be fraudulent bear false witness, palter
be frightened fear
be frugal retrench
be fruitful proliferate, propagate (increase), pullulate
be frustrated lose (undergo defeat)
be given acquire (receive), collect (recover money), receive (acquire)
be given to understand construe (comprehend)
be gluttonous overindulge
be gone abandon (physically leave), depart, part (leave)
be good to avail (be of use)
be governed by obey
be gracious condescend (deign)
be graduated pass (satisfy requirements)
be granted a legacy inherit
be greater surpass
be greater in value outbalance
be greater in weight outbalance
be greedy overindulge
be guarded beware
be guided by hear (give attention to), heed, obey, observe (obey)
be guilty of perpetrate
be guilty of infraction break (violate)
be handed down to devolve
be handed over devolve
be harbinger portend
be harmonious attune
be hateful alienate (estrange)
be heir to hold (possess)
be helpful contribute (assist)
be horrified fear
be humbled lose (undergo defeat)
be hurtful ill use, mistreat
be hypocritical palter, pretend
be identical coincide (correspond)
be idle loiter, procrastinate
be ignorant misunderstand
be imminent impend
be immobile remain (stay), stay (rest)
be immoderate carouse, dissipate (expend foolishly)
be immovable remain (stay)
be immune resist (withstand)
be impaired suffer (sustain loss)
be impolite offend (insult)
be impoverished lose (be deprived of)
be impressed regard (hold in esteem)
be improved by gain, profit
be in a quandary doubt (hesitate)
be in a reverie muse
be in accordance with comport (agree with)
be in action attempt
be in antagonism collide (clash)
be in arrears default
be in attendance appear (attend court proceedings), report (present oneself)
be in authority moderate (preside over), preside
be in awe fear, regard (hold in esteem)
be in charge preside
be in collusion maneuver, plot
be in collusion with connive
be in conflict with contravene
be in conjunction with border (bound)
be in contact with border (bound)
be in control prevail (triumph)
be in debt default, overdraw, owe
be in effect exist
be in error misapprehend, miscalculate, misconstrue
be in favor of approve, authorize, consent, countenance, embrace (accept), pass (approve), permit
be in general use prevail (be in force), prevail (triumph)
be in harmony conform
be in harmony with agree (comply)
be in keeping comport (agree with), conform
be in league with involve (participate), participate
be in need lack
be in operation function
be in opposition disagree
be in possession of hold (possess), own, possess
be in possession of the facts comprehend (understand)
be in power govern, manage, rule (govern)
be in present force exist
be in proximity approach
be in receipt of obtain, own, possess
be in sight appear (materialize)
be in sight of approach
be in store impend
be in the ascendant prevail (triumph)
be in the chair preside
be in the majority predominate (outnumber)
be in the neighborhood of approach
be in the running compete
be in the vicinity of approach, approximate, border (approach)
be in the way impede
be in the wrong err, mistake, misunderstand
be in tune with comport (agree with)
be in unison agree (comply)
be in want lack
be inadequate lack
be inattentive ignore, muse, neglect
be inattentive to overlook (superintend)
be incident to appertain
be inclined to think assume (suppose), deem, presuppose
be incompatible collide (clash)
be incongruent differ (disagree)
be inconsistent conflict
be inconstant change, palter, vacillate, vary
be incredulous disbelieve, doubt (distrust)
be incurious disregard
be indebted owe
be indecisive oscillate
be indifferent disregard
be indifferent to discount (disbelieve)
be indignant resent
be indiscreet impart
be indulgent of allow (endure), permit
be indulgent toward favor
be industrious labor
be inert procrastinate, remain (stay), stay (rest)
be inferior lack
be influenced predetermine
be influential prevail upon
be informed comprehend (understand), pierce (discern), understand
be informed of perceive
be inharmonious conflict, differ (disagree), differ (vary)
be inherent constitute (compose)
be inimical collide (clash), counter
be injured suffer (sustain loss)
be inmovable stay (rest)
be insensitive disregard
be insincere bear false witness, palter
be insolent disparage
be instrumental pander
be insubordinate disobey, rebel
be insufficient lack
be insulted resent
be intelligible cohere (be logically consistent)
be intemperate carouse, debauch, dissipate (expend foolishly), overindulge
be intent upon pursue (strive to gain)
be interdependent with concern (involve)
be intermittent fluctuate
be intimate cohabit
be intimidated fear
be intolerant persecute
be intrinsic appertain
be involved concern (involve), participate
be irresolute change, doubt (hesitate), hesitate, misdoubt, oscillate, pause, vacillate
be jaundiced preconceive, predetermine, presuppose, select
be joined conjoin
be joined to adjoin
be juxtaposed border (bound)
be lax neglect
be left behind lose (undergo defeat)
be lenient bear (tolerate), condone, palliate (excuse), relax, tolerate
be liable answer (be responsible), owe
be loath disfavor, mistrust
be located dwell (reside), reside
be logical cohere (be logically consistent)
be long-lived last
be lost to view disappear
be loyal adhere (maintain loyalty)
be loyal to obey
be lucid cohere (be logically consistent)
be made of comprise, consist
be made up of comprehend (include), consist, include
be malevolent bait (harass), endanger, harass, harm, ill use, mistreat, persecute
be malicious persecute
be manifest appear (attend court proceedings), appear (materialize)
be master direct (supervise)
be master of handle (manage), hold (possess), own
be mendacious bear false witness, palter
be merciful condone, relent
be mindful concern (care), regard (pay attention)
be misguided err, miscalculate, misconceive, mistake, misunderstand
be misinformed misconceive
be misled err, misapprehend, miscalculate, misconceive, misconstrue, misinterpret, mistake, misunderstand
be mistaken err, misapprehend, miscalculate, misconceive, misread, mistake, misunderstand
be mixed desegregate
be mollified relent
be more specific elaborate
be motionless remain (stay), stay (rest)
be moved sympathize
be mutinous disobey
be mutually opposed collide (clash)
be near approach, approximate, border (approach), impend
be near at hand impend, threaten
be needy lack
be neglectful default, procrastinate
be nervous doubt (distrust), fear, misdoubt, mistrust
be no more die
be noisy brawl
be null and void perish
be numerous compound, proliferate
be nurtured subsist
be obedient obey
be obligated answer (be responsible), owe
be obliged answer (be responsible)
be oblique deviate
be obstinate adhere (persist), insist, persevere, persist, refuse
be obstructive balk, clog, counter, fight (counteract), foil, frustrate, inconvenience
be occupied in concentration muse
be occupied in study muse
be occupied with address (direct attention to)
be of contrary sentiment dissent (differ in opinion)
be of different opinions disagree
be of greater significance outweigh
be of help assist
be of service aid, avail (be of use), contribute (assist), pander
be of the opinion assume (suppose), deem, guess, surmise, suspect (think)
be of the same mind coincide (concur)
be of use assist, help, inure (benefit), profit, serve (assist)
be of value avail (be of use)
be off abandon (physically leave), leave (depart)
be offended resent
be offensive affront, bait (harass), harry (harass), mistreat, persecute
be offered hold (possess)
be on one’s guard beware
be on the alert beware, patrol
be on the lookout beware, patrol
be on the watch beware, patrol
be one unite
be one of concern (involve)
be one with coincide (concur), merge
be opposed conflict, disagree
be opposed to conflict, cross (disagree with), disapprove (reject)
be opposite confront (oppose), differ (vary)
be ostentatious flaunt
be outdistanced lose (undergo defeat)
be outvoted lose (undergo defeat)
be overawed fear
be overbearing condescend (patronize)
be overthrown lose (undergo defeat)
be paid collect (recover money)
be parallel concur (coexist)
be part of appertain, constitute (compose)
be partial discriminate (treat differently)
be partial to favor, prefer
be partisan adhere (maintain loyalty)
be patent appear (seem to be)
be patient bear (tolerate), forbear
be peaceful rest (cease from action)
be penitent regret, repent
be peremptory insist
be perfidious bear false witness, disobey, palter
be periodic alternate (fluctuate), fluctuate
be perjured bear false witness
be permanent continue (persevere), endure (last), remain (continue)
be permissible lie (be sustainable)
be permitted lie (be sustainable)
be perplexed misjudge
be persistent recur
be persuaded concede, grant (concede), opine
be pertinent appertain, apply (pertain)
be pertinent to concern (involve)
be petrified fear
be piqued resent
be pitiless brutalize, mistreat
be placated relent
be pleased with relish
be plentiful proliferate
be pliant relent
be poor lack
be possessed of hold (possess), occupy (take possession), own
be possible lie (be sustainable)
be precise detail (particularize)
be predisposed discriminate (treat differently)
be prejudiced favor, forejudge, preconceive, predetermine, presuppose, select
be prepared beware, expect (anticipate)
be prepossessed predetermine
be present appear (attend court proceedings), dwell (reside), remain (occupy)
be present and note witness (have direct knowledge of)
be present to answer appear (attend court proceedings)
be preserved endure (last)
be prevalent prevail (triumph)
be prewarned beware
be prodigal bestow, dissipate (expend foolishly), overdraw
be productive pullulate
be proffered hold (possess)
be profitable avail (be of use), inure (benefit), pay
be prolix outpour
be prolonged endure (last)
be promoted pass (satisfy requirements)
be prone to gravitate
be proper lie (be sustainable)
be proper to apply (pertain)
be protracted endure (last)
be provoked resent
be proxy for represent (substitute)
be prudent beware
be public bare, circulate
be published circulate
be puzzled doubt (hesitate)
be quartered reside
be quiescent desist
be quiet rest (cease from action)
be racked suffer (sustain loss)
be rash forejudge
be rationally connected cohere (be logically consistent)
be ready for anticipate (expect)
be reasonable cohere (be logically consistent)
be recalcitrant disobey
be reconciled condone, suffer (permit)
be recusant disobey
be reduced in worth decay, degenerate
be regulated by conform, obey, observe (obey)
be related correspond (be equivalent)
be related to concern (involve)
be relevant apply (pertain), concern (involve)
be reminded of recall (remember), recollect, remember
be remiss default
be remorseful regret
be resident in inhabit
be resigned suffer (permit)
be resolute choose, endeavor, insist, persevere, persist
be resolute in prosecute (carry forward)
be respondent countercharge
be responsible cause, compose, create, induce
be responsible for guarantee, sponsor
be responsive acknowledge (respond), answer (reply), countercharge
be revengeful resent
be rewarded reap
be rife pervade, predominate (outnumber)
be riveted stay (rest)
be rude affront, disparage, harry (harass), ignore, mistreat
be ruined lose (undergo defeat), perish
be ruled by obey
be ruthless persecute
be satisfied opine
be satisfied with approve, recommend
be scared fear
be scornful flout
be sedentary remain (stay), stay (rest)
be seized of possess
be selfish overindulge
be sensitive to perceive
be serene repose (rest)
be servile pander
be settled dwell (reside)
be settled in opinion resolve (decide)
be severe castigate
be severed part (separate)
be showy flaunt
be silent cease
be simultaneous coincide (correspond)
be situated dwell (reside), reside
be skeptical disbelieve, doubt (distrust), impugn, misdoubt, mistrust, suspect (distrust)
be sly circumvent
be so good as to deign
be so minded choose
be solid crystallize
be sorry for deplore, regret, repent, sympathize
be sovereign predominate (command)
be specific describe, designate, enumerate, itemize, pinpoint
be spokesman for represent (substitute)
be spurious bear false witness
be stable last
be startled fear
be stationary remain (stay), stay (rest)
be stationed dwell (reside)
be steadfast adhere (maintain loyalty), adhere (persist), keep (continue), persevere, persist, prolong, prosecute (carry forward), remain (continue)
be steady adhere (persist), persevere, persist
be stealthy conspire, lurk, prowl
be still rest (cease from action)
be stricken suffer (sustain loss)
be strong resist (withstand)
be stubborn persevere
be subject answer (be responsible), obey
be subjected to bear (tolerate), endure (suffer), suffer (sustain loss)
be submissive relent, surrender (yield), yield (submit)
be submissive to observe (obey)
be subsequent ensue, succeed (follow), supervene
be subservient pander
be successful attain, earn, pass (satisfy requirements), prevail (triumph)
be sufficient fulfill, satisfy (fulfill)
be suitable comport (agree with), lie (be sustainable), pertain
be suited lie (be sustainable)
be sundered part (separate)
be superior beat (defeat), outbalance, surpass, transcend
be superior in number predominate (outnumber)
be supportable lie (be sustainable)
be supported subsist
be supreme beat (defeat), predominate (command)
be surety answer (be responsible)
be surety for avouch (guarantee), cosign
be suspicious doubt (distrust), suspect (distrust)
be sustained subsist
be swallowed up merge
be swayed predetermine
be sworn certify (attest), testify
be tacked together cohere (adhere)
be taken for exemplify
be temperate forbear, refrain
be tenacious persevere, persist, remain (continue)
be tentative hesitate
be terrified fear
be the agent compose, create
be the author create
be the author of cause
be the cause generate
be the cause of compose, create, engender, evoke
be the chairman preside
be the effect result
be the effect of ensue
be the embodiment personify
be the equivalent of exemplify
be the guiding force oversee
be the heir of inherit
be the outcome result
be the reason compose, create
be the victor prevail (triumph)
be thorough follow-up
be thwarted lose (undergo defeat)
be timeless endure (last), last
be timid fear
be tolerant condone, forbear, relent
be touched sympathize
be tranquil repose (rest), rest (cease from action)
be transferred devolve
be transfixed remain (stay), stay (rest)
be treasonable rebel
be treasonous disobey
be triumphant prevail (triumph)
be true adhere (maintain loyalty)
be true to keep (fulfill)
be unable to respect decry, disgrace
be unaccommodating disoblige
be uncandid palter
be uncertain confound, doubt (distrust), doubt (hesitate), hesitate, misdoubt, mistrust, oscillate, pause, tergiversate, vacillate
be unclear equivocate
be unconsumed last
be unconvinced disbelieve
be uncooperative inconvenience
be undecided doubt (hesitate), oscillate
be under legal obligation answer (be responsible)
be under obligation owe
be under the impression apprehend (perceive), deem
be understandable cohere (be logically consistent)
be understanding sympathize
be undetermined doubt (hesitate), misdoubt, oscillate
be undisciplined disobey
be unexhausted last
be unfaithful default
be unfriendly alienate (estrange)
be unique differ (vary)
be united join (associate oneself with)
be unlike differ (vary), vary
be unpalatable repel (disgust)
be unresolved oscillate
be unruly disobey
be unseen lurk
be unsettled alternate (fluctuate), vacillate
be unsteady fluctuate, oscillate, vacillate
be unsuccessful fail (lose), lose (undergo defeat)
be unsure oscillate, tergiversate, vacillate
be unsusceptible resist (withstand)
be untruthful bear false witness, equivocate, fabricate (make up), lie (falsify), palter, perjure, prevaricate
be unwilling conflict, disoblige, dissent (withhold assent), hold out (resist), refuse
be unyielding adhere (persist), persevere, persist
be uppermost in the mind occur (come to mind)
be useful avail (be of use), function, pander
be vagrant loiter
be vague equivocate
be vengeful resent
be vexed resent
be vicious to brutalize
be victorious carry (succeed), pass (satisfy requirements), prevail (triumph), succeed (attain)
be victorious over beat (defeat), overthrow
be vigilant caution, concern (care), observe (watch)
be violent fight (battle), mistreat
be voracious overindulge
be vouchsafed hold (possess)
be wanting lack
be warned beware
be warranted lie (be sustainable)
be wary beware
be watchful concern (care)
be wicked to brutalize
be willing agree (comply), comply, consent
be willing to bear assume (undertake)
be without lack, lose (be deprived of)
be worse degenerate
be worthy earn
be wounded suffer (sustain loss)
be wrong miscalculate, misconstrue
beach littoral
beachfront littoral
beacon indicant, indicator
beam emit, radiate
bear allow (endure), carry (transport), demean (deport oneself), endure (suffer), engender, produce (manufacture), propagate (increase), resist (withstand), suffer (sustain loss), tolerate, transmit, transport, yield (produce a return). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bear a grudge against discriminate (treat differently)
bear a part contribute (assist)
bear away distrain, hijack, impropriate
bear down coerce, pressure
bear down against compel
bear down on press (constrain)
bear down upon attack
bear false witness frame (charge falsely), lie (falsify), misrepresent, palter, perjure, prevaricate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bear fruit avail (bring about), succeed (attain)
bear hard upon compel
bear heavily weigh
bear in memory remember
bear in mind care (be cautious), regard (pay attention), remember, retain (keep in possession)
bear malice alienate (estrange), discriminate (treat differently), mistreat, resent
bear no malice forgive
bear no resemblance deviate, differ (vary)
bear off deviate, kidnap
bear on appertain
bear oneself deport (conduct oneself)
bear out attest, certify (attest), corroborate, document, evidence, justify, substantiate, support (corroborate), sustain (confirm), verify (confirm), witness (attest to)
bear pain endure (suffer)
bear resemblance correspond (be equivalent)
bear the cost bear the expense, defray, pay
bear the cost of disburse (pay out), expend (disburse)
bear the expense defray. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bear the expense of disburse (pay out), expend (disburse)
bear the responsibility of hold (possess)
bear up resist (withstand), uphold
bear up against maintain (sustain), stem (check)
bear up under endure (suffer)
bear upon affect, apply (pertain), based on, pertain, prejudice (influence), refer (direct attention), relate (establish a connection). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bear with condone, excuse, forbear, submit (yield), suffer (permit), tolerate, vouchsafe
