‘It matters not what you are thought to be, but what you are.’ Publilius Syrus

Thomas Lynch

It was in Aldeburgh in East Anglia at a poetry festival there where I first got a whiff of delectable celebrity. The airfare paid for by my publisher, the car and driver waiting at the train station, the posters with my photo and name in bold Garamond, the banner over the high street proclaiming the long weekend’s literary events, the welcome from the festival committee and the chummy greetings of the other luminaries – each added a measure to the gathering sense of self-importance.

We all had put our public faces on. There was Paula Meehan from Dublin, Deryn Rees-Jones, a young and comely Liverpudlian, Charles Boyle, then a junior editor at Faber & Faber. I was the American with Irish connections whose day job as a funeral director struck folks as sufficiently odd to merit mention in the local press. The publication, the year before, of my first UK collection of poems meant that I was now on the record and ignored throughout the English-speaking world, my books for sale if unsold in Adelaide and Montreal, Wellington and Edinburgh, New York, Vancouver and London. We were all poets of the book or two-book sort, on the edge of greater greatness or obscurity, to whom the keys to this eastern seaside town had been given in the first week of November 1995 for the 7th Annual Aldeburgh International Poetry Festival. The tide of good fortune to which celebrities become accustomed was rising as we strolled the esplanade, Ms Meehan and me, talking of friends we shared in Ireland and America, the rush of the off-season surf noising in the shingle, the lights coming on in tall windows of the Victorian seafront lodges. At one corner, a pair of local spinsters standing in their doorway called us in to tea and talk of literary matters. They had prepared an elegant spread of finger foods and relevant questions about contemporary poetry and the bookish arts in general. We were, Paula and me, asked for what was reckoned expert testimony on verse and verse makers – the long-deceased and the more recently published. Then there were the panels and interviews, recorded for the local radio stations, and readings held in the Jubilee Hall, a vast brick warehouse that had been turned into a performance space by the installation of amphitheatric seating and microphones and stage lighting. The house was packed for every event, the sale of books was brisk, the lines at the signing tables long and kindly. They were so glad to meet us, so pleased to be a part of such a ‘magical event’. The air was thick with superlative and serendipity, hyperbole and Ciceronian praise. And after every event the poets – myself among them – were invited to a makeshift canteen across the street above the town’s cinema. Teas and coffees, soups and sandwiches, domestic and imported lagers, local cheeses and continental wines were put out for the hardworking and presumably ever hungry and thirsty poets who, for their part, seemed fashionably beleaguered and grateful for the afterglow among organizers and groupies. We were like rock-and-roll stars on tour, clasping our thin volumes and sheaves of new work like the instruments of our especial trade, basking in the unabashed approval of these locals and out-of-towners. It was all very heady and generous.

A poet far removed from his own country, I felt at last the properly appreciated prophet. For every word there seemed an audience eager to open their hearts and minds. Strangeness and distance made every utterance precious. For while the Irish and Welsh and Scots were very well treated, and the English writers held their own, I was an ocean and a fair portion of continent from home and made to feel accordingly exotic and, for the first time in my life, almost cool.

Home in Michigan a mortician who wrote poems was the social equivalent of a dentist who did karaoke: a painful case made more so by the dash of boredom. But here in England, I was not an oddity, but a celebrity, being ‘minded’ by a team of local literarians, smart and shapely women – one tendering a medley of local farm cheeses, another pouring a cup full of tea, another offering homemade scones, still another – the pretty wife of the parish priest – taking notes as I held forth in conversation with another poet on the metabolics of iambic pentameter and the ‘last time I saw Heaney’ or ‘Les Murray’ or some greater fixture in the firmament. And though I’d been, by then, abstemious for years, the star treatment was an intoxicant. The centre of such undivided attention, I became chatty and fashionably manic, conversationally nimble, intellectually vibrant, generous and expansive in every way, dizzy and dazzling to all in earshot, myself included.

So it was when I espied in the doorway of this salon a handsome man I recognized as someone I had seen before, I assumed he must be from Michigan, since this was my first time ever in these parts. His dress was more pressed and precise than any writerly type – more American – a memorable face with a forgettable name, possibly a Milfordian on holiday or a fellow Rotarian, or a funeral director whom I’d met at a national convention who, having read about my appearance in one of the English dailies, had paused in his tour to make his pilgrimage to Aldeburgh to hear me read. It was the only explanation. My memory of him, though incomplete, was unmistakable: I knew this pilgrim and not from here.

I excused myself from the discourse with the churchman’s wife and made my way across the room to what I was sure would be his eager salutations. But he seemed to look right past me, as if he’d come for something or someone else. Perhaps, I thought, he did not recognize me out of my familiar surroundings and funereal garb. The closer I got the more certain I was that he and I shared an American connection. I rummaged through my memory for a bit of a name, or place or time on which to fix the details of our acquaintance.

‘How good to see you!’ I said. ‘And so far from home!’

Fully fed on the rich fare of celebrity, I was expansive, generous, utterly sociable.

I took his hand and shook it manfully. He looked at me with genteel puzzlement.

‘I know I know you but I can’t say from where …’ I said, certain that he would fill in the details … the friend we had in common, the event, the circumstances of his being here.

‘Tom Lynch,’ I smiled, ‘from Michigan’ and then, in case our connection was professional, ‘from Lynch & Sons, in Milford.’

‘How nice to meet you Mr Lynch. Fines … Ray Fines…’ His voice was hesitant, velvety, trained; a clergyman I thought. They were always doing these ‘exchanges’ whereby one rector traded duties and homes for a season with another, the better to see the world on a cleric’s stipend. Or a TV reporter, the UK correspondent for CNN perhaps, maybe wanting an interview with the visiting American poet?

‘Are you here on holidays?’ I asked him.

‘No, no, just visiting friends.’ He kept looking around the room as if I wasn’t the reason for his being here.

‘And where did we first meet? I just can’t place it,’ I said.

‘I am certain I don’t know,’ he said, and then almost shyly, ‘perhaps you have seen me in a movie.’


‘Yes, well, maybe,’ he said. ‘I act.’

It was one of those moments when we see the light or debouch from the fog into the focused fact of the matter. I had, of course, first seen him in America, in Michigan, in the Milford Cinema, where he’d been the brutal Nazi, Amon Goeth, who shoots Jews for sport in Schindler’s List and more recently in Quiz Show where he’d played the brainy if misguided golden boy of the American poet, Mark Van Doren. He was not Ray Fines at all. He was Ralph Fiennes. His face was everywhere – the globalized image of mannish beauty in its prime, and dark thespian sensibility, privately desired by women on several continents and in many languages whilst here I was, slam-dunked in the hoop-game of celebrity before I’d even had a chance to shine. Across the room I could see the rector’s wife, watching my encounter with the heartthrob. She was wide-eyed and blushing and expecting, I supposed, an introduction.

A contortionist of my acquaintance, whose name would not be recognized were I to use it, though he has accumulated some regional fame for something he does with thumbs, once theorized that if the lower lip could be stretched over one’s head, and one could quickly swallow, one could disappear. Never had I a greater urge to test the theory than that moment in Aldeburgh.