Kegel exercises to strengthen the PC muscle are the absolute bottom-line requirement for good sex. With a stronger PC muscle, you will have stronger, more intense orgasms. Women will have better control of his penis during intercourse and be able to do some amazing tricks by squeezing and relaxing her PC muscle around his penis.
If you aren’t practicing Kegels, start now. Locate the PC muscle, part of the pelvic floor in men and women, by stopping and starting the flow of urine.
Contract the muscle twenty times at approximately one squeeze per second. Exhale gently as you tighten only the muscles around your genitals. Then release. Do two sets of twenty twice a day.
Hold the muscle contraction for a count of three. Relax between contractions. Again, do two sets of twenty twice a day.
After relaxing the contraction, push down and out gently, as if you were having a bowel movement with your PC muscle.
Create combinations of long and short sequences with push-outs. After a month of daily repetitions of 300, you should have a well-developed PC muscle. Keep it up by doing sets of 150 several times a week.