bear without resistance endure (suffer)
bear witness acknowledge (declare), avouch (avow), avow, certify (attest), corroborate, notarize, promise (vow), seal (solemnize), speak, substantiate, swear, testify, vouch, witness (attest to). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bear witness against betray (disclose), denounce (inform against), inform (betray)
bear witness to attest, certify (attest), depose (testify), evidence
bearable fair (satisfactory), passable
beard defy
beardless inexperienced
bearing behavior, color (complexion), conduct, connection (relation), connotation, content (meaning), demeanor, deportment, direction (course), magnitude, manner (behavior), position (point of view), posture (attitude), presence (poise), relation (connection), relationship (connection), relevance, semblance, significance, tendency
bearing good will benevolent
bearing no name anonymous
bearing offspring freely fertile
bearing on relative (relevant)
bearing on the question pertinent
bearing out corroboration
bearing the cost collection (payment)
bearing upon apposite, cognate, germane, incident
bearings locality
bearish brutal, fractious, petulant, severe
beast animal
beast of burden animal
beast of the field animal
beastliness bestiality, disrepute
beastly brutal, disreputable, heinous, obnoxious, odious, repulsive, vicious
beat attack, defeat, kill (defeat), lash (strike), oscillate, outweigh, overcome (surmount), overwhelm, stress (accent), strike (assault), subdue, subjugate, surmount, surpass, territory, upset. SEE MAIN ENTRY
beat a retreat quit (evacuate)
beat back repel (drive back), repulse, resist (oppose)
beat down browbeat, haggle, subdue
beat off parry, repulse, stave
beatable vulnerable
beaten despondent, passable
beatific ecstatic
beatify elevate
beating battery, defeat, failure (lack of success)
beauteous attractive
beautification motif
beautified elaborate
beautiful attractive, elegant
beautify embellish, meliorate
becalm pacify, soothe
becalmed dormant
because consequently. SEE MAIN ENTRY
because of this a priori
bechance supervene
beckon call (summon), entrap, request, subpoena, summon
beckoning attractive
becloud blind (obscure), camouflage, confound, cover (conceal), disguise, muddle, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscure, shroud
become arise (originate), comport (agree with), convert (change use), develop, evolve, germinate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
become a citizen reside
become a component incorporate (include)
become a fact occur (happen)
become a member join (associate oneself with)
become a participator espouse
become a partisan espouse
become a party to an action intervene
become a reality crystallize
become acquainted rendezvous
become acquainted with ascertain, discern (detect with the senses), find (discover)
become added accrue (increase)
become an ingredient incorporate (include)
become apparent develop, emerge
become apprised of find (discover)
become apprized discern (detect with the senses)
become aware note (notice), occur (come to mind), realize (understand)
become aware of apprehend (perceive), detect, discern (detect with the senses), hear (perceive by ear), notice (observe), overhear, perceive
become bankrupt fail (lose), overdraw
become better progress
become bound promise (vow), stipulate
become bound to pledge (promise the performance of)
become broad expand
become connected with join (associate oneself with)
become conscious note (notice), realize (understand)
become conscious of hear (perceive by ear), notice (observe), perceive
become definite crystallize
become delineated crystallize
become depraved degenerate
become detached disengage
become deteriorated degenerate, depreciate
become disheartened languish
become due accrue (arise), mature
become enfeebled decay, degenerate
become enforceable accrue (arise)
become extinct disappear, perish
become familiar with practice (train by repetition)
become firm crystallize
become flexible give (yield)
become forfeit lapse (cease)
become free escape
become fully developed mature
become greater accrue (increase), appreciate (increase), compound, expand, increase
become habituated naturalize (acclimate)
become heir to accede (succeed)
become ill languish
become impaired degenerate
become imperceptible disappear
become inactive quit (discontinue)
become informed discern (detect with the senses), discover, find (discover)
become insolvent fail (lose), overdraw
become involved care (regard), engage (involve)
become involved with participate
become known convey (communicate), occur (happen)
become larger accrue (increase), compound, expand, increase
become less active subside
become less rigid give (yield)
become liable guarantee
become liable for incur
become like conform
become lower in quality decay, degenerate
become manifest arise (appear), emerge
become more numerous appreciate (increase)
become notably worse degenerate
become noticeable arise (appear)
become of greater value appreciate (increase)
become of less worth depreciate
become one consolidate (unite), unite
become operative arise (occur)
become payable mature
become perfected mature
become perverted degenerate
become plain emerge
become pliant give (yield)
become poorer by lose (be deprived of)
become present accrue (arise)
become prime mature
become public circulate
become putrescent decay
become responsible for assume (undertake), incur
become ripe mature
become settled crystallize
become similar conform
become smaller decrease, diminish
become solid cohere (adhere), crystallize
become surety for guarantee
become tainted degenerate
become unable to meet obligations default
become visible appear (materialize), arise (appear), crystallize, emerge, occur (come to mind)
become void cease, expire, lapse (cease)
become weak languish
become worse degenerate, deteriorate
becoming attractive, consonant, favorable (advantageous), felicitous, fit, fitting, harmonious, palatable, proper, rightful, suitable
becoming greater cumulative (increasing)
becoming larger cumulative (increasing)
becoming more intense cumulative (intensifying)
becomingness propriety (appropriateness)
becripple disable
becurtain blind (obscure), camouflage
bed lodge (house), plant (place firmly)
bedaub stain
bedazzle discompose, disconcert
bedeck clothe, embellish
bedecked elaborate
bedevil annoy, discompose, disconcert, disorganize, distress, disturb, embarrass, harass, harrow, obsess, perplex, persecute, pique, plague
bedevilment detriment, harm, nuisance
bedim blind (obscure), camouflage, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscure, sully
bedizen embellish
bedizened meretricious, tawdry
bedlam imbroglio, pandemonium, riot, turmoil
bedraggled disordered
bedrape clothe
bedridden disabled (made incapable)
bedrock center (essence), foundation (basis). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bedwarf minimize
befall supervene
befalling accident (chance occurrence), chance (fortuity), contingency, experience (encounter)
befit applicable, comport (agree with), pertain
befitting applicable, apposite, appropriate, condign, convenient, due (regular), eligible, favorable (advantageous), felicitous, fit, just, opportune, proper, rightful, seasonable, suitable, tenable
befog blind (obscure), camouflage, confuse (bewilder), cover (conceal), disorganize, muddle, obscure, shroud
befogged lost (disoriented)
befool bait (lure), betray (lead astray), bilk, cheat, deceive, defraud, delude, dupe, entrap, hoodwink, humiliate, illude, inveigle, misguide, mislead
before theretofore. SEE MAIN ENTRY
before further examination prima facie (self-evident)
before mentioned last (preceding), said
before now heretofore
before one’s eyes perceivable
before time premature
before-mentioned aforesaid. SEE MAIN ENTRY
beforehand aforethought. SEE MAIN ENTRY
beforesaid aforesaid
befoul contaminate, corrupt, debase, infect, pillory, pollute, stain, taint (contaminate), tarnish
befouled tainted (contaminated)
befoulment contaminate
befriend favor, foster, promote (organize), side, sponsor, subsidize
befriender good samaritan, samaritan
befuddle confuse (bewilder), discompose, disorganize, disorient, disturb, muddle, obfuscate
befuddled lost (disoriented)
befuddlement confusion (ambiguity)
beg exhort, importune, press (beseech), pressure, urge
beg a favor call (appeal to), desire
beg for invoke, request
beg leave call (appeal to)
beg pardon repent
beg the question prevaricate
beg to be excused refuse
beg to differ demur
beget create, elicit, engender, generate, make, originate, produce (manufacture), propagate (increase), reproduce
begetter architect, author (originator), derivation, parents
begettor progenitor
beggar deplete, parasite
beggared impecunious, poor (underprivileged)
beggarliness poverty
beggarly destitute, ignoble, impecunious, petty, poor (inferior in quality)
beggary poverty, privation
begging request
begin arise (originate), assume (undertake), commence, conceive (invent), embark, establish (launch), generate, initiate, launch (initiate), maintain (commence), originate, preface, provoke, stem (originate), undertake, unveil. SEE MAIN ENTRY
begin a corporation incorporate (form a corporation)
begin again continue (resume), proceed (continue), reopen, resume
begin from develop
begin hostilities against attack
begin over continue (resume)
begin where one left off proceed (continue)
beginner amateur, apprentice, neophyte, novice, probationer (one being tested)
beginning causative, creation, derivation, elementary, embryo, foundation (basis), genesis, inception, inchoate, incipient, initial, nascency, onset (commencement), origin (source), original (initial), origination, outset, overture, preamble, precursory, preface, preliminary, prelude, preparatory, prime (original), primordial, rudimentary, source, start, threshold (commencement). SEE MAIN ENTRY
beginning before retroactive
beginnings overt act
begird circumscribe (surround by boundary), embrace (encircle), encompass (surround), include
begloom obfuscate, obscure
begotten born (alive)
begrime deface, pollute, sully
begrudge withhold
begrudging jealous, reluctant
beguile bait (lure), betray (lead astray), bilk, cheat, circumvent, cloak, deceive, defraud, delude, disarm (set at ease), dupe, ensnare, entrap, evade (deceive), fabricate (make up), fake, feign, foist, hoodwink, illude, interest, inveigle, lure, misguide, mislead, misrepresent, palter, pettifog, pretend, propitiate
beguilement artifice, deceit, deception, falsification, fraud, hoax, knavery, pretense (pretext)
beguiling attractive, collusive, deceptive, delusive, dishonest, evasive, fallacious, false (not genuine), fraudulent, insidious
begun but not completed inchoate
behave demean (deport oneself), deport (conduct oneself), obey
behave towards treat (process)
behaved obedient
behavior conduct, demeanor, deportment, modus operandi, practice (custom), presence (poise), procedure, protocol (etiquette), way (manner). SEE MAIN ENTRY
behavior pattern conduct, manner (behavior)
behaviorism casuistry
behest canon, demand, dictate, directive, mandate, order (judicial directive), process (summons), request, requirement, requisition
behind back (in arrears), delinquent (overdue)
behind bars in custody
behind the age outdated, outmoded
behind the scenes clandestine, latent
behind the times outdated, outmoded
behind time back (in arrears), dilatory, late (tardy), overdue
behindhand delinquent (overdue)
behold detect, discern (detect with the senses), discover, notice (observe), observe (watch), pierce (discern), regard (pay attention), spy, witness (have direct knowledge of). SEE MAIN ENTRY
beholdable discernible, manifest, open (in sight), perceivable, perceptible, scrutable
beholden accountable (responsible), bound, indebted, loyal
beholder bystander, witness
behoof advantage, behalf, benefit (betterment)
behoove pertain
being character (an individual), entity, identity (individuality), individual, person, personality, presence (attendance), reality, survival. SEE MAIN ENTRY
being analyzed at issue
being done current
being in ill repute disreputable
being in two corresponding parts bipartite
being of no importance collateral (immaterial)
bejewel embellish
belated back (in arrears), dilatory, late (tardy), overdue
belaud honor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
belay handcuff
beleaguer attack, contain (enclose), envelop, harry (harass)
belie bear false witness, cloak, deceive, disguise, disprove, fake, falsify, feign, lie (falsify), misrepresent, prevaricate, refute
belief assumption (supposition), concept, conjecture, credence, credulity, doctrine, dogma, estimate (idea), faith, idea, impression, notion, presumption, principle (axiom), reliance, stand (position), standpoint, supposition, theory, thesis, trust (confidence), weight (credibility). SEE MAIN ENTRY
beliefs behavior
believability credibility, probability
believable convincing, credible, defensible, ostensible, plausible, possible, presumptive, probable, reliable, specious, tenable, unimpeachable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
believableness credibility
believe deem, expect (consider probable), guess, opine, presume, presuppose, surmise, suspect (think). SEE MAIN ENTRY
believe in confide (trust), rely
believe on consideration deem
believed convincing, putative, uncontested, undisputed
believer addict, disciple, partisan
believing convincing, credulous, naive, orthodox, positive (confident), unsuspecting
belittle cavil, condescend (patronize), contemn, decry, defame, demean (make lower), demote, denigrate, denounce (condemn), deprecate, depreciate, derogate, dilute, diminish, disapprove (condemn), discommend, discount (disbelieve), disdain, disparage, lessen, minimize, misprize, pillory, smear, spurn, sully, underestimate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
belittlement disparagement, disregard (lack of respect)
belittling derogatory, disparagement, pejorative
bellicose contentious, disorderly, impertinent (insolent), inimical, insolent, litigious, malevolent, offensive (taking the initiative), perverse, provocative, pugnacious, spartan
bellicosity belligerency
belligerance belligerency
belligerant inimical
belligerency argument (contention), conflict, ill will, strife. SEE MAIN ENTRY
belligerent aggressor, argumentative, contentious, contestant, disputant, foe, litigious, malevolent, negative, perverse, pugnacious, spiteful
bellowing blatant (obtrusive)
belong comport (agree with), constitute (compose), correspond (be equivalent), pertain
belong as a part appertain
belong as an attribute appertain
belong intrinsically constitute (compose)
belong to affiliate, apply (pertain), join (associate oneself with)
belonger member (individual in a group)
belonging applicable, appurtenant, chattel, cognate, collateral (accompanying), correlative, holding (property owned), incident, pertinent, possession (property)
belonging equally to common (shared)
belonging to apposite, germane
belonging to all common (shared)
belonging to another country foreign
belonging to courts of justice forensic
belonging to debate forensic
belonging to many common (shared)
belonging to the house domestic (household)
belonging to the time current
belongings assets, capital, effects, estate (property), goods, interest (ownership), merchandise, personalty, possessions, property (possessions)
beloved popular
below a savoir. SEE MAIN ENTRY
below par defective, deficient, faulty, ignoble, imperfect, inferior (lower in quality), marginal, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), paltry, peccable, perfunctory, poor (inferior in quality), unsound (not strong)
below standard poor (inferior in quality)
below standards defective
below the mark minimal
below the surface latent
belt circumscribe (surround by boundary), contain (enclose), embrace (encircle), encompass (surround)
bemask blind (obscure), camouflage, disguise, pretend
bemingle denature
bemire pollute, sully
bemist obfuscate
bemoan deplore, regret, repent
bemock disparage, jape
bemuddle confuse (bewilder)
bemuddled disordered, lost (disoriented)
bemuse perplex
ben trovato colorable (plausible)
bench bar (court), chamber (body), court, judicatory, judicature, judiciary, tribunal. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bench of judges chamber (body)
bench warrant search warrant
bencher jurist
benchmark SEE MAIN ENTRY
bend conform, contort, dispose (incline), distort, relax, relent, subdue, submit (yield), succumb, yield (submit)
bend out of shape contort
bend to obey
bend to one’s will persuade, prejudice (influence)
bendable flexible, malleable, pliable, pliant, resilient, sequacious, tractable
bending flexible, malleable, sequacious
bene moratus law-abiding, moral
beneath consideration inappreciable
beneath contempt blameworthy, loathsome, offensive (offending), paltry. SEE MAIN ENTRY
beneath notice inappreciable, inconsiderable, negligible, null (insignificant), paltry
beneath one’s dignity disgraceful
beneath standards defective
benediction laudation
benefaction aid (subsistence), appropriation (donation), behalf, benefit (betterment), benefit (conferment), benevolence (act of kindness), boom (prosperity), bounty, charity, clemency, contribution (donation), donation, endowment, favor (act of kindness), favor (sanction), gift (present), goodwill, grant, gratuity (present), help, inheritance, largess (generosity), largess (gift), perquisite, profit, tip (gratuity)
benefactor backer, contributor (giver), donor, good samaritan, patron (influential supporter), promoter, proponent, receiver, samaritan, sponsor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
benefactress donor
beneficence benevolence (act of kindness), benevolence (disposition to do good), clemency, consideration (sympathetic regard), goodwill, humanity (humaneness), largess (generosity), philanthropy
beneficent beneficial, charitable (benevolent), charitable (lenient), donative, humane, liberal (generous), magnanimous, nonprofit, philanthropic
beneficent friend benefactor
beneficentia charity
bénéficiaire heir
beneficial ancillary (auxiliary), contributory, convenient, corrigible, favorable (advantageous), gainful, instrumental, lucrative, medicinal, operative, palliative (abating), practical, profitable, propitious, purposeful, remedial, salubrious, salutary, valuable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
beneficial interest claim (right)
bénéfficiare beneficiary
beneficiary devisee, donee, grantee, heir, legatee, receiver, recipient, successor, transferee. SEE MAIN ENTRY
beneficience benefit (conferment)
beneficient benevolent
beneficium favor (act of kindness), privilege
beneficus charitable (benevolent)
