The Yab-Yum is a position for leisurely lovemaking. Light candles, burn incense, arrange fresh flowers in a vase on the bedside table, and play soft music. Lie in each other’s arms. Stroke and caress and fondle each part of the other’s body, except the genitals. Devote as much time to this luxurious state of foreplay as necessary to reach the point of high arousal.
Get into the position: Sit in the center of the bed (or floor) facing each other. Wrap your legs around each other so that she is “sitting” on his legs. Place your right hand at the back of your lover’s neck, your left hand on his or her tailbone.
Each presses the palm firmly at the base of the other’s spine. Slide your hand up your lover’s back to the base of his or her neck. Imagine that, as you slide your hand, you are channeling sexual energy up through your lover’s body, warming him or her from the genitals, through the heart, and then through the head. Repeat the stroke over and over until you are both feeling very aroused.
Insert his penis into her vagina so that the shaft exerts as much indirect pressure as possible on her clitoris. While maintaining eye contact, rock slowly together as you rub each other’s backs.
After her orgasm, make love in other positions, varying the speed, thrust, and angle of thrusting to prolong his excitation phase as long as possible.