amplified extreme (exaggerated), inflated (enlarged), inflated (overestimated)
amplify accrue (increase), accumulate (enlarge), aggravate (exacerbate), build (augment), detail (particularize), develop, elaborate, enhance, enlarge, expand, extend (enlarge), heighten (augment), increase, inflate, magnify, supplement. SEE MAIN ENTRY
amplifying cumulative (intensifying)
amplissimus gradus eminence
amplitude boom (increase), boom (prosperity), caliber (measurement), capacity (maximum), degree (magnitude), latitude, magnitude, mass (weight), plethora, quantity, scope, sufficiency
amplitudinous broad
amplitudo bulk, magnitude
amplus broad, extensive, illustrious
amputate mutilate
amuse occupy (engage)
amusement enjoyment (pleasure), treat
amusing jocular, ludicrous, sapid
an equal percentage per capita
anabasis development (progression)
anachronic untimely
anachronistic obsolete, outdated, outmoded, untimely. SEE MAIN ENTRY
anachronize antedate
anachronous obsolete, outdated, outmoded, untimely
anacoluthon non sequitur. SEE MAIN ENTRY
analagous coextensive, commensurable, commensurate, comparable (capable of comparison). SEE MAIN ENTRY
analagous to comparative
analagousness balance (equality)
analect abstract
analeptic curative, medicinal, remedial, salubrious, salutary
analgesic drug
analogical analogous, cognate, commensurable, comparable (capable of comparison), congruous
analogical procedure collation, comparison
analogize compare
analogous akin (germane), coequal, cognate, congruous, correlative, interrelated, proportionate, related, relative (comparative), similar, tantamount. SEE MAIN ENTRY
analogue correlate, counterpart (complement)
analogy collation, comparison, connection (relation), correspondence (similarity), parity, relation (connection), relationship (connection), resemblance. SEE MAIN ENTRY
analysis capsule, choice (decision), classification, criticism, deliberation, diagnosis, digest, discretion (power of choice), discrimination (differentiation), examination (study), hornbook, indagation, judgment (discernment), measurement, pandect (treatise), probe, proposal (report), prospectus, rating, ratiocination, reflection (thought), research, review (critical evaluation), scenario, scrutiny, summary, test, treatment, trial (experiment). SEE MAIN ENTRY
analytic deductive, discursive (analytical), logical
analytical clinical, deductive, demonstrative (illustrative), empirical, logical, rational. SEE MAIN ENTRY
analyzation hornbook, inquiry (systematic investigation)
analyze canvass, classify, consider, construe (comprehend), construe (translate), deliberate, detail (particularize), diagnose, digest (comprehend), discuss, examine (study), identify, investigate, peruse, ponder, rationalize, reason (conclude), reflect (ponder), research, review, scrutinize, study, survey (examine), treat (process). SEE MAIN ENTRY
anamorphosis distortion
anarchic disorderly, lawless
anarchical disordered, disorderly, lawless
anarchism disorder (lack of order), misrule
anarchist insurgent, malcontent
anarchistic contumacious, disorderly, incendiary
anarchy confusion (turmoil), disorder (lack of order), havoc, insurrection, lynch law, misrule, pandemonium, revolution. SEE MAIN ENTRY
anathema denunciation, expletive, imprecation, malediction
anathematize blame, condemn (blame), defame, denounce (condemn), malign, proscribe (denounce)
anatomical organic
anatomize analyze, examine (study), scrutinize
anatomy body (person), configuration (form), content (structure)
anceps critical (crucial), dubious, equivocal, indeterminate
ancestor ascendant, derivation, forerunner, kindred, parents, precursor, predecessor, primogenitor, progenitor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ancestorial hereditary
ancestors lineage
ancestral consanguineous, hereditary, paternal, traditional
ancestral descent origin (ancestry)
ancestral relation kindred, primogenitor
ancestral relative primogenitor
ancestry affiliation (bloodline), affinity (family ties), birth (lineage), birthright, blood, bloodline, derivation, descent (lineage), family (common ancestry), heritage, lineage, origination, parentage, paternity, race, source. SEE MAIN ENTRY
anchor adhere (fasten), mainstay, security (safety)
anchorage haven
anchored firm, fixed (securely placed), situated, stable, steadfast
anchoretic solitary
anchoretical solitary
ancient antique, hereditary, obsolete, old, outdated, outmoded
ancillary appurtenant, collateral (accompanying), dependent, pendent, secondary, slight, subordinate, subservient, supplementary. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ancillary relief SEE MAIN ENTRY
and all et al.
and everyone et al.
and more of the same et al.
and other parties et al.
and other things et al.
and others et al.
and the rest et al.
anecdotal narrative
anemic languid
anent correlative
anesthetic drug, narcotic (adjective), narcotic (noun)
anesthetic agent drug
anesthetize drug, obtund
anew de novo. SEE MAIN ENTRY
anfractuous circuitous, sinuous, tortuous (bending)
angel spirit
angelic clean
anger bait (harass), harass, incense, irritate, molest (annoy), offend (insult), passion, pique, provoke, resentment, umbrage. SEE MAIN ENTRY
angering provocation
angle outlook, phase (aspect), side, slant, standpoint
angle of vision perspective
angle off deviate
angled oblique (slanted)
angry resentful, vehement, vindictive
angry disagreement dissension
angry dispute altercation
anguilliform circuitous
anguine circuitous
anguish pain, plaint, remorse, suffer (sustain loss). SEE MAIN ENTRY
anguished aggrieved (harmed), disconsolate
anguishing painful
angustiae predicament, restriction
angustus limited
anility incapacity
anima life (period of existence), spirit
animadversio correction (punishment), notice (heed), stricture
animadversion admonition, bad repute, comment, condemnation (blame), correction (punishment), criticism, diatribe, disapprobation, disapproval, discredit, impeachment, impugnation, obloquy, remark, remonstrance, reprimand, reproach, revilement, stricture. SEE MAIN ENTRY
animadvert blame, comment, complain (criticize), condemn (blame), criticize (find fault with), denounce (condemn), disapprove (condemn), fault, impeach, remark, remonstrate, reprehend, reproach
animadvert on rebuke, reprimand
animadvert upon censure, expostulate, lash (attack verbally)
animadvertere notice (observe), observe (watch)
animalism bestiality
animam edere expire
animans animal
animate conscious (awake), exhort, generate, incite, inspire, live (conscious), motivate, prompt, provoke, spirit, stimulate
animated alert (agile), born (alive), fervent, live (conscious), ready (willing), volatile
animating impulsive (impelling), moving (evoking emotion)
animation birth (beginning), instigation, life (vitality), spirit
animator catalyst, stimulus
animi sane
animi motus emotion, impression
animosity alienation (estrangement), belligerency, conflict, contempt (disdain), disaccord, discord, feud, hatred, ill will, incompatibility (difference), malice, odium, rancor, resentment, spite, strife, umbrage. SEE MAIN ENTRY
animum attendere concentrate (pay attention)
animus character (personal quality)
animus design (intent), feud
animus frame (mood)
animus hatred, ill will, malice, odium, resentment, spite
animus will (desire). SEE MAIN ENTRY
animus ingratus ingratitude
animus submissus resignation (passive acceptance)
annal record
annals calendar (record of yearly periods), documentation
annex accrue (increase), acquire (secure), addendum, addition, adopt, affix, append, appropriate, appurtenance, assume (seize), attach (join), attach (seize), attachment (thing affixed), cement, codicil, combine (join together), compound, confiscate, conjoin, connect (join together), contact (touch), distrain, enlarge, impropriate, increase, join (bring together), juxtapose, occupy (take possession), offshoot, organ, preempt, seize (confiscate), sequester (seize property). SEE MAIN ENTRY
annex for public use eminent domain
annexation accretion, addendum, addition, appendix (accession), appropriation (taking), appurtenance, assumption (seizure), attachment (act of affixing), attachment (seizure), boom (increase), coalescence, codicil, distraint, distress (seizure), garnishment, sequestration
annexe addendum, appurtenance
annexed accrued, appurtenant, attached (seized), provincial
annexing accession (annexation), coalescence
annexion attachment (act of affixing)
annihilate abolish, annul, cancel, consume, destroy (efface), eliminate (eradicate), eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, negate, obliterate, overturn, remove (eliminate), slay, stifle, subvert. SEE MAIN ENTRY
annihilated lifeless (dead), lost (taken away)
annihilating deadly, destructive
annihilation abolition, assassination, demise (death), destruction, dissolution (termination), homicide, killing, subversion
annihilative dire, disastrous, fatal, lethal
annotate comment, describe, edit, elucidate, explain, interpret, note (record)
annotated detailed
annotated text hornbook
annotation caption, comment, explanation, memorandum, notation, note (brief comment), observation
annotative demonstrative (illustrative), interpretive
announce allege, annunciate, apprise, assert, bare, circulate, communicate, convey (communicate), declare, disabuse, disclose, disseminate, enunciate, herald, inform (betray), inform (notify), issue (publish), mention, notify, observe (remark), pass (determine), portend, posit, proclaim, profess (avow), promulgate, pronounce (speak), protest, publish, relate (tell), report (disclose), reveal, signify (inform), speak, utter. SEE MAIN ENTRY
announce a conclusion find (determine)
announce authoritatively pronounce (pass judgment), pronounce (speak)
announce in advance anticipate (prognosticate), predict, presage
announce officially pronounce (speak)
announce one’s presence report (present oneself)
announce publicly post
announced alleged, oral, public (known)
announcement assertion, averment, caveat, charter (declaration of rights), common knowledge, communication (statement), declaration, declaratory judgment, dictum, disclosure (act of disclosing), disclosure (something disclosed), issuance, judgment (formal court decree), notification, proclamation, profession (declaration), pronouncement, prospectus, publication (disclosure), publicity, statement. SEE MAIN ENTRY
announcer harbinger, informant, informer (a person who provides information), precursor
annoy aggravate (annoy), badger, bait (harass), discommode, discompose, disconcert, disrupt, distress, disturb, embarrass, harass, harrow, harry (harass), hinder, inconvenience, irritate, mistreat, obsess, offend (insult), persecute, perturb, pique, plague, press (goad), provoke. SEE MAIN ENTRY
annoy excessively badger
annoyance dissatisfaction, disturbance, grievance, hindrance, mischief, molestation, nuisance, provocation, trouble, umbrage
annoyed petulant
annoying irksome, loathsome, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive (offending), provocative, undesirable, vexatious
annua pension
annua pecunia annuity
annual allowance annuity, pension
annual commitment premium (insurance payment)
annual encumbrance premium (insurance payment)
annual fee premium (insurance payment)
annual installment premium (insurance payment)
annual liability premium (insurance payment)
annual obligation premium (insurance payment)
annual payment premium (insurance payment)
annual rate of insurance premium (insurance payment)
annual remittance premium (insurance payment)
annually per annum
annuciative declaratory
annuity allotment, pension, perquisite. SEE MAIN ENTRY
annul abate (extinguish), abolish, abrogate (rescind), adeem, avoid (cancel), cancel, cease, contradict, counteract, destroy (void), disable, discharge (release from obligation), disclaim, discontinue (abandon), disinherit, disown (deny the validity), divorce, eradicate, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, frustrate, impede, invalidate, kill (defeat), negate, neutralize, nullify, obliterate, overreach, override, overrule, quash, recall (call back), recant, renege, repeal, rescind, revoke, supersede, terminate, vacate (void), vitiate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
annul a marriage divorce
annulled defunct, lifeless (dead), null (invalid), null and void
annulling avoidance (cancellation), cancellation
annulment abatement (extinguishment), abolition, ademption, avoidance (cancellation), cancellation, countermand, defeasance, disclaimer, dismissal (termination of a proceeding), dissolution (termination), invalidity, mistrial, negation, repudiation, rescision, retraction, reversal, revocation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
annulment of debt discharge (payment)
annulment of marriage divorce
annunciate allege, assert, convey (communicate), disseminate, enunciate, inform (notify), mention, notify, proclaim, promulgate, report (disclose), speak. SEE MAIN ENTRY
annunciation common knowledge, communication (statement), declaration, notification, proclamation, pronouncement
annunciator harbinger, informant, informer (a person who provides information)
annunciatory declaratory
annus annum
anodyne beneficial, drug, medicinal, narcotic (adjective), narcotic (noun), remedial
anodynous narcotic
anoint drug
anointed sacrosanct
anomalistic anomalous, irregular (not usual), peculiar (curious)
anomalistical peculiar (curious)
anomalous atypical, disordered, eccentric, irregular (not usual), noteworthy, novel, peculiar (curious), prodigious (amazing), unaccustomed, uncommon, unique, unorthodox, unprecedented, unusual. SEE MAIN ENTRY
anomalousness deviation, nonconformity
anomaly deviation, discrepancy, irregularity, nonconformity, quirk (idiosyncrasy), variance (exemption). SEE MAIN ENTRY
anon instantly
anonymous unspecified. SEE MAIN ENTRY
another additional
another addressee cotenant
another denizen cotenant
another dweller cotenant
another inhabitant cotenant
another inhabiter cotenant
another leaseholder cotenant
another lessee cotenant
another lodger cotenant
another occupant cotenant
another occupier cotenant
another paying guest cotenant
another possessor cotenant
another renter cotenant
another resident cotenant
another residentiary cotenant
another time anew, de novo
answer acknowledge (respond), acknowledgment (acceptance), appear (attend court proceedings), appearance (coming into court), controvert, converse, counterargument, countercharge, disclosure (something disclosed), find (discover), fulfill, key (solution), outcome, panacea, plea, pleading, reaction (response), rebut, rejoinder, reply (noun), reply (verb), report (present oneself), respond, response, retort, return (respond), solve, verdict. SEE MAIN ENTRY
answer a purpose function
answer a summons report (present oneself)
answer back contradict, countercharge, retaliate, retort, return (respond)
answer conclusively controvert
answer for assure (insure), cosign, displace (replace), guarantee, indemnify, justify, sponsor, undertake. SEE MAIN ENTRY
answer the purpose correspond (be equivalent), satisfy (fulfill)
answer to obey
answerability duty (obligation), fault (responsibility), liability, responsibility (accountability)
answerable accountable (responsible), actionable, ascertainable, blameworthy, bound, consonant, liable, subject (exposed)
answerer respondent
answering contrary, responsive
antagonism alienation (estrangement), argument (contention), bad repute, belligerency, collision (dispute), conflict, contention (opposition), contest (dispute), contradistinction, contraposition, contravention, controversy (argument), disaccord, discord, feud, hatred, ill will, impugnation, incompatibility (difference), malice, rancor, resentment, resistance, spite. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antagonist adversary, aggressor, assailant, contender, contestant, disputant, foe, rival
antagonistic adverse (hostile), antipathetic (oppositional), averse, contradictory, different, discordant, disinclined, dissident, hostile, inimical, litigious, malevolent, malicious, negative, offensive (taking the initiative), opposite, pugnacious, recusant, renitent, repugnant (incompatible), spiteful, unfavorable, virulent
antagonistic to contrary
antagonistical adverse (hostile)
antagonize affront, alienate (estrange), collide (clash), counter, counteract, disaffect, disoblige, incense, provoke. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antagonized irreconcilable
antagonizing obnoxious
ante bet, parlay (bet), stake (award)
ante nuptial agreement SEE MAIN ENTRY
ante up bet
antecede precede. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antecedence precedence, priority
antecedens antecedent, last (preceding)
antecedent aforesaid, ascendant, before mentioned, derivation, forerunner, former, last (preceding), original (initial), precursor, precursory, predecessor, preexisting, preliminary, previous, primogenitor, prior, progenitor, sine qua non. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antecedents family (common ancestry), lineage, parentage
antecedere precede
antecellere surpass
antecessor forerunner, predecessor, progenitor
antechamber chamber (compartment)
antecursor harbinger
antedate antecede, precede. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antedeluvian antique
antediluvian obsolete, outdated, outmoded
antegredi precede
anteire precede
anteponere prefer
anterior aforesaid, antecedent, before mentioned, last (preceding), preexisting, preliminary, previous, prior
anteroom chamber (compartment), entrance
antetype model, pattern
antevertere anticipate (expect), forestall
anthologize compile
anthology compilation, digest, selection (collection)
antibiotic drug
anticipatable foreseeable
anticipate forestall, precede, preconceive, predict, presage, presume. SEE MAIN ENTRY
anticipate danger fear
anticipate injury fear
anticipate needs provide (arrange for)
anticipated foreseeable, forseen, forthcoming, future, immediate (imminent), pending (imminent), possible, potential, presumptive, prospective
anticipated loan advance (allowance)
anticipating provident (showing foresight)
anticipation advancement (loan), expectation, forethought, likelihood, possibility, precaution, preconception, preparation, presumption, probability, prospect (outlook). SEE MAIN ENTRY
anticipation of adversity apprehension (fear)
anticipative sanguine
anticipatory premature, preparatory
antidotal medicinal, preventive, remedial
antidote cure, remedy (that which corrects)
antifebrile medicinal
antilogy contrary, inconsistency, paradox
antimony antipode
antinomy inconsistency, opposition, paradox
antipathetic averse, bitter (reproachful), contrary, disinclined, hostile, inimical, malevolent, negative, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive (offending), renitent, spiteful. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antipathetical discordant, disinclined, inimical, malevolent, negative, renitent
antipathy alienation (estrangement), antipode, conflict, contradiction, deviation, difference, hatred, ill will, incompatibility (difference), malice, odium, phobia, rancor, reluctance. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antiphon response
antipodal adverse (opposite), hostile, inverse, opposite
antipode antithesis, contra, contrary. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antipodean adverse (opposite), antipathetic (oppositional), inverse, opposite
antipodes antipode
antipoison cure
antipole antipode
antipollution project ecology
antiquate superannuate
antiquated obsolete, old, outdated, outmoded. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antique obsolete, old, outdated, outmoded. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antiseptic preventive
antisepticize decontaminate
antithesis antipode, contra, contradiction, contradistinction, contraposition, contrary, deviation, difference, distinction (difference), incompatibility (inconsistency). SEE MAIN ENTRY
antithetic antipathetic (oppositional), contrary, different, hostile, opposite
antithetical adverse (opposite), antipathetic (oppositional), contradictory, contrary, discordant, hostile, inverse, opposite. SEE MAIN ENTRY
antitheticalness difference
antitoxin cure
antitrust act SEE MAIN ENTRY
antonomasia call (title)
antonym contra
antonymous adverse (opposite), discordant, hostile
anxietude disturbance, misgiving
anxiety apprehension (fear), burden, concern (interest), consternation, distress (anguish), disturbance, doubt (indecision), fear, fright, interest (concern), misgiving, nuisance, panic, phobia, pressure, problem, qualm, scruple, stress (strain). SEE MAIN ENTRY
anxious eager, ready (willing), solicitous. SEE MAIN ENTRY
anxious concern consternation, misgiving
anxiousness consternation, distress (anguish), disturbance, misgiving, pressure