benefit accommodate, advantage, aid (help), aid (subsistence), aid, assistance, avail (be of use), behalf, bonus, capitalize (seize the chance), contribution (donation), dividend, edge (advantage), edification, endowment, favor (act of kindness), favor, function, gain, grant, help (noun), help (verb), largess (gift), output, preference (priority), prerogative, privilege, proceeds, profit (noun), profit (verb), promote (organize), promotion (encouragement), realize (obtain as a profit), reap, recourse, reward, service (assistance), use, utility (usefulness), value, welfare, worth. SEE MAIN ENTRY
benefit of doubt compurgation
benefiter benefactor
benefits consideration (recompense)
benevolence assistance, behalf, benefit (conferment), bounty, charity, clemency, comity, consideration (sympathetic regard), favor (act of kindness), goodwill, help, humanity (humaneness), indulgence, lenience, philanthropy, understanding (tolerance). SEE MAIN ENTRY
benevolent charitable (lenient), donative, humane, lenient, liberal (generous), meritorious, nonprofit, paternal, philanthropic, placable, propitious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
benevolentia benevolence (act of kindness), philanthropy
benevolently fairly (impartially)
benevolentness charity
benevolus benevolent
benight blind (obscure), obscure
benighted blind (not discerning), incognizant, opaque
benightedness ignorance
benign beneficial, benevolent, charitable (lenient), favorable (expressing approval), harmless, humane, nontoxic, paternal, philanthropic, propitious, remedial, safe, salutary. SEE MAIN ENTRY
benign favor auspices
benignancy benevolence (disposition to do good), humanity (humaneness), largess (generosity), philanthropy
benignant beneficial, charitable (lenient), philanthropic, propitious
benignitas indulgence
benignity clemency, consideration (sympathetic regard), favor (act of kindness), humanity (humaneness), largess (generosity), philanthropy
benignus charitable (benevolent)
bent animus, aptitude, character (personal quality), design (intent), desire, direction (course), disposition (inclination), favor (partiality), frame (mood), inclination, inclined, instinct, partiality, penchant, pertinacious, position (point of view), posture (attitude), preconception, predilection, predisposition, prejudice (preconception), proclivity, prone, propensity, resolute, stand (position), standpoint, tendency
bent on solicitous
bent upon eager, earnest, insistent, zealous
benumb drug, obtund
benumbed insensible, torpid
benumbing chilling effect, lifeless (dull)
bepraise honor
bequeath abalienate, bestow, cede, contribute (supply), convey (transfer), demise, descend, devise (give), devolve, endow, give (grant), grant (transfer formally), leave (give), pass (advance), present (make a gift), transfer. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bequeathable heritable
bequeathal bequest, demise (conveyance), devolution, endowment, grant, legacy, will (testamentary instrument)
bequeathed by will testamentary
bequeather donor, feoffor, grantor
bequest benefit (conferment), contribute (supply), contribution (donation), devolution, donation, dower, endowment, estate (hereditament), grant, hereditament, heritage, inheritance, legacy. SEE MAIN ENTRY
berate blame, castigate, censure, complain (criticize), condemn (blame), criticize (find fault with), decry, defame, denounce (condemn), deprecate, disapprove (condemn), fault, lash (attack verbally), mistreat, pillory, rebuke, remonstrate, reprehend, reprimand, reproach. SEE MAIN ENTRY
berating contumely, objurgation, obloquy, revilement
bereave deprive, despoil
bereaved disconsolate
bereaved child orphan
bereavement cost (penalty), privation
bereft bankrupt, destitute
bereft of devoid, insufficient
bereft of funds poor (underprivileged)
bereft of life dead, deceased, lifeless (dead)
bereft of reason deranged, lunatic, non compos mentis
beribbon embellish
berserk frenetic
berth employment, lodge (house), lodging, office, post, seat, trade (occupation)
beseech call (appeal to), exhort, importune, petition, plead (implore), pray, pressure, prevail upon, request, solicit, sue, urge. SEE MAIN ENTRY
beseeching precatory, solicitous
beseechment call (appeal), entreaty, prayer, request
beseige dun, envelop
beset accost, assail, attack, badger, bait (harass), discommode, dun, embarrass, envelop, harass, harrow, harry (harass), hector, importune, inflict, obsess, perplex, persecute, pique, plague, press (goad), provoke
beset with danger dangerous
beset with difficulties painful
beset with difficulty difficult
beset with perils aleatory (perilous)
besetting hostile
besetting idea compulsion (obsession)
beside adjacent, contiguous
beside oneself ecstatic
beside the mark impertinent (irrelevant), inapposite, irrelevant
beside the point immaterial, impertinent (irrelevant), inapposite, irrelevant, needless, nonessential, peripheral
beside the question immaterial, impertinent (irrelevant), irrelevant, nonessential
besides also, further, save
besiege assault, attack, bait (harass), harass, harrow, importune, obsess, overwhelm, strike (assault)
besiegement assault
besieger aggressor
besmear brand (stigmatize), defame, denigrate, denounce (condemn), disgrace, dishonor (deprive of honor), disparage, pillory, smear, stain, sully
besmirch brand (stigmatize), contemn, defame, denigrate, denounce (condemn), derogate, discredit, dishonor (deprive of honor), infect, libel, malign, pillory, pollute, smear, stain, taint (contaminate). SEE MAIN ENTRY
besmirched blemished
besmirching defilement
besmut smear
bespangle embellish
bespangled pretentious (ostentatious)
bespatter brand (stigmatize), defame, denigrate, derogate, disparage, humiliate, pillory, pollute
bespeak call (appeal to), denote, evince, indicate, manifest, reserve. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bespread diffuse
besprinkle diffuse
best absolute (ideal), cardinal (outstanding), premium, prime (most valuable), select, subdue, superlative, transcend, utmost. SEE MAIN ENTRY
best behavior decorum
best evidence rule SEE MAIN ENTRY
best of taste decorum
best part elite
best people elite
bestead avail (be of use), promote (organize), situated
bestial brutal
bestiality brutality. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bestir oneself endeavor, strive
bestow bear (yield), confer (give), contribute (supply), dedicate, delegate, descend, devise (give), dispel, dispense, dole, endow, endue, fund, furnish, give (grant), grant (transfer formally), impart, leave (give), mete, parcel, post, present (make a gift), provide (supply), spend, subsidize, supply, transfer, vouchsafe, yield (produce a return). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bestow by judicial decree award
bestow by will demise
bestow in shares disperse (disseminate)
bestow on administer (tender)
bestow thought upon muse
bestow upon bequeath, dispense, vest
bestow voluntarily grant (transfer formally)
bestowable heritable
bestowal appropriation (donation), benefit (conferment), cession, charity, concession (authorization), contribution (donation), conveyance, dedication, dispensation (act of dispensing), dower, endowment, grant, legacy, will (testamentary instrument)
bestowed gratuitous (given without recompense)
bestowed by ballot elective (selective)
bestower contributor (giver), donor, feoffor, grantor, obligee
bestowing donative
bestowment conveyance, dispensation (act of dispensing), donation, dower, endowment, gift (present), largess (gift), tip (gratuity)
bestowment of a share contribution (donation)
bestrew cast (throw), diffuse, dispel, disperse (disseminate), dissipate (spread out), spread
bet gamble, lottery, risk, speculate (chance), speculation (risk), stake (award). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bet on parlay (bet)
betoken anticipate (prognosticate), denote, evince, exemplify, herald, indicate, label, manifest, portend, predict, presage, prognosticate, promise (raise expectations), signify (denote)
betokening success auspicious
betongue lash (attack verbally), reprehend
betray bear false witness, bilk, cheat, defect, disobey, misrepresent, palter, rebel. SEE MAIN ENTRY
betray the secret inform (betray)
betrayal bad faith, bad repute, disloyalty, infidelity, treason
betrayal of a trust treason
betrayal of oath infidelity
betrayal of trust disloyalty, infidelity
betraying perfidious, recreant
betrayment bad faith
betrothed conjugal, nuptial
better ameliorate, amend, bettor, embellish, emend, enhance, help, meliorate, meritorious, outbalance, outweigh, preferable, preferential, promote (advance), rectify, reform, relieve (give aid), superior (excellent), surpass, transcend, treat (remedy). SEE MAIN ENTRY
better part generality (bulk), majority (greater part)
betterment advancement (improvement), amendment (correction), behalf, correction (change), development (progression), edification, headway, improvement, progress, promotion (advancement), reform, reorganization, repair
betterment SEE MAIN ENTRY
bettor betterment speculator. SEE MAIN ENTRY
between among, intermediate
bevy assemblage, band
bewail deplore, regret, repent
bewailing querulous
beware care (be cautious). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bewilder confound, discompose, disorganize, disorient, disturb, embarrass, misguide, muddle, obfuscate, overcome (overwhelm), overwhelm, perplex, perturb
bewildered insensible, lost (disoriented), speechless
bewildering complex, enigmatic, equivocal, labyrinthine, opaque
bewilderment ambiguity, bombshell, confusion (ambiguity), enigma, ignorance, incertitude, quandary, surprise
bewitch lure, obsess
bewitching attractive, sapid
bewitchment seduction
beyond further
beyond a doubt definitive, undeniable
beyond a question demonstrable
beyond a reasonable doubt SEE MAIN ENTRY
beyond a shadow of a doubt clear (certain), incontrovertible
beyond a shadow of doubt categorical, certain (positive)
beyond all dispute certain (positive), clear (certain), decisive, definite, definitive, inappealable
beyond all doubt demonstrable
beyond all praise prime (most valuable)
beyond all question axiomatic, categorical, certain (positive), decisive, definite, inappealable, incontestable, positive (incontestable), undeniable
beyond belief implausible, incredible, ludicrous
beyond compare absolute (ideal), best, leading (ranking first), paramount, prime (most valuable)
beyond comparison paramount, unique
beyond comprehension inapprehensible, incomprehensible
beyond contradiction incontrovertible
beyond control impracticable, insuperable, intractable
beyond correction irremediable
beyond cure irremediable
beyond dispute axiomatic, conclusive (settled), undeniable
beyond doubt absolute (conclusive), explicit, irrefutable, positive (incontestable), uncontroverted, undisputed
beyond expression indefinable, ineffable
beyond help incorrigible
beyond hope irremediable
beyond one’s power insurmountable
beyond one’s reach difficult, insurmountable
beyond price inestimable, invaluable, priceless
beyond question inappealable, undisputed
beyond reach inaccessible, unapproachable
beyond recall irrecoverable, irremediable, irrevocable
beyond redress irremediable
beyond reform incorrigible
beyond remedy irredeemable, irremediable, irreversible
beyond reproach unimpeachable
beyond the bounds of possibility insurmountable
beyond the jurisdiction of the court want of jurisdiction
beyond the limit extreme (exaggerated)
beyond the ordinary extraordinary
beyond understanding inapprehensible
bhang cannabis
bi-facial bilateral
bias bait (lure), discrimination (bigotry), dispose (incline), disposition (inclination), favor (partiality), favoritism, inclination, inequality, inequity, injustice, intolerance, nepotism, partiality, penchant, position (point of view), preconception, predetermination, predilection, predisposition, preference (choice), prejudice (preconception), prejudice (influence), proclivity, propensity, slant, stand (position), tendency. SEE MAIN ENTRY
biased disadvantageous, ex parte, exclusive (limited), illiberal, interested, one-sided, parochial, partisan, preferential, prejudicial, prone, subjective, unequal (unjust), unfair, unjust
biased judgment inequity, partiality
bibacity dipsomania
bibliophilic learned
bibulosity inebriation
bibulousness inebriation
bicameral bipartite. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bicker brawl, contend (dispute), dicker, differ (disagree), disaccord, disagree, dispute (debate), dissent (differ in opinion). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bickering altercation, argument (contention), contest (dispute), discord, dispute, dissension, dissidence, fight (argument), fracas, fractious, negative, pugnacious
bid appeal (noun), appeal (verb), application, call (appeal), command, detail (assign), dictate, direct (order), endeavor (noun), endeavor (verb), enjoin, impose (enforce), insist, instruct (direct), invitation, invoke, mandate, offer (propose), overture, petition (noun), petition (verb), pray, prescribe, proffer, proposition, request (noun), request (verb), summon, summons, writ. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bid against counter, counteract
bid come call (summon)
bid defiance to challenge
bid fair promise (raise expectations)
bid farewell leave (depart)
bid for attempt, dicker, haggle, negotiate, pursue (strive to gain), strive
bid-rigging SEE MAIN ENTRY
biddable loyal, obedient, pliable, resigned
bid-rigging SEE MAIN ENTRY
bidder applicant (candidate), customer, rival
bidding demand, directive, guidance, injunction, instruction (direction), invitation, monition (legal summons), process (summons), requirement, requisition, writ
bide continue (persevere), defer (put off), endure (suffer), last, persist, reside
bide time pause
bienséance decorum
bifurcate dichotomize, divergent, part (separate). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bifurcated bicameral, bipartite, divergent
bifurcated trial SEE MAIN ENTRY
bifurcation dichotomy, severance, split
bifurcous bipartite
big capacious, extensive, gross (flagrant), important (significant), major, momentous, ponderous, prodigious (enormous). SEE MAIN ENTRY
big-hearted benevolent
biggest part generality (bulk)
biggest share majority (greater part)
bighearted philanthropic
bigness mass (weight)
bigoted exclusive (limited), illiberal, narrow, partial (biased)
bigotry bias, inequity, intolerance
bilateral mutual (reciprocal), reciprocal. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bilateral contract mutual understanding
bile resentment, umbrage
bileful bilious
bilious bitter (penetrating), dyseptic, malevolent. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bilk defraud, dupe, ensnare, peculate, pilfer. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bilked aggrieved (harmed)
bill act (enactment), amendment (legislation), cash, charge (assess), check (instrument), codification, debt, draft, enactment, instrument (document), measure, receipt (voucher). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bill drafter lawmaker
bill of accounts dun
bill of attainder SEE MAIN ENTRY
bill of complaint allegation, claim (legal demand)
bill of costs dun
bill of exchange check (instrument), draft, security (stock)
bill of indemnity exoneration
bill of indictment accusation, complaint
bill of lading invoice (itemized list)
bill of particulars SEE MAIN ENTRY
billet domicile, dwell (reside), employment, job, lodging, note (brief comment), office, post, residence, role
billing publicity
billingsgate profanity, revilement
bills currency, debit, legislation (enactments)
billy cudgel
bind affix, amalgamate, annex (add), attach (join), cement, combine (join together), confine, connect (join together), consolidate (strengthen), constrain (imprison), constrict (compress), contain (enclose), contain (restrain), detain (restrain), engage (hire), estop, fetter, hamper, handcuff, impose (enforce), join (bring together), limit, pledge (promise the performance of), press (constrain), promise (vow), restrain, restrict, trammel. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bind by a pledge promise (vow)
bind oneself pledge (promise the performance of), promise (vow)
bind oneself by oath promise (vow), swear
bind together commingle
binder connection (fastening). SEE MAIN ENTRY
binding accession (annexation), attachment (act of affixing), choate lien, coalescence, coalition, compelling, compulsory, concurrent (united), contractual, decretal, essential (required), forcible, fully executed (signed), indefeasible, irrevocable, mandatory, necessary (required), obligatory, positive (prescribed), prescriptive, requisite, stringent, unavoidable (not voidable), valid. SEE MAIN ENTRY
binding agreement adjustment, contract, covenant, testament
binding promise agreement (contract)
bioecology ecology
bioethics SEE MAIN ENTRY
biographical record journal
bionomics ecology
bipartisanship conciliation, consensus
bipartite bicameral. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bipartition dichotomy
birch lash (strike)
birdbrained opaque
birth bloodline, creation, derivation, descent (lineage), family (common ancestry), genesis, inception, nascency, nationality, onset (commencement), origin (ancestry), origin (source), origination, outset, parentage, race, start. SEE MAIN ENTRY
birth out of wedlock bar sinister
birthplace derivation, home (place of origin), origin (source)
birthright bequest, descent (lineage), droit, estate (hereditament), heritage. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bisect bifurcate, cross (intersect), dichotomize, divide (separate), split, subdivide
bisectable divisible
bisected bicameral, bipartite, divisive
bisection dichotomy, split, subdivision
bit iota, minimum, part (portion), scintilla, segment
biting bitter (acrid tasting), bitter (penetrating), bitter (reproachful), caustic, harsh, incisive, mordacious, offensive (offending), scathing, trenchant
bitter antipathetic (distasteful), astringent, dyseptic, harsh, hostile, malevolent, malignant, mordacious, resentful, virulent. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bitter animosity malice
bitter enemy foe
bitter feelings ill will, rancor
bitter harangue diatribe
bitter language philippic
bitter words diatribe, phillipic, revilement
bitterness alienation (estrangement), feud, ill will, rancor, resentment, spite, umbrage
bivium intersection
bizarre eccentric, egregious, inept (inappropriate), irrational, ludicrous, noteworthy, novel, peculiar (curious), prodigious (amazing), unaccustomed, uncommon, unique, unusual. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bizarreness nonconformity, quirk (idiosyncrasy)
blabber jargon (unintelligible language)
blabbing loquacious
