation, regulation (management), rehabilitation, repair, reparation (indemnification), restitution, settlement, treatment. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjustment by agreement arrangement (understanding)

adjustment of differences peace

adjustment of difficulties mediation

adjutant abettor, acting, assistant, backer, coactor, coadjutant, colleague, confederate, consociate, conspirer, copartner (coconspirator), partner

adjutant in crime coconspirator

adjutor partner

adjuvancy assistance

adjuvant ancillary (auxiliary), assistant, backer, coactor, coadjutant, colleague, confederate, copartner (business associate), copartner (coconspirator), participant, partner, subservient, subsidiary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adjuvant in crime coconspirator

adlevare alleviate

adlicere lure

adligare affix, attach (join), connect (join together)

admeasure distribute, divide (distribute), dole, measure, mete. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admeasurement estimate (approximate cost), estimation (calculation), measurement

administer allocate, allot, apportion, bestow, commit (perpetrate), conduct, confer (give), contribute (supply), control (regulate), direct (supervise), disburse (distribute), discharge (perform), discipline (control), dispense, disperse (disseminate), distribute, divide (distribute), dominate, drug, exercise (discharge a function), govern, handle (manage), manage, mete, moderate (preside over), officiate, operate, overlook (superintend), oversee, parcel, predominate (command), prescribe, preside, provide (supply), regulate (manage), resort, rule (govern), superintend, supply. SEE MAIN ENTRY

administer a penalty inflict

administer a rebuke admonish (warn), blame, censure

administer badly misgovern

administer correction condemn (punish), discipline (punish)

administer improperly misgovern, mishandle (mismanage), mismanage

administer inefficiently mismanage

administer poorly misgovern, mismanage

administer punishment inflict

administer to accommodate, assist, bequeath, care (regard), concern (care), serve (assist)

administrare conduct, direct (supervise), manage, regulate (adjust), superintend. SEE MAIN ENTRY

administrate administer (conduct), conduct, control (regulate), direct (supervise), govern, manage, operate, preside, render (administer), superintend

administrating clerical

administratio administration, government (administration), management (supervision), regulation (management)

administration act (enactment), action (performance), agency (commission), apportionment, authorities, bureau, bureaucracy, charge (custody), control (supervision), custody (supervision), direction (guidance), dispensation (act of dispensing), disposition (final arrangement), economy (economic system), enforcement, generalship, government (political administration), management (directorate), management (supervision), regime, regulation (management), supervision, transaction. SEE MAIN ENTRY

administration of economics economy (economic system)

administration of justice judicature, judiciary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

administration of resources economy (economic system)

administrative clerical, executive, ministerial, political. SEE MAIN ENTRY

administrative head administrator, official

administrative unit bureau

administrator caretaker (one fulfilling the function of office), director, employer, executive, executor, functionary, liaison, official, procurator, superintendent, trustee. SEE MAIN ENTRY

administrator of a will executor

administrator of justice judge

administrator of the decedent’s estate executor

administrators hierarchy (persons in authority), management (directorate), management (supervision)

administratorship generalship

administratrix executor

adminster enforce, give (grant)

admirable high-minded, laudable, meritorious, professional (stellar), scrupulous

admiratio surprise

admiration affection, estimation (esteem), honor (outward respect), interest (concern), regard (esteem), respect. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admire regard (hold in esteem)

admired popular

admirer disciple

admiring favorable (expressing approval)

admiscere implicate

admissibility propriety (appropriateness), qualification (fitness). SEE MAIN ENTRY

admissible allowable, allowed, appropriate, justifiable, licit, pardonable, passable, permissible, relevant, right (suitable), suitable, unobjectionable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admissible evidence SEE MAIN ENTRY

admission access (right of way), acknowledgment (avowal), admittance (acceptance), admittance (means of approach), adoption (acceptance), charter (sanction), concession (compromise), confession, confirmation, consent, declaration, disclosure (act of disclosing), disclosure (something disclosed), entrance, entry (entrance), ingress, installation, recognition. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admission of fault confession

admission of foreigners immigration

admission of guilt confession. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admission of postponement continuance

admission of the facts nollo contendere

admissive receptive, responsive

admit accede (concede), acknowledge (declare), acknowledge (verify), adopt, authorize, avow, bare, bear (adduce), betray (disclose), certify (approve), confess, disclose, grant (concede), induct, initiate, instate, profess (avow), receive (permit to enter), recognize (acknowledge), reveal, vouchsafe, yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

admit a right acknowledge (verify)

admit as satisfactory accept (admit as sufficient)

admit citizenship naturalize (make a citizen)

admit defeat quit (discontinue), submit (yield)

admit frankly avow

admit guilt confess

admit the charge acknowledge (verify)

admit to citizenship enfranchise

admittance access (right of way), acknowledgment (acceptance), admission (entry), ingress, introduction, receipt (act of receiving). SEE MAIN ENTRY

admitted allowed, prescriptive, sound, uncontested. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admitted judgment cognovit

admitted maxim principle (axiom)

admitted testimony evidence

admittedly SEE MAIN ENTRY

admittere admit (give access)

admitting concession (compromise), receptive

admitting of decision determinable (ascertainable)

admitting of doubt debatable, disputable

admitting of no deviation exact

admix amalgamate, combine (join together), commingle, desegregate

admixed composite, miscellaneous

admixture coalescence, integration (amalgamation), melange, solution (substance). SEE MAIN ENTRY

admonere admonish (advise), remind

admonish blame, castigate, caution, censure, charge (instruct on the law), complain (criticize), decry, disabuse, disapprove (condemn), exhort, expostulate, fault, impeach, lash (attack verbally), rebuke, remonstrate, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, threaten. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admonish beforehand forewarn

admonishmen t admonition, caveat, deterrent, disapprobation, disparagement, monition (warning), notice (warning), objurgation, remonstrance, reprimand

admonitio remonstrance, suggestion, warning

admonition caution (warning), caveat, charge (statement to the jury), criticism, deterrence, deterrent, diatribe, direction (guidance), guidance, impeachment, monition (warning), notice (warning), objurgation, rebuff, recommendation, remonstrance, reprimand, warning. SEE MAIN ENTRY

admonitive remonstrative

admonitor monitor

admonitory hortative, informatory, remonstrative

admovere apply (put in practice)

adnectere affix

adnotare note (record)

adnotatio note (brief comment)

adnuere assent

ado furor, noise, trouble, turmoil

adolescence nonage. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adolescent child, jejune (lacking maturity), juvenile, minor. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adolescere develop

adopt accept (embrace), acquire (receive), agree (comply), apply (put in practice), appropriate, approve, assume (seize), choose, copy, embrace (accept), espouse, gain, impropriate, naturalize (make a citizen), pass (approve), prefer, receive (permit to enter), resort, select. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adopt a measure enact

adopt an opinion deem

adopt and pass off as one’s own pirate (reproduce without authorization)

adopt as a citizen naturalize (make a citizen)

adopt as one’s own plagiarize

adopt into a nation naturalize (make a citizen)

adoptare adopt

adopted assumed (feigned), preferred (favored), select

adoptio adoption (affiliation)

adoption acceptance, appropriation (taking), approval, arrogation, consent, distress (seizure), selection (choice), use. SEE MAIN ENTRY


adoptivus adoptive

adorable attractive

adoration affection, respect

adore regard (hold in esteem)

adoriri accost, assail, attack

adorn embellish, meliorate

adorned pretentious (ostentatious)

adornment motif

adquirere acquire (secure)

adrift astray, derelict (abandoned), disconnected, insecure, lost (disoriented), unsettled

adrogans impervious, presumptuous

adrogantia intolerance

adroit artful, capable, competent, deft, efficient, expert, practiced, proficient, resourceful, veteran. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adroit practitioner professional

adroitness competence (ability), efficiency, experience (background), facility (easiness), faculty (ability), gift (flair), prowess (ability), science (technique), skill

adsciscere enfranchise

adscititious circumstantial, nonessential, pendent, superfluous, supplementary

adscribere encompass (include), enroll, include

adsecula parasite

adsensio assent

adsensus acquiescence, assent

adsentari assent

adsentire consent

adsequi attain

adseverare vouch

adsiduitas continuance, continuation (prolongation), diligence (care), industry (activity)

