‘Calamities are of two kinds: misfortune to ourselves, and good fortune to others.’ Ambrose Bierce
It took me four and a half years to write my second novel, a seemingly endless span endured in relative isolation in Washington DC, where I had few friends (none of them literary), precious little money, and barely any outside employment. Every so often, I would stop work on the novel and, in a fit of despair, apply for jobs – a fair number of them over the years: teaching jobs, management consulting jobs and everything in between – but I was so clearly unsuitable for the wider world that I never got so much as a rejection letter in return.
In the spring of 1998, however, when I finally finished my manuscript, I felt that my fortunes were at last shifting. My agent seemed pleased with the book, and suggested that others might be also. And I had a publication in the offing: Francis Ford Coppola’s magazine Zoetrope had commissioned a short story, which was soon to appear. More than that, they had invited me to read from it at a trendy Greenwich Village bar, in honour of the magazine’s new issue. I was told that I would be reading with another, earlier contributor, whom I shall call Z, a young woman whose Zoetrope short story had earned her a six-figure book contract and minor celebrity; but I somehow, wilfully and woefully misguidedly, understood that the reading was primarily in honour of my Zoetrope issue, and hence, by extension, of me.
As I packed my overnight bag for the metropolis, I indulged in minor, oh-so-careful, fantasies. I didn’t imagine a book contract that would make the news, like Z’s, but I did imagine the trendy bar filled with eager readers, my eager readers, perhaps among them editors enamoured of my novel manuscript and prompted, by the wild (although discreet) success of my short story and reading, to up their offers by a considerable sum. I didn’t allow myself to imagine film deals (I wasn’t unreasonable!); but I did see, somehow, in this visit to New York, a new stage in my life beginning, the end of my literary isolation and my warm, if belated, welcome into the embrace of the New York literary scene. This – I could feel it – was the beginning of my real literary life.
As it happened, the day slated for the auction of my novel was the same as the day of my reading at the trendy Village bar. It was a Wednesday, and a memorable one; although not memorable quite as I might have hoped. The day was not filled with the frenzied ringing of cell phones around the city, nor with the pounding of virtual gavels as the auction reached its height. Rather, it was a day of ever more widely spaced and ever more sober calls from my agent, informing me that one after another and then, as the afternoon proceeded, in clutches and clumps, the editors who were to have raved over my novel were, one by one, quietly declining to bid. By the end of the afternoon, as I readied myself to go downtown, to step into the literary spotlight, I had amassed ten rejections, and had none left to go. Ten submissions, ten rejections. Busy day.
My agent, however, being a marvellous and God-like man, knew exactly what to say: ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he assured me. ‘We’ll find the right home for your book.’ (Which he did, not long after.) ‘You know, Beckett was very hard to sell, too.’ Which false flattery proved exactly what my bruised ego required to enable me to put on my make-up and high heels and head for my reading. I felt my humiliation was at least private, and my chance for glory, while diminished, not entirely extinguished.
Until, that is, I got to the bar. There, the joint was, as I had spent the long train journey imagining, jumping. Filled to the rafters. Bursting at the seams. Except that the posters, everywhere apparent, from the street outside to the podium at which the reading was to take place, all bore only one typed name: Z’s. In big, bright letters: Z’s name. My name was there, it’s true, hastily scrawled underneath by hand, in some instances misspelled, in others frankly illegible. I was the afterthought, the charity case, the one who shouldn’t have been there. And all the fans I’d dreamed about – they were her fans, of course. Just as the book contract and the celebrity and the film deal I hadn’t even dared to imagine were hers, too. And to top it off, Z seemed a perfectly pleasant person.
As I pushed my way through the crowd to make myself known to the bar staff, I ran into another young novelist I’d met once before, a member of the hip metropolitan set. ‘Are you a friend of Z’s too?’ he asked. ‘Is that why you’re reading with her? How’s everything going, anyway?’
To which, fool that I was, in my shell-shocked desperation, I told the truth. ‘Actually, I’ve had kind of a rough day,’ I said. ‘My novel’s been turned down ten times since this morning.’
From the expression on his face, you would have thought I’d announced that I had leprosy, or Ebola, or SARS. While striving to retain his society grin, he winced and flinched and grimaced; and I realized the depth of my mistake. Failure is not simply inadmissible, it can be catching. People not only don’t want to be failures, they don’t want to know them.
But this ambitious young writer knew what to do, in order to inoculate himself and those around him from the threat that I posed. While still flinching and wincing and smiling all at once he said – his only acknowledgement of my confession – ‘Wow.’ And then, ‘Have you met A?’ – he grabbed the shoulder of the woman, or girl, beside him and spun her around to face me. She had a great mass of dark curls, and was barely of legal drinking age. ‘She’s just sold a book of stories this week for $150,000 and she hasn’t even finished it yet. Isn’t that incredible?’
‘Incredible. Congratulations.’
I even smiled. I was polite. I stood up, when my turn came, and read from my story. I slipped out afterwards without speaking to anyone, and took a cab uptown. I made it through.
Years and publications later, I was invited back to the trendy bar, this time to read with a writer in her fifties, as hip a New York writer as someone in her fifties can be. I knew her slightly, and felt fine about the event: it would, I thought, put old ghosts to rest, show me how far I had come.
My husband came with me this time, and this writer blithely called him by someone else’s name, repeatedly, in conversation before the reading; by which I should have felt the inauspicious vibe. This writer had asked if she could read first; and of course I agreed. But I was somewhat surprised when, at the intermission, she came to me, her own husband in tow, both with anxious expressions.
‘How long do you think you might read for?’ she asked.
We’d both been asked to read fifteen minutes. ‘Same as you,’ I said. ‘About fifteen minutes.’
She winced and flinched, though not as dramatically as the young fellow of years before. ‘Oh God, this is really embarrassing, but you won’t mind if we have to go, will you? It’s just that we’ve got to get home, –’
Her husband interrupted her, his hands out like plates in a gesture of plaintive helplessness. ‘Sopranos night,’ he said, with a shrug.
The writer had the good grace, at least, to blush like a beetroot, in spite of her hip leather jacket, her downtown persona, her whole cool schtick. But she didn’t stay for my reading.
Next time I’m invited to read at the trendy bar in Greenwich Village, I hope I’ll know better than to go.