anxius solicitous
any individual whoever
any person whoever
anybody whoever
anyhow regardless
anyone whoever
anyway regardless
anywise regardless
apart alone (solitary), bipartite, disconnected, discrete, extrinsic, insular, irrelative, only, partial (part), private (secluded), remote (secluded), separate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apartheid exclusion, segregation (isolation by races)
apartment chamber (compartment), home (domicile), lodging. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apartness exception (exclusion)
apathetic casual, cursory, inactive, indolent, inexpressive, insensible, insusceptible (uncaring), languid, lax, lifeless (dull), nonchalant, otiose, passive, perfunctory, phlegmatic, stagnant, stoical, torpid, truant. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apathetical languid
apathy disinterest (lack of interest), indifference, inertia, languor, laxity, sloth
ape copy, impersonate, mock (imitate), pose (impersonate)
aperçu abridgment (condensation)
aperire betray (disclose), disclose, manifest, reopen, unveil
aperte fairly (clearly)
aperture loophole, outlet, portal, rift (gap), split
apertus evident, explicit, ingenuous, manifest, obvious, open (in sight), open (persuasible), overt, patent, straightforward, unambiguous
apertus sincerus candid
apery caricature, parody
apex ceiling, culmination, pinnacle
aphonic speechless
aphorism maxim, phrase
aphoristic axiomatic, brief, compact (pithy), proverbial, sententious
aphoristic expression maxim
aphoristical compact (pithy)
apical cardinal (basic)
apiece respectively
aplomb composure, confidence (faith)
aplomb indestructibility
aplomb surety (certainty). SEE MAIN ENTRY
apocha receipt (proof of receiving)
apocryphal assumed (feigned), disputable, fictitious, ill-founded, spurious, untrue
apodictic axiomatic, categorical, incontrovertible
apodosis denouement
apogee ceiling, culmination, pinnacle
apograph transcript
apologetic contrite, palliative (excusing), penitent, remorseful, repentant
apologist advocate (counselor), advocate (espouser), proponent. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apologize regret, repent
apology expiation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apostasize abandon (relinquish), defect, discontinue (abandon)
apostasy abandonment (desertion), bad faith, blasphemy, desertion, disloyalty, dissent (difference of opinion), infidelity, nonconformity, revolt, sedition
apostate heretic, recreant, recusant
apostatic recreant
apostatical recreant
apostatize bear false witness, quit (discontinue), secede, tergiversate
apostatizing disobedient, faithless, false (disloyal)
apostil clarification
apostle disciple, partisan
apotheca depository
apothegm phrase
apothegmatic compact (pithy), sententious
apothegmatical compact (pithy)
apotheosis exemplar
appall discompose, disconcert, harrow, repel (disgust)
appalling deplorable, dire, disastrous, egregious, formidable, loathsome, lurid, repulsive
appalling SEE MAIN ENTRY
appanage addendum, adjunct, appurtenance, codicil, dower, grant, inheritance
apparatus appliance, device (mechanism), equipment, expedient, facility (instrumentality), instrument (tool), paraphernalia (apparatus), tool
apparatus belli ammunition
apparent axiomatic, blatant (conspicuous), candid, circumstantial, coherent (clear), colorable (plausible), conclusive (determinative), conspicuous, constructive (inferential), demonstrable, discernible, distinct (clear), elementary, evident, flagrant, lucid, manifest, naked (perceptible), obvious, open (in sight), ostensible, overt, palpable, patent, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, plausible, presumptive, probable, prominent, public (known), specious, unmistakable, visible (noticeable). SEE MAIN ENTRY
apparent character color (complexion), complexion
apparent right color (deceptive appearance)
apparent state complexion
apparentation affiliation (bloodline)
apparently prima facie (self-evident), quasi
apparently right colorable (plausible)
apparere appear (materialize)
apparition phantom, phenomenon (manifestation), specter, spirit, vision (dream)
appeal address (petition), amenity, call (appeal to), challenge, coax, entreaty, habeas corpus, importune, incentive, invitation, motivate, press (beseech), request (noun), request (verb), rhetoric (skilled speech). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appeal against expostulate
appeal for petition, solicit
appeal on the merits SEE MAIN ENTRY
appeal to bait (lure), pray, propitiate, solicit, urge
appeal to a higher court certiorari
appeal to arms fight (battle), fight (battle)
appeal to the law litigate, sue
appealable litigable
appealer appellant, special interest
appealing attractive, precatory, sapid
appealing conclusively cogent
appealing forcibly cogent
appealing to reason disputable
appear bare, comport (behave), demean (deport oneself), emerge, report (present oneself). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appear for represent (substitute)
appear for duty report (present oneself)
appearance aspect, color (deceptive appearance), complexion, condition (state), configuration (form), demeanor, deportment, expression (manifestation), face value (first blush), first appearance, manifestation, manner (behavior), phantom, phenomenon (manifestation), presence (poise), pretense (pretext), semblance, specter, state (condition), style, vision (dream). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appearance of truth credibility, probability
appearing apparent (presumptive), colorable (specious), evident, ostensible, perceivable, specious
appearing at intervals sporadic
appeasable nonmilitant, placable
appease allay, assuage, disarm (set at ease), mitigate, moderate (temper), mollify, pacify, palliate (abate), placate, propitiate, reconcile, redress, satisfy (fulfill), soothe. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appeased agreed (harmonized)
appeasement conciliation, mollification, reconciliation, satisfaction (fulfilment). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appeaser go-between
appelare appeal
appelation cognomen
appellant claimant, contender, contestant, litigant, party (litigant), respondent, suitor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appellare summon
appellate court SEE MAIN ENTRY
appellate review appeal
appellatio appeal
appellation call (title), denomination, designation (naming), identification, term (expression), title (designation). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appellative call (title), cognomen, term (expression)
appellator appellant
appellee litigant, party (litigant)
append affix, annex (add), attach (join), combine (join together), compound, connect (join together), join (bring together). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appendage accession (annexation), addendum, adjoiner, adjunct, allonge, appendix (accession), appendix (supplement), appurtenance, attachment (thing affixed), codicil, organ, rider
appendant appurtenance, attached (annexed), rider
appended additional, appurtenant, attached (annexed)
appendix addendum, allonge, appurtenance, attachment (thing affixed), codicil, insertion, rider. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apperceive note (notice), perceive, understand
apperception appreciation (perception), cognition, insight, judgment (discernment), knowledge (awareness), perception, realization, reason (sound judgment), recognition, sagacity, sense (feeling), understanding (comprehension). SEE MAIN ENTRY
apperceptive cognizant, conscious (aware), judicious, knowing, omniscient, perceptive, perspicacious, sensitive (discerning)
appercipient sensitive (discerning)
appertain correspond (be equivalent), pertain, refer (direct attention). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appertain to concern (involve), connect (relate), relate (establish a connection)
appertaining akin (germane), applicable, appurtenant, cognate, collateral (accompanying), pertinent
appertaining to incident
appetence predilection, predisposition, proclivity
appetency desire, greed, predilection, predisposition, proclivity
appetent eager
appetere assault
appetite desire, penchant, predilection, predisposition
appetitio desire
appetitus instinct
appetizing palatable, sapid, savory
applaud honor, recommend
applauded famous, illustrious, renowned
applause mention (tribute)
appliable applicable
appliance device (mechanism), expedient, facility (instrumentality), instrument (tool). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appliances paraphernalia (apparatus)
applicability admissibility, aptitude, connection (relation), propriety (appropriateness), qualification (fitness), relation (connection), relevance, utility (usefulness), utilization. SEE MAIN ENTRY
applicable admissible, akin (germane), apposite, appropriate, congruous, constructive (creative), convenient, correlative, felicitous, fit, functional, germane, operative, pertinent, practical, related, relative (relevant), relevant, suitable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
applicable to a class generic
applicant candidate, claimant, contender, petitioner, prospect (prospective patron), suitor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
application arrogation, assignation, call (appeal), call (title), connection (relation), connotation, diligence (care), diligence (perseverance), endeavor, industry (activity), infliction, interest (concern), means (opportunity), motion, obsession, petition, prayer, purpose, regard (attention), relevance, request, requisition, resolution (decision), usage, use, work (effort). SEE MAIN ENTRY
application for a ruling motion
application for an order motion
application for discharge habeas corpus
application for liberty habeas corpus
application for proposed relief motion
application for relief prayer
application for retrial appeal, certiorari
application for review by a higher tribunal appeal
application of force compulsion (coercion)
applied functional
applied energy effort
applied from without extrinsic
applied logic dialectic
apply ascribe, concern (involve), devote, employ (make use of), exercise (use), exert, expend (consume), exploit (make use of), impute, inflict, manipulate (utilize skillfully), move (judicially request), refer (direct attention), relate (establish a connection), resort, solicit, spend. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apply a closure complete
apply a remedy cure, drug, help
apply dishonestly convert (misappropriate)
apply for desire, petition, request, sue
apply for a loan borrow
apply for a reexamination of a case appeal
apply for a retrial appeal
apply for a review of a case to a higher tribunal appeal
apply one’s self to practice (train by repetition)
apply oneself labor, persevere, specialize
apply oneself to address (direct attention to), commit (perpetrate), endeavor, occupy (engage), undertake
apply pressure coerce, constrain (compel), foist, force (coerce)
apply reason deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning)
apply the attention to occupy (engage)
apply the closure close (terminate)
apply the mind concentrate (pay attention), ponder, study
apply the mind to occupy (engage)
apply to appertain, call (appeal to), importune, petition, pray
apply to one’s own uses impropriate, plagiarize
applying to apposite, germane
appoint allocate, allot, assign (designate), authorize, bestow, charge (empower), choose, clothe, delegate, designate, detail (assign), dispense, employ (engage services), empower, engage (hire), entrust, furnish, hire, induct, instate, invest (vest), nominate, parcel, provide (arrange for), select. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appoint as agent delegate
appoint as representative delegate
appoint beforehand preordain
appoint by act enact
appoint by vote elect (select by a vote)
appoint in advance preordain
appoint the time of date
appointed select
appointed counsel SEE MAIN ENTRY
appointed group commission (agency), committee
appointee agent, deputy, licensee, nominee (delegate), proctor, procurator, trustee
appointer licensor
appointing deputation (selection of delegates)
appointive adoptive, elective (voluntary)
appointment agency (legal relationship), allotment, assignment (designation), charge (responsibility), delegation (assignment), deputation (selection of delegates), designation (naming), dispensation (act of dispensing), election (choice), employment, equipment, mission, nomination, office, position (business status), post, province, pursuit (occupation), rendezvous, selection (choice). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appointment by vote election (selection by vote)
appointments paraphernalia (personal belongings), property (possessions)
apportion allocate, allot, arrange (methodize), assign (allot), bestow, classify, demarcate, devote, dichotomize, disburse (distribute), dispense, disperse (disseminate), divide (distribute), dole, endue, expend (disburse), fund, furnish, leave (give), marshal, mete, parcel, partition, prorate, sort, split, subdivide. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apportion anew reapportion
apportion by measure mete
apportion pro rata prorate
apportionable divisible, severable
apportioned pro rata. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apportioned lot share (interest)
apportioning disbursement (act of disbursing)
apportionment allotment, appropriation (allotment), arbitration, assignment (allotment), classification, decentralization, disbursement (act of disbursing), dispensation (act of dispensing), division (act of dividing), equity (share of ownership), order (arrangement), proportion, quantity, quota, ration. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appose adjoin, border (bound), contrast, juxtapose
apposite appropriate, congruous, correlative, felicitous, fit, germane, harmonious, pertinent, proper, related, relative (relevant), relevant, seasonable, suitable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appositeness admissibility, affiliation (connectedness), collation, qualification (fitness), relation (connection), relationship (connection), relevance
apposition affiliation (connectedness), propinquity (proximity), relation (connection). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appositional relative (relevant)
appraisable appreciable, determinable (ascertainable)
appraisal account (evaluation), appreciation (perception), arbitration, assessment (estimation), choice (decision), computation, concept, cost (price), determination, discretion (power of choice), discrimination (differentiation), estimate (approximate cost), estimation (calculation), expense (cost), generalization, idea, inspection, judgment (discernment), measurement, par (face amount), perception, price, proposal (report), rating, review (critical evaluation), value, worth. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appraise calculate, charge (assess), consider, criticize (evaluate), diagnose, estimate, evaluate, excise (levy a tax), gauge, judge, measure, opine, ponder, rate, survey (examine). SEE MAIN ENTRY
appraised ad valorem
appraisement ad valorem, appraisal, assessment (estimation), determination, estimate (approximate cost), estimation (calculation), expense (cost), measurement, par (face amount), price, worth
appraiser juror
appraising discriminating (judicious)
appraisment appreciation (perception)
appreciable corporeal, determinable (ascertainable), perceivable, ponderable, substantive. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appreciate accrue (increase), apprehend (perceive), comprehend (understand), conceive (comprehend), digest (comprehend), discern (detect with the senses), enhance, gauge, increase, note (notice), notice (observe), perceive, pierce (discern), realize (understand), recognize (acknowledge), regard (hold in esteem), relish, understand. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appreciation accession (enlargement), augmentation, boom (increase), cognition, comprehension, computation, concept, determination, discretion (quality of being discreet), discrimination (differentiation), estimation (esteem), honor (outward respect), knowledge (awareness), mention (tribute), perception, realization, recognition, regard (esteem), respect, scienter, sensibility. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appreciation of differences diagnosis
appreciative conscious (aware)
appreciativeness discretion (quality of being discreet), knowledge (awareness)
apprehend appreciate (comprehend), capture, comprehend (understand), conceive (comprehend), construe (comprehend), detain (hold in custody), discern (detect with the senses), ensnare, expect (consider probable), fear, find (discover), jail, mistrust, perceive, pierce (discern), presume, read, realize (understand), recognize (perceive), surmise, understand. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apprehend clearly discern (detect with the senses)
apprehend danger fear
apprehend harm fear
apprehend punishment fear
apprehendere seize (apprehend)
apprehending attachment (seizure), conscious (aware), knowing
apprehensibility coherence
apprehensible cognizable, coherent (clear), comprehensible, perceivable, perceptible, scrutable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apprehension appropriation (taking), arrest, cloud (suspicion), cognition, comprehension, concept, consternation, constraint (imprisonment), detection, dialectic, doubt (indecision), doubt (suspicion), fear, fright, idea, impression, misgiving, notion, perception, phobia, position (point of view), qualm, realization, scienter, scruple, sense (feeling), stress (strain), suspicion (mistrust), trepidation, understanding (comprehension). SEE MAIN ENTRY
apprehension and transfer extradition
apprehension of danger fear
apprehension of harm fear
apprehension of injury fear
apprehension of punishment fear
apprehensive cognizant, leery, perceptive, solicitous, suspicious (distrustful), vigilant. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apprehensiveness apprehension (fear), cloud (suspicion), consternation, doubt (indecision), fear, misgiving, qualm, scruple, stress (strain)
apprentice amateur, assistant, coadjutant, disciple, employee, neophyte, novice, probationer (one being tested), protégé. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apprenticed indentured
apprenticeship experience (background), preparation
apprenticeship agreement indenture
apprisal disclosure (act of disclosing)
apprise advise, annunciate, caution, communicate, convey (communicate), disabuse, disclose, disseminate, divulge, enlighten, enunciate, herald, impart, inform (notify), mention, notice (give formal warning), notify, relate (tell), report (disclose), reveal, signify (inform), speak. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apprised acquainted, cognizant, conscious (aware), familiar (informed), knowing, literate, sensible
apprised of learned
apprisement determination
appriser informant
apprize assess (appraise), rate
apprized informed (having information)
apprizement determination
apprizer affirmant, bystander, deponent
approach access (right of way), accost, address (direct attention to), admittance (means of approach), approximate, avenue (means of attainment), avenue (route), bid, confrontation (act of setting face to face), converge, correspond (be equivalent), course, design (intent), direction (course), entrance, gravitate, impend, inflow, ingress, invitation, maneuver (tactic), manner (behavior), modus operandi, overture, policy (plan of action), portal, practice (procedure), progress, proposition, reach, strategy. SEE MAIN ENTRY
approach closely approximate
approach in amount approximate
approach of danger peril
approach one another converge
approach road causeway
approachability access (opening)
approachable available, open (accessible), passable, public (open), vulnerable
approaches SEE MAIN ENTRY
approaching approximate, close (near), forthcoming, future, immediate (imminent), imminent, inevitable, instant, pending (imminent), prospective, proximate
approaching an end determinable (liable to be terminated)
approaching death in extremis
approaching the finish determinable (liable to be terminated)
approbare approve, countenance, pass (satisfy requirements)
approbate approve, concur (agree), countenance, pass (approve), recommend, sanction. SEE MAIN ENTRY
approbatio approval
approbation acceptance, adoption (acceptance), advocacy, approval, assent, consent, estimation (esteem), favor (sanction), honor (outward respect), indorsement, leave (permission), license, mention (tribute), permit, ratification, recommendation, regard (esteem), respect, sanction (permission). SEE MAIN ENTRY