black deplorable, heinous, iniquitous, outrageous, portentous (ominous), scandalous
black marketeer bootlegger
black out eradicate, expunge
black-listing boycott
black-market impermissible
blackball condemn (ban), denounce (condemn), exclusion, humiliate, ostracism, picket, reject
blackballing boycott
blacken brand (stigmatize), deface, defame, denigrate, denounce (condemn), derogate, disgrace, disparage, humiliate, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscure, pillory, smear, stain, sully, tarnish
blacken one’s good name denigrate
blackening calumnious, defilement, pejorative, vilification
blackguard criminal, hoodlum, lash (attack verbally), unconscionable
blackhearted malignant
blackjack cudgel
blacklist bar (exclude), denounce (condemn), isolate, ostracism
blackmail coercion, compel, extort, extortion, graft, hush money, threaten. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blackmailer extortionist
blackout censorship, insentience, obscuration
blamable blameful, blameworthy, culpable, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), guilty, peccable, reprehensible
blame accuse, arraign, assignation, censure, charge (accusation), charge (accuse), cite (accuse), complain (charge), complain (criticize), conviction (finding of guilt), criticism, criticize (find fault with), culpability, denounce (inform against), denunciation, diatribe, disparagement, fault (responsibility), fault, guilt, impeach, impeachability, impeachment, impute, incriminate, incrimination, inculpation, indict, involve (implicate), obloquy, odium, ostracism, outcry, present (prefer charges), proscribe (denounce), rebuke, reprehend, reprimand (noun), reprimand (verb), reproach (noun), reproach (verb), stricture. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blame falsely frame (charge falsely)
blame oneself regret
blame unfairly frame (charge falsely)
blame unjustly frame (charge falsely)
blameful blameworthy, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), peccant (culpable), reprehensible. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blameless clean, incorruptible, inculpable, innocent, irreprehensible, not guilty, pardonable, unimpeachable. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blamelessness innocence
blameworthiness blame (culpability), culpability, guilt, impeachability, onus (blame)
blameworthy blameful, contemptible, culpable, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), disgraceful, guilty, inexcusable, inexpiable, loathsome, notorious, obnoxious, odious, peccable, peccant (culpable), reprehensible, reprobate, sinister, unjustifiable, vicious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blameworthy conduct criminality
blaming critical (faultfinding), incriminatory, inculpatory
blandish coax, inveigle, persuade, pressure
blandishment bribery, inducement, mention (tribute), persuasion, seduction
blank bleak (exposed and barren), devoid, form (document), inexpressive, inscrutable, nonentity, oblivious, thoughtless, vacant, vacuous, void (empty). SEE MAIN ENTRY
blanked blind (impassable)
blanket absolute (complete), blind (obscure), broad, camouflage, complete (all-embracing), cover (protection), ensconce, enshroud, envelop, generic, indiscriminate, omnibus, shroud
blankness indifference, insentience, nullity
blare barrage, noise, proclaim
blase casual
blasé dispassionate
blase nonchalant
blaspheme malign
blaspheming expletive
blasphemous offensive (offending), profane
blasphemy imprecation, profanity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blast barrage, destroy (efface), discharge (shot), discharge (shoot), extirpate, inveigh, outburst, repercussion
blasting blasphemy, discharge (shot)
blatancy noise, pretense (ostentation)
blatant brazen, flagrant, manifest, open (in sight), tawdry. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blatant violation of law lynch law
blather jargon (unintelligible language), prattle (noun), prattle (verb)
blaze brand (mark), burn, conflagration, deflagrate, outburst, promulgate, propagate (spread)
blaze abroad proclaim
blazon disclose, embellish, herald, inform (notify), promulgate, propagate (spread), publish, reveal
bleak devoid, jejune (dull). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bleakness damper (depressant)
blear blind (obscure)
bleared nebulous
bleed deplete, exude
blemish damage, deface, defacement, defame, defect, denigrate, detriment, disgrace, dishonor (shame), flaw, foible, frailty, handicap, mutilate, onus (stigma), smear, spoil (impair), stain, stigma, sully, taint (contaminate), tarnish, vice. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blemished defective, deficient, faulty, imperfect, inferior (lower in quality), marred. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blend amalgamate, attune, bond (hold together), combine (join together), commingle, conjoin, connect (join together), consolidate (strengthen), converge, denature, desegregate, integration (amalgamation), join (bring together), melange, merge, pool, solution (substance), unite
blended composite, compound, concerted, concurrent (united), conglomerate, conjoint, harmonious, inseparable, miscellaneous, promiscuous
blending coherence, concordant, concrescence, integration (amalgamation)
blessed sacrosanct
blessing laudation, permission
blessings prosperity
blight calamity, casualty, damage, decay, destroy (efface), disaster, distress (anguish), impair, infect, pain, spoil (impair), spoilage, taint (contaminate), thwart, vitiate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blight one’s optical powers blind (deprive of sight)
blighted marred, tainted (contaminated)
blighted hope pessimism
blighting disastrous
blind camouflage, cloak, deceive, deception, decoy, heedless, hidden, hoodwink, ill-judged, inadvertent, incognizant, injudicious, insensible, insusceptible (uncaring), obfuscate, obnubilate, obscure, opaque, random, ruse, stratagem, unwitting. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blind chance accident (chance occurrence)
blind faith credulity
blind to impervious
blind zeal discrimination (bigotry)
blinded unaware
blindfold hoodwink
blindness ignorance, nescience
bliss enjoyment (pleasure)
blissful ecstatic
blister burn
blistered blemished
blitz barrage
blitzkrieg onset (assault)
bloat inflate, spread
bloated inflated (enlarged)
bloatedness inflation (increase)
bloc cartel, league, organization (association), society
block arrest (stop), balk, ban, bar (obstruction), bar (hinder), bind (restrain), blockade (barrier), bulk, censorship, check (bar), check (restrain), clog, condemn (ban), constrain (restrain), constrict (inhibit), contain (restrain), damper (stopper), deadlock, debar, defeat, delay, deter, deterrence, deterrent, disadvantage, disqualify, encumber (hinder), enjoin, exclude, forbid, halt (noun), halt (verb), hamper, hinder, hold up (delay), impasse, impede, impediment, interdict, interfere, interpose, interruption, keep (restrain), kill (defeat), limitation, lock, obstacle, obstruct, obstruction, obturate, occlude, oppose, parcel, parry, plot (land), preclude, prevent, procrastinate, prohibit, prohibition, real estate, resist (oppose), section (vicinity), shut, stall, stave, stay (halt), stem (check), stifle, stop, strangle, toll (stop), withhold, withstand. SEE MAIN ENTRY
block off seal (close), shut
block out delineate, frame (construct), plan, program
block the way estop
block up clog, encumber (hinder), estop, shut, stop
blockade bar (hinder), block, contain (enclose), control (restriction), deterrence, disadvantage, eliminate (exclude), enclose, enclosure, enjoin, estop, exclude, halt, hindrance, impasse, impede, impediment, lock, obstruction, occlude, ostracism, picket, restrain, restraint, seclude, shut, stop, strike (refuse to work). SEE MAIN ENTRY
blockaded blind (impassable)
blockage bar (obstruction), blockade (barrier), censorship, check (bar), damper (stopper), deadlock, disadvantage, estoppel, filibuster, impasse, impediment, obstruction, obviation
blockbuster bomb
blocked arrested (checked), blind (impassable), impervious
blocking preventive, resistance
blockish obtuse, opaque, thoughtless
blockishness opacity
blood ancestry, bloodline, descent (lineage). SEE MAIN ENTRY
blood connection family (common ancestry)
blood kindred next of kin
blood money hush money
blood related consanguineous
blood relation affiliation (bloodline), degree (kinship), next of kin, relationship (family tie), relative
blood relations kindred
blood relationship affiliation (bloodline), ancestry, degree (kinship), filiation
blood relative affinity (family ties), next of kin, relation (kinship)
blood relatives kindred, lineage
blood tie ancestry, relation (kinship)
blood ties relationship (family tie)
blood-thirsty cruel
bloodless clean, insipid, peaceable, phlegmatic
bloodline ancestry, birth (lineage), descent (lineage), lineage, origin (ancestry), parentage, posterity, progeny. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bloodshed dispatch (act of putting to death), fight (battle), outbreak
bloodsucker parasite
bloodthirstiness bestiality, cruelty
bloodthirsty malevolent, malignant, predatory, ruthless
bloody brutal
bloody murder killing
bloom pullulate, succeed (attain)
blooming prosperous, successful
blossom proliferate, pullulate
blossoming successful
blot brand (stigmatize), deface, defacement, defect, derogate, disgrace (noun), disgrace (verb), dishonor (shame), dishonor (deprive of honor), disparage, flaw, ignominy, infamy, onus (stigma), opprobrium, pillory, shame, stain, stigma, sully, tarnish
blot out censor, condone, deface, delete, destroy (efface), eliminate (eradicate), eradicate, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, obliterate, redact
blotch deface, defacement, onus (stigma), stain
blotting out defacement
blow bombshell, debacle, detriment, infliction, misfortune, tragedy, trouble
blow up expand, inflate, outbreak
blowing up inflation (increase)
blown up inflated (enlarged)
blowout outburst
blows fracas
blowup outburst
bludgeon coerce, cudgel, harass
bludgeon man assailant
blue ribbon prize
blue sky law SEE MAIN ENTRY
blue-pencil expurgate
blue-penciling censorship
blueprint agenda, arrange (plan), delineate, delineation, design (construction plan), direction (course), method, program, prospectus. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blueprinted tactical
bluff betray (lead astray), bilk, brazen, cloak, deception, delude, ensnare, fake, palter, pettifog, pretend, pretense (pretext)
bluffer pedant
bluffing lying
blunder abortion (fiasco), disaster, err, fault (mistake), indiscretion, maladministration, misapprehend, miscalculate, misconceive, misconstrue, miscue, misdeed, misdoing, misinterpret, misjudge, mismanage, misread, misstatement, mistake, misunderstand, oversight (carelessness). SEE MAIN ENTRY
blundering erroneous, inaccurate, inept (incompetent)
blunt allay, alleviate, assuage, candid, clear (apparent), decrease, deter, direct (forthright), harmless, honest, impair, ingenuous, moderate (temper), modify (moderate), mollify, obtund, obtuse, sententious, soothe. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blunt-witted obtuse
bluntness candor (straightforwardness), disrespect, honesty
blur blind (obscure), deface, indistinctness, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscuration, obscure, sully. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blur the outline blind (obscure)
blurred inconspicuous, indefinite, indistinct, nebulous, obscure (faint), unclear, vague
blurriness indistinctness
blurry indefinite, indistinct, nebulous, obscure (faint), unclear, vague
blurt interject
blurt out divulge, reveal
blushful diffident
blushing diffident
bluster hector, outburst, rodomontade. SEE MAIN ENTRY
blustering disorderly, orgulous, orotund
blustery disorderly
board bench, bureau, chamber (body), commission (agency), committee, council (assembly), enter (go in), inhabit, lodge (reside), management (directorate). SEE MAIN ENTRY
board of directors management (directorate), management (supervision)
board of inquiry commission (agency)
boarder habitant, inhabitant, lessee, lodger, resident
boardinghouse building (structure)
boast bluster (speech), exaggeration, flaunt, include, jactation
boastful grandiose, inflated (vain), orgulous, pretentious (pompous), proud (conceited)
boastfulness bombast, jactation, pride, rodomontade
boasting bombast, orgulous, overstatement, pretentious (pompous), rodomontade
boatload cargo
bode portend, predict, presage, prognosticate, threaten
bodeful ominous, portentous (ominous), prophetic
bodement caveat
bodiless immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, intangible
bodilessness impalpability
bodiliness materiality (physical existence)
bodily concrete, corporal, corporeal, in person, material (physical), mundane, physical. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bodily deviation from health disease
bodily existence materiality (physical existence)
bodily presentation embodiment
bodily representation embodiment
boding consternation, inauspicious, portentous (ominous), premonition
body aggregate, assemblage, assembly, band, character (an individual), committee, community, confederacy (compact), configuration (form), content (structure), cornerstone, corporation, corpse, corpus, entity, generality (bulk), individual, majority (greater part), mass (body of persons), mass (weight), materiality (physical existence), party (political organization), society, substance (essential nature). SEE MAIN ENTRY
body corporate cartel, company (enterprise), corporation
body of commissioners commission (agency)
body of consultants committee
body of delegates commission (agency), delegation (envoy), deputation (delegation), representation (acting for others)
body of deputies commission (agency), representation (acting for others)
body of employees personnel, staff
body of fact science (study)
body of facts on which belief is based evidence
body of judges chamber (body), judiciary
body of jurors array (jury), jury, panel (jurors)
body of knowledge education
body of law constitution, pandect (code of laws)
body of laws code, jurisprudence
body of laws enacted legislation (enactments)
body of members constituency
body of men armed with legal process posse
body of men summoned by a sheriff posse
body of office holders government (political administration)
body of partisans caucus, side
body of persons summoned as jurors panel (jurors)
body of persons sworn to render a verdict panel (jurors)
body of persons who formulate laws legislature
body of principles platform
body of professors faculty (teaching staff)
body of representatives delegation (envoy), deputation (delegation)
body of rules law
body of rules of government constitution
body politic community, nationality, polity, populace, population, public, state (political unit)
bodyguard guardian
boeotian opaque
bog stall
boggle mismanage
bogus assumed (feigned), counterfeit, deceptive, delusive, dishonest, false (not genuine), fraudulent, imitation, specious, spurious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
Bohemian nonconforming
Bohemianism nonconformity
boil down abridge (shorten), distill, lessen
boiler plate SEE MAIN ENTRY
boisterous blatant (obtrusive), disorderly, vehement
boisterousness bluster (commotion)
bold brazen, flagrant, heroic, hot-blooded, impertinent (insolent), impulsive (rash), indomitable, insolent, obtrusive, palpable, perceivable, presumptuous, prominent, salient, spartan, unabashed, undaunted. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bold front audacity
boldfaced brazen
boldness audacity, confidence (faith), prowess (bravery), spirit, temerity
bolster bear (support), favor, inure (benefit), justify, maintain (sustain), nurture, preserve, promote (organize), reinforce, side, subsidize, supplement, support (assist), sustain (prolong), uphold. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bolster up corroborate, reassure
bolt abscond, assemblage, bar (hinder), escape, impede, lock, race, renege, retreat, seal (close)
bombard attack
bombardment barrage, discharge (shot), onset (assault)
bombast fustian, harangue, peroration. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bombastic flatulent, fustian, grandiose, orotund, pretentious (pompous), prolix, turgid. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bombastic language fustian
bombastic speech rhetoric (insincere language)
bombastical flatulent
bombastry fustian
bombings barrage
bombshell bomb. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bona assets, effects, possession (property), property (possessions)
bona fide accurate
bona fide actual, adherence (devotion), adhesion (loyalty)
bona fide authentic, convincing. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bona fide corporeal, de facto
bona fide genuine, good faith, in good faith, sterling, valid, veridical
bonafide real
bonanza bounty
bond adherence (adhesion), adherence (devotion), adhesion (loyalty), affiliation (connectedness), agreement (contract), association (connection), attachment (act of affixing), bail, chain (nexus), charge (lien), coalescence, coalition, connection (fastening), contact (association), contract, coverage (insurance), debenture, fetter, guaranty, handcuff, hostage, kinship, liaison, loyalty, marriage (intimate relationship), nexus, note (written promise to pay), pact, pawn, pledge (deposit), promise, propinquity (kinship), recognizance, relation (connection), relationship (connection), security (pledge), sodality, specialty (contract), stipulation, treaty. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bond against risk insurance
bond of matrimony cohabitation (married state), marriage (wedlock)
bond of slavery bondage
bond of union chain (nexus)
bondage captivity, coercion, constraint (imprisonment), custody (incarceration), durance, duress, incarceration, restraint, subjection, thrall. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bonded allied, concerted, concordant, concurrent (united), fully secured, harmonious
bondman captive
bonds bondage, constraint (imprisonment), durance, restriction, securities, servitude, ties
bondsman captive
bone of contention problem, question (issue)
bonfire conflagration
boni bonus
bonorum possessions
bonus benefit (conferment), bounty, commission (fee), contribution (donation), gratuity (present), largess (gift), perquisite, premium (excess value), prize, reward
bonus sterling
bonus surplus, tip (gratuity). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bony ossified
book document, engage (hire), enroll, file (place among official records), program, publication (printed matter), record, register, retain (employ), script, set down. SEE MAIN ENTRY