adsiduus continual (perpetual), incessant, industrious, perpetual, sedulous, unremitting

adsignare allot, apportion, ascribe, attribute, impute

adsignatio allotment

adstrictorius astringent

adstrictus laconic

adstringere bind (obligate)

adsuefacere inure (accustom)

adsuetus accustomed (customary)

adsumere assume (seize)

adulate overestimate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adulation doxology, honor (outward respect), mention (tribute). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adulescentia adolescence

adult ripe. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adulterare adulterate

adulterate contaminate, corrupt, debase, denature, deteriorate, fake, falsify, harm, impair, infect, lessen, pollute, taint (contaminate). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adulterated inferior (lower in quality), tainted (contaminated). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adulteration contaminate, defilement, detriment, dissolution (disintegration). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adultered bad (inferior)

adulterine artificial, bastard, illegitimate (born out of wedlock)

adulterium adultery


adulthood maturity

adultus adult

adumbrare delineate

adumbrate blind (obscure), camouflage, hint, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscure, portend, portray, predict, presage, represent (portray), shroud

adumbratio delineation, outline (synopsis)

adumbration hint, obscuration. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adumbrative representative. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advance abet, accession (enlargement), accretion, accrue (increase), adduce, advancement (loan), aid (help), aid, allege, ameliorate, appreciate (increase), approach, argue, assert, augmentation, bid, boom (increase), boom (prosperity), capitalize (provide capital), certify (attest), cite (state), compound, conduce, contend (maintain), contribute (assist), course, credit (delayed payment), cultivate, declare, develop, development (progression), elevate, evolve, expand, expedite, extend (offer), facilitate, favor, finance, foster, further, gain, hasten, headway, heighten (augment), help, honor, installment, inure (benefit), invest (fund), invitation, lend, loan (noun), loan (verb), lobby, meliorate, nurture, offer (tender), onset (assault), overture, plead (allege in a legal action), pose (propound), posit, postulate, precipitate (hasten), precursory, preface, prefer, proceed (go forward), proffer, profit, progress (noun), progress (verb), promotion (advancement), propose, propound, prosecute (carry forward), recommend, remit (submit for consideration), resume, send, serve (assist), signify (inform), step, submit (give), subsidize, succeed (attain), tender, urge. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advance against assail

advance beyond proper limits overstep

advance guard precursor

advance in rank promote (advance)

advance in successive gradation develop

advance in value enhance

advance in worth appreciation (increased value)

advance near to approximate

advance notice admonition, caveat

advance planning forethought, premeditation

advance stealthily infringe

advance toward perfection mature

advance upon assail, attack, impinge, trespass

advanced alleged, liberal (broad minded), proficient, progressive (advocating change), ripe, sophisticated. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advanced in years elderly, old

advancement advocacy, application, augmentation, boom (increase), boom (prosperity), civilization, development (progression), edification, elevation, favor (sanction), growth (evolution), growth (increase), incursion, loan, longevity, preference (priority), profit, progress, reform, step, suggestion. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advancement of knowledge civilization

advancing cumulative (increasing), forthcoming, future, progressive (going forward)

advantage behalf, benefit (betterment), chance (fortuity), dividend, edification, help, interest (profit), inure (benefit), leverage, patronage (power to appoint jobs), precedence, preference (priority), prerogative, priority, privilege, prize, profit, shelter (tax benefit), utility (usefulness), value, welfare, worth. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advantage in land easement

advantage in votes cast plurality

advantageous ancillary (auxiliary), beneficial, constructive (creative), convenient, disposable, effective (efficient), fit, functional, gainful, instrumental, lucrative, operative, opportune, practical, preferential, productive, profitable, propitious, purposeful, salubrious, salutary, suitable, valuable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advantageous position edge (advantage)

advantageousness expedience, feasibility, utility (usefulness)

advena alien, stranger

advent occasion

adventare approach

adventicius foreign, unessential

adventitious fortuitous, haphazard, unintentional, unwitting. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adventitiously unknowingly

adventitiousness accident (chance occurrence)

adventure bet, enterprise (undertaking), event, experience (encounter), transaction, undertaking (enterprise), venture. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adventurer pioneer, speculator

adventures story (narrative)

adventurous aleatory (perilous), imprudent, impulsive (rash)

adventus appearance (emergence), immigration

adversarius adversary, foe, opponent, opposite

adversary contender, contestant, disputant, foe, litigant, opponent, party (litigant), plaintiff, rival. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adversative contradictory, contrary

adverse antipathetic (oppositional), averse, competitive (antagonistic), contradictory, contrary, deleterious, detrimental, disadvantageous, discordant, disinclined, hostile, inadvisable, inauspicious, inimical, malevolent, noxious, ominous, opposite, pernicious, regrettable, reluctant, renitent, repugnant (incompatible), unfavorable, unpropitious. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adverse argument objection

adverse charge objection

adverse circumstance disadvantage, plight. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adverse circumstances adversity, predicament

adverse comment criticism, diatribe, disapprobation, disapproval, impugnation, objection, stricture

adverse criticism disparagement, exception (objection), impugnation, stricture

adverse event misfortune. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adverse fortune adversity, calamity, misfortune

adverse lot misfortune

adverse luck misfortune

adverse party adversary, contender, contestant, disputant, foe, litigant, opponent

adverse possession SEE MAIN ENTRY

adverse reason objection

adverse to contra (adverb), contra (preposition), deviant. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adversely unwillingly

adversely affected aggrieved (victimized). SEE MAIN ENTRY

adverseness antipode, antithesis, conflict, contradiction, difference, ill will

adversity accident (misfortune), burden, calamity, casualty, catastrophe, damage, debacle, detriment, disadvantage, disaster, hardship, injury, misfortune, pain, plight, predicament, stress (strain), tragedy, trouble. SEE MAIN ENTRY

adversus adverse (opposite), antipode, contrary, unfavorable

advert allude, hear (give attention to), hint, imply. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advert to consider, indicate, mention, note (notice), regard (pay attention), specify

advertence diligence (care), notice (heed), observation, regard (attention). SEE MAIN ENTRY

advertency consideration (contemplation), diligence (care), notice (heed), observation, regard (attention)

advertent prudent

advertise communicate, divulge, expose, herald, inform (notify), notify, post, proclaim, proffer, promote (organize), propagate (spread), publish, spread. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advertisement publication (disclosure), publicity

advertising promotion (encouragement), publicity

advice admonition, advocacy, charge (statement to the jury), direction (guidance), guidance, help, instruction (direction), monition (warning), recommendation, service (assistance), suggestion, tip (clue). SEE MAIN ENTRY

advice of counsel SEE MAIN ENTRY

advisability propriety (appropriateness)

advisable favorable (advantageous), fit, profitable, sensible, suitable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advise advocate, alert, annunciate, apprise, charge (instruct on the law), communicate, confer (consult), contribute (assist), converse, convey (communicate), counsel, disabuse, disclose, exhort, forewarn, help, impart, incite, inform (notify), instruct (direct), motivate, notice (give formal warning), notify, persuade, predict, presage, prognosticate, prompt, propose, reason (persuade), recommend, relate (tell), remind, remonstrate, report (disclose), reveal, signify (inform), urge. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advise against admonish (warn), caution, discourage, dissuade, expostulate, forewarn, remonstrate

advise beforehand forewarn

advise together deliberate

advise with consult (ask advice of), deliberate

advised acquainted, deliberate, express, familiar (informed), informed (having information)

advisedly knowingly

advisement advice, caveat, consideration (contemplation), deliberation, disclosure (act of disclosing), guidance

advising hortative, informatory, juridical

advisor accessory, accomplice, advocate (counselor), arbiter, counsel, counselor, esquire, informant, informer (a person who provides information), pedagogue, procurator. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advisors management (directorate)

advisory hortative, informative, informatory, juridical, precatory. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advisory board council (assembly)

advisory body congress, panel (discussion group)

