
“You’re coming to the management meeting, right?” Carter asked.

“Of course. Why would you ask that?” Carter’s comment caught Ethan off guard.

“You’ve been MIA a lot lately. I’ve barely gotten to speak to you. What’s going on?”

“With me? Nothing. Just been busy.”

“Busy with Zoe?” Carter asked. Accusation rang in his voice.

Ethan almost hit the brakes in the middle of the parkway. He tried to recover quickly and make sure his pause didn’t last too long. “Why would you ask that?”

“Come on, bro. This is me. I know when something’s up. You haven’t been around. I stopped by your house last Saturday and your car was there, but you weren’t. It was pretty late. I wanted to crash there after hanging out with this new lady. I called, you didn’t answer and you didn’t call me back until the next day. When you do get on the phone, you don’t have much time to talk unless it’s during the workday. I tried to get you a few times this weekend and your phone went straight to voice mail.”

“What makes you think that has anything to do with Zoe?”

“From what I see... I think you’re hooked. You’re not hiding this well, bro.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Carter. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry about me.”

“If that’s the case, why did Dad ask me about you and her after the last management meeting?”

Ethan’s eyes widened. It felt like a brick fell in the pit of his stomach. “What?”

“Don’t worry. I covered for you. I assured him that everything was good.”


“Just be careful. And listen, you don’t have to hide anything from me. I’ve got your back.”

“Thanks, Carter. I’ll see you at the meeting.”

Ethan felt like turning the car around, but it was too late. He had already reached Zoe’s exit. They’d planned on riding into the city together for the meeting. Now he felt like that wasn’t such a good idea. They definitely shouldn’t come back together. He’d tell Zoe he needed to stay in Manhattan for more meetings and send her back by herself so they wouldn’t be seen leaving together.

What had made his father ask Carter about them? Had Ethan done or said something that caused suspicion? He and Zoe had promised to enjoy one another until the fun stopped. And after his conversation with Carter, Ethan felt like the fun was suddenly coming to an abrupt end. He tried to think of anything that he’d done to raise suspicion. He and Zoe couldn’t keep their hands off each other in private, but in public they were very careful—especially at work.

He pulled up in front of her house with a thousand questions trampling through his mind. He got out of his car and Zoe met him at her door as usual, yanking him inside by his tie. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed his lips.

“I missed you.” She planted pecks all over his face.

“I missed you, too.” He couldn’t keep the stress out of his voice.

Zoe stopped kissing him and studied his face. “What’s wrong?” She put her feet back on the ground.

“Just work stress.”

“Aren’t we in the lead? The information sessions have been great for business.”

“That’s fine, but it’s other stuff. Carter, Dillon and I have to meet with my dad after our management meeting this morning.” Telling that lie stung. A knot tightened in the center of his chest. He hated not being truthful with Zoe.

“Oh. Poor baby. Just come back here after work and I’ll help you feel better.” She kissed him again.

“Yeah. I’ll do that.” He needed time to think. “Let’s get going.”

“Okay. Let me get my stuff.” Zoe grabbed her keys and purse. Her cheerful demeanor was a stark contrast to Ethan’s unsettled mood.

He forced a smile, trying to push back the stress taking over his mind. The ride to the city was mostly quiet. Giving him space for his mood, Zoe didn’t speak much. Ethan appreciated that. Instead she focused on her phone, bobbed to the music on the radio and watched the city passing through her passenger window.

He felt bad for dampening their time together with his anxiety. He looked over at her staring out the window and took her by the hand. He didn’t say anything, just held her hand. She squeezed his in return. He was grateful she didn’t press him to talk because he needed time to find the right words to say.

The meeting began in its usual fashion; the team chatted over coffee, bagels, yogurt and fruit. Bill called everything to order and they went over the numbers for each territory. Ethan’s team had a strong lead and they’d already planned to share their newest tactic for building the business with the rest of the branches.

All eyes were on Zoe as she spoke about the information sessions held by each branch in their region and the impact on business as a result.

“...and the feedback from our clients was overwhelmingly positive,” she went on. “We asked them to complete surveys at the end of the sessions and via email. They all seemed to appreciate the face time with the advisors as well as the opportunity to network with other clients. They were happy to have been able to invite guests—many of whom became clients,” she pointed out. “They also liked having a forum to learn about additional investment options and hear from guest speakers such as attorneys and tax professionals who were able to provide additional insight into their investment choices.” She swept her gaze around the room confidently. “Overall, it’s been a huge success with direct results to the bottom line for all of our branches. Oh, and something they all seemed to agree on is that we serve great food and wine.”

Everyone chuckled and Zoe looked over to Jasmine, who picked up where she left off.

“A few even suggested a few good wines for upcoming sessions. Here’s what else we learned...” Jasmine went on to speak about challenges that they were working through, such as the best methods for following up, obtaining feedback and determining the best days of the week to host the sessions.