book learning information (knowledge)
book of accounts ledger
book of records ledger
booking registration, reservation (engagement)
bookish learned
bookkeeper accountant, comptroller
bookkeeping accounting, computation, registration. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bookkeeping expert comptroller
books ledger
boom barrage, prosperity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
booming prosperous, resounding, successful
booming economy boom (prosperity), prosperity
boon behalf, benefit (conferment), benevolence (act of kindness), bonus, bounty, contribution (donation), endowment, favor (act of kindness), grant, help, largess (gift)
boorish ignoble, inelegant, perverse, provincial, uncouth, unseemly
boost boom (increase), elevate, encourage, enhance, favor, help, impetus, increase, increment, intensify, magnify, parlay (exploit successfully), raise (advance), recommendation, reinforce, reinforcement
boost in prices inflation (decrease in value of currency)
boosting cumulative (intensifying), promotion (encouragement)
boot spurn
booth stand (witness’ place in court), store (business)
bootlegged commerce contraband
bootlegged goods contraband
bootlegged trade contraband
bootlegged traffic contraband
bootlegger SEE MAIN ENTRY
bootless futile, otiose, unavailing
booty pillage, plunder, prize, reward, spoils
border ambit, boundary, circumscribe (define), circumscribe (surround by boundary), connection (abutment), contact (touch), contain (enclose), demarcate, enclosure, encompass (surround), end (termination), extremity (furthest point), frontier, hedge, juxtapose, limit, margin (outside limit), mete, outline (boundary), periphery, tenant. SEE MAIN ENTRY
border on abut, adjoin, approximate, contact (touch), correspond (be equivalent)
bordering adjacent, close (near), contiguous, immediate (not distant), proximate
bordering upon proximate
borderland border, frontier, mete, periphery
borderline boundary, end (termination), extremity (furthest point), insecure, marginal, mete, purview
borders configuration (confines), confines, extent
bore enter (penetrate), penetrate, pierce (lance)
boredom disinterest (lack of interest)
boresome irksome, jejune (dull), pedestrian, prolix, prosaic
boring insipid, irksome, jejune (dull), lifeless (dull), nondescript, ordinary, pedestrian, ponderous, prolix, prosaic, stale, trite
born native (inborn). SEE MAIN ENTRY
born in wedlock legitimate (lawfully conceived). SEE MAIN ENTRY
born of parents legally married legitimate (lawfully conceived)
borough community
borrow adopt, appropriate, copy. SEE MAIN ENTRY
borrow dishonestly pirate (reproduce without authorization), plagiarize
borrower debtor, obligor, parasite
borrowing limit SEE MAIN ENTRY
bosom close (intimate)
boss chief, direct (supervise), director, employer, manage, principal (director), superintend
botch fail (lose), failure (lack of success), miscue, mismanage, muddle, spoil (impair)
botchery maladministration
bother aggravate (annoy), annoy, badger, bait (harass), burden, care (regard), discommode, disorganize, distress, disturb, embarrass, harass, harrow, harry (harass), hector, hinder, hindrance, impede, importune, inconvenience, irritate, mistreat, molest (annoy), molestation, nuisance, perplex, persecute, perturb, pique, plague, press (goad), provoke, trouble, upset
botheration burden
bothering enigmatic
bothersome difficult, irksome, operose, undesirable, vexatious
bottle up repress
bottleneck blockade (barrier)
bottomless baseless, profound (intense)
boulevard avenue (route)
bounce oscillate
bounce back reflect (mirror)
bouncing resilient
bound abut, accountable (responsible), actionable, attached (annexed), barrier, boundary, circumscribe (surround by boundary), confine, definite, delimit, demarcate, detain (restrain), diminish, en route, enclose, encompass (surround), end (termination), frontier, hedge, include, indebted, inextricable, limit, loyal, mete, palliate (abate), periphery, purposeful, qualify (condition), restrict, shut, specialize. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bound by agreement indentured
bound by contract indentured
bound by convention orthodox
bound by duty moral
bound in equity liable
bound in law liable
bound to liable
bound to respond liable
bound together conjoint
boundaries capacity (sphere), confines, dimension, range
boundary ambit, barrier, border, configuration (confines), edge (border), enclosure, end (termination), extremity (furthest point), frontier, guideline, limit, margin (outside limit), mete, purview, restriction, scope. SEE MAIN ENTRY
boundary line ambit, frontier, limit, mete, periphery
boundary lines confines
boundary mark mete
boundary marker landmark (conspicuous object)
bounded certain (specific), limited
bounded with precision definite
bounden indebted, loyal, mandatory, necessary (required)
bounden duty allegiance, burden, liability, responsibility (accountability)
bounding contiguous, immediate (not distant)
boundless continual (perpetual), far reaching, indefinite, indeterminate, infinite, innumerable, myriad, open-ended, profuse, unlimited, unqualified (unlimited), unrestricted
boundlessly ad infinitum
boundlessness perpetuity
boundness responsibility (accountability)
bounds ambit, area (province), border, capacity (sphere), circuit, configuration (confines), confines, constraint (imprisonment), contour (outline), coverage (scope), custody (incarceration), edge (border), extent, margin (outside limit), mete, outline (boundary), premises (buildings), purview, range, restriction, scope, sphere. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bounteous benevolent, charitable (benevolent), humane, liberal (generous), philanthropic, profuse, replete
bounteousness charity, largess (generosity), philanthropy
bountiful ample, benevolent, copious, donative, liberal (generous), philanthropic, profuse, replete
bountifulness benevolence (disposition to do good), boom (prosperity), charity, largess (generosity), philanthropy
bounty bonus, consideration (recompense), contribution (donation), donation, endowment, favor (act of kindness), grant, largess (generosity), largess (gift), philanthropy, premium (excess value), prize, reward, subsidy. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bourgeois ordinary, prevailing (current)
bourn destination, end (intent), outline (boundary)
bourse exchange, market (business)
bout competition, confrontation (altercation), contest (competition), fight (battle), period
bout of sickness disease
bovine phlegmatic
bow prostration, succumb, yield (submit)
bow to obey, observe (obey), submit (yield)
bowdlerization censorship
bowdlerize censor, expurgate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bowelless relentless
bowing compliance
bowl over overcome (overwhelm)
box chamber (compartment), envelop, stand (witness’ place in court)
box number address
boy child
boycott condemn (ban), disapprove (reject), eschew, exclude, exclusion, ignore, picket, proscription, reject, shun, strike, strike (refuse to work). SEE MAIN ENTRY
boyishness puerility
brabble affray, bicker, disaccord, fray
brace bear (support), mainstay, reinforce, side, stimulate, uphold
bracing remedial, salutary
bracket class, connect (relate), enclose, enclosure, include, pigeonhole, relate (establish a connection)
brag exaggeration, jactation, rodomontade
braggadocio jactation, pride, rodomontade
braggardism jactation
braggardly pretentious (pompous)
braggart inflated (vain), pretentious (pompous), proud (conceited)
braggartism pride, rodomontade
braggery bombast
bragging bluster (speech), orgulous, rodomontade
braid cross (intersect), intertwine
brain intellect
brain child invention
brain damage insanity
brainless fatuous, irrational, opaque
brains intelligence (intellect)
braintwister enigma
brainwash convert (persuade), influence
brainwashing propaganda
brainwork dialectic
brake control (restriction), curb, hamper, hold up (delay), impede, impediment, obstruct, remit (relax), restraint, stop
branch adjunct, affiliate, bifurcate, bureau, class, denomination, department, dichotomize, division (administrative unit), member (constituent part), offshoot, organ, segment, spread, title (division), unit (department)
branch member chapter (branch)
branch of instruction discipline (field of study)
branch of knowledge discipline (field of study), science (study)
branch off bifurcate, stem (originate)
branch office chapter (branch), organ
branch organization affiliate
branch out accrue (increase), bifurcate, compound, deploy, deviate, digress, expand, increase, radiate
branching divergent, extensive
branching off deviation
branching out circulation, decentralization
brand arraign, attaint, burn, class, classify, defame, denigrate, denounce (condemn), derogate, disapprove (condemn), discredit, disgrace (noun), disgrace (verb), dishonor (shame), dishonor (deprive of honor), disparagement, disrepute, earmark, humiliate, ignominy, implicate, indicant, indication, infamy, involve (implicate), label (noun), label (verb), manner (kind), onus (stigma), opprobrium, pillory, reproach, scandal, smear, specialty (distinctive mark), stamp, stigma, sully, tarnish, trademark. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brand incorrectly mislabel
brand with reproach arraign
brandish display, flaunt, wield. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brangle bicker, brawl (noun), brawl (verb), disaccord
brash brazen, caustic, impertinent (insolent), improvident, imprudent, obtrusive, presumptuous
brashness disrespect
brassy pretentious (ostentatious)
bravado audacity, pretense (ostentation)
brave bear (tolerate), confront (encounter), defy, endure (suffer), heroic, indomitable, spartan, undaunted. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brave face audacity
braveness prowess (bravery)
bravery spirit, tolerance
bravura audacity
brawl affray, bicker, bluster (commotion), commotion, confrontation (altercation), contend (dispute), contest (dispute), controversy (argument), disaccord, embroilment, fight (battle), fracas, fray, outbreak, outcry, riot. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brawler malcontent
brawn force (strength), puissance, sinew, strength
brawniness sinew
brawny powerful, strong
braying blatant (obtrusive)
braze cement
brazen contemptuous, flagrant, impertinent (insolent), insolent, obtrusive, outrageous, presumptuous, unabashed. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brazenness disrespect
breach alienation (estrangement), argument (contention), break (violate), conflict, default, delinquency (failure of duty), dereliction, difference, disassociation, disloyalty, embroilment, encroach, encroachment, estrangement, feud, flaw, force (break), incursion, infraction, infringe, infringement, invasion, irregularity, neglect, offense, omission, outbreak, repudiation, rift (gap), schism, separation, split, transgression, trespass, variance (disagreement), violation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
breach of a promise delinquency (failure of duty)
breach of allegiance treason
breach of duty negligence, res ipsa loquitur
breach of faith bad faith, bribery, corruption, dishonor (nonpayment), disloyalty, infidelity, infraction, treason
breach of law crime, guilt, infraction, misdemeanor, misfeasance
breach of legal duty tort
breach of orders default, disregard (omission), infraction, rebellion
breach of peace disorder (lack of order)
breach of practice deviation, exception (exclusion), malpractice
breach of privilege infraction
breach of profession malpractice
breach of promise dishonor (nonpayment), disloyalty, infidelity, infraction, nonperformance
breach of the law delinquency (misconduct), offense
breach of the peace brawl, fracas, infraction, outbreak, outburst, riot
breach of trust abuse (corrupt practice), corruption, disloyalty, embezzlement, improbity, infidelity, infraction, misappropriation
breach the agreement default
breadth caliber (measurement), capacity (maximum), extent, gamut, purview, range
break adjournment, alienation (estrangement), breach, cessation (interlude), cloture, controversy (argument), damage, digression, disable, disassociation, discontinue (abandon), discontinue (break continuity), estrangement, extension (postponement), halt (noun), halt (verb), hiatus, infringe, interrupt, interruption, interval, leave (absence), lull, luxate, moratorium, part (separate), pause (noun), pause (verb), pendency, recess (noun), recess (verb), remission, rend, respite (interval of rest), rift (disagreement), rift (gap), schism, separate, separation, split (noun), split (verb), spoil (impair), subdue, transition, violate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
break a law disobey, offend (violate the law)
break a promise renege
break a rule disobey
break apart disband, disjoint, disrupt, dissolve (separate), sever
break away defect, elude, leave (depart), part (leave), secede
break bounds accroach, deviate, impinge, infringe
break camp evacuate, move (alter position)
break down classify, codify, damage, decay, erode, overcome (overwhelm), pigeonhole, stall, subdivide, succumb
break faith bear false witness, cheat, inform (betray), misrepresent, palter
break faith with betray (lead astray)
break fealty defect
break forth issue (send forth)
break from prison escape
break ground initiate, originate
break in discipline (train), interfere, interrupt, intervene, invade, obtrude, trespass
break in on impinge
break in upon infringe, overstep
break into infringe, interpose, loot, penetrate
break loose elude, escape
break news divulge
break off alienate (estrange), close (terminate), conclude (complete), detach, discontinue (abandon), discontinue (break continuity), forbear, forswear, halt, quit (discontinue), refrain, separate, sever, stop, suspend
break one’s oath perjure
break one’s promise betray (lead astray), fail (neglect)
break one’s promise to disappoint
break one’s trust default
break one’s word fail (neglect), perjure
break out escape
break silence pronounce (speak), speak
break the association of disband
break the connection with disengage
break the contract default
break the law disobey, offend (violate the law), trespass. SEE MAIN ENTRY
break the news notify, reveal
break the pattern deviate
break the peace brawl, fight (battle)
break the record surpass
break through emerge, lancinate
break to pieces destroy (efface)
break trust inform (betray)
break up decay, degenerate, destroy (void), diffuse, disband, disintegrate, disjoint, dispel, dissipate (spread out), dissociate, dissolve (separate), dissolve (terminate), overthrow, partition, recess, separate
break up into opposing factions polarize
break with defect, disaccord, disagree, estrange, rebel, renounce, split
breakability frailty
breakable destructible, divisible, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), separable
breakage injury
breakdown debacle, decentralization, defeat, diagnosis, disassociation, disaster, disease, erosion, failure (lack of success), miscarriage, prostration. SEE MAIN ENTRY
breakdown of administration anarchy, lynch law, misrule
breaking division (act of dividing), infraction
breaking an obligation contravention
breaking and entering burglary, housebreaking
breaking down decadent, destruction
breaking of precedent innovation
breaking of the law offense
breaking off discontinuance (act of discontinuing)
breaking up dissolution (disintegration), dissolution (termination)
breaking with tradition anomalous, peculiar (curious)
breakneck dangerous, impulsive (rash), precipitate
breakup defeasance, division (act of dividing), subversion
breast confront (encounter), defy, resist (oppose), withstand
breath suggestion
breathe communicate, divulge, exist, express, pause, utter
breathe one’s last die
breather lull, pause
breathing born (alive), conscious (awake), live (conscious)
breathing spell halt, lull, pause, respite (interval of rest)
breathing time lull, respite (interval of rest)
breathless dead, lifeless (dead)
breathtaking moving (evoking emotion), noteworthy, portentous (eliciting amazement)
breed bear (yield), blood, cause, class, descent (lineage), engender, foster, generate, kind, occasion, originate, produce (manufacture), proliferate, propagate (increase), pullulate, race, reproduce
breeding conduct, deportment
breedy prolific
breeziness life (vitality)
brethren affinity (family ties), blood, kindred, society
brevet warrant (authorization). SEE MAIN ENTRY
breviary compendium
brevis ephemeral, laconic, limited, succinct, summary, transient
brew maneuver
brewing imminent, inevitable
bribable mercenary, venal
bribe coax, corrupt, hush money, lure, suborn. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bribe to take a false oath suborn
bribery corruption, graft. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bribing bribery
bridal conjugal, nuptial
bridewell reformatory
bridge chain (nexus), connect (join together), connect (relate), connection (fastening), contact (touch), join (bring together), nexus
bridle bar (hinder), block, clog, constrain (imprison), constrain (restrain), contain (restrain), damper (stopper), disadvantage, discipline (control), fetter, hamper, handcuff (noun), handcuff (verb), handicap, inhibit, limit, obstacle, obstruct, obstruction, repress, resent, restrain, restraint, restrict, trammel
bridled arrested (checked)
brief abridgment (condensation), abstract, account (report), apprise, capsule, compact (pithy), compendium, concise, cursory, digest, disabuse, dossier, edify, educate, ephemeral, impart, indicate, inform (notify), instruct (direct), laconic, memorandum, minimal, note (brief comment), notify, outline (synopsis), paraphrase, pithy, report (detailed account), restatement, scenario, succinct, summary, synopsis, temporary, transient, transitory, volatile. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brief silence lull
briefed acquainted, familiar (informed), informed (having information)
briefing guidance
briefly pro tempore
brigand hoodlum, malefactor, outlaw
brigandage foray, larceny, pillage, spoliation
brigandine panoply
brigandish larcenous
bright illustrious, obvious, perspicacious, resourceful, sanguine, sapient. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brighten enhance
brightness sense (intelligence)
brilliance distinction (reputation), intellect, intelligence (intellect), sagacity, sense (intelligence). SEE MAIN ENTRY
brilliant illustrious, politic, prominent
brim border, edge (border), margin (outside limit)
brimful full, replete
brimming replete
brimming over full
bring carry (transport), cause, commence, procure, transport, yield (produce a return)
bring a case lodge (bring a complaint)
bring a charge accuse, cite (accuse), impeach