advisory group commission (agency), committee

advisory limitation guideline

advocacy advice, aid (help), assistance, behalf, direction (guidance), favor (sanction), guidance, persuasion, recommendation, representation (acting for others). SEE MAIN ENTRY

advocare call (summon), summon

advocate abet, abettor, adhere (maintain loyalty), admonish (advise), advise, amicus curiae, apologist, approve, assistant, attorney, authorize, backer, barrister, benefactor, certify (attest), claim (maintain), coactor, colleague, conduit (intermediary), corroborate, council (consultant), counsel (noun), counsel (verb), counselor, countenance, defend, disciple, embrace (accept), espouse, esquire, exhort, favor, foster, incite, indorse, instruct (direct), jurist, lawyer, maintain (sustain), partisan, pass (approve), patron (influential supporter), petition, plead (argue a case), plenipotentiary, posit, prescribe, pressure, proctor, profess (avow), promote (advance), promote (organize), promoter, proponent, propose, propound, recommend, side, special interest, spokesman, sponsor, subscribe (promise), uphold, urge. SEE MAIN ENTRY

advocated alleged

advocates bar (body of lawyers), lobby

advocating change radical (favoring drastic change)

advocation labor (work), recommendation

adynamic languid, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), powerless

adynamy incapacity

aedes house

aedificatio building (business of assembling)

aedificium building (structure), premises (buildings)

aeger patient

aegis auspices, custody (supervision), favor (sanction), protection, safekeeping, shield. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aegrotus patient

aemulus contestant, rival

aenigma enigma

aeonian constant, durable

aequabilis impartial, uniform

aequalis coequal, equal, par (equality)

aequalitas temporum synchronism

aeque fairly (impartially)

aequiperare compare

aequitas equity (justice), fairness, justice, objectivity

aequo animo nonchalant

aequum equity (justice)

aequus admissible, equal, equitable, fair (just), impartial, just, par (equality), reasonable (fair)

aequus animus composure

aerarium finance, treasury

aerial intangible

aes money

aes alienum debt

aes alienum contrahere overdraw

Aesculapian medicinal

aesthetic elegant, sensitive (discerning). SEE MAIN ENTRY

aesthetic judgment discretion (quality of being discreet)

aestimare appreciate (value), assess (appraise), estimate, rate

aestimatio assessment (estimation), estimate (approximate cost), value, worth

aetas age, lifetime

aetate provectus elderly

aevum lifetime

affability comity, courtesy, informality

affable amicable, benevolent, civil (polite), obeisant

affair event, happening, incident, occasion, occurrence, subject (topic), transaction, undertaking (enterprise). SEE MAIN ENTRY

affairs case (set of circumstances), dealings. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affect appertain, apply (pertain), concern (involve), dispose (incline), emotion, fake, feign, interest, militate, modify (alter), motivate, prejudice (influence), pretend, prevail upon, profess (pretend), relate (establish a connection). SEE MAIN ENTRY

affect detrimentally prejudice (injure)

affect dishonorably disgrace

affect entirely pervade

affect injuriously impair

affectation bombast, color (deceptive appearance), false pretense, fustian, histrionics, pretense (ostentation), pretext, pride, rhetoric (insincere language)

affected bogus, formal, grandiose, histrionic, inclined, interested, orgulous, orotund, pretentious (pompous), proud (conceited), specious, tartuffish

affected manner pride

affectedness false pretense, histrionics, pretense (ostentation), pride

affecter pedant

affectibility sensibility

affectible receptive

affecting moving (evoking emotion), potent, sapid. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affecting a previous act ex post facto

affecting the nation as a whole national

affecting the past retroactive

affection affinity (regard), benevolence (disposition to do good), predilection, predisposition, regard (esteem). SEE MAIN ENTRY

affiance confidence (faith), reliance

affiant declarant, deponent. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affidavit certificate, confirmation, record, statement, testimony. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affiliate adopt, ascribe, chapter (branch), connect (relate), consolidate (unite), corporate (associate), corporation, correlate, correlative, embrace (accept), federalize (associate), federate, incorporate (form a corporation), join (associate oneself with), member (individual in a group), organ, organize (unionize), relate (establish a connection), unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affiliate with combine (act in concert), participate, pool

affiliated akin (germane), akin (related by blood), allied, apposite, associated, cognate, collateral (accompanying), conjoint, consanguineous, correlative, incident, interested, interrelated, related. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affiliates constituency

affiliation affinity (family ties), ancestry, association (alliance), bloodline, cartel, chain (nexus), coalescence, coalition, combination, compatibility, confederacy (compact), connection (relation), consolidation, consortium (marriage companionship), contact (association), corporation, degree (kinship), federation, filiation, integration (amalgamation), kinship, league, merger, nexus, organization (association), privity, propinquity (kinship), relation (connection), side, union (labor organization). SEE MAIN ENTRY

affined cognate, correlative, related

affinitive allied, apposite, correlative, germane, interrelated, pendent, pertinent, related, relative (relevant), relevant

affinity analogy, blood, chain (nexus), conformity (agreement), consortium (marriage companionship), inclination, instinct, kinship, partiality, penchant, predilection, propensity, propinquity (kinship), propinquity (similarity), rapport, relation (connection), relationship (family tie), relevance, resemblance. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affinity of nature propinquity (similarity)

affirm accept (assent), accredit, acknowledge (declare), admit (concede), allege, annunciate, approve, argue, assert, assure (insure), attest, authorize, avouch (avow), avow, bear (adduce), certify (attest), claim (maintain), concede, concur (agree), consent, contend (maintain), convey (communicate), corroborate, countenance, declare, depose (testify), enunciate, express, indorse, mention, notarize, pass (approve), plead (allege in a legal action), posit, profess (avow), promise (vow), reassure, remark, reveal, substantiate, support (corroborate), sustain (confirm), swear, testify, uphold, validate, verify (swear), vouch, witness (attest to). SEE MAIN ENTRY

affirm explicitly certify (attest), plead (allege in a legal action)

affirm in an official capacity certify (attest)

affirm positively promise (vow)

affirm the contrary bear false witness, contradict, disown (deny the validity)

affirm under oath depose (testify), testify

affirm with confidence avouch (avow)

affirmance affirmation, approval, assent, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, certification (certification of proficiency), confirmation, consensus, consent, indorsement, sanction (permission), surety (certainty). SEE MAIN ENTRY

affirmant declarant. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affirmation acknowledgment (avowal), adjuration, approval, assent, assertion, asseveration, assurance, attestation, attribution, averment, avouchment, avowal, certification (attested copy), claim (assertion), confirmation, consensus, consent, corroboration, declaration, declaratory judgment, disclosure (something disclosed), jurat, legalization, oath, parole, permit, profession (declaration), promise, pronouncement, reference (recommendation), sanction (permission), statement, subscription, support (corroboration), surety (certainty), testimony, thesis, vow. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affirmation of truth oath

affirmation of truth of a statement oath

affirmation under oath affidavit. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affirmations premises (hypotheses)

affirmative SEE MAIN ENTRY

affirmative action SEE MAIN ENTRY

affirmatory affirmative

affirmed agreed (promised), alleged, alleged

affirmer affirmant

affix addendum, allonge, annex (add), append, attach (join), cement, cohere (adhere), combine (join together), levy, rider. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affix a date to date

affix a legal signature notarize

affix a signature sign

affix an earlier date antedate

affix an impost assess (tax)

affix one’s name sign

affix one’s signature subscribe (sign)

affix one’s signature to notarize, sign

affixation accession (annexation), attachment (act of affixing), codicil

affixed attached (annexed), conjoint

affixed property immovable

affixed to realty fixture

affixture attachment (thing affixed), codicil

affliciting pernicious

afflict affront, badger, bait (harass), beat (strike), discommode, discompose, distress, harass, harm, ill use, mistreat, persecute, plague, strike (assault). SEE MAIN ENTRY

afflicted aggrieved (harmed), deplorable, disconsolate

afflicting detrimental, harmful, peccant (unhealthy)

affliction accident (misfortune), adversity, burden, calamity, casualty, catastrophe, damage, detriment, disability (physical inability), disaster, disease, disorder (abnormal condition), grievance, handicap, hardship, misfortune, nuisance, onus (burden), pain, stress (strain), tragedy, trouble. SEE MAIN ENTRY