approbative favorable (expressing approval)
appropinquare approach
appropriate accroach, acquire (secure), admissible, adopt, allocate, annex (arrogate), applicable, apposite, ascribe, assign (allot), assume (seize), attach (seize), certain (specific), collect (recover money), commensurate, condemn (seize), condign, confiscate, congruous, consonant, convenient, correlative, devote, dispense, distrain, distribute, divide (distribute), dole, due (regular), eligible, fair (just), favorable (advantageous), felicitous, fit, fitting, garnish, germane, hijack, hold up (rob), impound, impress (procure by force), impropriate, loot, mete, monopolize, obtain, occupy (take possession), opportune, parcel, pertinent, pirate (reproduce without authorization), plagiarize, poach, preempt, procure, proper, reclaim, related, relative (relevant), relevant, right (suitable), rightful, seasonable, seize (confiscate), sequester (seize property), several (separate), specific, suitable, viable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appropriate activity function
appropriate behavior decorum
appropriate criminally peculate
appropriate dishonestly peculate, purloin
appropriate for federal use nationalize
appropriate for government use nationalize
appropriate for residence habitable
appropriate for use preempt
appropriate fraudulently bilk, embezzle, purloin
appropriate illegally peculate, pilfer, rob
appropriate to one’s own use defalcate, embezzle
appropriate to public use confiscate
appropriate unlawfully usurp
appropriate wrongfully convert (misappropriate), peculate
appropriated attached (seized)
appropriately pro rata
appropriateness admissibility, decorum, expedience, fairness, qualification (fitness), relevance, timeliness
appropriating confiscatory
appropriation acquisition, adverse possession, allotment, arrogation, assignment (allotment), assumption (seizure), budget, condemnation (seizure), consignment, conversion (misappropriation), distraint, distress (seizure), distribution (apportionment), embezzlement, endowment, garnishment, housebreaking, larceny, pillage, plagiarism, preemption, quota, ration, selection (choice), sequestration, taking. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appropriation for a dishonest use misappropriation
appropriation for a wrongful use misappropriation
appropriation of a literary composition plagiarism
approvable admissible, allowable, allowed, laudable, meritorious, permissible
approval acceptance, adoption (acceptance), advantage, advocacy, affirmation, assent, charter (sanction), confirmation, consent, designation (naming), dispensation (exception), estimation (esteem), favor (partiality), favor (sanction), honor (outward respect), indorsement, indulgence, leave (permission), legalization, license, mention (tribute), option (contractual provision), permission, permit, ratification, recognition, recommendation, regard (esteem), respect, sanction (permission), subscription, support (corroboration). SEE MAIN ENTRY
approve accede (concede), accredit, advocate, affirm (uphold), agree (comply), allow (authorize), allow (endure), appoint, assent, authorize, bear (tolerate), coincide (concur), concur (agree), confirm, conform, consent, cosign, countenance, enable, endorse, favor, grant (concede), legalize, legitimate, let (permit), notarize, permit, prefer, reassure, receive (permit to enter), recommend, regard (hold in esteem), sanction, seal (solemnize), settle, sign, subscribe (sign), support (justify), sustain (confirm), uphold, validate, vote. SEE MAIN ENTRY
approve of countenance, permit
approved agreed (promised), allowable, allowed, conventional, eligible, formal, legal, meritorious, official, orthodox, permissible, preferred (favored), unimpeachable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
approving consensual, consenting, ecstatic, favorable (expressing approval), propitious
approximate border (approach), close (near), comparable (capable of comparison), copy, correspond (be equivalent), inaccurate, inexact, similar. SEE MAIN ENTRY
approximate calculation estimate (approximate cost), estimation (calculation)
approximate judgment of value estimate (approximate cost), estimation (calculation)
approximate value estimate (approximate cost)
approximately almost, on or about
approximation estimate (approximate cost), estimation (calculation), parity, resemblance. SEE MAIN ENTRY
approximative inexact
appulsion meeting (encounter)
appurtenance additive, appliance, attachment (thing affixed), augmentation, boom (increase), corollary, droit, rider. SEE MAIN ENTRY
appurtenances goods
appurtenant apposite, cognate, germane, pendent, pertinent, related, relative (relevant), relevant. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apriorism prolepsis
apropos akin (germane), apposite, appropriate, felicitous, fit, germane, incident, pertinent, relative (relevant), relevant, suitable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apt acute, applicable, apposite, appropriate, artful, consonant, deft, expert, felicitous, fit, germane, harmonious, inclined, opportune, pertinent, possible, practiced, probable, prone, proper, qualified (competent), relative (relevant), relevant, resourceful, right (suitable), subtle (refined), suitable, veteran, viable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
apt to change suddenly capricious
apt to distrust cynical
apt to flee elusive
apt to quarrel fractious
aptare adapt, adjust (regulate)
aptitude ability, caliber (mental capacity), chance (possibility), competence (ability), disposition (inclination), faculty (ability), gift (flair), inclination, instinct, intelligence (intellect), performance (workmanship), potential, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, propriety (appropriateness), qualification (fitness), science (technique), skill, temperament, tendency. SEE MAIN ENTRY
aptness ability, admissibility, capacity (aptitude), expedience, inclination, instinct, liability, performance (workmanship), predisposition, proclivity, propensity, propriety (appropriateness), qualification (fitness), quality (excellence), quality (grade), relevance, science (technique), skill, specialty (special aptitude), tendency, timeliness
aptum qualify (meet standards)
aptus adequate, appropriate, attached (annexed), capable, fit, proper, suitable
aqua et igni interdicere outlaw
arable fertile
arbiter arbitrator, eyewitness, go-between, intermediary, judge, juror, referee, umpire. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arbiters jury
arbitrage adjudication, arbitration, collective bargaining, intercession
arbitrament adjudication, collective bargaining, conclusion (determination), judgment (formal court decree), negotiation
arbitrari opine
arbitrarily invented fictitious
arbitrary contemptuous, dictatorial, disobedient, haphazard, irresponsible, tyrannous, unpredictable, unwarranted. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arbitrary and capricious SEE MAIN ENTRY
arbitrary power force (compulsion)
arbitrate adjudge, adjudicate, decide, intercede, judge, mediate, negotiate, reconcile. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arbitrate terms dicker
arbitrated agreed (harmonized)
arbitrater adjuster
arbitration adjudication, collective bargaining, intercession, mediation, negotiation, reconciliation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arbitrator arbiter, go-between, intermediary, judge, magistrate, referee, umpire. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arbitrators jury
arbitrium arbitration, determination, freedom
arca coffer
arcana secret
arcane clandestine, confidential, esoteric, hidden, latent, mysterious, private (confidential), privy, recondite, secret, stealthy. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arcanum enigma, mystery
arcanus confidential, mysterious, private (confidential), secret
arch jocular, machiavellian, master, paramount, project (extend beyond), sly
archaic antique, obsolete, old, outdated, outmoded. SEE MAIN ENTRY
archaism desuetude, disuse
archaistic obsolete
archetypal primordial
archetype example, exemplar, model, paradigm, pattern, precedent, prototype, sample, standard
architect author (originator), contractor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
architectural monument edifice
architecture building (business of assembling)
architectus architect
archive dossier, file, record, register
archives depository
archivist caretaker (one caring for property), clerk
ardency ardor, passion
ardens fervent, intense
ardent eager, fanatical, fervent, industrious, intense, intensive, ready (willing), sedulous, serious (devoted), true (loyal), vehement, zealous. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ardent admirer addict
ardent champion of change malcontent
ardent impulse desire
ardor adhesion (loyalty), affection
ardor ardor
ardor compulsion (obsession), desire, diligence (perseverance), emotion, industry (activity), life (vitality), passion, penchant, predisposition, spirit. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arduous difficult, formidable, onerous, operose, oppressive, painful. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arduousness effort
area area (province)
area bailiwick, caliber (measurement), capacity (sphere), circuit, department, dimension, district, division (administrative unit), extent, locality, location, parcel, part (place), province, purview, range, realm, region, scope, section (vicinity), space, territory, vicinity, zone. SEE MAIN ENTRY
area of disagreement contention (argument)
area of education discipline (field of study)
area of learning discipline (field of study)
arena area (province), bailiwick, capacity (sphere), enclosure, focus, purview, range, scene, sphere
argot jargon (technical language), phraseology
arguable controversial, debatable, disputable, doubtful, dubious, forensic, justiciable, litigable, moot, plausible, uncertain (questionable). SEE MAIN ENTRY
argue bear (adduce), bespeak, bicker, challenge, collide (clash), conflict, contend (dispute), contend (maintain), contest, contradict, controvert, cross (disagree with), debate, differ (vary), disaccord, disagree, dispute (debate), dissent (differ in opinion), expostulate, haggle, insist, posit, propound, reason (persuade), rebut. SEE MAIN ENTRY
argue a case dispute (debate)
argue a point dispute (debate)
argue against confront (oppose), discourage, dispute (contest), dissuade, oppose, rebut, remonstrate
argue at the bar plead (argue a case)
argue for adhere (maintain loyalty), advocate, assert, defend, espouse, justify
argue for and against discuss
argue in opposition dispute (debate)
argue into convince, prevail (persuade)
argue price dicker
argue pros and cons debate
argue the case controvert, discuss
argue the point controvert, discuss, plead (argue a case)
argue to no purpose bicker
argue vehemently dispute (contest)
argued alleged
arguer contender
arguer in defense apologist
arguere accuse, charge (accuse)
argufy dispute (debate)
arguing disputable, dissenting, hostile, litigious
argument altercation, brief, conflict, confrontation (altercation), contest (dispute), contravention, disaccord, disagreement, discourse, disparity, dispute, dissent (difference of opinion), dissidence, persuasion, pleading, point (item), reason (basis), remonstrance, rift (disagreement), thesis. SEE MAIN ENTRY
argument at the bar argument (pleading)
argumental litigious, polemic
argumentari argue
argumentation conflict, contention (argument), controversy (argument), dialectic, disaccord, disagreement, discord, discourse, dissension, ratiocination. SEE MAIN ENTRY
argumentative contentious, discursive (analytical), disputable, dissenting, forensic, hostile, insistent, litigable, litigious, negative, petulant, polemic, pugnacious, remonstrative. SEE MAIN ENTRY
argumentative person disputant
arguments at the bar plea
argumentum context, proof, subject (topic)
argus guardian
argute perspicacious
arguteness caliber (mental capacity), sagacity
arid barren, lifeless (dull), otiose, pedestrian, unproductive
arise appear (materialize), commence, disobey, emerge, ensue, occur (happen), proceed (go forward), rebel, redound, result, stem (originate), succeed (follow), supervene. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arise from develop, emanate, evolve
aristocracy elite, society
ark refuge
arm affiliate, clothe, cudgel, empower, enable, endue, furnish, organ, protect
arm of the law judiciary, marshal, peace officer, police, posse
arma homini adimere disarm (divest of arms)
armament ammunition, bomb, gun
armaments weapons
armature ammunition, panoply
armatus armed
armed defensible, ready (prepared), safe. SEE MAIN ENTRY
armed action fight (battle)
armed attack foray
armed band posse
armed enemy foe
armiger esquire
armipotent powerful
armistice cessation (interlude), halt, interruption, lull, pause, peace, treaty. SEE MAIN ENTRY
armor panoply, protect, protection, safeguard
armored immune, protective, safe, secure (free from danger)
armored protection panoply
armorum weapons
arms ammunition, gun, weapons
army band
arouse abet, agitate (activate), alert, bait (harass), discommode, disturb, elicit, evoke, exacerbate, exhort, foment, harass, impel, impress (affect deeply), incense, incite, influence, inspire, interest, lobby, molest (annoy), originate, perturb, prompt, provoke, spirit, stimulate
arouse desire motivate
arouse ire incense
arouse notice interest
arouse one’s enthusiasm interest
arouse resentment incense, pique
arouse to action incite
arouser cannabis, stimulus
arousing moving (evoking emotion), persuasive, provocative
arousing aversion repulsive
arraign blame, charge (accuse), complain (charge), denounce (inform against), prosecute (charge). SEE MAIN ENTRY
arraignment charge (accusation), impeachment, presentment. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrange accommodate, adapt, adjust (resolve), allocate, arbitrate (adjudge), arbitrate (conciliate), classify, codify, compile, compose, contrive, coordinate, devise (invent), disentangle, dispose (incline), distribute, edit, fix (settle), form, formulate, frame (formulate), frame (prearrange), maneuver, marshal, orchestrate, pigeonhole, plan, plot, program, regulate (adjust), scheme, settle, site, sort, stipulate, tabulate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrange a settlement satisfy (discharge)
arrange beforehand prearrange
arrange by mutual concession compromise (settle by mutual agreement)
arrange differences mediate
arrange for negotiate
arrange for the services of engage (hire)
arrange for the use of engage (hire)
arrange in advance prearrange
arrange in succession continue (prolong)
arrange itself crystallize
arrange materials for publication compile
arrange matters settle
arrange matters in dispute settle
arrange methodically file (arrange)
arrange side by side juxtapose
arrange terms dicker
arranged agreed (harmonized), agreed (promised), consonant, contractual, fixed (settled), harmonious, prospective, ready (prepared), res judicata, stated, systematic. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arranged within a small space compact (dense)
arrangement accommodation (adjustment), accord, accordance (compact), adjustment, agreement (concurrence), agreement (contract), allotment, array (order), attornment, bargain, building (business of assembling), case (set of circumstances), classification, combination, compact, compilation, composition (agreement in bankruptcy), composition (makeup), conciliation, configuration (form), contract, covenant, creation, deal, digest, disposition (final arrangement), expedient, formation, hierarchy (arrangement in a series), honorarium, indenture, lineup, method, motif, organization (structure), pact, plan, policy (contract), practice (procedure), preparation, program, proposition, protocol (agreement), provision (act of supplying), register, regulation (management), scheme, selection (collection), sequence, settlement, situation, specialty (contract), stipulation, strategy, structure (composition), system, term (provision), treatment, treaty, understanding (agreement). SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrangement for disposal disposition (transfer of property)
arrangement of difficulties settlement
arrangement of laws codification
arrangement of parts content (structure)
arrangement of rules codification
arrangement of statutes code, codification
arrangements dealings
arrangment course
arrant bad (offensive), blameworthy, disreputable, egregious, flagrant, heinous, immoral, lawless, nefarious, notorious, outrageous, scandalous. SEE MAIN ENTRY
array assemblage, band, chain (series), clothe, composition (makeup), conglomeration, disposition (final arrangement), distribute, embellish, file (arrange), fix (arrange), form (arrangement), formation, jury, marshal, order (arrangement), selection (collection), sequence, sort. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arraying arrangement (ordering)
arrear default
arrearage arrears, debt, delinquency (shortage)
arrears debit, debt, deficit, delinquency (shortage), due. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrest abeyance, apprehension (act of arresting), avert, block, bondage, book, capture, cease, cessation (interlude), check (bar), check (restrain), clog, cloture, commit (institutionalize), confine, constrain (imprison), constraint (imprisonment), constrict (inhibit), contain (restrain), control (restrain), curb, custody (incarceration), debar, defer (put off), delay, desist, desuetude, detain (hold in custody), detain (restrain), detention, discontinue (abandon), discontinue (break continuity), durance, forestall, halt (noun), halt (verb), hamper, hinder, hindrance, hold up (delay), impede, incarceration, inhibit, interdict, interfere, interrupt, interruption, keep (restrain), kill (defeat), lock, obstacle, occlude, palliate (abate), prevent, quit (discontinue), restrain, restraint, seize (apprehend), stall, stay (halt), stem (check), stifle, stop, strangle, suppress, suspend, toll (stop). SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrest temporarily continue (adjourn), delay, hold up (delay), postpone
arrest the attention occupy (engage)
arrest with authority seize (apprehend)
arresting moving (evoking emotion), obviation, preventive, sapid
arrestment custody (incarceration)
arrêt arrest (apprehend)
arrhabo retainer
arrière pensée propaganda
arrival birth (beginning), birth (emergence of young), inflow
arrival into view appearance (emergence)
arrive emerge, enter (go in), reach, report (present oneself). SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrive at attain, obtain
arrive at a conclusion arbitrate (adjudge), ascertain, deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), determine, find (determine), fix (settle), gauge, resolve (decide)
arrive at a decision resolve (decide)
arrive at a judgment decide
arrive at a price dicker
arrive at a settlement agree (contract)
arrive at a verdict find (determine)
arrive at an agreement close (agree), coincide (concur), concede, fix (settle)
arrive at an understanding coincide (concur)
arrive at terms coincide (concur), conform
arrive at the end of finish
arrive at the truth solve
arriving future
arrogance contempt (disdain), contumely, disdain, disrespect
arrogant brazen, contemptuous, cynical, dictatorial, disdainful, dogmatic, impertinent (insolent), inflated (vain), insolent, orgulous, presumptuous, pretentious (pompous), proud (conceited), supercilious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrogate accroach, adopt, appropriate, assume (seize), attach (seize), collect (recover money), condemn (seize), demand, deprive, harass, hijack, impress (procure by force), impropriate, infringe, invade, seize (confiscate), sequester (seize property), takeover, usurp. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrogate to oneself preempt
arrogated attached (seized)
arrogation assignation, assumption (seizure), condemnation (seizure), disseisin, distress (seizure), infringement, misappropriation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arrondissement circuit
ars performance (workmanship), stratagem, trade (occupation)
ars dicendi rhetoric (skilled speech)
ars ludicra histrionics
arsenal repository. SEE MAIN ENTRY
arsonist lawbreaker
art performance (workmanship), propensity, ruse, skill
art of composition rhetoric (skilled speech)
art of discourse rhetoric (skilled speech)
art of monetary relations finance
art of negotiating discretion (quality of being discreet)
art of prose rhetoric (skilled speech)
art of speaking declamation
art of war strategy
arterial causeway
arterial highway causeway
