How to Use Daily Sex Bible

Has your sex life become a bit too predictable? This book will make it new again, with a different sex tip or technique for every day of the week, each week of the year. You’ll get 365 new sex ideas!

I have organized them into theme days:

Image Flirtation and Foreplay Mondays

Monday is the back-to-work-and-school day—perhaps the least sexy day of the week. Many couples have had sex more than once over the weekend, so they don’t feel the strong urge to be sexual on Monday. Sex is not all or nothing. If you put a little sex into the week’s real first day, you give the rest of the week added erotic charge. The flirting and foreplay activities—some of which you can do right under the kids’ noses—prime you for a quickie the next day, when your sex drive is on the upswing again.

Image Quickie Tuesdays

Barely into the week, you are caught in the “no time, no energy” trap. It is possible to have quick sex that satisfies both of you (most of the time) and sustains your erotic connection. Sex can be energizing.

Image Oral Wednesdays

Celebrate Hump Day in a new way. Never mind the happy hour drink specials at the local pub. Take your oral pleasures in one another. You can always pour a little champagne into one another’s belly buttons.

Image Big 0 Thursdays

The work/school week is almost over. You can stay up a little later on Thursday nights. Go for the bigger, longer, or multiple orgasms.

Image Get-Your-Freak-on Fridays

You made it through another week! Dissipate that tension. Go a little wild. The tips and techniques cover everything a vanilla couple wants to know about the other side of sex.

Image Sex Ed Saturdays

Part of Saturday is set aside for chores in most families. After you’ve run through the to-do list, schedule time for adult education and learn about ancient sex, the science of sex, and how to play together at cybersex.

Image Spiritual Sundays

Whether you are a churchgoer or not, tap into the spiritual component of your sex life today. Worship one another’s bodies and be grateful for the sex life you share.

I hope you will try everything in Daily Sex Bible—but do feel free to skip around if a suggestion just doesn’t work for you. There’s not room in these pages for detailed explanations of sex positions and practices or the science behind sexual behavior. For that, please go to my other bibles: The Sex Bible, The Sex Bible for Women, and The Orgasm Bible.

And I am happy to answer your questions, too. Write to me on my blog at

Wishing you at least a little sex in every day,

Susan Crain Bakos