Sexual/Spiritual Gender Roles

Tantra is a Sanskrit word for an Eastern spiritual and sexual philosophy that emphasizes experiential approaches to life and lovemaking. The word tantra has various translations, including “weaving.” Weaving together male (represented by the Hindu god Shiva) and female (the Hindu goddess Shakti), Tantra unifies not only man and woman as lovers, but also the male and female elements within each of us.

Yes, the concept is similar to the Taoist/Buddhist yin and yang. Ancient philosophies were in many ways more sophisticated in addressing the sexual and spiritual roles of gender than we are today. Books and magazine articles posit theories about whether the alpha male is declining and what that means to the relationship between the sexes now that a significant number of women, 30 percent or more, outearn their husbands, who are relegated to the category of beta male. And I have been asking on SexyPrime: “What does the new economic relationship dynamic mean to men and women in their sex lives?”

Put that question up for debate today. You can find examples in Hindu and Taoist mythology of strong men and strong women, just as you can in the world you live in. Often the strongest, bravest, and boldest heroes and heroines were also the most capable of emotional vulnerability.

How would you describe each other’s and your own elements of strength and vulnerability in your sex life?