afflictive adverse (negative), bitter (penetrating), oppressive, painful, severe

affluence boom (prosperity), money, prosperity, sufficiency, welfare

affluent full, opulent, profuse, prosperous, replete, successful

afford administer (tender), allow (endure), bear (yield), bequeath, bestow, contribute (supply), fund, furnish, give (grant), lend, provide (supply), supply, yield (produce a return). SEE MAIN ENTRY

afford advantages favor

afford aid abet, assist, capitalize (provide capital), contribute (assist), serve (assist), subsidize

afford notice serve (deliver a legal instrument)

afford proof of bear (adduce)

afford sanctuary harbor, lodge (house)

afford support capitalize (provide capital), subsidize

affordable care act SEE MAIN ENTRY

affording no undue advantage fair (just), just

affording proof demonstrative (illustrative)

affranchise enfranchise, free, let (permit), liberate

affranchisement freedom, liberation, liberty, privilege, suffrage

affray altercation, belligerency, collision (dispute), commotion, conflict, confrontation (altercation), disaccord, disturbance, embroilment, fight (battle), fracas, fray, outbreak, outburst, pandemonium, riot, struggle. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affreightment carriage

affright consternation, discourage, fear, fright, frighten, intimidate, menace, panic, trepidation

affront accost, annoy, aspersion, bait (harass), challenge, contumely, defiance, defy, discommode, disoblige, disparage, disregard (lack of respect), disrespect, flout, humiliate, irritate, offend (insult), pique, provocation, provoke, rebuff, resentment, revilement. SEE MAIN ENTRY

affront hostilely assault affronting outrageous

afield astray

afloat unsettled

aforecited aforesaid

aforedescribed aforesaid. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aforegiven aforesaid

aforegoing aforesaid, last (preceding), said. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aforehand before mentioned. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aforementioned aforesaid, last (preceding), preliminary, previous, stated. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aforenamed aforesaid, before mentioned, said

aforesaid before mentioned, last (preceding), previous, said, stated

aforestated aforesaid, before mentioned. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aforethought express, premeditated, premeditation. SEE MAIN ENTRY

afraid caitiff, leery, recreant. SEE MAIN ENTRY

afresh anew, de novo

after ensuing, ex post facto, successive, thereafter

after death posthumous

after the act is committed ex post facto

after the fact ex post facto

after the same pattern boiler plate

after time dilatory, late (tardy)

after-comer heir

after-generations heir

aftereffect consequence (conclusion), outcome, outgrowth

aftergrowth consequence (conclusion), development (outgrowth)

aftermath consequence (conclusion), development (outgrowth), effect, outcome, outgrowth, result. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aftermost last (final)

afterthought hindsight, recollection, retrospect

afterward ex post facto

afterwards hereafter (henceforth), thereafter

agacerie catalyst

again anew, de novo. SEE MAIN ENTRY

against contiguous, contra (adverb), contra (preposition), disinclined. SEE MAIN ENTRY

against fair trade antitrust act

against free commerce antitrust act

against free mercantilism antitrust act

against free trade antitrust act

against one’s will compulsory, involuntary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

against open business antitrust act

against open markets antitrust act

against reason ill-judged

against the admonition of law felonious

against the law felonious, illegal, illegitimate (illegal), illicit, impermissible, lawless, unlawful, wrongful

against the rules deviant, felonious, irregular (improper)

agape open (unclosed), penetrable, speechless

age annum, cycle, duration, lifetime, longevity, mature, period, phase (period), term (duration), time. SEE MAIN ENTRY

age of discretion majority (adulthood). SEE MAIN ENTRY

age of majority majority (adulthood)

age of responsibility majority (adulthood)

aged elderly

ageless durable, immutable, permanent

agellus plot (land)

agency bureau, bureaucracy, committee, conduit (channel), delegation (assignment), department, expedient, facility (institution), facility (instrumentality), forum (medium), instrument (tool), medium, organ, proxy, representation (acting for others). SEE MAIN ENTRY

agency of the state government (political administration)

agenda calendar (list of cases), calendar (record of yearly periods), docket, outline (synopsis), plan, program, register, schedule. SEE MAIN ENTRY

agent assistant, broker, cause (reason), conduit (intermediary), dealer, deputy, detective, determinant, employee, factor (commission merchant), factor (ingredient), fiduciary, forum (medium), go-between, instrument (tool), interagent, intermediary, liaison, medium, plenipotentiary, proctor, procurator, protagonist, proxy, representative (proxy), spokesman, spy, substitute, superintendent, tool, trustee. SEE MAIN ENTRY

agent provocateur catalyst

agent provocateur conspirer

agential ministerial, representative

agents deputation (delegation)

agentship delegation (assignment), representation (acting for others)

ager district, estate (property), territory

agger causeway

agglomerate accumulate (amass), agglomeration, aggregate (noun), aggregate (verb), cement, coadunate, cohere (adhere), compile, composite, concentrate (consolidate), conglomerate, corporation, cumulation, desegregate, hoard, unite

agglomeration adhesion (affixing), arsenal, assemblage, coalescence, collection (accumulation), compilation, conglomeration, cumulation. SEE MAIN ENTRY

agglutinate adhere (fasten), affix, attach (join), cement, cohere (adhere), coherent (joined), cohesive (sticking), combine (join together)

agglutinated attached (annexed)

agglutination adhesion (affixing), agglomeration, coalescence

agglutinative coherent (joined), cohesive (sticking)

aggrandize accrue (increase), accumulate (enlarge), bear (yield), build (augment), compound, elevate, empower, enhance, enlarge, expand, extend (enlarge), honor, increase, inflate, magnify, overestimate, promote (advance), raise (advance)

aggrandized extreme (exaggerated), inflated (overestimated)

aggrandizement accession (enlargement), advancement (improvement), augmentation, boom (prosperity), elevation, eminence, exaggeration, extension (expansion), growth (increase), honor (outward respect), hyperbole, inflation (increase), overstatement, remembrance (commemoration). SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggravate alienate (estrange), annoy, badger, bait (harass), compound, deteriorate, discommode, discompose, distress, exacerbate, expand, harm, heighten (augment), incense, intensify, irritate, plague, press (goad), provoke. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggravated gross (flagrant)

aggravating provocative, vexatious

aggravating factor SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggravation complication, damage, detriment, harm, molestation, nuisance, pain. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggravative cumulative (intensifying)

aggregate accumulate (amass), agglomeration, amount (quantity), coadunate, collect (gather), collection (accumulation), collective, combination, compile, complex (development), composite, compound, comprise, concentrate (consolidate), conglomerate, conglomeration, congregate, congregation, corpus, cumulation, entirety, garner, glean, gross (total), hoard, in solido, join (bring together), mass (body of persons), multiple, quantity, total, totality, whole (undamaged), whole. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggregate amount sum (total)

aggregated coadunate, collective, composite, compound, miscellaneous

aggregation adhesion (affixing), affiliation (amalgamation), agglomeration, aggregate, assemblage, assembly, body (collection), centralization, chamber (body), collection (accumulation), collection (assembly), combination, company (assemblage), compilation, complex (development), conglomeration, congregation, consolidation, corpus, cumulation, hoard, incorporation (blend), organization (association), selection (collection), totality. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggress antagonize, assail, assault, attack, impinge, infringe, invade, oppugn, strike (assault)

aggression assault, belligerency, foray, incursion, infringement, intrusion, invasion, offense, onset (assault), outbreak, provocation. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggressive contentious, disorderly, forcible, hostile, hot-blooded, industrious, litigious, malevolent, obtrusive, offensive (taking the initiative), pugnacious, spartan aggressive action assault

aggressive argument dispute

aggressiveness belligerency, main force

aggressor assailant, offender. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggrieve affront, aggravate (annoy), badger, bait (harass), distress, harrow, harry (harass), mistreat, persecute, plague

aggrieved despondent. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aggrieved party actor, appellant, complainant

aggroup aggregate, congregate, convene, hoard, join (bring together)