artery causeway, conduit (channel), way (channel)
artful collusive, colorable (specious), competent, delusive, devious, diplomatic, disingenuous, evasive, expert, insidious, machiavellian, mendacious, original (creative), perspicacious, politic, practiced, resourceful, sly, stealthy, subtle (refined), surreptitious, tactical. SEE MAIN ENTRY
artful contrivance artifice, stratagem
artful dodge evasion, machination, maneuver (trick)
artful management discretion (quality of being discreet)
artfully contrived politic
artfulness artifice, discretion (quality of being discreet), fraud, hypocrisy, improbity, knavery, performance (workmanship), pettifoggery
article chapter (division), clause, condition (contingent provision), instrument (tool), item, law, member (constituent part), pandect (treatise), particular, product, report (detailed account), story (narrative), subheading, title (division). SEE MAIN ENTRY
article of agreement provision (clause), stipulation, term (provision)
article of belief principle (axiom)
article of commerce freight
article of faith dogma, principle (axiom)
article of merchandise product
article of trade product
articled indentured
articles commodities, merchandise, paraphernalia (apparatus)
articles of agreement contract
articles of commerce commodities, goods, merchandise, stock in trade
articles of merchandise commodities
articulate avow, clarify, coherent (clear), communicate, comprehensible, converse, convey (communicate), eloquent, enunciate, express, lucid, observe (remark), phrase, pronounce (speak), recite, recount, remark, speak, unambiguous, utter. SEE MAIN ENTRY
articulated nuncupative, oral
articulation conversation, expression (comment), speech
artifex artisan
artifice bad faith, contrivance, deception, device (contrivance), disguise, duplicity, evasion, expedient, false pretense, fraud, hoax, knavery, machination, maneuver (trick), pettifoggery, ploy, ruse, stratagem, strategy, subterfuge, trap. SEE MAIN ENTRY
artificer architect, artisan, contractor, materialman, practitioner
artificial bogus, deceptive, disingenuous, false (not genuine), fictitious, histrionic, imitation, inflated (bombastic), meretricious, orotund, pretentious (ostentatious), specious, spurious, synthetic. SEE MAIN ENTRY
artificial behavior for effect histrionics
artificial eloquence rhetoric (insincere language)
artificial entity corporation
artificial person corporation
artificiality artifice, false pretense, pretense (ostentation)
artificiosus artificial
artificium maneuver (trick), performance (workmanship), pursuit (occupation), system
artillery fire barrage
artisan practitioner. SEE MAIN ENTRY
artist practitioner
artistic aesthetic, artful, subtle (refined)
artistic effort creation
artistic judgment discretion (quality of being discreet)
artistry skill, specialty (special aptitude), style
artless honest, inadept, inexperienced, ingenuous, natural, simple, straightforward, unaffected (sincere), unpretentious
artless person philistine
artlessness honesty, veracity
as a body en masse
as a consequence a priori, consequently. SEE MAIN ENTRY
as a favor gratis
as a group en masse
as a matter of course as a rule, consequently
as a matter of fact de facto
as a matter of form pro forma
as a matter of right SEE MAIN ENTRY
as a result consequently
as a result of a priori
as a rule generally, invariably. SEE MAIN ENTRY
as a start ab initio
as a substitute for in lieu of
as a substitute for a parent loco parentis
as a unit en banc
as a whole en banc, en masse, in toto, wholly
as agreed upon SEE MAIN ENTRY
as an alternative in lieu of
as an alternative for a parent loco parentis
as arranged by the agreement as agreed upon
as contained as so defined
as contained in the statutes as provided by law
as contracted for as agreed upon
as delineated as so defined
as explained as so defined
as far as until
as good as equivalent
as great as another coequal
as if quasi
as is a priori. SEE MAIN ENTRY
as it is as is
as it stands as is
as matters stand consequently
as near as may be cy pres
as near as possible cy pres
as near as practicable cy pres
as negotiated for as agreed upon
as offered as is
as one en masse
as pledged as agreed upon
as presented as is
as promised as agreed upon
as provided by law SEE MAIN ENTRY
as proxy for in lieu of
as represented actual, as is, authentic, bona fide, honest, true (authentic)
as required duly
as required will shall
as seen as is
as set forth as so defined. SEE MAIN ENTRY
as set forth by law as provided by law
as settled upon as agreed upon
as shown as is
as so defined SEE MAIN ENTRY
as soon as can be reasonably expected forthwith
as soon as feasible SEE MAIN ENTRY
as soon as possible as soon as feasible
as soon as reasonably possible as soon as feasible
as specified as so defined
as specified in the law as provided by law
as the case may be consequently
as things are as is
as though quasi
as though it were quasi
as well also
ascend expand, progress
ascendance dominance, hegemony, influence, prestige. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ascendancy advantage, dominance, dominion (supreme authority), force (strength), hegemony, influence, occupation (possession), primacy, supremacy
ascendant ancestor, dominant, predominant, prevailing (having superior force), prevalent, primogenitor, prosperous. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ascendants ancestry
ascendency predominance, prestige
ascent headway
ascertain assess (appraise), bear (adduce), decide, deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), determine, discern (detect with the senses), discover, distinguish, elucidate, ensure, establish (show), find (determine), find (discover), fix (settle), gauge, hold (decide), judge, notice (observe), prove, recognize (perceive), resolve (decide), rule (decide), settle, solve. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ascertain a position locate
ascertain after reasoning arbitrate (adjudge)
ascertain and declare find (determine)
ascertain as truth prove
ascertain by judicial inquiry find (determine)
ascertain dimensions measure
ascertain liability liquidate (determine liability)
ascertain mathematically calculate
ascertain size measure
ascertain the amount of evaluate
ascertain the amount of indebtedness liquidate (determine liability)
ascertain the balance due liquidate (determine liability)
ascertain the meaning of construe (comprehend)
ascertain the time of date
ascertainable appreciable, cognizable, comprehensible, deductible (provable), perceptible, ponderable, provable, solvable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ascertained actual, axiomatic, certain (positive), certain (specific), clear (certain), cognizable, common (customary), conclusive (determinative), conclusive (settled), definite, definitive, factual, genuine, incontrovertible, indubious, positive (incontestable), real, stated. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ascertained fact certification (certainness), certitude
ascertained principle conviction (persuasion)
ascertainment analysis, certification (certainness), collation, conclusion (determination), detection, determination, discovery, finding, holding (ruling of a court), identification, inspection, observation, opinion (judicial decision), perception, surety (certainty)
ascetic dispassionate, harsh, stoical
asceticism continence
ascribable derivative
ascribe acknowledge (declare), assign (designate), attribute, impute. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ascribe blame incriminate
ascribe personal qualities to personify
ascribe to blame
ascribere ascribe, impute, inscribe
ascription accusation, arrogation, assignation, attribution, blame (responsibility), citation (attribution), condemnation (blame), reference (citation). SEE MAIN ENTRY
aseptic preventive
aside innuendo
aside from the point extraneous, inapposite, irrelevant
asinine fatuous, ludicrous, obtuse, opaque, puerile, unreasonable
asininity opacity
ask apply (request), call (appeal to), canvass, consult (ask advice of), demand, desire, inquire, investigate, pose (propound), solicit. SEE MAIN ENTRY
ask advice consult (ask advice of)
ask an opinion consult (ask advice of)
ask earnestly canvass, pray, press (beseech), solicit
ask for call (appeal to), claim (demand), delve, desire, exact, move (judicially request), petition, request
ask for credit borrow
ask for recommendations consult (ask advice of)
ask for relief sue
ask for suggestions consult (ask advice of)
ask for with authority call (demand), demand
ask help of refer (send for action)
ask questions cross-examine
ask solemnly for invoke
ask to come call (summon)
ask urgently importune
asked for popular
asker petitioner
askew disordered, oblique (slanted)
asking inquiry (systematic investigation), precatory, question (inquiry), request
asking for what is due demand
asking price cost (price)
asking questions cross-examination
aslant oblique (slanted)
asleep dormant
asomatous incorporeal, intangible
aspect appearance (look), characteristic, complexion, component, condition (state), conduct, demeanor, deportment, detail, factor (ingredient), feature (appearance), feature (characteristic), ingredient, manner (behavior), outlook, particular, posture (attitude), presence (poise), property (distinctive attribute), semblance, side, standpoint, state (condition), style, technicality. SEE MAIN ENTRY
aspects character (personal quality), color (complexion). SEE MAIN ENTRY
aspectus appearance (look), aspect
asper bitter (acrid tasting)
asperity rigor, severity
aspernari disdain, spurn
asperse brand (stigmatize), complain (criticize), condemn (blame), contemn, defame, denigrate, denounce (condemn), deprecate, derogate, discommend, discredit, dishonor (deprive of honor), disparage, libel, malign, pillory, reprimand, reproach, smear, sully, tarnish
aspersion bad repute, contempt (disdain), contumely, conviction (finding of guilt), criticism, defamation, denunciation, disapprobation, discredit, dishonor (shame), disparagement, imprecation, infamy, innuendo, insinuation, libel, obloquy, phillipic, revilement, scandal, shame, slander, stricture. SEE MAIN ENTRY
aspersive libelous
aspirant amateur, applicant (candidate), candidate, contender, novice, rival, special interest
aspiration desideratum, design (intent), desire, destination, end (intent), goal, objective, purpose, target, will (desire)
aspire desire, endeavor, strive, try (attempt)
aspire to intend, pursue (strive to gain)
aspirer candidate
aspiring eager, solicitous
assail accost, ambush, assault, attack, badger, censure, complain (criticize), confront (oppose), defame, denounce (condemn), despoil, engage (involve), fight (battle), harass, harrow, harry (plunder), impugn, invade, lash (attack verbally), maltreat, mishandle (maltreat), mistreat, persecute, resist (oppose), strike (assault). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assail by argument impugn
assail with censure condemn (blame), denounce (condemn)
assailability danger
assailable dangerous, destructible, inadequate, indefensible, penetrable, vulnerable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assailant aggressor, disputant, foe, offender, offensive (taking the initiative). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assailer aggressor, assailant
assailing offensive (taking the initiative)
assailment assault, onset (assault)
assassinate dispatch (put to death), extinguish, kill (murder), slay
assassination aberemurder, dispatch (act of putting to death), homicide, killing, murder. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assault accost, ambush, assail, attack, barrage, battery, belligerency, denounce (condemn), fight (battle), fight (battle), incursion, invade, invasion, mishandle (maltreat), mistreat, molest (subject to indecent advances), offense, oppugn, outbreak, rape, resist (oppose), resistance, violence. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assault belligerently accost, assail, assault
assaulter aggressor, assailant
assaulting hostile
assay analysis, attempt, diagnosis, endeavor, experiment, inquiry (systematic investigation). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assemblage agglomeration, aggregate
assemblage assemblage. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assemblage assembly, body (collection), caucus, coalescence, collection (assembly), combination, compilation, congregation, congress, consolidation, corpus, cumulation, distribution (arrangement), entirety, joinder, manufacture, mass (body of persons), selection (collection), whole
assemble accumulate (amass), aggregate, attach (join), build (construct), call (summon), codify, collect (gather), commingle, compile, concentrate (consolidate), congregate, conjoin, connect (join together), convene, converge, federate, form, garner, glean, join (bring together), make, manufacture, meet, orchestrate, produce (manufacture), raise (collect), rendezvous, store, unite
assemble and apportion assets liquidate (determine liability)
assemble by summons call (summon)
assemble parts fabricate (construct)
assemble the facts document
assembled coadunate, collective, composite, conglomerate
assembled body company (assemblage)
assemblée caucus, chamber (body), company (assemblage)
assembling building (business of assembling), centralization
assembly aggregate, assemblage, caucus, chamber (body), company (assemblage), conference, conglomeration, congregation, congress, cumulation, legislature, manufacture, meeting (conference), parley, rendezvous, selection (collection), session. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assembly of persons congregation
assemblyman lawmaker
assemblywoman lawmaker
assent abide, accede (concede), acceptance, accordance (understanding), acknowledgment (acceptance), acquiescence, admit (concede), affirmance (judicial sanction), agree (comply), agreement (concurrence), allow (endure), approval, bear (adduce), capitulation, certify (approve), charter (sanction), coincide (concur), compliance, concede, concession (compromise), concordance, confirm, confirmation, conformity (agreement), consent (noun), consent (verb), corroborate, defer (yield in judgment), deference, franchise (license), grant (concede), indorsement, leave (permission), let (permit), obey, pass (approve), permission, permit, ratification, sanction (permission), stipulate, subscribe (promise), subscription, suffer (permit), vouchsafe, yield (submit). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assent to approve, authorize, certify (approve), comply, concur (agree), countenance, indorse, sanction, sustain (confirm)
assented consensual
assentient consenting
assenting concerted, concordant, concurrent (united), congruous, consenting, favorable (expressing approval), harmonious, inclined, pliable, ready (willing), willing (desirous)
assentive concordant, consenting
assererate vouch
assert acknowledge (declare), adduce, advocate, affirm (claim), allege, annunciate, argue, attest, avouch (avow), avow, bear (adduce), cast (register), certify (attest), claim (maintain), comment, communicate, contend (maintain), convey (communicate), declare, enunciate, express, mention, observe (remark), plead (allege in a legal action), pose (propound), posit, proclaim, profess (avow), promise (vow), pronounce (speak), remark, signify (inform), testify, uphold, utter. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assert a right to call (demand), demand
assert absolutely bear (adduce)
assert an oath promise (vow)
assert as one’s own claim (demand)
assert as one’s right claim (demand)
assert as true swear
assert formally certify (attest), issue (publish), plead (allege in a legal action)
assert in court litigate
assert incorrectly misrepresent
assert on oath avow
assert one’s rights demand
assert oneself certify (attest), constrain (compel)
assert peremptorily avouch (avow), avow
assert positively avouch (avow), certify (attest), plead (allege in a legal action), promise (vow)
assert solemnly pledge (promise the performance of), promise (vow)
assert the contrary contradict
assert the opposite contradict
assert under oath avouch (avow), avow, certify (attest), promise (vow)
assertative declaratory
asserted alleged
asserted formally alleged
asserter claimant
asserting the contrary contradictory
asserting the opposite contradictory
assertion accusation, acknowledgment (avowal), admission (disclosure), affirmance (authentication), affirmation, allegation, asseveration, attestation, averment, avouchment, avowal, comment, confession, confirmation, count, declaration, dictum, disclosure (act of disclosing), disclosure (something disclosed), expression (comment), hypothesis, mention (reference), observation, plea, postulate, principle (axiom), profession (declaration), pronouncement, proposition, remark, statement, testimony. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assertion against the plaintiff counterclaim
assertion of facts representation (statement)
assertion of legal right demand
assertion of the contrary contradiction
assertion of the opposite contradiction
assertions premises (hypotheses)
assertive certain (positive), compelling, declaratory, dogmatic, insistent, peremptory (imperative). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assertment averment
assertory dogmatic
assertory oath affidavit, affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation, averment
assess arbitrate (adjudge), calculate, consider, criticize (evaluate), encumber (financially obligate), evaluate, exact, excise (levy a tax), gauge, judge, levy, measure, mete, notice (observe), rate, require (compel), tax (levy). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assess a tax upon charge (assess)
assess pro rata charge (assess), prorate
assess proportionally prorate
assessable ad valorem, appreciable, determinable (ascertainable)
assessment account (evaluation), ad valorem, appraisal, appreciation (perception), arbitration, charge (cost), choice (decision), computation, concept, conclusion (determination), cost (price), determination, discretion (power of choice), discrimination (differentiation), duty (tax), estimate (approximate cost), estimation (calculation), excise, expense (cost), idea, inspection, judgment (discernment), judgment (formal court decree), levy, measurement, opinion (judicial decision), perception, rate, rating, rent, tariff (duties), tax, toll (tax), value, verdict. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assessment of damages additur
assessor judge, juror, magistrate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assessor of liability and damages juror
assessors jury
asset advantage, chattel, holding (property owned), item, possession (property), resource, share (stock)
assets capital, commodities, effects, estate (property), fund, goods, interest (ownership), means (funds), merchandise, money, paraphernalia (personal belongings), personalty, possessions, principal (capital sum), property (possessions), reserve, securities, security (stock), stock (shares), store (depository), substance (material possessions). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assets and liabilities estate (property)
assets in hand principal (capital sum)
assever assert
asseverate acknowledge (declare), affirm (claim), affirm (declare solemnly), allege, assert, assure (insure), avouch (avow), avow, bear (adduce), certify (attest), claim (maintain), contend (maintain), declare, depose (testify), enunciate, express, posit, proclaim, profess (avow), promise (vow), remark, testify, utter, verify (swear)
asseverated alleged
asseveration acknowledgment (avowal), affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation, assertion, attestation, averment, avouchment, avowal, claim (assertion), expression (comment), jurat, oath, promise, pronouncement, representation (statement), statement, surety (certainty), testimony, vow. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assidous pertinacious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assiduity diligence (perseverance), effort, endeavor, industry (activity), interest (concern)
assiduous active, circumspect, close (rigorous), conscientious, diligent, eager, earnest, faithful (diligent), industrious, meticulous, painstaking, patient, persistent, relentless, sedulous, serious (devoted), steadfast, thorough, true (loyal), unremitting, zealous
assiduousness diligence (perseverance), effort, industry (activity)