Ethan was proud of his team. It was important for him to have the branch managers do the reporting for this initiative so they could get the spotlight. He was especially proud of Zoe, since this had been her innovative idea. He found himself staring at her as he thought of how much of an asset she’d become to the company.

When he glanced over at Carter, his brother was already staring at him. Carter discreetly raised a brow. Ethan sat back and sighed quietly.

He wanted the meeting to be over so he could think. Too many things swirled in his mind, making it hard to concentrate. He felt Carter looking at him and thought he felt his father’s eyes on him, too.

Ethan was thinking too hard and making something out of nothing.

When the meeting finally ended, Ethan was ready to go. He’d almost forgotten about the lie he’d told Zoe earlier about meeting with Dillon, Carter and his dad. Like always, the meeting disbanded and the branch managers split off to chat. They had begun to bond and these meetings were the only times they really got to see one another at work. A group of them decided to get together for lunch before heading back to their respective offices.

Ethan stayed behind with Carter and his father. Dillon headed back to Westchester for a meeting with a big prospective client.

“Ethan. Can I talk to you?” Bill asked.

Ethan stilled at the sound of his father’s voice. He swallowed hard and turned around. “Sure, Dad. What’s up?”

“Carter. Give us a minute, please.”

“No problem, Dad. Ethan, let me know when you’re heading out so we can handle that.”

“Yeah. Will do,” Ethan replied. He and Carter had nothing to handle. That was code for we’ll talk after this. If Bill wanted to speak with Ethan about anything that had to do with Zoe, he was going to need to talk to his brother afterward.

Carter left and Bill pointed to the chair next to the one he sat in at the head of the conference table. “Have a seat, son.”

Bill’s tone made Ethan’s stomach clench. He sat down more slowly than usual and folded his hands on the table to keep them still.

“Is everything okay over in Long Island?” Bill asked at last.

“Of course. We’re doing great! You heard our reports. I’m excited.”

“That’s not what I’m concerned about.”

Ethan held his sigh. “What are you concerned about, Dad?”

“You and Zoe. Is there something going on between the two of you?”

Ethan felt the seconds ticking between his father’s question and his answer. He wasn’t a liar and he didn’t want to add another lie to the ones he’d already told today.

It obviously took him too long to answer.

“Ethan.” The disappointment in the way Bill said his name made Ethan pull in his bottom lip. He began gnawing on it. “We discussed this! You know how I feel about this kind of thing. We have strict policies in place for good reason. Blackwell can’t afford to take another hit on our name if your little fling with this woman goes south. Do you remember the scrutiny we faced?” Bill sat back and huffed, slamming his hand against the table. “You’re the last person in this company I would expect to have this conversation with. Twice! Are you willing to jeopardize everything? Even your title?” Bill stood.

His words stung but Ethan kept his gaze forward, refusing to look down.

Bill paced a moment and plopped back down in his chair. “She’s not worth it! She’s not even on your level.” Those words made Ethan’s jaw twitch. “You need to end this immediately.”

“Um... I’m sorry.”

Ethan and Bill turned abruptly at the sound of Zoe’s voice.

“Please excuse my interruption,” she said. “I left my files on the table.”

From the change in her tone, Ethan knew she’d heard some of what his father had just said.

“Sure.” Bill waved her in. “Come on in and get it.” His smile seemed genuine enough, but Ethan knew his father. “Great presentation today.”

“Thank you,” Zoe said dryly. She cleared her throat and briskly walked to where she’d been sitting during the meeting, snatched her folder and headed out of the conference room just as fast. “Enjoy the rest of your day,” she said without looking at either one of them.

Once she was gone, Ethan released the breath he’d been holding.

“I expect that you will handle this accordingly.” Bill stood again. This time he pulled his suit jacket together, signaling the end of this encounter.

“I understand. I wouldn’t put the company in any jeopardy. Our reputation matters to me, as well.” Ethan paused to contemplate his next comment. “Zoe is an exceptional employee and an amazing woman. She’d be a great fit for any man who would be lucky enough to gain her attention.” He knew his father wouldn’t like his response, but he couldn’t let Bill’s words about Zoe stand without defense.

Bill exhaled loudly. “Just take care of this. And do it without making Blackwell the next front-page feature or having our name plastered across every television station in the nation as breaking news. Good day, son.” He snapped his suit jacket straight and stormed out of the conference room.

Ethan wanted to move but couldn’t. He sat there with his mind ablaze with hot thoughts.

He was angry at how his father had put Zoe down. How he spoke of her not being on Ethan’s level. He was angry at himself for losing control and letting things get this far. He was upset that he’d have to end things with Zoe.

How much of their conversation had she heard? Ethan knew she was upset. He’d seen it in her posture, in the cool way she’d entered and exited the room, in the standoffish way she’d told them to enjoy their day without looking at them.

What would their very next conversation be like? The fun was officially over, but could he really just let her go—now?