Do you know that porn videos are honored at awards ceremonies just as mainstream films are? Actors and actresses, directors, and producers have their own version of the Oscars and the Golden Globes. Tonight, celebrate the best of erotic DVDs by acting out a scene (or more) from one of your favorite videos.
Really get into character and assume the personas of big stars, present and past, such as Ron Jeremy and the late Jamie Gillis, Jenna Jameson, Jamie Lynn, the Vivid Girls—or your favorite real people from amateur porn videos.
Some suggestions:
• The characters are easier to re-create than the scenes, because the pros do things on camera that the rest of us may not want to do.
• Women stars have big hair, obvious makeup, and fake nails, and wear very high heels.
• Men have the obvious equipment. (Put a sock in your jockstrap, if necessary.)
• Women moan and scream; men groan; everyone pants.
• You can simulate anal sex by talking dirty anal while doing vaginal rear entry.
• Women, when you catch the cum, put your tongue way out there.