assign abalienate, adduce, alienate (transfer title), allocate, allot, appoint, apportion, ascribe, attorn, attribute, authorize, bear (yield), cede, charge (assess), charge (empower), commit (entrust), contribute (supply), convey (transfer), delegate, demarcate, designate, devise (give), devote, direct (supervise), disburse (distribute), dispense, disperse (disseminate), distribute, divide (distribute), dole, employ (engage services), empower, endue, entrust, expend (disburse), give (grant), grant (transfer formally), impute, induct, leave (give), marshal, mete, nominate, parcel, refer (direct attention), refer (send for action), relegate, select, site, split, transfer. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assign a duty delegate
assign a meaning to construe (translate), explain
assign a time to date
assign again reassign
assign dower bequeath
assign one’s share to charge (assess)
assign places to distribute, file (arrange), fix (arrange), sort, tabulate
assign power of attorney to delegate
assign the care of entrust
assign the parts orchestrate
assign to blame, consign
assign to a place locate
assign to a position delegate, hire
assign to an earlier date antedate
assign to battle stations deploy
assign to lodgings lodge (house)
assign to positions deploy
assignable heritable, negotiable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assignable rights of action intangible
assignation alienation (transfer of title), arrogation, assignment (allotment), assignment (transfer of ownership), attribution, blame (responsibility), consignment, conveyance, incrimination, reference (citation), rendezvous. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assignation of title feoffment
assigned certain (specific), positive (prescribed)
assigned task office, province
assigned time date
assignee deputy, feoffee, licensee, payee, receiver, recipient, transferee. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assignee in fact licensee
assigning designation (naming)
assigning by lot disbursement (act of disbursing)
assignment activity, agency (legal relationship), alienation (transfer of title), allotment, appointment (act of designating), apportionment, arrogation, assignation, attribution, blame (responsibility), burden, capacity (job), cession, charge (responsibility), citation (attribution), classification, commitment (responsibility), consignment, conveyance, deed, department, deputation (selection of delegates), designation (naming), devolution, dispensation (act of dispensing), disposition (transfer of property), distribution (apportionment), duty (obligation), employment, function, job, labor (work), mission, nomination, position (business status), project, province, quota, ration, reference (citation), role, selection (choice), specification, trade (occupation), work (employment). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assignment by share allotment
assignment in proportion apportionment
assignment of cause hypothesis
assignment of paternity filiation
assignor contributor (giver), donor, feoffor, grantor, licensor, transferor
assimilate adopt, comprehend (understand), conceive (comprehend), conform, construe (comprehend), coordinate, desegregate, digest (comprehend), naturalize (acclimate), naturalize (make a citizen), realize (understand), understand, unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assimilated compound, conjoint
assimilation adoption (acceptance), conformity (obedience), incorporation (blend), merger, osmosis, understanding (comprehension)
assist abet, accommodate, aid, avail (be of use), bear (support), conduce, contribute (assist), countenance, enable, espouse, expedite, facilitate, favor, finance, foster, help (noun), help (verb), indorse, inure (benefit), lend, maintain (sustain), nurture, pander, profit, promote (organize), relieve (give aid), remedy, serve (assist), side, subsidize, support (assistance), uphold. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assist a judge clerk
assist in accomplishing a purpose avail (be of use)
assist substantially contribute (assist)
assist the progress facilitate
assistance accommodation (backing), advantage, advocacy, aid (help), auspices, behalf, benefit (betterment), benevolence (act of kindness), charity, consortium (marriage companionship), contribution (donation), contribution (participation), endowment, favor (sanction), help, largess (generosity), largess (gift), loan, maintenance (support of spouse), panacea, patronage (power to appoint jobs), patronage (support), promotion (encouragement), reinforcement, relief (aid), remedy (legal means of redress), remedy (that which corrects), support (assistance). SEE MAIN ENTRY
assistant abettor, accessory, accomplice, affiliate, agent, ancillary (auxiliary), associate, clerical, coactor, coadjutant, coconspirator, cohort, colleague, confederate, consociate, conspirer, contributor (contributor), copartner (coconspirator), employee, good samaritan, participant, partner, plenipotentiary, procurator, subsidiary. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assistants personnel, staff
assister backer, benefactor, good samaritan, samaritan
assisting clerical, contributory, instrumental, practical, profitable
assize bar (court), forum (court)
associate abettor, accomplice, affiliate (noun), affiliate (verb), appertain, assistant, chapter (branch), coactor, coadjutant, cohort, colleague, combine (act in concert), commingle, confederate, connect (relate), consociate, consort, conspire, conspirer, constituent (member), contributor (contributor), cooperate, copartner (business associate), copartner (coconspirator), corporation, correlate, desegregate, engage (involve), federalize (associate), federate, implicate, involve (implicate), involve (participate), join (associate oneself with), meet, member (individual in a group), merge, organ, organize (unionize), participant, participate, partner, peer, pool, relate (establish a connection), unite. SEE MAIN ENTRY
associate in crime accomplice, coconspirator
associate in guilt accomplice, coconspirator
associate with accompany, espouse
associated affiliated, akin (germane), allied, analogous, apposite, coadunate, cognate, collateral (accompanying), collective, comparable (capable of comparison), compound, concomitant, concurrent (at the same time), conjoint, corporate (joint), correlative, federal, germane, incident, incidental, interested, interrelated, joint, pertinent, related, relative (relevant), relevant, tangential. SEE MAIN ENTRY
associated concepts SEE MAIN ENTRY
associated with intimate
associates constituency, staff
associating concurrent (united)
association adhesion (loyalty), affiliation (amalgamation), affiliation (connectedness), assemblage, attribution, band, cartel, centralization, chain (nexus), coaction, coalescence, coalition, collection (assembly), collusion, committee, company (enterprise), comparison, complex (development), confederacy (compact), conformity (obedience), congregation, conjunction, connection (relation), connivance, consolidation, consortium (business cartel), consortium (marriage companionship), contribution (participation), cooperative, corporation, denomination, federation, firm, foundation (organization), incorporation (formation of a business entity), institute, integration (amalgamation), integration (assimilation), kinship, league, merger, nexus, partnership, party (political organization), profession (vocation), propinquity (kinship), relation (connection), relationship (connection), relevance, society, sodality, syndicate, trust (combination of businesses), union (labor organization). SEE MAIN ENTRY
associative apposite, correlative, pertinent
assoil condone, palliate (excuse), remit (release from penalty)
assonance accordance (understanding), consensus
assonant concurrent (united)
assort allocate, apportion, classify, codify, distribute, fix (arrange), organize (arrange), pigeonhole, sort, vary
assorted composite, diverse, heterogeneous, manifold, miscellaneous, multiple, several (plural)
assortment class, classification, conglomeration, diversification, diversity, melange, selection (collection)
assuage allay, alleviate, diminish, disarm (set at ease), lessen, lull, meliorate, mitigate, moderate (temper), modify (moderate), mollify, obtund, pacify, palliate (abate), placate, relax, relieve (free from burden), remedy, remit (relax), soothe. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assuagement mitigation, moderation, mollification, relief (release), remission
assuager cure
assuaging mitigating, narcotic, palliative (abating)
assuasive medicinal, narcotic, palliative (abating), remedial
assuasive drug narcotic
assumable constructive (inferential), ostensible
assume accede (succeed), accroach, acquire (secure), adopt, annex (arrogate), anticipate (expect), appropriate, collect (recover money), condemn (seize), confiscate, copy, deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), deem, embrace (accept), endeavor, expect (consider probable), forejudge, gain, generalize, guess, impropriate, incur, occupy (take possession), opine, posit, postulate, preconceive, preempt, presume, presuppose, pretend, receive (acquire), seize (confiscate), speculate (conjecture), surmise, suspect (think), takeover, trust, undertake, usurp. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assume a character impersonate
assume a fighting attitude defy
assume a lofty bearing patronize (condescend toward)
assume a mask camouflage
assume a patronizing air condescend (patronize)
assume a pattern crystallize
assume a risk speculate (chance), underwrite
assume authority federalize (place under federal control), hold (possess)
assume command govern, hijack, hold (possess), preside, usurp
assume definite characteristics crystallize
assume for public use eminent domain
assume ownership acquire (secure), annex (arrogate), appropriate, condemn (seize), distrain, impropriate, occupy (take possession), possess, purchase
assume responsibility conduct, guarantee, operate
assume responsibility for avouch (guarantee)
assume the appearance of mock (imitate)
assume the character of pose (impersonate)
assume the offensive attack, fight (battle)
assume the role of pose (impersonate)
assume unlawful rights of ownership convert (misappropriate)
assume without authority usurp
assumed artificial, false (not genuine), hypothetical, implied, ostensible, presumptive, purported, putative, specious, tacit, theoretical. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assumed position platform
assumed positions premises (hypotheses)
assumed truth postulate
assumedly reputedly
assuming brazen, impertinent (insolent), insolent, obtrusive, orgulous, presumptuous, proud (conceited)
assuming different forms protean
assuming ownership disseisin
assuming that provided
assumption acquisition, adoption (acceptance), adverse possession, appropriation (taking), arrogation, basis, concept, condemnation (seizure), conjecture, conviction (persuasion), deduction (conclusion), distress (seizure), estimate (idea), estimation (calculation), generalization, ground, hypothesis, inference, opinion (belief), postulate, preconception, presumption, prolepsis, proposition, receipt (act of receiving), receipt (voucher), speculation (conjecture), supposition, theory. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assumptive apparent (presumptive), presumptive, speculative, supercilious
assumptively reputedly
assurance acceptance, accommodation (backing), affirmance (authentication), approval, avouchment, bail, belief (state of mind), binder, bond, certainty, certification (attested copy), certification (certainness), certitude, commitment (responsibility), confidence (faith), confirmation, consent, contract, conviction (persuasion), corroboration, coverage (insurance), credence, expectation, faith, guaranty, license, mainstay, pact, pledge (binding promise), principle (axiom), profession (declaration), promise, proof, prospect (outlook), recognizance, reference (recommendation), reliance, safeguard, security (safety), surety (certainty), trust (confidence), undertaking (pledge), vow, warrant (guaranty), warranty. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assurance against loss indemnity, insurance
assurance of secrecy confidence (relation of trust)
assure avouch (guarantee), bear (adduce), bond (secure a debt), certify (attest), contend (maintain), convince, corroborate, cosign, declare, disarm (set at ease), ensure, guarantee, pledge (promise the performance of), profess (avow), promise (vow), sponsor, swear, underwrite, verify (confirm), vouch. SEE MAIN ENTRY
assure again reassure
assure oneself ascertain
assured agreed (promised), alleged, axiomatic, categorical, certain (fixed), certain (positive), conclusive (determinative), convincing, credible, decisive, definite, demonstrable, dependable, dogmatic, incontrovertible, indubious, inevitable, infallible, official, positive (confident), reliable, sanguine, secure (confident), solid (sound), undisputed
assured belief conviction (persuasion)
assured expectation faith
assuredly admittedly
assuredness assurance, belief (state of mind), certainty, certification (certainness), certitude, reliance, surety (certainty)
assurer insurer
assuring convincing
assymetrical disproportionate
asthenic languid, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), powerless
astir conscious (awake)
astonish confound, confuse (bewilder), overcome (overwhelm), overwhelm. SEE MAIN ENTRY
astonished speechless
astonishing moving (evoking emotion), notable, noteworthy, peculiar (curious), portentous (eliciting amazement), prodigious (amazing), remarkable, special, unaccustomed, uncanny, unexpected, unusual
astonishing thing phenomenon (unusual occurrence)
astonishment bombshell, phenomenon (unusual occurrence), surprise
astound confound, discommode, discompose, disconcert, impress (affect deeply)
astounding ineffable, noteworthy, prodigious (amazing), remarkable, special, unusual
astoundment surprise
astral stellar
astray errant, lost (disoriented), peccant (culpable). SEE MAIN ENTRY
astrict clog, constrict (inhibit), debar, disadvantage, restrict
astriction constraint (restriction)
astringe constrict (compress)
astringent bitter (penetrating), caustic, harsh, particular (exacting), severe. SEE MAIN ENTRY
astronomical prodigious (enormous)
astucious SEE MAIN ENTRY
astute acute, artful, circumspect, cognizant, discreet, discriminating (judicious), judicious, knowing, perceptive, perspicacious, politic, profound (esoteric), sapient, sensible, sensitive (discerning), sly, subtle (refined). SEE MAIN ENTRY
astuteness common sense, insight, intelligence (intellect), judgment (discernment), perception, sagacity, sense (intelligence)
astutus artful, politic, sly, tactical
asunder apart, disconnected, discrete, disperse (scatter), separate
asylum bulwark, haven, lodging, protection, refuge, security (safety). SEE MAIN ENTRY
asylum shelter (protection)
asymmetric irregular (not usual)
asymmetrical dissimilar, irregular (not usual)
asymmetry difference, discrepancy, disparity, inequality, irregularity
at a fixed interval per annum
at a fixed time hereafter (eventually)
at a great distance remote (not proximate)
at a later period ex post facto, thereafter
at a later time ex post facto
at a premium scarce
at a subsequent period ex post facto
at a succeeding time ex post facto
at all whatever
at all times always (forever)
at an end complete (ended)
at any rate regardless
at close quarters contiguous, present (attendant)
at cross purposes contra, contrary, discordant
at cross-purposes antipathetic (oppositional), dissenting
at ease complacent
at fault blameful, blameworthy, culpable, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), errant, guilty. SEE MAIN ENTRY
at first ab initio
at first glance prima facie (self-evident)
at first sight prima facie (self-evident)
at first view prima facie (self-evident)
at hand available, close (near), forthcoming, immediate (imminent), immediate (not distant), imminent, inevitable, pending (imminent), present (attendant), present (current), proximate, ready (prepared)
at home household (domestic)
at issue arguable, competitive (antagonistic), contestable, contrary, controversial, debatable, disputable, dissenting, doubtful. SEE MAIN ENTRY
at large free (not restricted)
at least only
at liberty autonomous (self governing), clear (free from criminal charges), exempt, free (not restricted), sovereign (independent)
at loggerheads dissenting
at no period sine die
at no time sine die
at odds contradictory, controversial, disproportionate, dissenting, hostile, incongruous, repugnant (incompatible)
at odds with dissident, negative, nonconforming
at once forthwith, instant, instantly
at one concordant, consonant
at one with consensual
at one’s disposal available
at one’s end in extremis
at one’s own risk caveat emptor
at other times known as alias
at peace placid
at peril at risk
at rest dead, dormant, lifeless (dead)
at sight prima facie (self-evident)
at the beginning ab initio
at the conclusion of life in extremis
at the edge extreme (last)
at the first opportunity as soon as feasible
at the first possible moment as soon as feasible
at the last stage in extremis
at the mercy of subject (exposed)
at the point of death in extremis
at the present time instant
at the same instant concurrent (at the same time)
at the same time ad interim, coincidental, en masse, simultaneous
at the start ab initio
at the termination of life in extremis
at the utmost point extreme (last)
at the very least only
at the wrong time inopportune
at this moment instant, present (current)
at this time present (current)
at variance adverse (opposite), competitive (antagonistic), contradictory, contrary, controversial, discordant, disproportionate, dissenting, hostile, inapplicable, inapposite, inapt, incommensurate, incongruous, inconsistent, inept (inappropriate), inimical, irreconcilable, litigious, repugnant (incompatible)
at variance with dissident, nonconforming
at variance with the facts ludicrous
at war with inimical
at whatever time whenever
at which time whenever
at will employment SEE MAIN ENTRY
at work active, effective (operative), operative
atavistic genetic, regressive
athirst eager, hot-blooded
athwart contra
atmosphere climate, environment. SEE MAIN ENTRY
atomization dissolution (disintegration)
atomize dissolve (disperse)
atone compensate (counterbalance), redeem (satisfy debts), redress, restore (return)
atone for repent
atonement compensation, expiation, reparation (indemnification), restitution, retribution, trover
atoning compensatory, penitent, repentant
atrabilious deplorable, disconsolate
atrocious arrant (onerous), bad (offensive), brutal, contemptible, cruel, deplorable, disgraceful, gross (flagrant), heinous, inexcusable, iniquitous, loathsome, malignant, outrageous, ruthless, scandalous, vicious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
atrocious crime atrocity
atrocitas atrocity
atrocity abuse (physical misuse), cruelty, delinquency (misconduct), misdeed, vice, wrong. SEE MAIN ENTRY
atrophy decay, decline, degenerate, depreciate, deteriorate, deterioration, detriment, dissolution (disintegration)
attach abridge (divest), abut, adhere (fasten), affiliate, affix, annex (add), append, ascribe, bond (hold together), border (bound), cement, cohere (adhere), combine (join together), condemn (seize), confiscate, conjoin, connect (join together), contact (touch), deprive, distrain, divest, fix (make firm), garnish, impound, impress (procure by force), impute, join (bring together), levy, lock, sequester (seize property). SEE MAIN ENTRY
attach a legal signature notarize
attach little importance to minimize
attach oneself to adopt
attach too much importance to overestimate
attache employee
attached addicted, appurtenant, cohesive (sticking), conjoint, inextricable, inseparable, proximate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attached to another jurisdiction foreign
attaching attachment (act of affixing), confiscatory
attachment accession (annexation), addendum, addition, additive, adherence (adhesion), adherence (devotion), adhesion (affixing), adhesion (loyalty), adjoiner, affection, affinity (regard), allegiance, allonge, appendix (accession), appendix (supplement), appliance, appurtenance, arrogation, boom (increase), chain (nexus), coalescence, codicil, coherence, connection (fastening), consortium (marriage companionship), disseisin, distraint, distress (seizure), expropriation (divestiture), favor (partiality), favoritism, levy, loyalty, nexus, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, privation, privity, regard (esteem), rider, sequestration. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attachment to adoption (acceptance)
attachment to realty fixture
attachments paraphernalia (apparatus), ties
