Dream with Me

I never intended to take this stroll down memory lane. What began as a book that would help us all remember “we’re not done yet” turned into a lot of looking back. But isn’t that the way it goes? God always seems to have His own idea of what’s best.

As I was writing, I realized the importance of knowing not only where you are but also where you’ve been and what got you there. That perspective can help you figure out where you want to go next.

So where do you want to go?

You might say, “Good question, Kathie Lee. I’m not sure” or “I haven’t really thought about it” or “How the heck am I supposed to know that?”

I have one word for you: dream! Let me say it one more time to be sure you got it . . . dream.

If you’re my age, or getting close, it’s probably been a long time since you last thought back to those days when you had dreams of what or who you wanted to be when you “grew up.”

But it’s time, friend. It’s time to ask yourself, “What would I do if I could?” Toss out the phrases I can’t and I don’t know how and start dreaming about the what-if that might get you off that couch and back into something you want to do.

Maybe me sharing my story will give you some perspective and help you get started on your own. At the heart of my personal dream of singing and being in movies is my love of inspiring and entertaining others, so hopefully, some of my stories will do just that for you.

Are you ready?

Dream with me. Because it’s never too late to dream.