aghast speechless

agile deft

agilis movable

agio brokerage

agitare discuss

agitari oscillate

agitate bait (harass), bicker, debate, discommode, discompose, disconcert, dislocate, disorganize, disrupt, distress, disturb, foment, harass, harrow, impel, incense, incite, inflict, irritate, militate, obsess, oscillate, perturb, pique, provoke, upset. SEE MAIN ENTRY

agitate against counter, counteract, countervail

agitated disordered, disorderly, unsettled, vehement

agitating moving (evoking emotion)

agitatio commotion

agitation affray, aggravation (exacerbation), apprehension (fear), commotion, consternation, distress (anguish), disturbance, embroilment, emotion, entanglement (confusion), fright, furor, instigation, outbreak, outburst, pandemonium, panic, passion, provocation, revolt, strife, struggle, trepidation, turmoil

agitational offensive (taking the initiative)

agitative incendiary

agitator catalyst, demagogue, hoodlum, insurgent, malcontent

agitators lobby

agnate associated, cognate, consanguineous, correlate, correlative, interrelated, related

agnation affiliation (bloodline), blood, propinquity (kinship)

agnomen call (title)

agnoscere recognize (perceive)

agnostic skeptical

agonize bait (harass), brood, distress, harass, inflict, persecute, press (goad), suffer (sustain loss). SEE MAIN ENTRY

agonizing cruel, insufferable, painful, severe

agony distress (anguish), pain, plaint, stress (strain)

agora market (business), market place

agree abide, accommodate, acknowledge (respond), admit (concede), allow (endure), assent, bond (secure a debt), certify (approve), cohere (be logically consistent), coincide (concur), compromise (settle by mutual agreement), concede, conform, consent, conspire, contract, correspond (be equivalent), decide, defer (yield in judgment), fix (settle), grant (concede), obey, promise (vow), settle, stipulate, subscribe (promise), undertake, unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY

agree beforehand predetermine

agree in principle concede

agree to accede (concede), accept (admit as sufficient), accept (assent), approve, authorize, certify (approve), confirm, countenance, embrace (accept), pass (approve), permit, sanction, sign, surrender (yield), yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

agree to beforehand prearrange

agree to indemnify for loss assure (insure)

agree to support underwrite

agree upon settle

agree with comply, confirm, uphold

agreeability compliance

agreeable amenable, attractive, benevolent, concordant, congruous, consensual, consenting, convenient, favorable (expressing approval), harmonious, inclined, malleable, nonmilitant, palatable, patient, peaceable, pliant, prone, ready (willing), resigned, sapid, savory, willing (not averse). SEE MAIN ENTRY

agreeable manner amenity

agreeable to pursuant to

agreeable to reason rational

agreeable way amenity

agreeableness amenability, amenity, benevolence (disposition to do good), comity, propriety (appropriateness)

agreed concerted, congruous, conjoint, contractual, res judicata. SEE MAIN ENTRY

agreed to contractual

agreed upon consensual

agreeing coequal, coextensive, commensurate, concerted, concordant, concurrent (united), consenting, consistent, consonant, correlative, felicitous, harmonious, proportionate, similar

agreeing to pursuant to

agreement acceptance, accommodation (adjustment), accord, accordance (compact), accordance (understanding), acknowledgment (acceptance), acquiescence, adjustment, analogy, approval, arrangement (understanding), assent, attornment, bargain, cartel, coherence, collusion, commitment (responsibility), compact, compatibility, compliance, composition (agreement in bankruptcy), compromise, concert, concession (compromise), conciliation, concordance, conformity (agreement), conjunction, consensus, consent, contract, correspondence (similarity), covenant, deal, identity (similarity), indenture, indorsement, integration (assimilation), league, lease, leave (permission), mutual understanding, obligation (duty), option (contractual provision), pact, peace, pledge (binding promise), policy (contract), promise, quid pro quo, rapport, rapprochement, reconciliation, resemblance, sanction (permission), settlement, specialty (contract), stipulation, subscription, synchronism, term (provision), testament, treaty, undertaking (commitment), undertaking (pledge), union (unity), warrant (guaranty). SEE MAIN ENTRY

agreement as to time and place of meeting appointment (meeting)

agreement before marriage antenuptial agreement

agreement between nations treaty

agreement between parties compact. SEE MAIN ENTRY

agreement for fraud collusion

agreement to accomplish an unlawful end conspiracy

agreement to commit a crime conspiracy

agreement to pay insurance

agreement to work indenture

agressive eager

agrestis uncouth

agrorum possessor landlord, landowner

ahead of time premature

aid abet, accommodate, accomplice, advantage, advocacy, assist, assistance, associate, avail (be of use), bear (support), behalf, benefactor, benefit (conferment), bolster, capitalize (provide capital), charity, coactor, coadjutant, conduce, confederate, conspire, conspirer, contribute (assist), contribution (participation), copartner (coconspirator), countenance, enable, endow, endowment, espouse, expedite, facilitate, factor (ingredient), favor (sanction), favor, finance, foment, foster, harbor, help (noun), help (verb), instrument (tool), inure (benefit), largess (generosity), lend, loan, maintain (sustain), maintenance (support of spouse), nurture, participant, participate, partner, patronage (support), promotion (encouragement), redress, reinforcement, relieve (give aid), remedy (legal means of redress), remedy (that which corrects), remedy, rescue, samaritan, serve (assist), service (assistance), shelter (protection), side, subsidize, support (assistance), support (assist), uphold

aid a judge clerk

aid in organizing promote (organize)

aid with a subsidy capitalize (provide capital)

aidance aid (help), behalf

aidant salutary

aide abettor, assistant, coadjutant, consociate, contributor (contributor), good samaritan. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aide in crime coconspirator

aide in wrongdoing coconspirator

aide-de-camp assistant

aide-de-camp associate, coactor, copartner (coconspirator)

aide-mémoire memorandum

aider abettor, accessory, accomplice, assistant, backer, benefactor, coactor, coadjutant, confederate, conspirer, donor, good samaritan, partner, promoter, samaritan

aider and abettor accomplice, coactor, cohort, colleague, conspirer, copartner (coconspirator)

aider in wrongdoing coconspirator

aides staff

aidful ancillary (auxiliary), beneficial, subservient

aiding ancillary (auxiliary), beneficial, concurrent (united), contributory, donative, instrumental, practical, profitable, subservient, subsidiary

aiding and abetting concerted

aidless helpless (defenseless)

ail languish, suffer (sustain loss)

ailment disability (physical inability), disease, disorder (abnormal condition), pain, trouble. SEE MAIN ENTRY

aim cause (reason), contemplation, content (meaning), desideratum, design (intent), destination, direction (course), end (intent), endeavor (noun), endeavor (verb), forethought, goal, idea, intend, intent, intention, mission, motive, object, objective, plan, point (purpose), predetermination, project, purpose, pursue (strive to gain), pursuit (goal), reason (basis), signification, strive, target, try (attempt). SEE MAIN ENTRY

aim at attempt

aimed deliberate, direct (straight), tactical

aiming for effect flagrant, histrionic

aiming to destroy deadly

aiming to kill deadly

aimless casual, discursive (digressive), disjointed, random, unwitting

air appearance (look), atmosphere, bare, behavior, betray (disclose), conduct, deportment, disabuse, disclose, discuss, divulge, expose, express, flaunt, herald, issue (publish), manifest, manner (behavior), posture (attitude), presence (poise), proclaim, produce (offer to view), promulgate, propagate (spread), publish, relate (tell), report (disclose), semblance, signify (inform), speak, utter. SEE MAIN ENTRY

air pollution SEE MAIN ENTRY

aired public (known)

airfreight carriage

airing publicity

airs disdain, histrionics, pretense (ostentation), pride

airspace atmosphere

airtight impervious

airy insubstantial, intangible, subtle (refined), tenuous

airy spirit phantom

ajar open (unclosed), penetrable

akin allied, analogous, associated, cognate, comparable (capable of comparison), congruous, consanguineous, correlative, interrelated, related, tangential. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alacritas life (vitality)

alacritious expeditious

alacritous eager, ready (willing)