attack accost, accuse, ambush, assail, assault (noun), assault (verb), bait (harass), barrage, battery, beat (strike), belligerency, cavil, censure, charge (accusation), charge (accuse), condemn (blame), condemnation (blame), controvert, course, denigrate, denounce (condemn), despoil, discommend, disease, engage (involve), fault, fight (battle), fight (battle), foray, grapple, harm, harry (plunder), impeach, impeachment, impinge, impugn, impugnation, incursion, intrusion, invade, invasion, inveigh, malign, mistreat, molest (subject to indecent advances), object, offense, onset (assault), oppugn, outbreak, outburst, persecute, protest, resistance, smear, spoliation, strike (assault), violence. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attack from a concealed position ambush
attack on rights invasion
attack physically assault
attack the reputation of malign
attackable penetrable
attacked accused (attacked)
attacker aggressor, assailant, foe
attacking negative, offensive (taking the initiative)
attain accede (succeed), accomplish, acquire (secure), carry (succeed), consummate, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), earn, effectuate, execute (accomplish), gain, make, obtain, operate, pass (satisfy requirements), procure, reach, realize (obtain as a profit), reap, recover. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attain by effort find (discover)
attain majority mature
attain maturity mature
attain the goal consummate
attainability chance (possibility), feasibility, possibility
attainable available, facile, open (accessible), possible, potential, practicable, public (open), vulnerable
attainment accession (enlargement), acquisition, adverse possession, boom (prosperity), caliber (mental capacity), commission (act), development (outgrowth), discharge (performance), edification, end (termination), fait accompli, fruition, outcome, performance (execution), performance (workmanship), realization, receipt (act of receiving), satisfaction (fulfilment)
attaint bad repute, brand (stigmatize), convict, denigrate, discredit, disgrace (noun), disgrace (verb), dishonor (shame), dishonor (deprive of honor), ignominy, impeach, notoriety, opprobrium, pillory, scandal, shame, smear, stain, sully. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attemper adjust (regulate), assuage, attune, check (restrain), denature, extenuate, moderate (temper), mollify, palliate (abate), qualify (condition), remit (relax), soothe
attempt assume (undertake), conatus, effort, endeavor (noun), endeavor (verb), enterprise (undertaking), experiment, project, pursue (strive to gain), pursuit (effort to secure), strive, struggle, trial (experiment), undertake, undertaking (enterprise), venture, work (effort). SEE MAIN ENTRY
attempt strenuously endeavor
attempt to disprove debate
attempt to divert dissuade, expostulate
attempt to equal competition
attempt to obstruct legislation filibuster
attempt to prevent dissuade
attempt violence to assault
attempted monopolization SEE MAIN ENTRY
attend care (regard), concentrate (pay attention), concern (care), devote, focus, immerse (engross), maintain (sustain), monitor, note (notice), observe (obey), observe (watch), overhear, pander, patrol, protect, regard (pay attention), remedy, report (present oneself), serve (assist), study, treat (process). SEE MAIN ENTRY
attend (To be present at) SEE MAIN ENTRY
attend as consequence ensue
attend minutely concentrate (pay attention), focus
attend to assume (undertake), care (regard), concern (care), hear (give attention to), heed, notice (observe), obey, oversee, preserve
attend to business labor
attend to instructions conform
attend to orders comply, obey
attendance service (assistance). SEE MAIN ENTRY
attendant ancillary (auxiliary), caretaker (one caring for property), clerical, coactor, coadjutant, cohort, collateral (accompanying), colleague, concomitant, concurrent (at the same time), consociate, copartner (coconspirator), guardian, incidental, ministerial, participant, party (participant), present (current), supplementary, tangential
attendant conditions circumstances
attended by obstacles difficult
attended with death deadly
attended with risk dangerous
attending circumspect, clerical, concomitant, concurrent (at the same time), ministerial
attention adhesion (loyalty), caution (vigilance), concern (interest), consideration (contemplation), contemplation, diligence (care), discretion (quality of being discreet), emphasis, homage, industry (activity), interest (concern), notice (heed), observation, perception, precaution, prudence, recognition, relief (aid), respect, scrutiny, stress (accent). SEE MAIN ENTRY
attention to detail diligence (care), interest (concern)
attentive alert (vigilant), careful, circumspect, close (rigorous), conscientious, conscious (aware), deliberate, diligent, faithful (diligent), guarded, meticulous, obedient, painstaking, particular (exacting), pensive, punctilious, punctual, sedulous, sensitive (discerning), vigilant, zealous
attentive to detail particular (exacting)
attentiveness caution (vigilance), comprehension, consideration (contemplation), consideration (sympathetic regard), notice (heed), observation, preoccupation, regard (attention), sensibility
attentuate deduct (reduce), sustain (prolong)
attentus careful, economical, intent
attenuare attenuate
attenuate alleviate, decrease, depreciate, dilute, disarm (divest of arms), discount (minimize), extenuate, lessen, minimize, reduce. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attenuated deficient, impalpable, narrow, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), tenuous
attenuation decrease, deduction (diminution), mitigation
attest affirm (declare solemnly), affirmation, allege, assert, assure (insure), attestation, averment, avouch (avow), avouchment, avow, bear (adduce), bespeak, certify (attest), cite (state), claim (maintain), confirm, contend (maintain), corroborate, depose (testify), endorse, establish (show), evidence, manifest, posit, profess (avow), promise (vow), seal (solemnize), subscribe (sign), substantiate, support (corroborate), sustain (confirm), testify, validate, verify (confirm), verify (swear), vouch. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attest to acknowledge (declare), converse, notarize, plead (allege in a legal action)
attestable convincing
attestant affiant, affirmant, bystander, deponent, eyewitness, indicator, undersigned, witness
attestation adjuration, admission (disclosure), affirmance (authentication), affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation, assertion, asseveration, assurance, averment, avouchment, avowal, certificate, certification (attested copy), certitude, confirmation, corroboration, declaration, jurat, oath, pledge (binding promise), profession (declaration), proof, record, reference (recommendation), stamp, support (corroboration), testimony. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attestator affirmant, deponent
attested agreed (promised), authentic, certain (fixed), certain (positive), definite, documentary, factual, indubious, official, valid
attested statement affidavit
attester affiant, affirmant, bystander, deponent, eyewitness, indicator, surety (guarantor), undersigned
attesting declaration attestation, certification (attested copy), reference (recommendation)
attesting statement jurat
attestor deponent, witness
attestor of documents notary public
attinere concern (involve)
attingere adjoin, allude, border (bound)
attire oneself clothe
attitude conduct, conviction (persuasion), demeanor, deportment, frame (mood), generalization, habit, manner (behavior), opinion (belief), outlook, perspective, platform, position (point of view), property (distinctive attribute), reaction (response), stand (position), standpoint, temperament. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attollere elevate
attonement consensus
attorney advocate (counselor), barrister, counsel, counselor, esquire, jurist, lawyer, practitioner, spokesman. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attorney for the people district attorney
attorney general prosecutor
attorney in fact SEE MAIN ENTRY
attorney representing the state’s interest district attorney
attorney-at-law advocate (counselor), attorney, barrister, counsel, counselor, esquire, jurist, lawyer
attorney-client-privilege SEE MAIN ENTRY
attorneys bar (body of lawyers)
attorneys-at-law bar (body of lawyers)
attorney’s fees SEE MAIN ENTRY
attornment SEE MAIN ENTRY
attract bait (lure), coax, interest, inveigle, lure, motivate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attract notice interest
attract the attention occupy (engage)
attract the mind occupy (engage)
attract the thoughts occupy (engage)
attracting attractive
attraction affinity (regard), chain (nexus), decoy, desire, favor (partiality), incentive, inducement, invitation, obsession, partiality, penchant, predisposition, propensity, seduction
attractive popular, provocative, sapid. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attractive feature amenity
attractive nuisance SEE MAIN ENTRY
attractive quality amenity
attractiveness amenity, draw (attraction)
attribuere ascribe, assign (allot), bestow, impute
attributable derivative
attribute ascribe, assign (designate), caliber (quality), character (personal quality), characteristic, color (complexion), differential, feature (characteristic), impute, property (distinctive attribute), specialty (distinctive mark), trait. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attribute to blame
attribute vicariously impute
attributed putative
attributed to contingent
attributes personality
attribution accusation, arrogation, assignation, blame (responsibility), incrimination, reference (allusion). SEE MAIN ENTRY
attrition erosion. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attroupement caucus, company (assemblage), cumulation
attune accommodate, comport (agree with), conform. SEE MAIN ENTRY
attuned consonant
attuned to acquainted, consensual
attunement adjustment, compatibility, synchronism
atypical anomalous, deviant, different, disordered, disparate, dissimilar, infrequent, irregular (not usual), notable, noteworthy, peculiar (distinctive), special, unique, unusual. SEE MAIN ENTRY
atypicality difference
auctio auction
auction handle (trade), sell, vend. SEE MAIN ENTRY
auctione vendere auction
auctor advocate (espouser), author (originator), informant, informer (one providing criminal information), promoter, spokesman, sponsor
auctor esse authorize
auctor generis ancestor
auctor gentis ancestor
auctorem esse advise
auctoritas authority (power), consequence (significance), credibility, patronage (power to appoint jobs), sanction (permission), warrant (authorization)
auctus development (progression), growth (increase)
audacia audacity
audacious brazen, bumptious, disdainful, flagrant, impertinent (insolent), insolent, presumptuous. SEE MAIN ENTRY
audaciousness audacity
audacity contempt (disobedience to the court), disrespect, temerity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
audax lawless, spartan
audi alteram partem counterargument
audible coherent (clear), oral, verbal
audible expression speech
audience assemblage, bystander, collection (assembly), confrontation (act of setting face to face), congregation, interview, session. SEE MAIN ENTRY
audiendi inquisitive
audio rights SEE MAIN ENTRY
audit analysis, analyze, bill (invoice), canvass, check (inspect), computation, examination (study), examine (study), indagation, monitor, scrutinize, study, test. SEE MAIN ENTRY
auditing accounting
auditio hearsay
audition hear (give attention to), interview, recognition
auditor comptroller
auditor disciple
augere compound, enhance, enlarge, extend (enlarge), heighten (augment), increase, intensify, magnify
augeri develop
augment accrue (increase), accumulate (enlarge), aggravate (exacerbate), aid, amplify, append, bear (yield), boom (increase), conduce, develop, elaborate, enhance, enlarge, exacerbate, expand, extend (enlarge), hoard, increase, intensify, magnify, raise (advance), recruit, reinforce, supplement
augmentation accession (enlargement), accretion, addition, additive, adjunct, advance (increase), aggravation (exacerbation), boom (increase), boom (prosperity), codicil, continuation (prolongation), cumulation, exaggeration, extension (expansion), growth (increase), increment, profit, progress, reinforcement, rider. SEE MAIN ENTRY
augmentative cumulative (intensifying), supplementary
augmented inflated (enlarged)
augur anticipate (prognosticate), forewarn, harbinger, herald, indicate, portend, predict, presage, prognosticate, threaten. SEE MAIN ENTRY
augur well promise (raise expectations)
augural portentous (ominous), presageful, prophetic
augurari guess, presage, surmise
augurate portend, presage, prognosticate
augurial ominous, presageful
augurous portentous (ominous)
augury caution (warning), caveat, harbinger, indicant, indication, indicator, precursor, premonition, symptom, threat, token, warning
august meritorious, outstanding (prominent), solemn
aura atmosphere, climate, environment, prestige
aura popularis distinction (reputation)
auribus hear (perceive by ear)
auricular confidential, privy
aurora onset (commencement)
ausculate hear (give attention to)
auspicate anticipate (prognosticate), commence, embark, portend, predict, presage, prognosticate
auspice forerunner, harbinger, indicant, indication, indicator, premonition, threat, token
auspices advocacy, aid (help), behalf, charge (custody), control (supervision), custody (supervision), direction (guidance), favor (sanction), power, safekeeping. SEE MAIN ENTRY
auspicial ominous, presageful
auspicious favorable (advantageous), fitting, opportune, propitious, seasonable, successful. SEE MAIN ENTRY
auspiciousness boom (prosperity), opportunity, timeliness
auspicium auspices
austere astringent, bitter (penetrating), bleak (severely simple), caustic, draconian, harsh, rigid, severe, strict, unapproachable, uncompromising, unrelenting
austeritas austerity
austerity cruelty, rigor, severity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
austerus serious (grave), severe
autarch dictator
autarchic autonomous (self-governing)
autarkic independent
authentic accurate, actual, convincing, de facto, definitive, documentary, factual, genuine, honest, literal, natural, original (initial), positive (incontestable), prime (original), real, realistic, reliable, rightful, sterling, undistorted, valid, veridical. SEE MAIN ENTRY
authentically admittedly
authenticate accredit, affirm (uphold), approve, attest, avouch (guarantee), avow, bear (adduce), certify (attest), cite (state), confirm, corroborate, demonstrate (establish), document, endorse, establish (show), evidence, indorse, notarize, prove, sanction, seal (solemnize), sign, substantiate, support (corroborate), sustain (confirm), swear, uphold, vouch, witness (attest to). SEE MAIN ENTRY
authenticate a will probate
authenticated actual, definitive, fully executed (signed), genuine, official, true (authentic)
authenticated confirmation certification (attested copy), reference (recommendation)
authenticated incident fact
authentication acknowledgment (avowal), affirmation, approval, attestation, avowal, certificate, confirmation, consent, corroboration, deed, documentation, jurat, stamp, subscription, support (corroboration), warrant (guaranty)
authentication of a will probate
authentication proceeding probate
authenticity honesty, reality, truth, validity, veracity
authentification certification (attested copy)
author architect, compose, derivation, elicit, engender, generate, invent (produce for the first time), make, maker, originate, undersigned. SEE MAIN ENTRY
authoritarian dictatorial, dogmatic, ex officio, strict
authoritative arbitrary and capricious, assertive, authentic, categorical, certain (positive), clear (certain), cogent, compelling, compulsory, consequential (substantial), decisive, definite, definitive, determinative, dictatorial, documentary, dogmatic, dominant, factual, forcible, incontrovertible, influential, juridical, master, official, peremptory (imperative), persuasive, powerful, predominant, prevailing (having superior force), sovereign (absolute), strict, stringent, valid. SEE MAIN ENTRY
authoritative assertion dictum
authoritative attestation certification (attested copy)
authoritative citation to appear monition (legal summons)
authoritative citation to appear before a court process (summons), summons, venire
authoritative command edict, mandate, monition (legal summons), order (judicial directive), process (summons), summons
authoritative decision adjudication, award, decree
authoritative estimate determination
authoritative example authority (documentation), precedent, stare decisis
authoritative law codification
authoritative opinion conclusion (determination), determination
authoritative order fiat, mandate
authoritative request demand
authoritative rule ordinance, precedent
authoritative rule for future similar cases authority (documentation)
authoritative statement instruction (direction), opinion (judicial decision), pronouncement
authoritative stoppage of trade embargo
authoritative suggestion dictate
authoritatively admittedly
authoritativeness authority (power), certainty, certification (certainness), force (strength), puissance
authorities bureaucracy, hierarchy (persons in authority). SEE MAIN ENTRY
authority advantage, agency (commission), agency (legal relationship), auspices, bailiwick, basis, bureau, certification (certification of proficiency), charter (license), charter (sanction), clout, concession (authorization), consent, control (supervision), copyright, derivation, determinant, dint, documentation, dominance, dominion (supreme authority), droit, eminence, expert, force (compulsion), generalship, government (political administration), hegemony, influence, judicature, jurisdiction, license, management (directorate), management (supervision), mastermind, occupation (possession), patronage (power to appoint jobs), permission, permit, possession (ownership), power, precedence, precedent, predominance, prerogative, prescription (claim of title), prescription (directive), prestige, primacy, privilege, professional, realm, reference (citation), regime, right (entitlement), source, specialist, supremacy, title (right), validity, warrant (authorization), weight (importance). SEE MAIN ENTRY
authority (Legal expert). SEE MAIN ENTRY
authority to act for another proxy
authority to hear and decide a case jurisdiction
authority to search search warrant
authorization appointment (act of designating), approval, assent, assignment (designation), brevet, capacity (authority), certificate, certification (certification of proficiency), charter (sanction), concession (authorization), confirmation, consent, copyright, credentials, delegation (assignment), deputation (selection of delegates), designation (naming), dispensation (exception), droit, fiat, franchise (license), government (administration), indorsement, leave (permission), legality, legalization, legitimacy, license, mittimus, nomination, option (contractual provision), permission, permit, prerogative, privilege, right (entitlement), sanction (permission), sufferance, title (right). SEE MAIN ENTRY
authorize accept (assent), accredit, appoint, approve, assent, assign (designate), bestow, certify (approve), charge (empower), command, commit (entrust), confirm, consent, consign, cosign, delegate, designate, detail (assign), employ (engage services), empower, enable, enfranchise, entrust, grant (concede), hire, indorse, invest (vest), legalize, legislate, legitimate, let (permit), notarize, pass (approve), permit, qualify (meet standards), sanction, seal (solemnize), sign, suffer (permit), validate, vest. SEE MAIN ENTRY
authorize formally charge (empower), delegate
authorize to represent delegate
authorized admissible, allowable, allowed, de jure, due (regular), entitled, fully executed (signed), juridical, legal, legitimate (rightful), licit, permissible, privileged, rightful, statutory, valid
authorized by law de jure, lawful, legal
authorized might force (legal efficacy)
authorizing deputation (selection of delegates)
authorless anonymous
authors press
authorship creation
authortative decision precedent
authortative principle of law precedent
autochthonal native (domestic)
autochthonic native (domestic)
autochthonous native (domestic)
autocrat dictator
autocratic dictatorial, powerful, strict
autocratic master dictator
autocratical powerful
autograph brand (mark), inscription, sign
autography handwriting
automated industrial
automatic habitual, routine. SEE MAIN ENTRY
automatic lack of due diligence res ipsa loquitur
automatic negligence res ipsa loquitur
automatic reaction instinct
autonomic autonomous (self-governing), free (enjoying civil liberty)
