Abbreviations, Acronyms, Organisations

AGITPROP Agitation and Propaganda A department of the Central Committee Secretariat
AVIAKHIM Obshchestvo sodeystviya aviatsyonnokhimicheskomu stroitelstvu v SSSR Society for the Advancement of the Aviation and Chemical Industry in the USSR (1925-7). In 1927 became Osoaviakhim
BUND General Union of Lithuanian, Polish and Russian Jewish Workers Founded in 1897, joined the RSDRP at its first Congress, left it at the Second and rejoined after the Fourth Congress in 1906
CHEKA See under Vecheka
COMINTERN Third International, or Communist International First Congress: 2-7 March 1919. Dissolved on 10 June 1943
DUMA House of Representatives Set up in Tsarist Russia as a consequence of the 1905 Revolution.
First Duma: April-July 1906; second Duma: February-July 1907; third Duma: 1907-12; fourth Duma: 1912-17. Also the name of pre-revolutionary municipal councils
GLAVISKUSSTVO Glavnoye Upravleniye po delam Iskusstva Central Directorate for Artistic Affairs
GLAVKONTSESKOM Glavny Kontsessionny Komitet Chief Concessions Committee
GLAVREPERTKOM Glavnoye Upravlenie po Kontrolyu za Zrelishchami i Repertuarom Central Directorate for Theatres and Entertainments
GKO Gosudarstvenny Komitet Oborony Government Defence Committee
GOSPLAN Gosudarstvenny Plan State Planning Commission
GPU Gosudarstvennoye Politicheskoye Upravlenie Government Political Administration. A political police force set up in 1922 to replace the Cheka; itself replaced by OGPU from 1922 to 1934. Then came under the NKVD; today comes under the KGB
GUBKOM Gubemsky Komitet Province Committee
GUS Gosudarstvenny Uchony Soviet State Academic Council (1919-33)
lKKl Ispolnitelny Komitet Kommunisticheskogo Internatsionala Executive Committee of the Comintern
ISB International Socialist Bureau
ISPOLKOM KD(KADETS) Ispolnitelny Komitet Konstitutsionnaya Demokratiya Executive Committee Constitutional Democracy, founded October 1905
MEZHRAYONKA Inter-district social democratic organisation, created in Petersburg in 1913. Joined the RSDRP(b) at the Party’s sixth Congress
MOPBR Mezhdunarodnaya Organisatsiya Pomoshchi Bortsam Revolyutsii International Revolutionaries’ Aid Organisation
NARKOMINDEL [NKID] Narodny Kommissariat Inostranikh Del People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs
NARKOMNATS Narodny Kommissariat po Delam Natsionalnostyey People’s Commissariat for Nationalities
NARKOMPROS Narodny Kommissariat Prosveshcheniga People’s Commissariat for Education
NARODNAYA VOLYA The People’s Will A Populist secret society, founded 1879, decimated by the Tsarist authorities after the assassination of Alexander II in 1881
NEP New Economic Policy
NKVD Narodny Kommissariat Vnutrennykh Del People’s Commissariat for the Interior
OKHRANA Tsarist political police
ORGBURO Organisational Bureau
OSVOBOZHDENIYE Liberation Liberal group, with paper of same name, published between 1902 and 1905 under direction ofP. Struve. The group later formed the nucleus of the Kadets
OSVOBOZHDENIYE TRUDA Workers’Liberation The first Russian Marxist group founded by G. Plekhanov, Geneva 1883
POUM Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista Non-communist Marxist group founded by Nin and Maurin
PPS Polska Partia Socjalistyczna Polish Socialist Party, founded 1892, originally to promote Polish independence. Split between right and left wings in 1906. During the war, the left merged with the sDKPiL
PROFINTERN Profsoyuzny Internatsional Red International of Trade Unions
PYATYORKA Name of the RVS set up on 10 [NS 23] October 1917 by the Central Committee, to become part of the Soviet RVS and run the practical side of the Revolution
RABKRIN Narodny Kommissariat Rabochey i Krestyanskoy Inspektsii People’s Commissariat for Workers’ and Peasants’ Control
