Occasionally, an orgasm is both intense and diffuse, with tremors radiating from the genitals to the body’s extremities. Some people experience whole-body orgasms only when they are very connected to their partners. For others, it is a deeply personal experience facilitated by the lover.
Imagine orgasmic waves getting bigger and bigger as they wash over your body. Make it happen first during masturbation. Either take turns, with one lover watching the other, or do it simultaneously.
1. Masturbate in a comfortable position.
2. As soon as you become highly aroused, use your other hand to massage your vulva, inner thighs, and groin with light, shallow strokes. Imagine that you are spreading arousal throughout those areas.
3. Continue the massage during your orgasm, imagining you are spreading the orgasm into your body.
1. You need a strong PC muscle for this. During masturbation (and later intercourse), stop thrusting when you feel ejaculation is imminent. Flex the PC muscle and hold for a count of nine. Or try flexing nine times in rapid succession instead of holding the count.
2. Now resume thrusting.