bring a countercharge recriminate
bring a formal accusation against indict
bring a legal action sue
bring a person to his senses persuade
bring a suit complain (charge), lodge (bring a complaint)
bring about accomplish, attain, bear (yield), cause, commit (perpetrate), compose, conduce, constitute (establish), create, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), elicit, engender, establish (launch), evoke, execute (accomplish), fulfill, generate, implement, incite, induce, inflict, inspire, make, occasion, operate, originate, perpetrate, produce (manufacture), prosecute (carry forward), provoke, realize (make real), render (administer), yield (produce a return)
bring about by force constrain (compel)
bring about by legislation constitute (establish)
bring about change militate
bring accusation accuse, arraign, charge (accuse), denounce (inform against), incriminate, involve (implicate), lodge (bring a complaint)
bring action against litigate, prosecute (charge)
bring aid capitalize (provide capital), contribute (assist)
bring an action cite (accuse), complain (charge), litigate, sue
bring an action against lodge (bring a complaint)
bring around convert (persuade), disarm (set at ease), persuade, prevail (persuade)
bring back reconstitute, rehabilitate, reinstate, remind, restore (return), resurrect
bring before a court arraign, prosecute (charge)
bring before the public circulate, publish
bring charges complain (charge), denounce (inform against), impeach, involve (implicate)
bring charges against incriminate, lodge (bring a complaint)
bring discredit on decry
bring disgrace upon discredit
bring disrepute upon defame
bring down cause, demean (make lower), demote, depress, derogate, disgrace, dispatch (put to death), overthrow
bring forth avail (bring about), bear (yield), develop, educe, elicit, engender, evoke, extract, generate, make, manifest, produce (manufacture), reproduce, yield (produce a return)
bring forward bear (adduce), certify (attest), cite (state), elicit, exhibit, manifest, offer (propose), plead (allege in a legal action), posit, prefer, produce (offer to view), proffer
bring from obscurity into view disinter
bring in induct, introduce, yield (produce a return)
bring in a supply bear (yield)
bring in a true bill accuse
bring in a verdict award, determine, sentence
bring in as a third party implead
bring in contact join (bring together)
bring in contact with commingle, connect (join together)
bring in question canvass, dispute (contest)
bring into a small compass concentrate (consolidate)
bring into accord attune
bring into agreement arbitrate (conciliate), attune
bring into being compose, conceive (invent), create, develop, engender, establish (launch), fabricate (construct), forge (produce), generate, invent (produce for the first time), make, produce (manufacture), propagate (increase)
bring into close connection affiliate
bring into close relation affiliate
bring into comparison compare, contrast, measure
bring into concord agree (contract)
bring into conflict engage (involve)
bring into conformity with law legalize
bring into connection with implicate
bring into consistency accommodate
bring into court plead (argue a case)
bring into custody imprison
bring into danger compromise (endanger)
bring into discredit brand (stigmatize), censure, condemn (blame), denounce (condemn), derogate, discommend, disgrace, dishonor (deprive of honor), fault, impeach, malign
bring into disfavor discredit
bring into disorder confound, discompose, perturb
bring into disrepute decry, demean (make lower)
bring into effect compose
bring into existence cause, compose, conceive (invent), engender, establish (launch), fabricate (construct), forge (produce), generate, make, originate, produce (manufacture)
bring into focus converge, focus
bring into harmony arbitrate (conciliate), intercede, reconcile
bring into meaningful relation with compare
bring into operation exert, perform (execute)
bring into order arrange (methodize), codify, file (arrange), fix (arrange), orchestrate
bring into peril endanger
bring into play exercise (use), exert, exploit (make use of), resort
bring into question audit
bring into relation compare
bring into relation with correspond (be equivalent)
bring into the open betray (disclose), disclose, find (discover), issue (publish), manifest, promulgate
bring into use initiate
bring into view bare, disclose, evince, produce (offer to view)
bring low demean (make lower), demote, depress, derogate, reduce, supplant
bring near converge, juxtapose
bring new evidence appeal
bring off dispatch (dispose of), implement
bring off successfully attain
bring on cause, conduce, create, incite, incur, induce, originate, precipitate (hasten)
bring out circulate, comment, create, disclose, disinter, educe, elicit, evoke, manifest, produce (offer to view), publish, solve
bring out in evidence bare
bring out more clearly elucidate
bring over disarm (set at ease), persuade, prevail upon
bring pressure to bear coerce, influence, lobby, prejudice (influence), press (constrain)
bring pressure to bear upon compel, constrain (compel)
bring proceedings against complain (charge), incriminate, lodge (bring a complaint)
bring reproach upon discredit, disgrace, disparage, stain
bring shame upon derogate, disgrace, dishonor (deprive of honor), humiliate, pillory
bring suit litigate, prosecute (charge)
bring the mind to bear upon focus
bring to resurrect
bring to a close complete, conclude (complete), consummate, discontinue (abandon), finish, stop
bring to a common center collect (gather)
bring to a complete condition develop
bring to a conclusion dispatch (dispose of), perfect
bring to a more advanced state develop
bring to a point of union collect (gather)
bring to a standstill arrest (stop), check (restrain), delay, discontinue (break continuity), enjoin, forestall, halt, hold up (delay), impede, obstruct, palliate (abate), stall, stop, suspend
bring to a state of obedience discipline (control)
bring to a stop arrest (stop), estop, suspend
bring to account condemn (punish), denounce (condemn), impeach, penalize
bring to acquiescence reconcile
bring to agreement adjust (resolve)
bring to an end cease, close (terminate), complete, conclude (complete), determine, discontinue (abandon), dispatch (dispose of), dissolve (terminate), extinguish, finish, perfect, quit (discontinue), terminate
bring to an understanding intercede, mediate
bring to attention address (direct attention to)
bring to bear avail (be of use), exercise (use), exert
bring to book rebuke, reprehend
bring to completion finish, fulfill, perfect, terminate
bring to conclusion complete, dissolve (terminate)
bring to effect consummate, create, make
bring to full development mature
bring to fullness perfect
bring to its peak mature
bring to justice convict, determine, impeach, lodge (bring a complaint), prosecute (charge), sue
bring to light bare, bear (adduce), betray (disclose), clarify, denude, detect, disclose, discover, display, divulge, educe, evidence, exhibit, expose, ferret, locate, manifest, produce (offer to view), reveal, unveil. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bring to light by degrees develop
bring to market handle (trade), sell
bring to maturity complete, effectuate, mature, nurture
bring to mind allude, recollect, remember
bring to naught destroy (void), foil, stop, thwart
bring to nothing obliterate
bring to notice address (direct attention to), exhibit, manifest
bring to nought frustrate
bring to order marshal
bring to pass attain, carry (succeed), cause, commit (perpetrate), create, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), effectuate, enforce, evoke, execute (accomplish), fulfill, implement, induce, make, originate, perform (execute), perpetrate, produce (manufacture), prosecute (carry forward), realize (make real)
bring to perfection complete, mature
bring to reason convince, persuade, prevail upon, reason (persuade)
bring to recollection remind
bring to rest conclude (complete)
bring to retribution discipline (punish), punish
bring to ruin destroy (efface), extirpate, pillage
bring to terms accommodate, arbitrate (conciliate), arrange (methodize), beat (defeat), intercede, mediate, negotiate, pacify, placate, reconcile, settle, subjugate
bring to the bar litigate, lodge (bring a complaint), sue
bring to the fore adduce, produce (offer to view)
bring to the front manifest, produce (offer to view)
bring to trial arraign, litigate, lodge (bring a complaint)
bring to view evidence, exhibit, manifest
bring together accumulate (amass), aggregate, annex (add), arbitrate (conciliate), collect (gather), compile, congregate, conjoin, consolidate (strengthen), consolidate (unite), convene, converge, crystallize, focus, garner, glean, hoard, incorporate (include), intercede, juxtapose, mediate, orchestrate, raise (collect), reconcile, settle, unite
bring together in a crowd congregate
bring toward a central point concentrate (consolidate)
bring unawares into danger entrap
bring unawares into evil entrap
bring under domination subject
bring under rule impose (subject), subdue, subject
bring under subjection discipline (control)
bring up bear (adduce), discipline (train), educate, foster, nurture, raise (advance), remind
bring up for investigation arraign, impeach
bring up on charges arraign, complain (charge), incriminate, lodge (bring a complaint)
bring up to date renew (refurbish), revise
bring upon inflict
bring upon oneself incur
bring word communicate, mention, notify
bringing forth creation
bringing to trial prosecution (criminal trial)
bringing together centralization, combination, cumulation, joinder
brink border, edge (border), extremity (furthest point), margin (outside limit), outline (boundary), penumbra, threshold (verge). SEE MAIN ENTRY
brisk brief, expeditious, incisive, sedulous, trenchant, volatile
briskness dispatch (promptness), haste, life (vitality)
bristle resent
bristling hostile, resentful, rife
bristling with arms armed
brittle nonsubstantial (not sturdy)
brittleness frailty
broach assume (undertake), commence, initiate, mention, pose (propound), proclaim, utter
broad capacious, collective, comprehensive, extensive, general, generic, inaccurate, inclusive, indefinite, indiscriminate, inexact, liberal (not literal), nonsectarian, obscene, omnibus, passable, vague. SEE MAIN ENTRY
broad enough ample
broad guage caliber (measurement)
broad meaning connotation, gist (substance), implication (inference)
broad statement generality (vague statement), generalization
broad-based complete (all-embracing), extensive, nonsectarian
broad-minded impartial, nonpartisan, objective, open-minded, permissive, reasonable (rational), receptive, unbiased, unprejudiced
broad-mindedness disinterest (lack of prejudice), objectivity, tolerance
broadcast circulate, communicate, convey (communicate), diffuse, dispel, disseminate, divulge, issuance, issue (publish), proclaim, promulgate, propagate (spread), public (known), publication (disclosure), publicity, publish, relate (tell), report (detailed account), report (disclose), send, spread. SEE MAIN ENTRY
broaden accrue (increase), accumulate (enlarge), deploy, develop, enlarge, expand, extend (enlarge), increase, inflate, magnify, parlay (exploit successfully), spread, supplement. SEE MAIN ENTRY
broadening accession (enlargement), augmentation, boom (increase), cumulative (increasing), extension (expansion)
broadness caliber (measurement)
broadside barrage
broil altercation, brawl (noun), brawl (verb), controversy (argument), disaccord, embroilment, fight (argument), fracas, fray, furor, imbroglio, riot, strife, struggle
broke bankrupt, impecunious, insolvent
broken bankrupt, defective, desultory, disconnected, disjunctive (tending to disjoin), imperfect, intermittent, unsound (not strong). SEE MAIN ENTRY
broken faith bad faith, infidelity
broken in spirit contrite
broken marriage divorce
broken off disconnected
broken promise bad faith, disloyalty
broken silence outcry
broken thread anacoluthon
broken word infidelity
brokenhearted disconsolate
broker dealer, deputy, factor (commission merchant), interagent, medium, plenipotentiary, proctor, procurator, proxy, representative (proxy), spokesman. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brokerage SEE MAIN ENTRY
bromidic ordinary, trite
brood blood, children, deliberate, family (household), muse, offspring, progeny. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brood over deplore, dwell (linger over), ponder, reflect (ponder), review
brooding contemplation, deliberation
brook allow (endure), endure (suffer), suffer (permit), tolerate
brook no denial insist
brother colleague, counterpart (complement)
brotherhood denomination, goodwill, kinship, peace, philanthropy, society, sodality, union (labor organization)
brotherliness benevolence (disposition to do good), philanthropy, sodality
brotherly close (intimate), humane, intimate, philanthropic
brotherly love philanthropy
brought about by force forcible
brought charges accused (charged)
brought to a conclusion complete (ended)
brought to fruition choate lien
brought to light naked (perceptible)
brought to perfection best, ripe
brought to termination res judicata
brought together collective, conglomerate
brouillerie dissension
browbeat bait (harass), discompose, frighten, harass, harrow, harry (harass), hector, intimidate, persecute, plague, press (goad), threaten. SEE MAIN ENTRY
browse peruse
bruise beat (strike), damage, harm, ill use, lash (strike), mistreat, mutilate
bruised blemished, defective, marred
bruit declare, disseminate, notoriety, outcry, proclaim, promulgate, report (rumor), report (disclose), reveal, signify (inform), spread
bruit abroad circulate
bruited about public (known)
brummagem meretricious, tawdry
brunt burden, pressure
brush affray, confrontation (altercation)
brush aside discount (disbelieve), disdain, dismiss (put out of consideration), ignore, rebuff, reject, spurn
brush off parry
brush up repair
brusque harsh, laconic, taciturn
brusqueness disrespect
brutal bitter (penetrating), callous, cold-blooded, cruel, diabolic, disorderly, harsh, hot-blooded, inexcusable, malevolent, malicious, malignant, noxious, pernicious, ruthless, scathing, severe, tyrannous, vicious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brutality bestiality, cruelty, oppression, violence. SEE MAIN ENTRY
brutalize SEE MAIN ENTRY
brutalized diabolic
brutalness brutality, cruelty
brute animal
brute creation animal
brute force coercion, main force, oppression, pressure
brute-like brutal
brutify brutalize
brutilization brutality
brutish brutal, caitiff, cold-blooded, malignant, relentless, ruthless, uncouth
brutishness bestiality, brutality, cruelty
brutum fulmen disaster
buccaneer criminal, plunder
buccaneering spoliation
buck defy, oppose, oppugn
buckler protection, shield
bucolic provincial
bud embryo, germinate, proliferate, pullulate
budding inchoate, incipient
budget appropriation (allotment), estimate, finance, overhead, program. SEE MAIN ENTRY
budgetary financial, fiscal, pecuniary
budgeted items expense (cost), outlay
budgeting appropriation (allotment)
buffer bulwark, intermediary, panoply, safeguard, shield
buffer zone SEE MAIN ENTRY
buffered impervious
buffet beat (strike), ill use, jostle (bump into)
buffoonery parody, ridicule
buggery sodomy
build accrue (increase), compose, create, enlarge, establish (launch), fabricate (construct), forge (produce), form, frame (structure), frame (construct), increase, invent (produce for the first time), make, manufacture, organization (structure), produce (manufacture). SEE MAIN ENTRY
build up accrue (increase), accumulate (enlarge), aggregate, compound, consolidate (strengthen), cumulation, develop, elevate, enlarge, expand, extend (enlarge), heighten (augment), heighten (elevate), hoard, magnify, parlay (exploit successfully), promote (organize), replenish. SEE MAIN ENTRY
build-up augmentation
builder architect, contractor, developer, materialman
building creation, edifice, frame (structure), preparation, structure (edifice). SEE MAIN ENTRY
building entrepeneur developer
building of imposing appearance edifice
built on based on, underlying
bulge project (extend beyond)
bulk amount (quantity), assemblage, cargo, corpus, cumulation, majority (greater part), mass (weight), measurement, plurality, quantity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bulk transfer SEE MAIN ENTRY
bulkhead buffer zone, bulwark
bulky ponderous
bulletin declaration, dispatch (message), entry (record), issuance, notice (announcement), notification, prospectus, publicity, report (detailed account). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bullheaded pertinacious, uncontrollable
bully badger, browbeat, brutalize, endanger, frighten, harrow, harry (harass), hector, intimidate, irritate, mistreat, persecute, pique
bullyrag frighten, pique, plague
bulwark barrier, bear (support), buffer zone, mainstay, protect, protection, safeguard, security (safety), shield. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bump collide (crash against), impinge, jostle (bump into)
bump against jostle (bump into)
bump into collide (crash against)
bumper crop SEE MAIN ENTRY
bumptious contemptuous, disdainful, inflated (vain), insolent, perverse, supercilious. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bunch assemblage, compile, congregate, hoard, quantity, selection (collection)
bunch together compile
bunched compact (dense), solid (compact)
bundle assemblage
bung shut, stem (check)
bungle fail (lose), miscue, misdoing, mismanage, mistake, muddle, spoil (impair)
bungling fault (mistake), incompetent, inept (incompetent), maladministration, neglect, negligent
bunk dwell (reside)
bunker depository
bunkum rodomontade
buoy up assure (give confidence to), bear (support), bolster, reassure
buoyant resilient, sanguine, volatile
burden bind (obligate), charge (lien), charge (responsibility), clog, cloud (incumbrance), commitment (responsibility), compel, constrain (compel), disadvantage (noun), disadvantage (verb), duty (obligation), duty (tax), embarrass, encumber (financially obligate), encumber (hinder), encumbrance, grievance, hamper, handicap, harass, impede, impediment, impose (enforce), inflict, interfere, liability, load, mistreat, nuisance, obligation (duty), overcome (overwhelm), overload, parasite, part (role), pressure, responsibility (accountability), servitude, stress (strain), tax (overwork), trouble, weigh. SEE MAIN ENTRY
burden of going forward SEE MAIN ENTRY
burden of proof SEE MAIN ENTRY
burdened disadvantaged, disconsolate
burdensome difficult, onerous, operose, oppressive, ponderous
burdensome requirement onus (burden)
