Breath Orgasms: Nan Wise’s Suspended Breath and Extended Exhalation

A therapist/coach, neuroscience researcher, and student/teacher of yoga, Tantra, and other disciplines, Nan Wise shares her secrets for making orgasm more intense through breathing techniques.

Suspended Breath

As you build up to orgasm, stall your breath. Take a shallow inhalation—inhale but don’t “overfill” your lungs—and hold it, then let it out slowly. Keep doing this for several seconds. It should feel like you are in a place of stalled breathing because you are inhaling and exhaling small amounts of air.

Extended Exhalation

Next, suspend exhalation—or, in other words, hold your breath. When you are almost at orgasm, take a deep breath. As you feel the orgasm begin, exhale in a big, extended breath while imagining sparks flying out of your vagina (or penis). The exhalation should extend and expand your orgasm.
