Special Orgasm Experiences: The Soul Triggers

Many people who experience whole-body, extended, expanded, or extragenital orgasms describe them as unique sensory experiences. Some reports from the orgasm front:

“I had tremors all over my body and I saw everything in flashing bright primary colors.”

“My breasts and nipples and vaginal walls seemed to be expanding.”

“It’s a transcendental experience that lifts me out of my body and puts me back in again.”

How do you get to that place?

• Sustained periods of arousal

• Alternating stimuli to create higher levels of arousal

• Breathing, focusing energy, eye gazing, and imaging techniques

• And the wild card—intense connection with your partner on three levels: emotional, sensual, and sexual

You can learn the techniques, but can you learn how to make those connections? Maybe they aren’t skills that can be taught in the conventional way. But you are more likely to make it happen if you have good technique that leads to good sex and orgasms. Sex opens the doors to connection.