bureau agency (commission), board, chapter (branch), commission (agency), committee, department, facility (institution), firm, management (directorate), office, organ. SEE MAIN ENTRY
bureaucracy hierarchy (persons in authority), management (directorate). SEE MAIN ENTRY
bureaucrat functionary, incumbent, official
bureaucratic ministerial, political
burgeon compound, expand, germinate, increase, proliferate, pullulate
burgeoning accession (enlargement), boom (increase), boom (prosperity)
burgess resident
burgher denizen
burglar criminal, hoodlum. SEE MAIN ENTRY
burglarious larcenous
burglarize loot, pillage, purloin, rob, steal
burglarizing housebreaking
burglary housebreaking, theft. SEE MAIN ENTRY
buried blind (concealed), dead, hidden, personal (private), privy
burke suppress
burlesque imitation, jape, mock (imitate), parody, ridicule, travesty
burlesque translation travesty
burly strong
burn deflagrate, destroy (efface), expend (consume). SEE MAIN ENTRY
burn fiercely deflagrate
burn to a cinder burn
burn up consume, deflagrate, dissipate (expend foolishly)
burning bitter (penetrating), caustic, fanatical, harsh, hot-blooded, perfervid, scathing, vehement
burrow delve, hunt, research
bursal financial, fiscal
bursar comptroller
bursary bank, repository, treasury
burst barrage, break (fracture), discharge (shot), discharge (shoot), outbreak, outburst, rend
burst forth emerge, issue (send forth), pullulate
burst in obtrude
burst in upon penetrate
burst into flame burn, deflagrate
burst of sound outcry
bury camouflage, cloak, cover (conceal), embed, hide, immerse (engross), inundate, overwhelm, plant (covertly place), seclude, shroud, suppress. SEE MAIN ENTRY
busily employed active
busily engaged active, industrious, sedulous
busily intent diligent
business agenda, assignment (task), calling, career, commerce, commercial, company (enterprise), concern (business establishment), corporation, dealings, employment, enterprise (economic organization), firm, function, job, livelihood, mercantile, mission, occupation (vocation), office, position (business status), post, practice (professional business), profession (vocation), province, pursuit (occupation), trade (commerce), trade (occupation), transaction, undertaking (enterprise), venture, work (employment). SEE MAIN ENTRY
business affairs agenda, commerce, trade (commerce)
business agreement consortium (business cartel)
business association corporation
business combine consortium (business cartel)
business contact client, customer, patron (regular customer)
business deals commerce
business entente consortium (business cartel)
business establishment company (enterprise), corporation, enterprise (economic organization), firm, house
business expense cost (expenses)
business expenses overhead
business firm house
business house firm, store (business)
business intercourse commerce, dealings, exchange, trade (commerce)
business judgment rule SEE MAIN ENTRY
business manager comptroller
business on hand agenda, matter (subject)
business owner lessor
business profits income
business representative procurator
business science finance
business transaction deal, dealings
business transactions commerce
businesslike commercial, diligent, formal, professional (stellar), prompt, systematic
businessman dealer, vendor
businessperson dealer, merchant
bustle dispatch (promptness), industry (activity), turmoil
bustling rapid
busy active, diligent, engage (involve), industrious, sedulous. SEE MAIN ENTRY
busy oneself with occupy (engage), ply
busyness industry (activity)
but only, save
but for save
but for the fact that only
butcher extinguish, mutilate, spoil (impair)
butchery homicide
butt abut, border (bound), jostle (bump into), object, strike (collide), target
butt against collide (crash against), contact (touch), impinge
butt in interrupt, obtrude
button shut
buttress bear (support), bulwark, corroborate, document, mainstay, maintain (sustain), reaffirm, reinforce, reinforcement, side, supplement, support (corroborate), sustain (confirm), uphold. SEE MAIN ENTRY
buy procure, purchase, trade. SEE MAIN ENTRY
buy and sell barter, deal, trade
buy back redeem (repurchase)
buy from patronize (trade with)
buy into invest (fund)
buy off suborn
buy stock invest (fund)
buy up purchase
buyer consumer, customer, patron (regular customer). SEE MAIN ENTRY
buyer of labor client, consumer, customer
buyer of stolen goods fence
buyer of stolen property fence
buying and selling business (commerce), commerce, dealings, exchange, trade (commerce)
buying power money
buying price expense (cost)
by a stronger reason a fortiori
by all appearances prima facie (self-evident)
by and large as a rule
by and large each and every time always (without exception)
by any means regardless
by choice purposely
by circumstance coincidental
by compulsion will shall
by course of conduct pro forma
by custom pro forma
by degrees piecemeal
by design intentional, purposely
by divine right ex officio
by habit pro forma
by imperative will shall
by inference a fortiori, circumstantial
by law de jure, ex officio. SEE MAIN ENTRY
by means of hereby, thereby, through (by means of)
by one party ex parte
by order de jure
by past practice pro forma
by proxy in lieu of
by reason of a priori, consequently
by right as a matter of right, ex officio
by right of law de jure
by statute de jure
by the act itself ipso facto
by the aid of hereby
by the fact itself ipso facto
by the hand of through (by means of)
by the mere fact ipso facto
by the piece retail
by the same sign consequently
by the same token consequently
by the time that until
by the very fact ipso facto
by trade and usage pro forma
by usage pro forma
by use of thereby
by virtue of hereby, thereby
by vote elective (selective)
by way of through (by means of), through (from beginning to end)
by way of a will testamentary
by way of gift gratuitous (given without recompense)
by will purposely
by word of mouth oral
by-passage causeway, detour
by-product development (outgrowth), follow-up
bygone antique, former, obsolete, outdated, outmoded
bylaw code, regulation (rule), rubric (authoritative rule), rule (legal dictate)
bylaws codification
byname cognomen, sobriquet
bypass avoidance (evasion), circumvent, detour, eschew, forgo, ignore, omit, pretermit, shun. SEE MAIN ENTRY
byproduct offshoot
bystander eyewitness, witness. SEE MAIN ENTRY
byword call (title), catchword, cognomen, maxim, phrase
cabal band, collusion, confederacy (conspiracy), conspire, cooperate, faction, frame up, machination, maneuver, plan (noun), plan (verb), plot (secret plan), plot, scheme (noun), scheme (verb), schism, secret. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cabala mystery
cabalism mystery
cabalistic esoteric, mysterious, recondite
cabalistical esoteric
cabinet bench, board, chamber (body), commission (agency), committee
cache depository, fund, garner, harbor, hide, hoard (noun), hoard (verb), keep (shelter), plant (covertly place), provision (something provided), repository, reserve (noun), reserve (verb), store (depository), store, sufficiency, treasury. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cachet earmark, label
cacoethes dipsomania
cacophonous discordant
cacophony noise
cadaver body (person). SEE MAIN ENTRY
cadaver corpse
cadaveric lifeless (dead)
cadaverous dead, lifeless (dead)
cadeau bounty
cadence inflection, intonation
cadenced periodic
cadent periodic
cadere abate (extinguish), fail (lose), miscarriage
cadet offspring
cadge request
cadger parasite
cadre division (administrative unit), staff
caducity deterioration, impuissance, incapacity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
caducous ephemeral, transient
caducus ephemeral
caecus blind (sightless)
caedere beat (strike)
caedes assassination, homicide, murder
caelum climate
caerimonia ceremony
cage cell, confine, contain (restrain), envelop, keep (restrain), lock, restrict
cagey machiavellian
cairn landmark (conspicuous object), monument
caitiff recreant. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cajole coax, entice, importune, influence, inveigle, lure, persuade, pressure, prevail (persuade). SEE MAIN ENTRY
cajolement bribery, persuasion
cajolery bribery, instigation, persuasion, seduction
cajoling persuasion
calamitas adversity, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, misfortune
calamitosus disastrous
calamitous adverse (negative), deadly, deplorable, dire, disastrous, fatal, harmful, hostile, insalubrious, pernicious, regrettable, unfavorable
calamity accident (misfortune), adversity, casualty, catastrophe, debacle, disaster, fatality, loss, misfortune, pain, tragedy, trouble. SEE MAIN ENTRY
calcar stimulus
calcified ossified
calculable appreciable, foreseeable
calculate arrange (plan), assess (appraise), conspire, deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), devise (invent), evaluate, find (determine), gauge, intend, measure, plan, rate, scheme. SEE MAIN ENTRY
calculate approximately estimate
calculate on anticipate (expect)
calculate upon expect (anticipate)
calculate wrongly miscalculate
calculated aforethought, cold-blooded, deliberate, express, intentional, premeditated, purposeful, strategic, tactical
calculated risk speculation (risk)
calculated to give a false impression deceptive
calculated to provoke resentment invidious
calculated to stir eloquent
calculatedly purposely
calculating artful, cold-blooded, collusive, discreet, judicious, machiavellian, pensive, politic, provident (showing foresight), prudent, sly
calculation appraisal, assessment (estimation), census, computation, contemplation, deduction (conclusion), deliberation, estimate (approximate cost), expectation, forethought, idea, ledger, measurement, prospect (outlook), prudence. SEE MAIN ENTRY
calculator accountant
calculator of insurance risks actuary
calendar agenda, date, docket, empanel, file (place among official records), note (record), program (noun), program (verb), record, register (noun), register (verb), schedule. SEE MAIN ENTRY
calender set down
caliber degree (magnitude), materiality (consequence), performance (workmanship), quality (excellence), status, value, worth. SEE MAIN ENTRY
calibrate adjust (regulate), assess (appraise), gauge, measure
caliginosus lurid
call bespeak, charge (command), contact (communicate), convene, deem, demand, denominate, detail (assign), entreaty, identify, impetus, invitation, label, market (demand), monition (legal summons), nominate, phrase, prayer, request, requirement, requisition, subpoena. SEE MAIN ENTRY
call a halt check (restrain), close (terminate), condemn (ban), halt, hold up (delay), quit (discontinue), restrain
call attention to address (direct attention to), admonish (advise), indicate, notice (observe), notify
call back annul, disavow, recommit, renege, rescind, resurrect
call before a court arraign
call by a distinctive title label
call by name denominate
call down rebuke, reprehend
call for command, demand, desire, entail, exact, market (demand), necessitate, request, require (compel), solicit, summon
call for aid call (appeal to), petition
call for help call (appeal to)
call for the presence of subpoena, summon
call forth educe, elicit, engender, evoke, foment, incite, induce, order, provoke, resort, subpoena, summon
call in consult (ask advice of), refer (send for action)
call in question disown (deny the validity), dispute (contest), except (object), impeach, impugn, object, oppugn
call into action summon
call into being compose, engender, fabricate (construct), generate, make
call into existence compose, generate, make
call names defame, denigrate
call of duty allegiance, burden, commitment (responsibility)
call off desist, discontinue (abandon), dissolve (terminate), hold up (delay)
call on refer (send for action)
call on for a blessing invoke
call on for help invoke
call out challenge, proclaim, subpoena
call public attention to issue (publish), post, publish
call the roll poll
call to account arraign, blame, castigate, cite (accuse), condemn (blame), convict, denounce (condemn), disapprove (condemn), discipline (punish), impeach, indict, lodge (bring a complaint), penalize, punish, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach
call to answer challenge, contest
call to mind bear (adduce), conjure, recognize (perceive), recollect, remember
call to notice address (direct attention to)
call to task rebuke, reprimand
call to witness corroborate, subpoena, summon
call together convene
call up convene, evoke, induct, invoke, recall (remember), recruit, remember, retain (keep in possession)
call upon address (petition), call (appeal to), command, delegate, direct (order), importune, instruct (direct), order, petition, plead (implore), pray, press (beseech)
call with authority subpoena, summon
called by duty bound
called for essential (required), important (urgent), indispensable, mandatory, requisite
callidus artful, expert, resourceful
calligraphy handwriting, script
calling business (occupation), career, designation (naming), employment, job, labor (work), livelihood, mission, occupation (vocation), position (business status), practice (professional business), profession (vocation), pursuit (occupation), specialty (special aptitude), trade (occupation), work (employment). SEE MAIN ENTRY
calling to account incrimination
calling to court summons
callosus callous
callous cold-blooded, diabolic, impervious, insensible, insusceptible (uncaring), obdurate, obtuse, phlegmatic, recalcitrant, ruthless, unaffected (uninfluenced). SEE MAIN ENTRY
calloused ossified
callousness disinterest (lack of interest), disregard (lack of respect)
callow inexperienced, jejune (lacking maturity), juvenile, naive, puerile, uncouth
calm allay, alleviate, composure, controlled (restrained), dispassionate, ease, lull (noun), lull (verb), moderate (temper), mollify, nonchalant, obtund, pacify, passive, patient, peace, peaceable, phlegmatic, placate, placid, propitiate, relieve (give aid), remedy, remit (relax), soothe, subdue, subside, unaffected (uninfluenced). SEE MAIN ENTRY
calm before a storm crossroad (turning point)
calm down rest (cease from action)
calmant narcotic
calmative mitigating, narcotic (adjective), narcotic (noun), palliative (abating), placid, remedial
calme dispassionate
calmness common sense, composure, lull, moderation, mollification, peace, sufferance, temperance
calumnia aspersion, slander
calumniari cavil, defame, misrepresent
calumniate contemn, defame, denigrate, denounce (condemn), derogate, disparage, lessen, libel, malign, pillory, smear
calumniating contemptuous
calumniation aspersion, bad repute, defamation, slander, vilification
calumniatory calumnious, contemptuous, derogatory
calumnious contemptuous, derogatory, libelous, pejorative. SEE MAIN ENTRY
calumny aspersion, bad repute, defamation, denunciation, dishonor (shame), libel, lie, slander, vilification
camarade copartner (coconspirator)
camaraderie comity, contact (association), sodality
camarilla cabal, faction
came to determination res judicata
camera chamber (compartment)
camouflage blind (obscure), cloak, conceal, concealment, cover (pretext), cover (conceal), deceit, deception, decoy, disguise (noun), disguise (verb), distort, distortion, ensconce, enshroud, evasion, falsify, hide, misrepresent, plant (covertly place), pretense (pretext), pretext, ruse, screen (guard), subterfuge, veil. SEE MAIN ENTRY
camouflaged blind (concealed), clandestine, deceptive, hidden, indiscernible, latent
camp dwelling, lodge (reside)
campaign activity, course, endeavor, enterprise (undertaking), expedient, fight (battle), operation, plan, program, promotion (encouragement), pursuit (effort to secure), strategy, venture, work (effort). SEE MAIN ENTRY
campaign promises platform
campaigner contender, politician
campaigning politics
canaille populace
canard falsehood, fiction, figment, hoax, story (falsehood). SEE MAIN ENTRY
canation license
cancel abate (extinguish), abolish, abrogate (annul), abrogate (rescind), adeem, annul, cease, censor, condemn (ban), countervail, debar, delete, disable, discharge (release from obligation), disclaim, discontinue (abandon), dissolve (terminate), eliminate (eradicate), expunge, expurgate, extinguish, extirpate, forestall, forgive, frustrate, invalidate, kill (defeat), negate, neutralize, nullify, obliterate, override, overrule, quash, recall (call back), recant, refute, remit (release from penalty), remove (eliminate), repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke, superannuate, suppress, terminate, vacate (void), vitiate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cancel a punishment pardon
cancel an offense pardon
cancel debts liquidate (determine liability)
cancel out annul, counteract, countervail, neutralize
canceled inactive, invalid, lifeless (dead), null (invalid), null and void, powerless
canceling defeasance, discharge (annulment)
cancellation abandonment (repudiation), abatement (extinguishment), abolition, ademption, annulment, censorship, condonation, countermand, defeasance, desuetude, discharge (annulment), discharge (release from obligation), discontinuance (act of discontinuing), dismissal (termination of a proceeding), dissolution (termination), invalidity, mistrial, negation, nollo prosequi, obviation, remission, renunciation, repudiation, rescision, retraction, reversal, revocation. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cancellation of a legacy ademption
cancelled defunct, void (invalid)
cancelling avoidance (cancellation), discontinuance (act of discontinuing), dissolution (termination), revocation
cancerous malignant
candid bona fide, direct (forthright), honest, ingenuous, objective, straightforward, unaffected (sincere), upright. SEE MAIN ENTRY
candidate contender, contestant, politician, probationer (one being tested), prospect (prospective patron), rival. SEE MAIN ENTRY
candidate under consideration applicant (candidate)
candidatus candidate candidness candor (straightforwardness), honesty, probity, veracity
candidus candid, open (persuasible), unaffected (sincere)
candied nectarious
candor disinterest (lack of prejudice), honesty, probity, truth, veracity. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cane cudgel
canker decay, degenerate, infect, pervert
cankered decadent, marred
cannabis sativa cannabis
cannonade barrage
canny artful, deft, machiavellian, perspicacious, politic, practiced, prudent, subtle (insidious), vigilant
canon article (precept), belief (something believed), bylaw, code, codification, constitution, direction (order), doctrine, dogma, edict, law, legislation (enactments), mandate, maxim, ordinance, pandect (code of laws), precept, prescription (directive), principle (axiom), regulation (rule), rubric (authoritative rule), rule (legal dictate), standard, statute. SEE MAIN ENTRY
