Congratulations on your rental of the FC3000™! The FC3000™ is a state-of-the-art personal time machine that allows you to experience the entire range of human endeavor, from the earliest chimpanzee-human divergence (in 12,100,000 BCE, the backward limit of this rental unless you have purchased the Protoprimate Encounter Pak) to the latest mass-market portable music players (present day).

Note that travel to any times later than 1.5 seconds after the instant you left your personal present (“the future”) is not permitted with this rental, and a sensitive chronometer has been installed to detect and disable any attempts to visit these periods.

Please carefully study the features of the FC3000™, depicted on the following page. Federal regulations require us to inform you that due to the nature of genetic and acquired immunity, there are a large number of diseases to which present-day humans are immune but which have not yet been encountered by past humanity. For your safety, and the safety of those around you, multiple biofilters installed throughout the FC3000™ work to ensure that your appearance in the past will not obliterate all human life with the introduction of dozens of deadly plagues and pestilences in a single instant.

Figure 1: The FC3000™.

All other features of the FC3000™ depicted above are self-explanatory.