What keeps a woman from reaching orgasm? An active brain, according to studies underway at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Brain scans of women show that during high arousal, activity rose in one sensory part of the brain, but slowed down in the amygdala and hippocampus, areas that keep women tense during sex by, among other things, making to-do lists. The findings seem to confirm what other studies (not to mention conventional wisdom) have reported: Women need to be relaxed and free of distractions to enjoy sex. Men tune out distractions. And what can you do with a relaxed penis?
Still, researchers were surprised at the extraordinary deactivation in so many areas of the brain during orgasm. Only one tiny part was more active. The cerebellum coordinates movement and may also play a role in controlling emotions. Today create some relaxation rituals for her.
Some suggestions:
• Learn some techniques from meditation, such as deep breathing and mind clearing.
• Take a ten-minute break—no interactions.
• Do easy yoga poses.
• Learn Buddhist chants.
• Have a cup of tea or glass of wine at the same time each day to create a relaxing ritual.