RADA Pre-Soviet Ukrainian councils
RKKA Raboche Krestyanskaya Krasnaya Armiya Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army
RKP(b) Russkaya Kommunist-icheskaya Partiya (bolshevikov) Bolshevik Party, from 1918 to 1925. Formerly RSDRP(b). From 1925 to 1952, renamed VKP(b); from 1952, became KPSS (= CPSU)
RSDRP Russkaya Sotsial-Demokraticheskaya Rabochaya Partiya Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party. Founded 1898 at Minsk Congress, split at second Congress into Bolshevik and Menshevik factions. Bolshevik faction became RKP at sixth Congress in 1918
RSFSR Russian Soviet Socialist Federal Republic
RRVS Respublikansky Revolyutsionny Voyenny Soviet Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic
RVS Revolyutsionny Voyenny Soviet Revolutionary Military Council
SDKPiL Socjaldemokracja Kr6lestawa Polskiego iLitwy Polish and Lithuanian Social Democratic Party
SEMYORKA Name of the political buerau set up by the Central Committee on 10 [NS 23] October 1917 to control the political side of the Revolution
SOVNARKHOZ Soviet Narodnogo Khozyaistva Council of the People’s Economy, created by decree on 5 [NS 18] December 1917
SOVNARKOM Soviet Narodnykh Kommissarov Council of People’s Commissars
SPILKA Ukrainian social democratic group, associated with the Mensheviks and founded towards the end of 1904. From 1907 existed as a number of small groups. Published Pravda, which was transferred to Vienna and came under the control of Trotsky and Ioffe
STO Soviet Truda i Oborony Labour and Defence Council
TSEKTRAN Tsentralny Komitet Obyedinyonnogo Professialnogo Soyuza Rabotnikov Zheleznodorozhnogo i Vodnogo Transporta Central Committee of the United Trade Union of Railway and Waterway Transport Workers. Created September 1920
TSENTROBALT Tsentralny Komitet Baltiskogo Flota Central Committee of the Baltic Fleet
TSIK Tsentralny Ispolnitelny Komitet Central Executive Committee, elected by the Congress of Soviets
TSKK Tsentralnaya Kontrolnaya Kommissaya Central Control Commission, instituted by the Central Committee of the RKP(b) in June 1921 to direct the Party purges
UNION OF RUSSIAN SOCIAL DEMOCRATS IN EXILE Created in Geneva, 1894, at the instigation of the OSVOBOZHDENIYE TRUDA group. Broke with it in April 1900
UNION OF STRUGGLE FOR THE EMANCIPATION OF THE WORKING CLASSES Marxist working-class circles in Petersburg united by Lenin in autumn 1895. Similar union in Kiev, March 1897
UkSSR Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
URAVNILOVKA An egalitarian economic and social theory, considered under Stalin to be a petit bourgeois reactionary leftist deviation, and ascribed to supporters of Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenevand then to the trade union leader Tomsky
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VKP(b) Vserossiskaya Kommunisticheskaya Partiya All-Russian Communist Party. Formerly RKP(b)
VNESHTORG Commissariat for External Trade
VTSIK Vserossisky Tsentralny Ispolnitelny Komitet Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Became the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
VECHEKA Vserossiskaya Chrezvychainaya Kommissiya pOBorbe s Kontrrevolyutsiyeyi Sabotazhem Better known by the name Cheka, Extraordinary Commission for the Struggle against Sabotage and Counter-Revolution. Instituted 7 September 1917.In 1922, became GPU
VTSSPS Vsesoyuzny Tsentralny Soviet Profsoyuzov All-Union Central Trade Union Council
ZAKKRAIKOM Zakavkazsky Kraikom Transcaucasian Regional Committee
ZEMSTVO Local administrative authority, instituted in 1864, with control over local economic matters, but coming under the province governors and the Ministry of the Interior