alacrity dispatch (promptness), haste, industry (activity). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alarm admonition, agitate (perturb), alert, apprehension (fear), caution (warning), consternation, disconcert, disturb, fear, forewarn, fright, frighten, harrow, intimidate, menace, monition (warning), panic, perturb, phobia, stress (strain), symptom, threat, trepidation, warning. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alarming dangerous, formidable, imminent, ominous, portentous (ominous), precarious, prophetic, sinister

albeit regardless

album register, roll


alcoholic addiction dipsomania

alcoholic beverage alcohol

alcoholism dipsomania, inebriation

alcove chamber (compartment)

alderman lawmaker

alderwoman lawmaker

alea risk, venture

alea ludere gamble

aleatory speculative

alere develop, foster

alert acute, admonish (advise), advise, apprise, careful, caution (warning), caveat, circumspect, cognizant, conscious (awake), forewarn, guarded, meticulous, monition (warning), notify, perspicacious, preventive, prompt, provident (showing foresight), ready (willing), receptive, responsive, sedulous, sensitive (discerning), vigilant, warning. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alert to danger forewarn

alertness comprehension, diligence (care), life (vitality), notice (heed), precaution, regard (attention), sensibility

alexipharmic medicinal

alford plea SEE MAIN ENTRY

alias call (title). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alias dictus alias

alibi compurgation, excuse, pretext. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alien antipathetic (oppositional), apart, different, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign, impertinent (irrelevant), inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, incongruous, irrelative, irrelevant, nonconforming, novel, obscure (remote), peculiar (curious), repugnant (incompatible), stranger, unrelated, unusual. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alienable heritable, negotiable

alienate antagonize, assign (transfer ownership), cede, convey (transfer), disaffect, disown (refuse to acknowledge), estrange, repel (disgust), separate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alienate by breach of condition forfeit

alienated antipathetic (oppositional), hostile, inimical, irreconcilable

alienatio alienation (estrangement), estrangement

alienation assignment (transfer of ownership), conveyance, demise (conveyance), disposition (transfer of property), estrangement, feud, ill will, insanity, odium, separation, umbrage, variance (disagreement). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alienation of affection estrangement

alienation of mind insanity

alienation of property conveyance

alienigena alien

alienus averse, extraneous, incongruous, irrelevant, unsuitable


align conform, convert (persuade), file (arrange), fix (arrange), join (associate oneself with), juxtapose, organize (arrange), persuade. SEE MAIN ENTRY

align convergently border (approach)

aligned coextensive, concerted, concomitant, concordant

alignment affiliation (connectedness), confederacy (compact), league, persuasion, relationship (connection), sodality

alike akin (germane), analogous, approximate, cognate, comparable (capable of comparison), consistent, consonant, equal, equivalent, identical, same, uniform. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alikeness comparison, identity (similarity), parity, propinquity (similarity), resemblance

aliment sustenance

alimentation sustenance

alimentum sustenance

alimony maintenance (support of spouse). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alius different, diverse

alive alert (agile), alert (vigilant), conscious (awake), extant, responsive, viable

alive to sensitive (discerning)

all complete (all-embracing), entirety, sum (total), total, whole (undamaged), whole. SEE MAIN ENTRY

all along through (from beginning to end)

all gone defunct

all in all in toto

all over throughout (all over)

all over with defunct

all right mediocre

all the more a fortiori

all the same notwithstanding, regardless

all the time always (forever)

all the way through (from beginning to end)

all the while always (forever)

all together en banc, en masse

all-comprehending complete (all-embracing)

all-comprehensive complete (all-embracing), nonsectarian

all-covering complete (all-embracing), comprehensive

all-destroying disastrous

all-embracing composite, comprehensive, inclusive, nonsectarian, omnibus, prevailing (current), prevalent

all-encompassing unqualified (unlimited). SEE MAIN ENTRY

all-important necessary (required)

all-including nonsectarian

all-inclusive complete (all-embracing), comprehensive, detailed, gross (total), nonsectarian, omnibus, thorough

all-knowing expert, omniscient

all-out outright

all-pervading complete (all-embracing), comprehensive

all-powerful cardinal (outstanding), invincible, omnipotent, predominant

all-purpose practical

all-searching interrogative

all-seeing omniscient

all-sufficing complete (all-embracing)

all-wise omniscient

allay alleviate, ameliorate, assuage, commute, decrease, discount (minimize), lessen, lull, mitigate, moderate (temper), modify (moderate), mollify, obtund, palliate (abate), placate, redress, relax, relieve (free from burden), repress, soothe, subdue. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allay fears disarm (set at ease)

allay mistrust disarm (set at ease)

allaying palliative (abating)

allayment mollification, remission, solace

allegation accusation, assertion, attestation, bad repute, charge (accusation), claim (assertion), color (deceptive appearance), complaint, contention (argument), count, indictment, information (charge), mention (reference), plea, pleading. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allegation of criminal wrongdoing arraignment

allegation of facts bill (formal declaration), pleading

allege adduce, argue, avouch (avow), bear (adduce), certify (attest), cite (accuse), claim (maintain), comment, express, plead (allege in a legal action), posit, propound, purport, testify. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allege as a fact avouch (avow), avow

allege in support advocate, assert, defend, justify

allege in vindication justify

allege to be guilty implicate

allege to belong ascribe

allege under oath swear. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alleged colorable (plausible), purported, putative. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alleged malfeasor suspect

alleged motive color (deceptive appearance)

alleged offender suspect

alleged purpose pretext

alleged reason cover (pretext), gist (ground for a suit), pretext

alleged transgressor suspect

alleged wrongdoer suspect

allegedly reputedly

allegiance adherence (devotion), adhesion (loyalty), charge (responsibility), commitment (responsibility), duty (obligation), faith, fealty, fidelity, homage, loyalty, nationality. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allegiant loyal

allegorical demonstrative (illustrative)

alleviate abate (lessen), allay, assuage, commute, diminish, disencumber, ease, help, lessen, lull, mitigate, moderate (temper), mollify, obtund, pacify, palliate (abate), redress, relieve (give aid), remedy, remit (relax), soothe. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alleviating mitigating, palliative (abating), remedial

alleviating circumstances extenuating circumstances

alleviation abatement (reduction), decrease, mitigation, moderation, mollification, relief (release), remedy (legal means of redress), remission, solace

alleviative corrigible, medicinal, narcotic, palliative (abating), remedial

alleviator narcotic

alley way (channel)

alliance adhesion (loyalty), affiliation (amalgamation), agreement (contract), band, cartel, centralization, chain (nexus), coaction, coalescence, coalition, cohabitation (living together), collusion, committee, concert, confederacy (compact), conformity (agreement), conjunction, connection (relation), connivance, consortium (marriage companionship), contact (association), contribution (participation), cooperative, corporation, federation, integration (amalgamation), integration (assimilation), league, marriage (intimate relationship), matrimony, merger, mutual understanding, nexus, organization (association), pact, partnership, peace, pool, propinquity (kinship), rapport, rapprochement, relation (connection), society, sodality, syndicate, treaty, understanding (agreement). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alliance of workers union (labor organization)

allied affiliated, akin (germane), analogous, apposite, associated, close (intimate), coadunate, cognate, coherent (joined), concomitant, concordant, concurrent (united), conjoint, consanguineous, corporate (associate), correlative, federal, germane, harmonious, incident, incidental, interrelated, intimate, joint, nuptial, related, relative (relevant), relevant, similar. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allied to pendent

allness totality, whole

allocate allot, apportion, arrange (methodize), assign (allot), classify, delegate, demarcate, detail (assign), disburse (distribute), dispense, disperse (disseminate), distribute, divide (distribute), dole, expend (disburse), marshal, mete, parcel, partition, pigeonhole, prorate, regulate (adjust), relegate, sort, split, tabulate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allocated per capita

allocation allotment, appointment (act of designating), apportionment, appropriation (allotment), assignment (allotment), budget, circulation, classification, consignment, coupon, dispensation (act of dispensing), distribution (apportionment), division (act of dividing), order (arrangement), part (portion), quota, share (interest). SEE MAIN ENTRY