autonomical free (enjoying civil liberty)
autonomous free (enjoying civil liberty), independent, nonpartisan, sovereign (independent). SEE MAIN ENTRY
autonomous being individual, person
autonomy freedom, home rule, latitude, liberty, suffrage
autoptic unmistakable
autoptical unmistakable
auxiliari assist
auxiliary abettor, additional, adjunct, affiliate, appurtenance, appurtenant, associate, backer, clerical, coactor, coadjutant, cohort, collateral (accompanying), colleague, confederate, consociate, contributor (contributor), contributory, copartner (business associate), expedient, expendable, inferior (lower in position), instrumental, ministerial, nonessential, participant, pendent, reinforcement, secondary, slight, stopgap, subordinate, subservient, subsidiary, substitute, supplementary, unnecessary. SEE MAIN ENTRY
auxiliary in crime coconspirator
auxilium assistance, help, relief (aid), support (assistance)
avail advantage, aid, behalf, benefit (betterment), edification, enjoyment (use), function, gain, help (noun), help (verb), inure (benefit), output, profit, promote (organize), purpose, recourse, relief (aid), satisfy (fulfill), use, utility (usefulness), worth. SEE MAIN ENTRY
avail against countervail
avail oneself of adopt, capitalize (seize the chance), employ (make use of), exercise (use), expend (consume), exploit (make use of), impropriate, plagiarize, resort, wield
availability access (opening), possibility
available amenable, convenient, disposable, open (accessible), present (attendant), present (current), public (open), ready (prepared), ready (willing). SEE MAIN ENTRY
available assets stock in trade
available facts information (knowledge)
available means assets, capital, cash, personalty, property (possessions), resource
availing adequate, beneficial
avails boom (prosperity), proceeds, profit
avalanche cataclysm, overage, surfeit
avant garde sophisticated
avant-courier precursor
avarice greed
avaricious illiberal, insatiable, mercenary, parsimonious, rapacious, venal
avariciousness greed
avaritia greed
avarus illiberal
avenge penalize, repay, retaliate
avengement conviction (finding of guilt), punishment, reprisal, retribution, revenge, vengeance
avenging punitive, vindictive
avenue admission (entry), admittance (means of approach), causeway, conduit (channel), outlet, way (channel). SEE MAIN ENTRY
avenues approaches
aver adduce, affirm (claim), affirm (declare solemnly), allege, annunciate, assert, assure (insure), attest, avouch (avow), avow, bear (adduce), certify (attest), claim (maintain), contend (maintain), convey (communicate), corroborate, declare, depose (testify), enunciate, express, observe (remark), posit, profess (avow), promise (vow), propound, remark, speak, swear, testify, utter, vouch, vow. SEE MAIN ENTRY
average cross section, customary, general, imperfect, intermediate, marginal, mediocre, mediocrity, mundane, nondescript, norm, normal (regular), ordinary, regular (conventional), typical, usual. SEE MAIN ENTRY
average out calculate
averageness mediocrity
averment adjuration, affidavit, affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation, allegation, assertion, asseveration, assurance, attestation, avouchment, avowal, claim (assertion), comment, confirmation, corroboration, count, disclosure (something disclosed), profession (declaration), pronouncement, proof, reference (recommendation), remark, statement, surety (certainty), testimony. SEE MAIN ENTRY
averred alleged
averse antipathetic (oppositional), contrary, disinclined, disobedient, hesitant, involuntary, negative, reluctant, restive. SEE MAIN ENTRY
averseness disincentive, rejection, reluctance
aversion alienation (estrangement), consternation, contempt (disdain), hatred, ill will, intolerance, malice, odium, phobia, rancor, reluctance
aversus averse, disinclined
avert arrest (stop), avoid (evade), balk, bar (hinder), block, counter, deter, discourage, estop, forestall, parry, prevent, repel (drive back), save (rescue), stall, stave, thwart. SEE MAIN ENTRY
avertere alienate (estrange), avert, divert, embezzle, purloin
averting preventive
aveu avowal
avid eager, fervent, hot-blooded, ready (willing), sedulous
aviditas greed
avidity desire, greed, passion
aviso dispatch (message), intelligence (news), notification, tip (clue)
avocare disengage
avocat lawyer
avocation business (occupation), career, employment, job, occupation (vocation), position (business status), practice (professional business), profession (vocation), pursuit (occupation), trade (occupation), work (employment)
avoid abscond, adeem, annul, avert, cancel, default, deter, detour, discriminate (treat differently), disdain, disfavor, elude, escape, eschew, estrange, evade (deceive), evade (elude), exclude, fail (neglect), forestall, forgo, forswear, parry, picket, pretermit, prevent, refrain, repeal, shirk, shun, stave, tergiversate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
avoid a straight answer equivocate
avoid arrest escape
avoid capture escape
avoid doing circumvent
avoid peril escape
avoid using conserve
avoidable needless, nonessential, unnecessary
avoidance absence (nonattendance), abstention, boycott, default, evasion, exclusion, flight, nonperformance, odium, ostracism. SEE MAIN ENTRY
avoidance of extremes moderation
avoidance of waste economy (frugality)
avoided derelict (abandoned)
avoider fugitive
avoiding evasive, reluctant
avoiding extravagance economical
avoiding the society of others solitary
avoidless certain (positive), necessary (inescapable), unavoidable (inevitable)
avouch affirm (declare solemnly), allege, assert, assure (insure), avow, bear (adduce), certify (attest), claim (maintain), corroborate, depose (testify), evidence, posit, profess (avow), promise (vow), verify (swear), vouch. SEE MAIN ENTRY
avouched alleged
avouchment adjuration, affidavit, affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation, assertion, asseveration, attestation, averment, avowal, certification (attested copy), claim (assertion), confirmation, contract, corroboration, jurat, oath, reference (recommendation). SEE MAIN ENTRY
avow acknowledge (declare), affirm (declare solemnly), agree (comply), assert, assurance, assure (insure), bear (adduce), betray (disclose), certify (attest), claim (maintain), confirm, contend (maintain), convey (communicate), declare, depose (testify), pledge (promise the performance of), posit, promise (vow), recognize (acknowledge), swear, testify, verify (swear), vow. SEE MAIN ENTRY
avowal adjuration, admission (disclosure), affidavit, affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation, assertion, asseveration, assurance, attestation, averment, avouchment, claim (assertion), contract, conviction (persuasion), covenant, disclosure (something disclosed), jurat, oath, pledge (binding promise), profession (declaration), promise, recognition, recognizance, reference (recommendation), statement, surety (certainty), testimony, undertaking (pledge). SEE MAIN ENTRY
avowal of guilt confession
avowance acknowledgment (avowal), adjuration, affidavit, assurance, avouchment, avowal, common knowledge, oath, pledge (binding promise), reference (recommendation), surety (certainty)
avowed agreed (promised), alleged, manifest, ostensible, putative
avowedly admittedly, purported
avulsion evulsion. SEE MAIN ENTRY
await expect (anticipate), forestall, remain (stay), stay (rest)
awaited forseen, forthcoming, prospective
awaiting expectation
awake guarded
awake a suspicion doubt (distrust)
awake to discern (detect with the senses), discover, sensitive (discerning)
awaken disabuse, elicit, foment, incite, inspire, originate, perceive, provoke, stimulate
awaken memories remind
awakened acquainted, penitent, renascent
awakening moving (evoking emotion), revival
award adjudge, adjudicate, adjudication, apportion, benefit (conferment), bestow, bounty, cession, confer (give), contribute (supply), contribution (donation), convey (transfer), decide, decree (noun), decree (verb), dedicate, degree (academic title), delegate, demise, determination, determine, dole, dower, endow, endowment, endue, finding, gift (present), give (grant), grant, grant (transfer formally), gratuity (present), largess (gift), leave (give), parcel, pass (advance), pay (noun), pay (verb), present (make a gift), prize, provide (supply), recognition, relief (legal redress), remunerate, remuneration, reward, ruling, tip (gratuity), trover, verdict. SEE MAIN ENTRY
award assent permit
award judgment adjudicate
award of punishment sentence
awarding donative
aware acute, artful, cognizant, guarded, knowing, learned, literate, perceptive, receptive, sensitive (discerning). SEE MAIN ENTRY
aware of acquainted, familiar (informed)
awareness appreciation (perception), cognition, comprehension, insight, judgment (discernment), perception, realization, reason (sound judgment), recognition, sagacity, scienter, sense (feeling), sense (intelligence), sensibility, understanding (comprehension)
awareness of comprehension
awe fear, impress (affect deeply), interest (concern), panic, phobia, regard (esteem), respect, trepidation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
awe-inspiring formidable, ineffable, notable, solemn, special
awe-strike overcome (overwhelm)
awe-struck speechless
aweless brazen, unabashed, unaffected (uninfluenced)
awesome formidable, ineffable, notable, sacrosanct, solemn, special
awesomeness solemnity
awestricken diffident
awestruck diffident
awful dire, heinous, lamentable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
awkward difficult, improper, inadept, incompetent, inelegant, inept (incompetent), ponderous, unbecoming, uncouth, unsuitable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
awkward predicament dilemma
awkward situation dilemma, embarrassment, plight
awkwardness embarrassment
AWOL desertion
awry anomalous, astray, defective, disordered, errant, faulty, incorrect, oblique (slanted)
axiom dogma, maxim, postulate, precept, prescription (directive)
axiomatic absolute (conclusive), certain (positive), definite, evident, irrefutable, obvious, peremptory (absolute), positive (incontestable), proverbial, uncontested, undeniable, undisputed. SEE MAIN ENTRY
axiomatical evident, irrefutable, obvious, positive (incontestable), undeniable
axioms premises (hypotheses)
axis center (central position), league
ayslum inhabitation (place of dwelling)
babble jargon (unintelligible language), prattle
babbling loquacious
babel imbroglio
babies children
baby infant, minor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
babyish jejune (lacking maturity)
babyishness puerility
bacchanalia debauchery
bacchanalianism inebriation
back abet, adhere (maintain loyalty), advocate, assist, avouch (guarantee), bear (support), bolster, capitalize (provide capital), cosign, countenance, delinquent (overdue), document, encourage, endorse, espouse, favor, finance, guarantee, help, invest (fund), justify, nurture, parlay (bet), promote (organize), recommend, sponsor, subsidize, support (assist), underwrite, uphold, vouch. SEE MAIN ENTRY
back again refinance
back away retreat, shun
back away from eschew
back down abandon (withdraw), accede (concede), disavow, surrender (yield), yield (submit)
back off abandon (withdraw)
back out abandon (physically leave), abandon (withdraw), defect, disavow, quit (discontinue), renege, retreat, withdraw
back payments arrears
back up bear (support), capitalize (provide capital), encourage, side, support (corroborate), uphold
back-up data
backbiting denunciation, diatribe
backbone cornerstone, gist (substance), ground, main point, mainstay, prowess (bravery), substance (essential nature), tenacity, will (desire). SEE MAIN ENTRY
backbreaking onerous, operose
backed-up fully secured
backer abettor, advocate (espouser), assistant, benefactor, colleague, creditor, disciple, donor, mainstay, partisan, patron (influential supporter), promoter, proponent, speculator, sponsor, surety (guarantor). SEE MAIN ENTRY
backfire reaction (opposition), repercussion
background atmosphere, basis, case (set of circumstances), context, determinant, preparation, scene. SEE MAIN ENTRY
backhanded indirect, oblique (evasive)
backing advocacy, aid (help), auspices, charity, coverage (insurance), favor (sanction), guaranty, guidance, help, indorsement, investment, loan, patronage (power to appoint jobs), patronage (support), promotion (encouragement), reinforcement, relief (aid), service (assistance), subsidy, support (assistance), support (corroboration). SEE MAIN ENTRY
backlash reaction (opposition), repercussion
backlog store (depository)
backroom cache (hiding place)
backset casualty, damper (depressant), misfortune
backslide recidivate, regress, relapse, repeat (do again), return (go back), reversal, reversion (act of returning), revert
backsliding recidivism, recrudescence, regressive, relapse. SEE MAIN ENTRY
backstair furtive
backtrack retreat, withdraw
backward back (in reverse), regressive. SEE MAIN ENTRY
backward step decline
backwood provincial
baculum cudgel
bad deleterious, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), deplorable, depraved, detrimental, disastrous, disreputable, harmful, heinous, immoral, imperfect, iniquitous, nefarious, noxious, peccable, peccant (culpable), perverse, poor (inferior in quality), profane, reprehensible, reprobate, unfavorable, wrongful. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bad behavior miscarriage, misdeed
bad blood umbrage
bad character bad repute, disgrace, dishonor (shame), disrepute, turpitude. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bad check SEE MAIN ENTRY
bad conduct malfeasance, misconduct
bad debt nonpayment. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bad example convict
bad faith dishonesty, infidelity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bad favor dishonor (shame)
bad feeling odium
bad fortune calamity, casualty, misfortune, privation
bad habit vice
bad idea miscue
bad influence bad repute
bad intent ill will, malice
bad intention malice
bad job maladministration
bad judgment misestimation, misjudgment. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bad language expletive
bad light opprobrium
bad logic non sequitur
bad luck misfortune, privation
bad management misconduct
bad manners disregard (lack of respect)
bad match misjoinder
bad name attaint, bad character, bad repute, disgrace, dishonor (shame), ignominy, ill repute, infamy, opprobrium, scandal, shame, turpitude
bad report disgrace, notoriety
bad reporting misstatement
bad reputation attaint, bad character, disgrace, dishonor (shame), disrepute, ignominy, infamy, notoriety, scandal
bad repute attaint, bad character, disgrace, dishonor (shame), disrepute, ignominy, ill repute, notoriety, scandal. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bad review disparagement
bad taste impropriety
bad treatment abuse (physical misuse), misusage
bad turn disservice
bad wishes imprecation
bad-hearted diabolic
bad-natured perverse
bad-tempered fractious, perverse, petulant
badge brand, designation (symbol), indicant, indication, indicator, manifestation, onus (stigma), speciality, specialty (distinctive mark), symbol, trademark
badge of infamy disgrace, dishonor (shame), ignominy, stigma
badge of office device (distinguishing mark)
badger annoy, bait (harass), browbeat, discommode, discompose, disturb, harass, harrow, harry (harass), hector, importune, intimidate, irritate, mistreat, molest (annoy), persecute, perturb, plague, press (goad), provoke. SEE MAIN ENTRY
badinage speak
badly advised misadvised
badly calculated inopportune
badly made inferior (lower in quality), poor (inferior in quality)
badly needed exigent
badly qualified unfit
badly timed inopportune, untimely
badness delinquency (misconduct), misdoing
baffle balk, confound, confuse (bewilder), dilemma, disadvantage, disorient, elude, embarrass, foil, frustrate, muddle, obfuscate, perplex, perturb, prevent, thwart. SEE MAIN ENTRY
baffled lost (disoriented)
bafflement ambiguity, complication, confusion (ambiguity), dilemma, embarrassment, problem, quandary, surprise
baffling debatable, elusive, enigmatic, inexplicable, inscrutable, labyrinthine, mysterious
bag gain, procure
baggage cargo
baggy full
bail security (pledge). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bail out discharge (liberate), disenthrall, liberate
bailiff marshal
bailiwick domain (sphere of influence), realm. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bait badger, bilk, cajole, coax, decoy, ensnare, entice, entrap, harry (harass), hector, incentive, inveigle, lure, mislead, pique, plague, provoke, ruse, seduction, trap (noun), trap (verb). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bait a trap ambush
baiting bribery
balance adjust (regulate), collation, comparison, compatibility, compensate (counterbalance), composure, coordinate, countervail, earnings, equipoise, fairness, moderation, neutralize, offset, overage, par (equality), parity, proceeds, regularity, regulate (adjust), remainder (remaining part), residual, sanity, stabilize, surplus, weigh. SEE MAIN ENTRY
balance accounts check (inspect), quit (repay)
balance against compare
balance due arrears, bill (invoice), nonpayment
balance owed debt
balance sheet budget, ledger, register
balance statement budget
balance to pay debt, deficit, due
balanced agreed (harmonized), coextensive, consonant, equal, fair (just), firm, proportionate, rational, regular (orderly), sane. SEE MAIN ENTRY
balanced contrast antithesis
balanced judgment common sense
balances capital
balancing compensatory, equivalent
bald evident, honest, manifest, obvious, stark, unmistakable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
baldness honesty
bale adversity, assemblage, disaster, misfortune, tragedy
baleful bad (offensive), dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, dire, disadvantageous, harmful, heinous, insalubrious, lethal, malevolent, malignant, noxious, ominous, pernicious, pestilent, portentous (ominous), sinister, virulent. SEE MAIN ENTRY
balefulness harm
balk bar (obstruction), contravene, disadvantage, discontinue (break continuity), disoblige, foil, frustrate, halt, hamper, hesitate, hold out (resist), interrupt, obstacle, obstruction, oppose, prevent, refuse, stem (check), stifle, thwart. SEE MAIN ENTRY
balk at avoid (evade)
balking disinclined, hesitant, restive
balky hesitant, intractable, recalcitrant, restive
ball sphere
ballistics ammunition
balloon expand, inflate, magnify
ballooned inflated (enlarged)
ballot cast (register), franchise (right to vote), plebiscite, poll (casting of votes), poll, primary, referendum, vote. SEE MAIN ENTRY
balloter constituent (part)
balloting election (selection by vote)
balm cure, panacea, soothe
balmy medicinal, placid, remedial
bamboozle bait (lure), betray (lead astray), bilk, ensnare, inveigle
bamboozlement bunko, pettifoggery
ban bar (obstruction), bar (exclude), block, boycott, censor, constrain (restrain), countermand, debar, deter, disapprobation, eliminate (exclude), embargo, enjoin, estop, estoppel, exclude, exclusion, expulsion, forbid, inhibit, injunction, obstruction, ostracism, preclude, prohibit, prohibition, proscribe (prohibit), proscription, refusal, rejection, relegate, restraint, suppress, veto. SEE MAIN ENTRY
banal insipid, lifeless (dull), mediocre, mundane, ordinary, pedestrian, stale, trite, usual. SEE MAIN ENTRY
banality platitude
band assemblage, cabal, commingle, connect (join together), consolidate (unite), denomination, desegregate, federate, join (bring together), league, lock, posse, zone. SEE MAIN ENTRY
band in a federation federalize (associate)
band of armed men posse
band of employees personnel
band of men armed with legal authority posse
band of union affiliation (connectedness)
band together adhere (fasten), combine (act in concert), concur (agree), connect (join together), federalize (associate), join (associate oneself with), meet, merge, organize (unionize), pool
banded corporate (associate), federal
banded together concordant, concurrent (united), conjoint
bandit burglar, criminal, hoodlum, malefactor, outlaw, thief
bands ties
bandy circulate, debate
bandy with fight (battle)
bandy words bicker, communicate, discuss, dispute (debate), speak
bane detriment, disaster, injury, trouble
baneful bad (offensive), dangerous, deleterious, disadvantageous, disastrous, harmful, heinous, hostile, insalubrious, lethal, malevolent, malignant, noxious, pernicious, pestilent, sinister, virulent. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bang impinge
bang into jostle (bump into)
banish ban, condemn (ban), dislodge, dispel, displace (remove), eliminate (exclude), exclude, expatriate, expel, isolate, oust, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe (denounce), reject, relegate, renounce, seclude, transport. SEE MAIN ENTRY
