Fantasy Exploration

Fantasy exploration is a basic tool in the Spice-Up-Your-Sex-Life kit. Yes, fantasy play can be a lot of sexy fun. But tossing off this particular piece of advice—“Explore your fantasies!”—is tantamount to telling someone, “You must be completely honest in your relationship.”

Oh, yeah? So honest that you tell him you’ve had better lovers, or fell for him in spite of his modest endowment, or cheated on her once and wish you hadn’t, or fantasize doing it with her best friend?

The Two Big Misconceptions about Fantasies

1. Most people who fantasize SM encounters, group sex, extramarital affairs with their husband’s brother, and other common fantasies do not want to act them out.

And fantasizing such things does not mean there is something wrong with your relationship.

2. Sex fantasies are powerful arousal tools, but “sharing” indiscriminately kills the arousal.

Here’s how to explore your fantasies today: Don’t feel guilty about having fantasies. Use them to enrich a masturbation experience, help her “start on warm” before partner sex, and, even during sex, pull out of an arousal slump. A man or woman with a vivid erotic fantasy life most likely also has a hot real sex life.

