Women can learn to separate love and sex. It’s a necessary skill—for married women as well as single—as necessary as the opposite skill, being able to create an intimate sexual experience. Eyes open soul gazing is not the only way to have sex with your partner. But who tells you that?
• You are feeling solidly connected to one another.
• You want to know and feel known.
• You want to see your lover’s pleasure.
• You ask yourself, Who is he/she and why did I marry him/her?
• You would rather not share your thoughts and feelings.
• You want to focus on your own pleasure.
If you are angry with each other, he likely still wants to have sex. You don’t. Maybe he sees sex as the way to make up, or maybe he just wants sex. Transform your anger into passion. Close your eyes and do it in rear-entry position. Fantasize about another man. Enjoy the sex. The bonus: You won’t be so mad at each other afterward. Orgasms make people feel grateful.