banishment deportation, disqualification (rejection), expulsion, layoff, ostracism, prohibition, proscription, rejection, removal. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bank coffer, deposit (submit to a bank), edge (border), fund, garner, hoard, keep (shelter), margin (outside limit), pool, repository, reserve, store, treasury. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bank annuities capital
bank check draft
bank note draft, money
bank notes currency
bank on rely
bank paper check (instrument), draft
bank robber burglar
bankbook ledger
banker comptroller
banknote check (instrument)
bankroll money
bankrupt destitute, impecunious, insolvent, poor (underprivileged). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bankruptcy default, privation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
banned barred, illegal, illegitimate (illegal), illicit, impermissible, inadmissible
banned goods contraband
banner caption, heading
banner head caption
banner line caption
banning boycott
banshee phantom
bantling bastard
baptism call (title)
bar abrogate (rescind), balk, ban, barrier, bench, block, blockade (barrier), censor, censorship, clog, condemn (ban), constrain (restrain), constraint (restriction), court, cudgel, damper (stopper), debar, deport (banish), deter, disable, disapprobation, disqualify, eliminate (exclude), embargo, enjoin, estop, estoppel, exclude, exclusion, forbid, halt, hamper, impasse, impediment, inhibit, interdict, interfere, interruption, judiciary, keep (restrain), key (passport), lock, obstruct, obstruction, obviation, occlude, outlaw, preclude, prevent, prohibit, prohibition, proscribe (prohibit), refuse, relegate, remove (eliminate), resist (oppose), restrain, restraint, restrict, save, seal (close), shut, stall, stay, stay (halt), stifle, stop, thwart, veto. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bar from access preclude
bar of justice bench, court, judicatory
bad sinister SEE MAIN ENTRY
bar someone’s way halt
bar to an allegation estoppel
barbaric disorderly, uncouth
barbarity atrocity, bestiality, brutality, cruelty
barbarize brutalize
barbarous brutal, cold-blooded, cruel, disorderly, hot-blooded, malevolent, malignant, ruthless, uncouth, vicious
barbarousness bestiality, cruelty
barbiturate narcotic
bare barren, betray (disclose), bleak (exposed and barren), brief, clarify, confess, convey (communicate), denude, devoid, disclose, disinter, divulge, expose, find (discover), manifest (adjective), manifest (verb), marginal, mere, naked (lacking embellishment), only (no more than), open (in sight), reveal, simple, stark, unveil, vacant, void (empty). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bare possibility chance (possibility), improbability
bare subsistence austerity, indigence, paucity, poverty
barefaced brazen, outrageous, unabashed
barely purely (simply), solely (purely)
barely acceptable marginal
barely adequate marginal
barely passable poor (inferior in quality)
barely possible ludicrous
barely seen impalpable, inconspicuous, indefinite
bargain adjustment, agree (contract), agreement (contract), barter, close (agree), compact, compromise, compromise (settle by mutual agreement), contract, deal (noun), deal (verb), dicker, discount, exchange, haggle, negotiate, pact, settlement, stipulate, stipulation, term (provision), trade, treaty. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bargain for buy, expect (anticipate), incur. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bargain under seal specialty (contract)
bargain with treat (process)
bargainer customer
bargaining collective bargaining, commerce, negotiation
bargaining agent broker
barge in impinge, interrupt
barnacle parasite
barometer criterion. SEE MAIN ENTRY
baroque elaborate, tawdry
barrage onset (assault). SEE MAIN ENTRY
barratry disloyalty
barred blind (impassable), inadmissible. SEE MAIN ENTRY
barren bleak (exposed and barren), deficient, devoid, futile, ineffective, ineffectual, lifeless (dull), otiose, pedestrian, unavailing, unproductive, vacuous, void (empty). SEE MAIN ENTRY
barrenness blank (emptiness)
barricade bar (obstruction), bar (hinder), barrier, block, blockade (barrier), bulwark, check (bar), clog, confine, constrict (inhibit), contain (restrain), damper (stopper), debar, deter, enjoin, estop, halt, hamper, hinder, impede, lock, obstacle, obstruct, obstruction, occlude, protect, protection, restraint, shut, stop. SEE MAIN ENTRY
barricaded blind (impassable)
barrier bar (obstruction), bulwark, check (bar), complication, damper (stopper), deterrence, deterrent, enclosure, estoppel, handicap, hindrance, impediment, limitation, mete, obstacle, obstruction, panoply, predicament, prohibition. SEE MAIN ENTRY
barring deterrent, estoppel, save
barring out lockout
barrister advocate (counselor), attorney, counsel, counselor, esquire, jurist, lawyer, representative (proxy). SEE MAIN ENTRY
barrister-at-law advocate (counselor), counsel, counselor, lawyer
barristerial forensic
barristers bar (body of lawyers)
barter alienate (transfer title), business (commerce), commerce, deal, dealings, dicker, exchange, handle (trade), interchange, sell, trade (commerce), trade. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bartering commerce
basal cardinal (basic), central (essential), elementary, essential (inherent), fundamental, naked (lacking embellishment), organic, original (initial), primary, prime (original), primordial, rudimentary, simple
base arrant (onerous), bad (inferior), bad (offensive), basis, caitiff, cause (reason), center (essence), consequence (significance), contemptible, contemptuous, cornerstone, depraved, derivation, determinant, disgraceful, disreputable, felonious, foundation (basis), gist (ground for a suit), ground, headquarters, heinous, ignoble, immoral, inelegant, inexpiable, inferior (lower in quality), iniquitous, loathsome, machiavellian, nefarious, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, outrageous, peccant (culpable), perfidious, perverse, plant (place firmly), poor (inferior in quality), profligate (corrupt), recreant, reprehensible, reprobate, scandalous, seat, site (noun), site (verb), sordid, subservient, unscrupulous, unseemly, unworthy. SEE MAIN ENTRY
base camp headquarters
base conduct bad faith
base of authority headquarters
base of operations headquarters
base-minded depraved, dissolute
baseborn caitiff, ignoble, illegitimate (born out of wedlock)
based on underlying. SEE MAIN ENTRY
based on conjecture unsupported
based on evidence deductible (provable)
based on evidence of the senses empirical
based on observation empirical
based on proof deductible (provable)
baseless arbitrary and capricious, gratuitous (unwarranted), ill-founded, immaterial, insubstantial, invalid, unfounded, unsupported, unsustainable, untenable, unwarranted. SEE MAIN ENTRY
baseless charge frame up
baseness abuse (corrupt practice), bad character, corruption, degradation, delinquency (misconduct), discredit, disgrace, dishonor (shame), disrepute, ill repute, infamy, mediocrity, perversion, scandal, shame, turpitude
baser subaltern
bases circumstances, premises (hypotheses)
bashful diffident
basic central (essential), elementary, essential (inherent), essential (required), fundamental, implicit, indispensable, initial, innate, integral, material (important), naked (lacking embellishment), native (inborn), necessary (required), organic, original (initial), primary, prime (original), primordial, requisite, rudimentary, simple, substantive, ultimate, underlying, virtual, vital. SEE MAIN ENTRY
basic doctrine principle (axiom)
basic facts SEE MAIN ENTRY
basic ingredient necessity
basic law principle (axiom)
basic part essence
basic rule principle (axiom)
basic substance component
basic truth principle (axiom)
basilar essential (inherent), fundamental, original (initial)
basilary essential (inherent), fundamental
basilica court
basis assumption (supposition), base (foundation), cause (reason), center (essence), consequence (significance), content (meaning), criterion, derivation, determinant, documentation, gist (ground for a suit), gist (substance), ground, main point, pattern, precedent, preparation, purpose, rationale, source, stare decisis, substance (essential nature). SEE MAIN ENTRY
basis for development embryo
basis for relief cause of action
basis of argument gist (ground for a suit)
basis of comparison standard
basis of litigation gist (ground for a suit)
bask in relish
bastard illegitimate (born out of wedlock). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bastardism bar sinister
bastardization bar sinister
bastardize debase
bastardy bar sinister
baste beat (strike)
bastille prison
bastinado beat (strike), cudgel, lash (strike)
bastion bulwark, mainstay, security (safety). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bat cudgel, strike (assault)
batch assemblage, body (collection), bulk, congregation, quantity, selection (collection)
batch together glean, hoard
bate abridge (shorten), attenuate, check (restrain), commute, decrease, deduct (reduce), dilute, diminish, ease, lessen, palliate (abate)
bathe imbue, immerse (plunge into), permeate, pervade
baton bar sinister
batter beat (strike), force (break), lash (strike), mishandle (maltreat), mutilate, strike (assault)
battering ram cudgel
battle affray, bicker, collision (dispute), compete, conflict, confrontation (altercation), contend (dispute), contest (dispute), contest, defy, disagree, engage (involve), fracas, fray, grapple, oppose, resistance, strife, struggle. SEE MAIN ENTRY
battle maneuver strategy
battle verbally debate
battlement bulwark
battler contestant
battling belligerency, hostile, offensive (taking the initiative)
battology tautology
batture alluvion
bawdiness obscenity, pornography
bawdy lascivious, lecherous, lewd, licentious, obscene, prurient, salacious, suggestive (risqué)
bazaar exchange, market (business)
be exist, subsist
be a benefactor fund
be a candidate compete
be a coward fear
be a customer of patronize (trade with)
be a drag on impede
be a drunkard carouse
be a factor concern (involve)
be a feature constitute (compose)
be a good investment pay
be a name for denote
be a part of involve (participate)
be a participator in commit (perpetrate)
be a party to commit (perpetrate), connive, contribute (assist), cooperate, involve (participate), partake, participate
be a reproach to disgrace
be a sign of denote, indicate
be a sound argument cohere (be logically consistent)
be a spectator observe (watch), witness (have direct knowledge of)
be a suppliant call (appeal to)
be a token of indicate
be a winner prevail (triumph)
be a witness observe (watch)
be absorbed in devote
be abstracted muse
be accepted pass (satisfy requirements)
be accordant agree (comply), cohere (be logically consistent), coincide (concur), comport (agree with), correspond (be equivalent)
be accorded hold (possess)
be accountable answer (be responsible)
be acquainted comprehend (understand)
be acquainted with apprehend (perceive), perceive, pierce (discern)
be active with occupy (engage)
be adjacent to abut, adjoin, border (bound)
be afflicted suffer (sustain loss)
be afraid fear
be after desire
be against confront (oppose), disapprove (reject)
be agreeable satisfy (fulfill)
be ahead of precede
be akin appertain, correspond (be equivalent)
be alarmed fear
be alive exist
be all over cease
be allowable lie (be sustainable)
be ambassador for represent (substitute)
be ambiguous equivocate
be an accomplice commit (perpetrate)
be an agent for represent (substitute)
be an impediment constrict (inhibit), hinder
be an indication of denote
be an obstacle constrict (inhibit), hinder, interfere
be an obstacle to impede, interpose
be an omen portend
be anchored remain (stay), stay (rest)
be angry resent
be annihilated perish
be answerable allow (endure), answer (be responsible)
be answerable for avouch (guarantee), justify, pledge (promise the performance of), promise (vow), undertake
be antagonistic collide (clash)
be anxious fear, mistrust
be apologist for justify
be applicable appertain, apply (pertain), comport (agree with)
be applicable to concern (involve)
be apposite comport (agree with)
be apprehensive doubt (distrust), fear, misdoubt, mistrust
be apprised understand
be apprized comprehend (understand)
be apprized of apprehend (perceive), perceive, pierce (discern)
be appropriate comport (agree with), lie (be sustainable), pertain
be apt comport (agree with)
be armed forestall
be associated with attend (accompany), pertain
be assuaged relent
be at an end cease
be at cross purposes conflict, counter, counteract, differ (vary), dispute (contest), oppose
be at cross-purposes collide (clash), confront (oppose), fight (counteract)
be at ease rest (cease from action)
be at fault lapse (fall into error)
be at hand impend, report (present oneself)
be at loggerheads bicker
be at one with agree (comply), coincide (concur), conform
be at the head of moderate (preside over), preside
be at the helm overlook (superintend), oversee
be at variance bicker, collide (clash), conflict, demurrer, deviate, differ (vary), disaccord, disagree, dispute (contest), dissent (differ in opinion), except (object), object
be at work attempt
be at work on occupy (engage)
be attendant on attend (take care of)
be attentive consider, devote, hear (give attention to), heed, immerse (engross), note (notice), notice (observe), observe (watch), regard (pay attention)
be attentive to attend (heed), perceive
be attorney for represent (substitute)
be attracted gravitate
be augmented compound, expand
be auxiliary to aid
be available lie (be sustainable)
be averse object
be aware comprehend (understand), heed, observe (watch)
be aware of appreciate (comprehend), apprehend (perceive), construe (comprehend), perceive, pierce (discern), recognize (perceive), regard (pay attention)
be banded together conspire
be beholden owe
be benevolent help
be bent upon desire, pursue (strive to gain)
be bereft of lack
be better transcend
be better for gain, profit
be bewildered misjudge
be biased favor, preconceive, predetermine, presuppose
be blind to ignore
be bound answer (be responsible), avow, owe
be calm repose (rest)
be capable of holding accommodate
be capricious vacillate
be careful beware, hedge, heed
be careless neglect
be careless with endanger
be caused by ensue
be cautious beware, care (be cautious), hedge, heed, mistrust
be censorious denounce (condemn)
be certain expect (anticipate)
be changeful fluctuate
be characteristic of appertain
be chargeable answer (be responsible)
be chary beware
be circumjacent encompass (surround)
be circumjacent to border (bound)
be circumspect beware
be clear cohere (be logically consistent)
be closeted with rendezvous
be cognizant comprehend (understand)
be cognizant of appreciate (comprehend), apprehend (perceive), perceive
be coherent cohere (be logically consistent)
be compassionate relent, sympathize
be compelled answer (be responsible)
be complemental correspond (be equivalent)
be compliant relent
be composed of comprehend (include), comprise, consist, contain (comprise), include
be compounded of contain (comprise)
be comprised of comprehend (include), consist
be concealed camouflage, elude
be concerned care (be cautious), care (regard), fear
be concerned for care (regard)
be concerned with appertain, apply (pertain), occupy (engage), pertain
be concomitant coincide (correspond)
be concomittant concur (coexist)
be confident expect (anticipate), rely, trust
be confounded lose (undergo defeat)
be confused misconstrue, misunderstand
be congruent appertain, coincide (correspond), correspond (be equivalent)
be congruous cohere (be logically consistent)
be connected to pertain
be connected with appertain, apply (pertain), attend (accompany)
be conscience striken repent
be conscious comprehend (understand), observe (watch)
be conscious of appreciate (comprehend), apprehend (perceive), detect, heed, notice (observe), perceive, pierce (discern), regard (pay attention)
be consistent comport (agree with)
be consonant comport (agree with)
be conspicuous flaunt
be constant adhere (persist), endure (last), keep (continue), persevere, remain (continue)
be constituted of contain (comprise)
be consumed decrease
be contained in consist
be contemporaneous coincide (correspond), concur (coexist)
be contemporary concur (coexist)
be contemptuous condescend (patronize)
be contemptuous of contemn, disdain, flout, misprize
be conterminous border (bound)
be contiguous abut, border (bound), contact (touch)
be continguous to adjoin
be contrary collide (clash), conflict, counter, counteract, countervail, differ (vary), disagree, disapprove (reject), dispute (debate), dissent (differ in opinion), fight (counteract), gainsay, oppugn
be contrary to contravene, oppose
be conversant with comprehend (understand)
be converted change
be convinced opine
be convivial carouse
be counted vote
be courteous condescend (deign)
be cowardly fear
be critical complain (criticize)
be cunning cheat, circumvent, delude, illude, scheme
be daunted fear
be debited with overdraw
be deceitful bear false witness, fake, palter, pretend
be deceived err, misapprehend, misconceive, misread, mistake
be deceptive misstate, palter
be defeated fail (lose), lose (undergo defeat), succumb
be deficient default, lack
be dejected brood
be delinquent default
be demoted fail (lose)
be dense cohere (adhere)
be dependent on rely
be dependent upon appertain
be deprived of forfeit, lack, lose (be deprived of)
be deputy for represent (substitute)
be derelict break (violate), default, disobey
be derived accrue (arise), arise (originate)
be derogatory derogate
be deserving earn
be desirous lack
be destitute lack
be destroyed degenerate, lose (undergo defeat), perish
be determined persevere, persist
be determined to intend
be determined to get pursue (strive to gain)
be devoid of truth bear false witness
be devoted adhere (maintain loyalty), adhere (persist)
be devoted to obey
be different conflict, deviate
be diffuse digress
be dilatory defer (put off), delay, hesitate, hold up (delay), procrastinate
be diligent labor
be disappointed lose (undergo defeat)
be disclosed bare
be discordant bicker, collide (clash), conflict, contend (dispute), differ (disagree), disagree
be discourteous offend (insult)
be dishonest bear false witness, betray (lead astray), cheat, hoodwink, lie (falsify), mislead, palter, prevaricate
be disjoined estrange
be disloyal defect, disobey, rebel
be disposed to choose
be disrespectful flout
be dissatisfied complain (criticize)
be dissimilar differ (vary)
be distended expand
be distinct differ (vary)
be distinguished from deviate, differ (vary)
be distracted muse
be disturbed over regret
be disunited disagree
be dormant remain (stay), stay (rest)
be doubtful disbelieve, doubt (distrust), misdoubt, mistrust, oscillate, suspect (distrust)
be drunk carouse
be dubious doubt (distrust), hesitate, mistrust, pause, suspect (distrust)
be due owe
be due to ensue, result
be durable continue (persevere), endure (last)
be eager desire
be economical retrench
be effaced disappear
be effective function, prevail (triumph)
be efficacious prevail (triumph)
be effusive outpour
be employed labor, occupy (engage), practice (engage in)
be engaged in commit (perpetrate)
be engrossed in commit (perpetrate), concentrate (pay attention), devote
be entitled to as a matter of right, earn
be equivalent compensate (counterbalance)
be eradicated perish
be erased disappear
be erroneous bear false witness, err, miscalculate, misread, misstate, mistake
be established lie (be sustainable)
be established in inhabit
be evasive evade (deceive), palter, prevaricate
be even with quit (repay)
be evidence of manifest
be evident lie (be sustainable)
be extinguished perish
be extravagant dissipate (expend foolishly)
be faithful adhere (maintain loyalty)
be faithful to comply, fulfill, keep (fulfill), obey, observe (obey), perform (adhere to)
be faithless bear false witness, default
be fallacious bear false witness
be false bear false witness, equivocate, misrepresent, palter, perjure
be false to betray (lead astray)
be familiar with recognize (perceive)
be favorable to authorize, bestow, favor
be fearful fear
be firm endure (last), maintain (sustain), resolve (decide)
be firmly fixed maintain (sustain)
be fitting lie (be sustainable)
be fixed stay (rest)
be foiled lose (undergo defeat)
be fond of prefer, regard (hold in esteem), relish
be forewarned beware, forestall
be forfeited back escheat
be forgiving relent
be formed of comprise, consist, contain (comprise), include
be forsworn bear false witness