We all have a “favorite friend” fantasy—the one that gets your game on fast. The fantasy may be of another lover, a “taboo” sex act, a “zipless fuck” with a stranger, or any sex fantasy. We revert to it in masturbation when we want to come in a hurry. Sometimes we daydream it when we’re tired or lonely. Few people admit it, but almost everyone has brought the fantasy into his or her lover’s bed.
You can love your partner and generally have good, even great, sex with him or her and still sometimes need to fantasize. That’s life. And this is one of those days.
Don’t waste time feeling guilty about it. Unless you habitually use this fantasy, to the point where you can’t come without it, there is no problem. But don’t share it with your partner. Why? One, a fantasy often loses the power to arouse us when we share it. Two, though she or he also likely has a fallback fantasy, she or he may not like it that you do.
Incorporate some elements of the fantasy encounter into your quickie. For example:
• Does your favorite friend involve a little bondage and discipline? Ask your lover to slap your ass—hard.
• Is it set on a beach or desert island? Turn up the heat or turn off the AC.
• Stranger encounter? Keep your eyes closed.