allocute converse

allocution declamation, discourse, parlance, rhetoric (skilled speech), speech

allot allocate, apportion, attorn, bear (yield), bestow, classify, commit (entrust), contribute (supply), delegate, delimit, demarcate, devise (give), devote, disburse (distribute), dispense, distribute, divide (distribute), dole, endow, endue, expend (disburse), fund, give (grant), leave (give), marshal, mete, parcel, partition, pigeonhole, present (make a gift), prorate, sort, split. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allot again reapportion, redistribute

allot the parts orchestrate

alloted pro rata

alloting disbursement (act of disbursing)

allotment alimony, annuity, appointment (act of designating), apportionment, budget, circulation, classification, commission (fee), consignment, disbursement (act of disbursing), dispensation (act of dispensing), distribution (apportionment), dividend, division (act of dividing), dower, endowment, equity (share of ownership), grant, installment, loan, moiety, order (arrangement), payment (remittance), pension, proportion, quantity, quota, ration, share (interest), subsidy. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allotment by chance lottery

allottee assignee, heir, transferee

allotter transferor

allow accept (admit as sufficient), accept (assent), accept (recognize), agree (comply), approve, assent, authorize, bear (tolerate), bequeath, bestow, certify (approve), concede, concur (agree), condone, consent, countenance, deign, dole, empower, enable, endow, endue, enfranchise, grant (concede), indorse, let (permit), loan, pass (approve), permit, provide (supply), qualify (meet standards), rebate, receive (permit to enter), recognize (acknowledge), sanction, suffer (permit), tolerate, vouchsafe, yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY

allow a margin discount (reduce)

allow as a discount rebate

allow credit lend

allow entrance admit (give access), receive (permit to enter)

allow for compensate (counterbalance), compensate (remunerate), excuse, extenuate, palliate (excuse)

allow residency rent

allow the use of lease, let (lease), rent, sublease, sublet

allow with condescension deign

allowable admissible, allowed, deductible (capable of being deducted from taxes), due (regular), justifiable, lawful, legal, licit, open (accessible), pardonable, passable, permissible, potential, right (suitable), rightful, unobjectionable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allowableness admissibility, legality

allowance acceptance, acquiescence, advancement (loan), alimony, annuity, apportionment, appropriation (allotment), approval, assignment (allotment), budget, capacity (authority), cession, charter (sanction), commission (fee), concession (authorization), concession (compromise), condonation, consent, disbursement (funds paid out), discount, dispensation (exception), dower, endowment, excuse, exemption, franchise (license), gift (present), grant, indulgence, justification, leave (permission), license, maintenance (support of spouse), offset, option (contractual provision), part (portion), pay, payment (remittance), payroll, pension, permission, perquisite, privilege, quota, ration, rebate, sanction (permission), subsidy, sufferance, tolerance, wage

allowed admissible, choate lien, definite, entitled, lawful, legal, legitimate (rightful), licit, open (accessible), permissible, potential, privileged, rightful. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allowedly admittedly

allowing consenting, lenient, permissive

allowing no departure from the standard exact

alloy commingle, incorporate (include), join (bring together), pollute, taint (contaminate)

alloyed composite, promiscuous

allude adduce, hint, purport, refer (direct attention). SEE MAIN ENTRY

allude to appertain, bear (adduce), connote, disclose, imply, indicate, mention

alluded to implied

allure amenity, bait (lure), cajole, coax, convince, decoy, ensnare, entice, entrap, incentive, inveigle, lure, motivate, seduction

allurement bribery, cause (reason), decoy, incentive, inducement, invitation, seduction

alluring attractive, provocative, sapid

allusion attribution, connotation, hint, implication (inference), indication, inference, innuendo, insinuation, intimation, mention (reference), referral, reminder, suggestion

allusive implicit, implied, indirect, suggestive (evocative), tacit. SEE MAIN ENTRY

allusory allusive

alluvion cataclysm. SEE MAIN ENTRY

ally affiliate, backer, bear (support), benefactor, coactor, coadjutant, cohort, colleague, combine (act in concert), confederate, confirm, conjoin, connect (relate), consociate, consolidate (unite), contributor (contributor), cooperate, correlate, disciple, espouse, federalize (associate), federate, involve (implicate), join (associate oneself with), merge, participant, partisan, partner, pool, proponent, relate (establish a connection), unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY

ally in crime coconspirator

ally in wrongdoing coconspirator

almanac calendar (record of yearly periods), register

almightiness predominance

almighty omnipotent, predominant

almoner contributor (giver)

almost approximate, quasi. SEE MAIN ENTRY

almost as quasi

almost certainly high probability

alms contribution (donation), donation, largess (gift)

almsgiver contributor (giver), donor

almsgiving charitable (benevolent), charity, largess (generosity), liberal (generous), philanthropic, philanthropy

alodium domain (land owned)

alone apart, insular, only, remote (secluded), separate, solely (singly). SEE MAIN ENTRY


along in years elderly

along the river banks fluvial

along the way en route


alongside adjacent

aloof cold-blooded, controlled (restrained), disdainful, dispassionate, insusceptible (uncaring), orgulous, phlegmatic, proud (conceited), solitary, unapproachable, unresponsive

aloofness disinterest (lack of interest), disregard (lack of respect), indifference, neutrality

alphabetize tabulate

already indicated previous, said

already mentioned aforesaid

already said aforesaid

also alias. SEE MAIN ENTRY

also acknowledged as alias

also acknowledging the name of alias

also answering to alias

also called alias

also known as alias. SEE MAIN ENTRY

also known by alias

also known under the name of alias

also recognized as alias

alter adapt, amend, change, commute, convert (change use), countervail, denature, edit, emend, falsify, fix (repair), fluctuate, qualify (condition), rectify, revise, tamper, transform, vary. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alter course deviate, digress

alter ego counterpart (complement). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alter fraudulently falsify

alter one’s course detour

alter the appearance of camouflage, disguise

alter the position move (alter position)

alter with intent to deceive fake

alterable aleatory (uncertain), conditional, indefinite, mutable, pliable, protean, provisional, variable, yielding

alterant drug

alteration conversion (change), correction (change), deviation, digression, diversification, innovation, modification, reform, rehabilitation, reorganization, repair, revision (process of correcting), transition, vicissitudes. SEE MAIN ENTRY

alterative ambulatory, corrigible, remedial

altercari dispute (contest)

altercate bicker, brawl, collide (clash), contend (dispute), contest, debate, disaccord, dispute (contest), fight (battle), litigate, remonstrate

altercatio altercation, controversy (argument), dispute

altercation affray, argument (contention), belligerency, brawl, collision (dispute), commotion, conflict, contest (dispute), controversy (argument), disagreement, dispute, feud, fight (argument), fracas, strife, variance (disagreement). SEE MAIN ENTRY

altered different, tempered

altered for the worse dilapidated

alternare alternate (take turns)

alternate agent, alter ego, attorney in fact, beat (pulsate), cover (substitute), deputy, disjunctive (alternative), fluctuate, intermittent, oscillate, reciprocate, replace, replacement, stopgap, substitute, surrogate, vacillate, vary, vicarious (substitutional). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alternate choice alternative (option), option (choice)

alternate route detour

alternating reciprocal, shifting

alternating conditions vicissitudes

alternation cycle, interchange, sequence, vicissitudes

alternative call (option), cover (substitute), elective (selective), expedient, loophole, option (choice), plan, replacement, secondary, stopgap, substitute, vicarious (substitutional). SEE MAIN ENTRY

alternative dispute resolution SEE MAIN ENTRY

alterner alternate (take turns)

although notwithstanding, regardless

altiloquence fustian

altiloquent inflated (bombastic)

altior heighten (elevate)

altisonant inflated (bombastic)

altitude ceiling, elevation

altogether in toto, outright, radical (extreme), wholly

altruism benevolence (disposition to do good), charity, goodwill, humanity (humaneness), largess (generosity), philanthropy, understanding (tolerance)

altruist benefactor, contributor (giver), donor, good samaritan, samaritan

altruistic benevolent, charitable (benevolent), humane, liberal (generous), magnanimous, nonprofit, philanthropic