canon of laws pandect (code of laws)
canonic valid
canonical dogmatic, orthodox, valid
canonization elevation
canonize elevate, honor
canons legislation (enactments)
canons of ethics SEE MAIN ENTRY
canons regarding securities blue sky law
canorus harmonious
cant jargon (technical language), palter, phraseology
cantankerous contentious, fractious, froward, hostile, inflexible, negative, perverse, petulant, restive. SEE MAIN ENTRY
canting querulous
cantle element, segment
cantlet segment
canton division (administrative unit), province
canvass analyze, check (inspect), debate, examine (study), poll, request, scrutinize, solicit, survey (poll). SEE MAIN ENTRY
canvassing analysis, inquiry (systematic investigation)
cap culminate, culmination, finish, pinnacle, surpass. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cap and trade SEE MAIN ENTRY
capability ability, caliber (mental capacity), caliber (quality), capacity (aptitude), competence (ability), competence (sanity), comprehension, efficiency, facility (easiness), faculty (ability), force (strength), gift (flair), performance (workmanship), potential, qualification (fitness), specialty (special aptitude)
capable adequate, artful, competent, deft, effective (efficient), efficient, eligible, expert, familiar (informed), fit, omnipotent, operative, possible, potent, practiced, proficient, qualified (competent), resourceful, sciential, veteran, virtual. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capable of being adjudged invalid voidable
capable of being adjudged void voidable
capable of being annulled voidable
capable of being appeased placable
capable of being bounded terminable
capable of being completed terminable
capable of being concluded terminable
capable of being conditioned terminable
capable of being conquered indefensible
capable of being debated debatable, forensic, litigable
capable of being decided by a court justiciable
capable of being declared ineffectual voidable
capable of being declared void voidable
capable of being deducted deductible (capable of being deducted from taxes)
capable of being demonstrated provable
capable of being divided divisible
capable of being done practicable
capable of being ended terminable
capable of being examined cognizable
capable of being exchanged convertible
capable of being figured out deductible (provable)
capable of being fixed terminable
capable of being inhabited habitable
capable of being limited terminable
capable of being made definit e terminable
capable of being maintained tenable
capable of being overcome indefensible
capable of being pacified placable
capable of being perceived appreciable
capable of being proved deductible (provable)
capable of being proven provable
capable of being rebated deductible (capable of being deducted from taxes)
capable of being shown provable
capable of being transferred negotiable
capable of being tried in the court cognizable
capable of conforming to new situations flexible
capable of decision determinable (ascertainable)
capable of development viable
capable of growth viable
capable of holding much capacious
capable of loss at risk
capable of passing passable
capable of positive proof provable
capable of proof certain (positive), incontrovertible, provable
capable of reason reasonable (rational)
capable of receiving injuries vulnerable
capable of resisting insusceptible (resistant), insusceptible (uncaring)
capable of responding to changing situations flexible
capable of withstanding insusceptible (uncaring)
capableness caliber (mental capacity), capacity (aptitude), efficiency
capacious ample, complete (all-embracing), comprehensive, extensive. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capaciousness measurement, space
capacitate empower, enable
capacity ability, appointment (position), caliber (mental capacity), cargo, competence (ability), coverage (scope), employment, faculty (ability), gift (flair), maximum (amplitude), means (opportunity), measurement, occupation (vocation), office, penchant, performance (workmanship), post, potential, propensity, province, pursuit (occupation), qualification (fitness), role, science (technique), space, sphere, sufficiency. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capacity to decide the matter in issue jurisdiction
capacity to endure sufferance, tolerance
capacity to hear the controversy jurisdiction
capacity to stand suffering tolerance
capacity to take pain tolerance
capacity to understand comprehension
capere capture, contain (comprise), ensnare, entrap, gain, occupy (take possession), receive (acquire)
capital assets, cardinal (basic), cash, central (essential), deadly, fund, important (significant), leading (ranking first), master, material (important), monetary, money, possessions, premium, prime (most valuable), principal (capital sum), resource, salient, seat, securities, security (stock), select, share (stock), stellar, stock (shares), substance (material possessions), treasury. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capital crime felony, homicide
capital gains boom (prosperity)
capital goods merchandise
capital invested investment
capital murder homicide
capital outlay investment
capital punishment SEE MAIN ENTRY
capitalize finance. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capitalize on exploit (make use of)
capitalize upon employ (make use of)
capitation assessment (levy), duty (tax), excise, poll (canvass), tax
capitulary code, codification
capitulate accede (concede), defer (yield in judgment), forfeit, quit (discontinue), resign, submit (yield), succumb, surrender (yield), yield (submit)
capitulation capsule, concession (compromise), hornbook, resignation (passive acceptance). SEE MAIN ENTRY
caprice notion
capricious aleatory (uncertain), arbitrary, disordered, haphazard, inconsistent, irresolute, irresponsible, lawless, mutable, undependable, unpredictable, unreasonable, unreliable, unsettled, untrustworthy, variable, volatile. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capriciousness inconsistency
capsize upset
capsule abridgment (condensation), abstract, brief, compendium, concise, digest, hornbook, scenario. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capsulize abridge (shorten), abstract (summarize), condense, constrict (compress), digest (summarize)
capsulized concise
captain chief, superintendent
captainship generalship
captare solicit
captio fallacy
caption apprehension (act of arresting), call (title), denomination, heading, inscription, phrase, rubric (title), title (designation). SEE MAIN ENTRY
captiosus sophistic
captious contentious, contrary, critical (faultfinding), fractious, froward, perverse, petulant, querulous, sophistic. SEE MAIN ENTRY
captivate coax, lure, motivate, occupy (engage), subdue
captivating attractive, moving (evoking emotion), provocative, sapid
captivation seduction
captive convict, hostage, in custody, inmate, prisoner. SEE MAIN ENTRY
captivitas captivity
captivity bondage, constraint (imprisonment), custody (incarceration), detention, durance, duress, incarceration, restraint, servitude, subjection, thrall. SEE MAIN ENTRY
captivus captive
capture apprehend (arrest), apprehension (act of arresting), appropriate, appropriation (taking), arrest, arrest (apprehend), carry away, confine, deprive, detain (hold in custody), disseisin, distraint, distress (seizure), enclose, ensnare, gain, hijack, jail, kidnap, obtain, occupy (take possession), preempt, prize, procure, repossess, seize (apprehend), seize (confiscate), subdue, succeed (attain), taking. SEE MAIN ENTRY
capture and deportation extradition
captured arrested (apprehended)
captured goods contraband
captured person captive
capturing confiscatory
captus captive, inmate
caput article (precept), capital, chapter (division), chief, clause, main point, person, point (item), principal (capital sum), source
carbine gun
carbon counterpart (parallel), duplicate
carbon copy counterpart (parallel), duplicate
carcass body (person), cadaver, corpse
carcer custody (supervision), incarceration, jail, prison
card coupon, form (document)
card index file
cardholder member (individual in a group)
cardinal central (essential), considerable, dominant, fundamental, indispensable, integral, leading (ranking first), material (important), paramount, prime (most valuable), principal, salient, vital. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cardinal feature main point
cardinal point center (essence), content (meaning), cornerstone, gist (ground for a suit), gravamen, landmark (significant change), main point
care administration, agency (legal relationship), alimony, apprehension (fear), auspices, burden, caution (vigilance), charge (custody), concern (interest), consideration (sympathetic regard), constraint (imprisonment), control (supervision), custody (supervision), direction (guidance), discretion (quality of being discreet), generalship, help, interest (concern), maintenance (upkeep), management (supervision), notice (heed), particularity, patronage (support), precaution, preservation, problem, prudence, regard (attention), relief (aid), rigor, safekeeping, service (assistance), shelter (protection), supervision, surveillance, trust (custody), ward, weight (burden). SEE MAIN ENTRY
care for attend (take care of), cover (guard), foster, harbor, hold (possess), keep (shelter), maintain (sustain), manage, nurture, police, preserve, protect, provide (arrange for), regard (hold in esteem), serve (assist)
care nothing for condescend (patronize), disdain, flout
cared for safe
career business (occupation), calling, employment, livelihood, occupation (vocation), position (business status), post, practice (professional business), profession (vocation), professional (trained), pursuit (occupation), specialty (special aptitude). SEE MAIN ENTRY
carefree complacent, convenient, nonchalant, secure (confident)
careful accurate, circumspect, close (rigorous), conscientious, deliberate, discreet, economical, exact, faithful (diligent), frugal, guarded, judicious, leery, literal, meticulous, noncommittal, painstaking, particular (exacting), politic, precise, preventive, provident (frugal), provident (showing foresight), prudent, punctilious, scrupulous, strict, thorough, vigilant. SEE MAIN ENTRY
careful appreciation diagnosis
careful attention notice (heed)
careful budgeting prudence
careful consideration deliberation
careful examination scrutiny
careful management economy (frugality)
careful methods strategy
careful noting of details examination (study)
careful plans strategy
careful scrutiny inspection
careful search indagation, investigation, probe, research
careful study indagation, investigation
carefully considered deliberate
carefully weighed deliberate
carefulness caution (vigilance), deliberation, diligence (care), discretion (quality of being discreet), economy (frugality), notice (heed), particularity, precaution, prudence, rigor
carefulness in outlay economy (frugality)
careless blind (not discerning), cursory, derelict (negligent), disorderly, heedless, hot-blooded, ill-judged, impolitic, improvident, imprudent, impulsive (rash), inaccurate, inadvertent, inexact, lax, negligent, oblivious, perfunctory, prodigal, reckless, remiss, slipshod, superficial, thoughtless, undependable, unpolitic, wanton. SEE MAIN ENTRY
careless abandon neglect
careless loss waste
careless mistake oversight (carelessness)
careless omission oversight (carelessness)
carelessness delinquency (failure of duty), dereliction, disinterest (lack of interest), disregard (unconcern), inconsideration, indiscretion, laxity, malpractice, neglect, negligence, omission, temerity
caretake operate, superintend
caretaker custodian (warden), fiduciary, guardian, proctor, procurator, superintendent, trustee. SEE MAIN ENTRY
caretakers management (directorate)
careworn disconsolate
carfare fare
cargo freight, merchandise. SEE MAIN ENTRY
caricature copy, disguise, distort, distortion, exaggeration, jape, mock (imitate), parody, ridicule, travesty. SEE MAIN ENTRY
caring solicitous
caritas dearth
carload cargo, freight
carmen famosum libel
carnage aberemurder, havoc, homicide
carnal bodily, dissolute, lascivious, lewd, mundane, physical, promiscuous, prurient, salacious, suggestive (risqué)
carnivorous predatory
carp blame, cavil, complain (criticize)
carp at discompose, persecute, press (goad)
carpenter build (construct), frame (construct)
carpere cavil, cull
carping critical (faultfinding), criticism, denunciation, diatribe, fractious, petulant, querulous
carriage behavior, complexion, conduct, demeanor, deportment, manner (behavior), presence (poise), temperament. SEE MAIN ENTRY
carried consensual
carried away ecstatic, uncontrollable
carried through complete (ended)
carrier bearer. SEE MAIN ENTRY
carrion body (person), corpse
carry bear (support), convey (transfer), deliver, demean (deport oneself), handle (trade), move (alter position), pass (approve), transfer, transmit, transport, uphold, wield. SEE MAIN ENTRY
carry a report disseminate
carry a suggestion connote, imply
carry authority dominate, prevail (triumph)
carry away abduct, capture, displace (remove), distrain, hijack, hold up (rob), impropriate. SEE MAIN ENTRY
carry back recover
carry beyond the limit extend (enlarge)
carry conviction convince
carry forward keep (continue), perpetuate
carry further extend (enlarge)
carry into effect comply, consummate, discharge (perform), effectuate, enforce, execute (accomplish), fulfill, implement, make, realize (make real)
carry into execution abide, commit (perpetrate), comply, compose, discharge (perform), effectuate, enforce, execute (accomplish), exercise (discharge a function), implement, make, operate, perform (adhere to), perform (execute), perpetrate, satisfy (discharge), strive
carry off carry away, dislodge, distrain, hijack, hold up (rob), kidnap, loot, perpetrate, plunder, poach
carry on adhere (persist), attempt, bear (tolerate), commit (perpetrate), conduct, continue (resume), endure (last), exercise (discharge a function), function, keep (continue), last, manage, militate, operate, oversee, perpetrate, perpetuate, persevere, persist, ply, proceed (continue), promote (organize), prosecute (carry forward), remain (continue), reopen, resume, tolerate, transact, undertake. SEE MAIN ENTRY
carry on a conversation converse, discuss, speak
carry on a lawsuit litigate
carry on a trade handle (trade)
carry on an argument contend (dispute), dispute (debate)
carry on an inquiry canvass
carry on business handle (trade), practice (engage in), transact
carry on commerce handle (trade), trade
carry on hostilities engage (involve)
carry on intensive research delve
carry on negotiations deal, handle (trade)
carry on under allow (endure)
carry on war fight (battle)
carry oneself deport (conduct oneself)
carry out administer (conduct), apply (put in practice), commit (perpetrate), complete, comply, conduct, consummate, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), enforce, execute (accomplish), exercise (discharge a function), finish, function, implement, keep (fulfill), obey, observe (obey), officiate, operate, perfect, perform (adhere to), perpetrate, prosecute (carry forward), realize (make real), satisfy (discharge), satisfy (fulfill), transact, undertake. SEE MAIN ENTRY
carry out a sentence condemn (punish), discipline (punish), penalize
carry over continue (resume), holdover
carry tales inform (notify)
carry through attain, commit (perpetrate), complete, consummate, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), effectuate, enforce, finish, follow-up, implement, perpetrate, realize (make real)
carry to completion complete, conclude (complete), consummate, dispatch (dispose of), exhaust (try all possibilities)
carry to excess carouse, overindulge
carry too far overindulge
carry weight influence, motivate, predominate (command), prejudice (influence)
carry weight with prevail (persuade), prevail upon
carry-over balance (amount in excess), remainder (remaining part)
carrying carriage
carrying charge cost (price), maintenance (upkeep)
carrying into effect enforcement, performance (execution)
carrying on continuation (resumption)
carrying out action (performance), commission (act), enforcement
carrying through discharge (performance), fait accompli, performance (execution)
cart carry (transport), deliver, transport
cart away dislodge, displace (remove)
cartage carriage
carte blanche dispensation (exception)
carte blanche latitude
carte blanche permit
cartel business (commercial enterprise), coalition, compact, confederacy (compact), consortium (business cartel), league, pool, syndicate, treaty, trust (combination of businesses). SEE MAIN ENTRY
cartload cargo
cartoon caricature, copy, parody
cartridges ammunition
carve create, disjoint, divide (distribute), parcel, part (separate), partition, split
carve up apportion
cascade outpour
case action (proceeding), cause (lawsuit), check (inspect), complaint, controversy (lawsuit), day in court, enshroud, example, incident, instance, lawsuit, matter (subject), particular, patient, plight, predicament, proceeding, question (issue), situation, subject (object), suit, trial (legal proceeding). SEE MAIN ENTRY
case at law controversy (lawsuit), hearing
case for decision lawsuit
case for the prosecution complaint, count
case history dossier. SEE MAIN ENTRY
case in point example, illustration, instance, sample, specimen. SEE MAIN ENTRY
case in question matter (subject)
case of conscience allegiance
cases ready for argument calendar (list of cases)
cash currency, money. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cash box bank
cash in liquidate (convert into cash)
cash in on gain, profit
cash paid expenditure
cash payment advance (allowance), collection (payment)
cash supplies capital
cashbook journal, ledger
casher bearer
cashier comptroller, demote, discharge (dismiss), dislodge, dismiss (discharge), eliminate (exclude), reject, remove (dismiss from office), supplant
cashier’s check draft
cashiering dismissal (discharge), layoff, rejection, removal
cassation cancellation, defeasance, negation
cast allocate, build (construct), characteristic, configuration (form), copy, discharge (dismiss), disposition (inclination), fabricate (construct), frame (formulate), inclination, launch (project), make, nuance, personnel, posture (attitude), predisposition, project (impel forward), send, stamp, style, tenor. SEE MAIN ENTRY
cast a ballot vote
cast a reproach censure
cast a shadow obnubilate, obscure
cast a slur smear
cast a slur on blame, dishonor (deprive of honor), involve (implicate)
cast a slur upon brand (stigmatize), censure, denounce (condemn), derogate, disgrace, fault, humiliate, malign, pillory
cast a vote vote