Some women and a very few men can reach orgasm by extra-genital stimulation to nipples or breasts, inner thighs, neck, ears, belly, buttocks, and even toes. Coming without genital stimulation feels like an almost spiritual experience. Most likely, it will happen after multiple orgasms achieved the old-fashioned way, through genital stimulation.
When she is blessed out—and thinks she is spent—following multiple Os, try this:
1. Caress her genitals orally and manually until she is on the verge of orgasm again.
2. Stop.
3. Shift your attention to nongenital areas.
4. Alternate from genital stimulation to nongenital until she is so aroused—and hypersensitive—that you can bring her to orgasm by sucking her nipple or running your fingers down her inner thighs.
Her orgasm will feel like it begins in the genitals (no matter where the triggering touch is) and expands throughout her entire body.