Her Multiple Os #1:
Compounded Single Orgasms

Physiologically, all women are capable of multiple orgasms because women have no refractory period between one orgasm and another. There are four types of female multiple orgasms: compounded singles (the most common), sequential multiples, serials, and blended multiples. Each orgasm is distinct, separated by sufficient time so that prior arousal and tension have substantially resolved between orgasms.

How to have compounded single orgasms:

1. Stop clitoral stimulation when the first orgasm begins. Move stimulation to the sides of the clitoris (or to the labia if the entire clitoral area is momentarily too sensitive for touch).

2. As the orgasm subsides, stimulate the clitoris (or surrounding area) again, using an alternate method—for example, if the first orgasm resulted from oral stimulation, use your hand. Or switch vibe speeds and positions—even switch vibes.

3. After the second orgasm, go back to the first form of stimulation. Be sensitive to what is working. Keep changing it up.