always invariably. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amalgam melange, solution (substance)

amalgamate cement, collect (gather), combine (join together), commingle, connect (join together), consolidate (unite), cooperate, crystallize, desegregate, federalize (associate), federate, hoard, join (bring together), merge, organize (unionize), pool, unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amalgamated collective, composite, compound, concerted, concurrent (united), conglomerate, conjoint, correlative, joint, miscellaneous, promiscuous

amalgamating concrescence

amalgamation association (alliance), building (business of assembling), cartel, centralization, coalescence, coalition, combination, consolidation, federation, incorporation (blend), merger, pool, relationship (connection), union (labor organization)

amalgamative coadunate, coherent (joined)

amanuensis SEE MAIN ENTRY

amaranthine durable, perpetual

amass accrue (increase), aggregate, collect (gather), compile, concentrate (consolidate), congregate, conjoin, consolidate (strengthen), consolidate (unite), convene, cull, fund, garner, glean, hoard, join (bring together), keep (shelter), meet, reserve, set aside (annul), store, unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amassed collective, composite, conglomerate. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amassing centralization

amassment agglomeration, assemblage, collection (accumulation), conglomeration, congregation, corpus, cumulation, hoard, store (depository)

amateur inexperienced, layman, neophyte, novice, volunteer. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amateurish incompetent, unprofessional

amaze impress (affect deeply). SEE MAIN ENTRY

amazed speechless

amazement incredulity, phenomenon (unusual occurrence), surprise

amazing extraordinary, ineffable, noteworthy, portentous (eliciting amazement), remarkable, special, unaccustomed, unusual

amazing thing phenomenon (unusual occurrence)

ambages enigma, evasion

ambagious circuitous, devious, indirect, labyrinthine, sinuous

ambagitory labyrinthine, sinuous

ambassador deputy, plenipotentiary, spokesman

ambassadorial function embassy

ambassadorial office embassy

ambassadorial residence embassy

ambience atmosphere

ambigere dispute (debate)

ambiguitas ambiguity

ambiguity doubt (indecision), incertitude. SEE MAIN ENTRY

ambiguous aleatory (uncertain), allusive, debatable, disputable, dubious, enigmatic, equivocal, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, inexact, inscrutable, nebulous, opaque, problematic, unclear, undecided, vague. SEE MAIN ENTRY

ambiguous saying enigma

ambiguus ambiguous, equivocal, evasive, indefinite, undecided, vague

ambire canvass

ambit border, capacity (sphere), circuit, contour (outline), coverage (scope), frontier, limit, outline (boundary), periphery, purview, range, scope, sphere. SEE MAIN ENTRY

ambition desideratum, design (intent), desire, end (intent), goal, intention, objective, plan, project, prospect (outlook), purpose, pursuit (goal), target

ambitious eager, solicitous

ambivalence SEE MAIN ENTRY

ambivalent ambiguous, equivocal, evasive, oblique (evasive)

amble perambulate

ambrosiac savory

ambrosial palatable, sapid, savory

ambrosian palatable, savory

ambulant itinerant, moving (in motion)

ambulative moving (in motion)

ambulator pedestrian

ambulatory itinerant, moving (in motion). SEE MAIN ENTRY

ambuscade cache (hiding place), ensnare, lurk

ambush accost, decoy, ensnare, trap. SEE MAIN ENTRY

ambushed hidden

ameliorable corrigible

ameliorate amend, commute, cure, ease, emend, fix (repair), help, meliorate, mitigate, modify (alter), mollify, progress, rectify, reform, rehabilitate, relieve (give aid), remedy, renew (refurbish), renovate, repair, restore (renew), soothe, treat (remedy). SEE MAIN ENTRY

amelioration amendment (correction), boom (prosperity), correction (change), development (progression), improvement, mollification, progress, promotion (advancement), reform, rehabilitation, relief (release), remedy (legal means of redress), renewal, reorganization, repair, solace

ameliorative mitigating

amenability decorum, liability, responsibility (accountability). SEE MAIN ENTRY

amenable actionable, corrigible, facile, inclined, liable, malleable, obedient, open (persuasible), open-minded, palatable, passive, pliable, receptive, sequacious, suasible, tractable, willing (not averse), yielding. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amenable to law justiciable, permissible amenable to measurement determinable (ascertainable)

amenable to reason reasonable (rational)

amenableness decorum, liability

amend adjust (resolve), alter, convert (change use), edit, emend, fix (repair), meliorate, modify (alter), reconsider, rectify, reform, rehabilitate, remedy, renew (refurbish), renovate, repair, restore (renew), revise, supplement. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amend by removing expurgate

amendable ambulatory, corrigible

amendatory ambulatory, remedial

amending correction (change)

amendment correction (change), reform, rider. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amends collection (payment), compensation, damages, expiation, indemnification, indemnity, recompense, reparation (indemnification), restitution, retribution

amenities decorum. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amenity comity, courtesy. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amentia insanity

amerce fine, mulct (fine), penalize, punish

amercement correction (punishment), cost (penalty), discipline (punishment), fine, forfeiture (thing forfeited), penalty, punishment. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amercing disciplinary (punitory)

amiability benevolence (disposition to do good), comity, courtesy, rapprochement

amiable amenable, amicable, benevolent, civil (polite), malleable, obeisant, peaceable

amicability rapprochement

amicable benevolent, harmonious, nonmilitant, peaceable. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amicableness benevolence (disposition to do good)

amicire clothe

amicus curiae SEE MAIN ENTRY

amid among

amidst among

amiss astray, defective, disordered, errant, erroneous, faulty, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, unsuitable

amittere lose (be deprived of)

amity accordance (understanding), agreement (concurrence), comity, compatibility, concordance, goodwill, mutual understanding, peace, rapprochement, sodality

ammassment arsenal

ammount accrued cumulation

ammunition bomb. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amnesty absolution, acquittal, clear, clemency, condonation, dispensation (exception), exoneration, impunity, pardon, reconciliation, release, remission, remit (release from penalty), respite (reprieve). SEE MAIN ENTRY

amoenitas amenity


amoral bad (offensive), diabolic, immoral, peccant (culpable)

amoralism bad repute

amoralistic diabolic

amorality bad repute, laxity

amorous hot-blooded

amorousness affection

amorphic indefinite

amorphous indefinite, intangible, vague

amortization discharge (payment), payment (act of paying). SEE MAIN ENTRY

amortize discharge (pay a debt)

amortizement discharge (payment), payment (act of paying), satisfaction (discharge of debt)

amotio removal

amotion removal

amount aggregate, bulk, caliber (measurement), compound, degree (magnitude), entirety, expenditure, expense (cost), extent, measurement, par (face amount), part (portion), payment (remittance), price, quantity, rate, value. SEE MAIN ENTRY

amount accrued collection (accumulation)

amount assessed as payable assessment (levy)

amount computed computation

amount deducted discount

amount due bill (invoice), debit, debt, obligation (liability)

amount expended outlay

amount for which anything is insured coverage (insurance)

amount of surface area (surface)

amount over par premium (excess value)

amount owing debt

amount paid periodically premium (insurance payment)

amount payable debit

amount produced output

amount reserved margin (spare amount)

amount to aggregate, comprise, consist, reach

amovere avert, remove (transfer)

amphibolic uncertain (ambiguous)

amphibological equivocal

amphibolous equivocal

amphigory parody

ample adequate, broad, capacious, considerable, copious, extensive, liberal (generous), multiple, operative, profuse, replete, substantial. SEE MAIN ENTRY

ample notice adequate notice

ample stock sufficiency

ampleness capacity (maximum), maximum (amplitude), quorum, sufficiency

ampliare adjourn, compound

ampliation development (progression), discontinuance (interruption of a legal action)

amplificare compound, enhance, enlarge, heighten (augment), increase, intensify, magnify

amplificatio augmentation, promotion (encouragement)

amplification accession (enlargement), advance (increase), advancement (improvement), aggravation (exacerbation), augmentation, boom (increase), clarification, development (progression), explanation, extension (expansion), growth (increase), hyperbole, inflation (increase), overstatement. SEE MAIN ENTRY