Indian Sex #1: The Kama Sutra Kiss

The Kama Sutra had little to say about oral sex, but it elevated kissing to an art form. There are nine types of kissing in the book. I have borrowed and adapted bits and pieces of the nine to create the ultimate Kama Sutra Kiss.

From “the initial kiss”—flirt with your lips, licking your lover’s lips only with the tip of your tongue.

From “the tickling kiss”—run the tip of your tongue inside your lover’s lips.

From “the rubbing kiss”—kiss softly, then rub your lips back and forth softly against his (hers).

From “passion feather kisses”—as your sense of urgency grows, give him (her) hot, fast kisses accompanied by moans, sighs, and gasps.

From “echo kisses”—one lover repeats the moves of another; for example, you suck her lower lip, she sucks yours.

From “licking kisses” and “biting kisses”—alternate the top and underside of your tongue when licking and add gentle bites of the lips.

From “the vibrating kiss”—in the midst of a passionate kiss, both lovers open and close their lips quickly and repeatedly, like two small fish.

From “the waterwheel kiss”—put your cheek to your lover’s nose. Kiss his mouth. Insert the tip of your tongue and make a circular motion.
