Ancient Japanese sexuality was more inclusive of oral pleasuring than the other Eastern erotic cultures. While the Kama Sutra relegated fellatio to a footnote (and less than that for cunnilingus), Japanese erotic books contained explicit instructions for oral sex as both foreplay and a sex act destination and included oral erotica as arousal aids. Create your own erotic books celebrating fellatio and cunnilingus.
Look for surviving bits of ancient Japanese erotic poetry and copy your favorite passages into the books.
Cut and paste photos of erotic drawings from the period. (Old art books are your best source. The online source can find almost anything you request.)
Write your own odes to performing oral sex on your lover.
Here are some examples translated from the Japanese to get you started:
If you know how to approach her,
She will mix every night
Her honey with your milk
If the cup is deep,
Plunge your tongue into it several times.
If she sucks the grains of rice
Of which your sake is made,
It will only be the better for it.